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 Having kids makes your childhood even more confusing in retrospect. 

Like this is how easy it is to be calm and loving? 

What the fuck was up with the psychos who raised me lol 
 I think boys have a tendency to drive parents up the wall way more than girls, at least with ages under 12 
 Truth. It's a whole other ballgame once girls hit their teens. 

I can say that they come back around. Super impressed with my college student.  
 My 3 year old daughter likes to punch me in the face, then laugh hysterically. I'll have to disagree with you there... 
 I have also had these thoughts and realized we are all children inside. Meaning we pretend to be grownups. 
 They were probably working like crazy at jobs they hated so you could have a better life than them.  
 Could be right. But salary back then went much further than today, and so many of us are never able to leave work due to email and cell phones (totally different back then). Everything is relative, but I think the quality is life is much worse today 
 My father worked a lot, but not so I could have a better life, but more so because he used workaholism as a way to escape from his horrible marriage and home life. 
 Sending you a big hug! 🫂 The mother and father wounds are the deepest and most tender to tend to as we move through the long winded process of reparenting ourselves (as so many of us need it).  
 That is also a terrible reality of to many directionless and unfortunate people.  
 what kind of example is that? 
 Think about how much lower-stress our parents’ world was, too. No cell phones, expensive healthcare plans, stress of post-911 World, GFC, COVID, etc. Their world and its associated problems were so much narrower. You could actually make it on one middle-class salary .

I have these same thoughts often and it’s difficult not to be resentful. 
 I agree with this 100%. 
 Oh, you don't have teens yet. Give that time.  
 I tell my wife all the time I'm so happy our kids have such a different life than both of us did growing up.    
 It also make you appreciate your parents more. Having children is awesome but a lot of work. ♥️ 
 Unstable finances, bad marriage, mental health, alcohol. That’s my parents excuses at least. 
 funny they didn't add fiat to the list 
 Trauma gets transmitted through the generations like a chain reaction. Some parents add to it and others reduce it.

Over the last 100 years or so it's mostly been increasing across the board. It seems our generation is the first one to have the opportunity to reduce the trauma tranmission. 

Especially if you're opting out of constant theft through currency debasement.  
 One thing I've been contemplating on recently after starting to read the book called "Orgasmic birth" is how for a few decades prior to mid seventies the birthing practices were incredibly barbaric. Having mostly whole generations incurr massive birth trauma creates scars for life that reflects the foundations upon which we stand and the consequences we are repeating as a result of this as a society.  
 Awesome. I haven't dove deep into Stanislav Grof but have definitely been wanting to explore holotropic breath work more. 

Also, I meant to say reaping* not repeating but I guess that also works as there's lots that's being passed down keeping us in repetitive cycles. 

Thankfully, some of us are pattern breakers.  
 It’s not the same experience for every parent. Some kids will push you to the brink 
 Unless the kid has serious issues I don’t really see how. 
 I agree. I remember a few years ago I was at my friend's tea house community gathering place. Their son may have been 3 years old and he's running around an hitting on the other kids. One of the little girls father was tending to them and I exclaimed in realizing this "wow, he's a lil bully, isn't he?". And the father my friends friend said "yeah, he's gonna be all right. He's got a village to support him". I loved that and it has me appreciate village culture, community support and conscious parenting so much.  
 Ya we do non coercive collaborative parenting but I still get triggered at times 
 Try not to take it out on my kids bc I know they are just being kids 
 This hurts bro. 
 It’s ok to cry. Crying gets the sad out. 🫂 
 This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

Jalaluddin Rumi 
 Maybe you were just an asshole kid that was tough to deal with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
 lol not taking that bait 
 How can you tell it's bait? Did they say something that gave it away? 
 They fuck you up, your mum and dad
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had, 
And add some extra, just for you. 
 I have the same question when I see your posts!🤣🤣🤣 
 For me it’s the other way round.. how were my parents so controlled and loving?! I really struggle sometimes. I don’t remember being this challenging as a kid 😅 
 Maybe you just needed more than the average number of beatings. Not every kid is the same. 
 I don’t know, but I do know that when my kids get their first house I am going to flood the bathroom, leave all the lights on, and swing on the railing until it busts off 😂 
 it be like that 
 I don’t know where you’re from, but times also were different back then. Society, too. Knowledge a lot. Be careful: I am not defending them 🧡💜 
 Weak men that had no idea they were in the matrix 
 victims of the old system 

understand them 
 How old are your kids? Because this may change with their age ;)