Most people don’t have any serious mental health issues.
Just ordinary misery.
A little depression and a little anxiety are normal.
That’s part of an ordinary life. Not something that needs to be medicated.
Not something that requires years of therapy.
Just the normal course of events.
And can be remedied quite easily with exercise, nutrition, social relationships, sunlight and a feeling of purpose.
Something a screenwriting professor told me a long time ago that I’ve always remembered.
“It’s ok to use coincidence to get your characters into trouble, but never use coincidence to get them out of trouble”
As a Bitcoiner I’m much much more worried about cyber attack than I am about physical attacks. Now that things are so easily automated, I’m basically under constant cyber threat that never abates.
I have fixed blade knives all over the house lol my wife is always finding knives. There’s probably 30+ all over the house in addition to the many many firearms lol 😂
Having kids makes your childhood even more confusing in retrospect.
Like this is how easy it is to be calm and loving?
What the fuck was up with the psychos who raised me lol
My father worked a lot, but not so I could have a better life, but more so because he used workaholism as a way to escape from his horrible marriage and home life.
You’re not a Bitcoiner until you…
Buy Bitcoin.
But then you’re like wait, I need to get these coins off the exchange.
So you get a hardware wallet.
But then you’re like wait, this is a ledger.
So you get a cold card.
But then you’re like wait, it isn’t using a passphrase.
So you use a passphrase.
But then you’re like wait this isn’t multisig and multisig would be better.
So you buy 4 more coldcards and set up a multisig.
But then you’re like wait I can’t just do coldcards I have to guard against supply chain attacks.
So you buy a ledger again and probably a bitbox too.
But then you’re like wait, I haven’t geographically distributed these.
So you disperse them throughout the country.
But then you’re like wait, what about jurisdictional risk?
So you disperse them to multiple countries.
But then you’re like wait, what if I was tracked as I was placing the hardware wallets?
So you…
There’s actually no end.
It just keeps going like that forever.
Congrats you’re a Bitcoiner now lol 😂
I agree about sending slowly in tranches, but getting good at setting up new wallets is a skill everyone should develop. Otherwise you risk being left behind the cutting edge of Bitcoin security because it’s “Lindy” and you get got like Luke got got.
Only millennials will understand that you could spend all day calling things gay and making gay jokes, but the minute someone made fun of your gay friend you were ready to throw hands lol 😂
Every time I start feeling like a victim I remember the car crash analogy.
Imagine you are blindsided by a drunk driver. Your legs are shattered. Your pelvis is shattered. Ligaments torn from your bone. You are in immense pain.
As you’re laying there you can’t stop reflecting on your bad luck. None of this was your fault. You were obeying the rules of the road. It’s the drunk drivers fault. He is the one to blame. He deserves to be in prison.
It’s not your fault. You are a victim.
But no matter how unfair, no one can relearn how to walk for you. You must do that yourself. Even if everyone agrees that the drunk driver was in the wrong and a court orders him to make full restitution… he still can’t do the work to heal you and bring you back into good health.
Only you can do that.
So yes things happen.
Things that are not your fault.
Especially when you are young.
But at some point you have to stop dwelling on it and get up and learn to walk again.
If you have a helicopter, I’d fly it right into the affected areas in North Carolina.
If the Feds don’t like it too bad.
There isn’t a jury in the country that would convict you.
It’s entirely environmental imo and not a moral failing on the part of men. There’s something in our environment destroying testosterone levels for men and women. Which is making everyone low energy and miserable.
Same is true for women honestly, because we have a lack of high T men around we have a bunch of women sort of doing a bad impression of being a man. Very rare to see actual femininity.
You have to be willing to fail first before you do anything.
Before I bought bitcoin I risked losing everything I invested, failing publicly and having everyone mock me as the internet money nerd. I accepted that outcome.
I said if it comes then I am ready for it.
You have to risk scorn and humiliation to do anything meaningful.
That’s why so few do anything meaningful.
They have the potential, but they’re scared.
Totally. It’s not like I renamed myself hodl and now people call me hodl more often than my government name to the point where I barely even identify with my government name anymore because that would be super weird.
Not saying a little seed oils will ruin your life, but cutting out seed oils basically means cutting out all processed food. Which is a huge net positive for the average person.
I used to know this rich girl that had a sunken living room at her parents house.
We would hang out there and smoke weed and watch movies.
In my mind then and still now sunken living rooms are the highest form of wealth achievable by man lol 😂
One day… one day…
Why do we have to accept that bad politicians will keep running shit? We have a tech forward millennial who’s anti seed oils and owns bitcoin running as vice president. We’re getting rich as a collective. Our voices will be heard politically. That’s how America works. Money = speech.
Where’s the personal attack? You think having children is “hot garbage” we’re both in agreement it’s good you don’t have them. You wouldn’t want someone who thinks like you to have kids obviously. That’s your point above. We both agree.
Notes by HODL | export