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Notes by ChipButty | export

 I asked my wife to describe me in one word and she said “intense”. 

I told her I don’t fee... 
 Jack Dorsey is chill, you are definitely not chill. 
 It feels like the Fall of 2016 for bitcoin again. If this is the case we’ll pump for 6-9 months... 
 And what will you say to them Marty because I wonder what I will say if I am asked. "You didn't want to buy it when I said you should buy it at $5k so why are you asking me when it's $125k?" Thing is if they do buy at $125k (or higher) they absolutely won't be buying it when it drops and goes through the inevitable bear market or as it climbs back up again, they'll wait til the next bull run is in full swing & they'll tell me I was "lucky" to buy when I did. That's how the scenario goes in my head 🤷‍♂️ 
 Before I started my company the people closest to me told me it was never going to work and I sho... 
 Agreed. So much BS with his little anecdotes and words of advice for his followers, it feels very pretentious as if he thinks he's some kind of wise sage.  
 Jfc, what a way to display your dumb ignorance on a public forum.  Congratulations! 😂 
 dry fasting 
 Some people are more concerned with fasting than eating. The ultimate privileged lifestyle. 
 Lol! You are projecting. You have no evidence that most people think on here think everyone else is American.  
 communities fixes this nostr:note1ey57nqe50ualgqh7pepmdr5xr29t38u82u7uynt2dpxakerz95kq0u47w9 
 I guess he means like Reddit with it's sub/Reddits.  
 It's isn't in Nostr. 
 Not practical on any road with potholes, which is pretty much every road where I live. 🤷‍♂️ It is beautiful though, great colour too.  
 “The point is to make Bitcoin the global currency” nostr:note10wtc9ezafv0hn9a2t2kz9ssx20c6025... 
 So you wouldn't be nervous being filmed by a HBO crew while being framed as the person who owns over a million bitcoin? Can you imagine what a target that would make you. It's a lot harder for Peter to prove he isn't Satoshi that it is for some hack film maker to say he is Satoshi.  
 Too many developers trying to make the superapp of Nostr when the best approach is too have small... 
 I had to go into my phone settings & disable background data for Amethyst because it plays videos in the background, even videos I haven't clicked on. It used 857mb in two days and I barely use it. That's ridiculous. 
 Most people don’t have any serious mental health issues. 

Just ordinary misery. 

A little dep... 
 Fyi, Hodl fancies himself as an expert in mental health, he has all the answers. 

Confidence is attractive. Arrogance is ugly. 
 You can be confident without being arrogant, right? 
 Good grief, you sound like an eight year old. 
 I'm English but live in the US. My family are in England & I often think I should move back at some point but apart from family & friends (which obvs are very important) there's little reason to live there. It does seem like a depressed run down place. I was a Remainer but came around to supporting Brexit after the fact. I think in the long run it will be positive that we left the EU. It won't be for a while yet though & I see myself staying in the US  for now. 
 In the coming months I expect to make a lot of people upset by discussing controversial changes t... 
 What Jameson believes is good for bitcoin matters a lot more than your inane opinions. 
 Chronic & sustained sugar intake kills your nerves -- you literally become more retarded and your... 
 Recently I heard that there is a variety of grapes that have been developed to taste like cotton candy. Wtf? 🤦‍♂️ 
 Yeah the "all carbs are bad" stuff is ridiculous. Italians have been eating pasta for centuries & are doing fine, a lot better than most Americans.  
 I do fine without meat. I haven't eaten meat, or lard, meat broth etc since 1985, almost 40 years. I do eat dairy & pretty much anything healthy, loads of fresh vegetables & fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains etc. Never been overweight, blood tests always good. Eating a variety of healthy foods is the best thing you can do for yourself (& exercise of course), just go to places like Italy and see how they eat. Food fads like the current carnivore stuff aren't going to work out long term for good health & will die out like all other diets/fads. 
 Anyone eating a balanced diet of *healthy* foods is going to be fine. A traditional Italian diet is great. As with a lot of countries highly processed garbage is pushed on the, American junk, and people fall for it unfortunately. It's sad 
 If your ancestors wouldn’t recognize the ingredients in the food you are about to put in your m... 
 My ancestors lived in England, they would have no idea what an avocado is! 
 You’re not a Bitcoiner until you… 

Buy Bitcoin. 

But then you’re like wait, I need to get... 
 Well you just go look for the backup of the passphrase that you obviously made because you're a bitcoiner. 
 Don't know why anyone would do something as dumb as that tbh. A passphrase can be saved in a password manager perfectly safely.  
 Disco is upbeat & happy. These dudes look like they'd be playing death metal or some dark depressing ambient stuff 😂 
 You have to be willing to fail first before you do anything. 

Before I bought bitcoin I risked l... 
 Interesting. So do people fear more the potential of being made fun of by friends/family than the risk of losing money? Or is it equal? I guess if you have to consider both of them then it does become more difficult.  
 September unemployment rate: 4.1% vs 4.2% (expected) and 4.2% (prior)

September US nonfarm payro... 
 In three months these numbers will be downgraded by a LOT. No-one with any sense takes these numbers seriously. That's not to say a recession is coming, I'm not a doomer, but they keep changing these numbers & it's always negatively months after the fact when people don't care. 
 Starting to internalize that theres no aid for North Carolina because FEMA blew its budget on ill... 
 One would imagine any undecided voters in N. Carolina will now know who they won't be voting for. 
 This is so true. Organic seed oils are fine, they are completely different from the oils that the anti seed-oil freaks go on about but they never even consider it. The process to make them doesn't involve any chemicals but they have never taken the time to look into it. I've noticed in the 7+yrs of being in bitcoin that there is a strong tendency among some bitcoiners to latch onto things like the carnivore diet, anti-seed oils & more recently population collapse (its not going to happen) without really doing any critical thinking, it's kinda cultish behaviour.  
 Jfc where are you getting your nutritional information from? TikTok? Where is the scientific research that shows quitting seed oils will prevent sunburn? Honestly, the utter lack of critical thinking by some people is unreal. 
 Can you link some of the work from Cambridge  please becauseI'dm interested in reading it. 👍 
 Are you talking about Powell's in Portland? The staff demanded that some books could not be sold by the company a couple of years ago during the height of the DEI bullshit. The owner caved a little and removed them from the store but allowed them to be sold online. The hypocrisy of the Left is unreal at times. 
 What do you get when the #58kforever gang meets Dr. Bull? 
 Jeff are you feeling that you're "we're never going back to $58k" might be a bit premature? 🤔 
 Ha! We all are. I listened to Preston's podcast today & heard your prediction for next year. I like it but my sense is that it's too optimistic but I hope you are right. Hodl, Jack Mallers, Arthur Hayes, Samson have all predicted even higher price targets so it should be an interesting year. 
 Population collapse is very real. Have a bunch of babies 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 👶🏼 in a... 
 Maybe they aware of their financial situations enough to know how many children they can support.  
 My eldest nephew & his wife have nine kids. I hope you have at least that many 👍 
 The average American consumes 9 gallons of ranch dressing a year. 

Which is a totally real stati... 
 Don't trust, verify. No way is it even close to 9 gallons! 
 Just cos someone posted it on the internet doesn't make it true.  
 A salad dtessing, not that far removed from salad cream but less sweet more savory 
 Also no-one eats 9 gallons of it a year, let alone it being the average amount.   
 he's the reason I'm here.  
now that I'm here, I can't believe I wasted so much time on X.

 It's really not that much different except that Nostr is about 99.5% bitcoiners so if you want to narrow down your engagement to just bitcoiners this is the place for you.  
 I deleted my Twitter account before Elon made the decision to buy it. I still go on there to look at a few accounts but do it with a Nitter instance that still functions so am not a victim to algo's or ads.

It's my opinion that Nostr will never become widely adopted & will remain used almost entirely by bitcoiners & that X will continue to be the primary social media space on the internet (unless the government starts to  clamp down on it). Normies are not going to start sorting through relays in order to use Nostr just as they are not going to set up hardware wallets and generate seeds so they can self-custody bitcoin. I imagine that social media will change significantly and that aspects of Nostr such as decentralization will be adopted in the future but Nostr is and will remain a place primarily for bitcoiners. I've been on Nostr almost two years & there has been no noticeable growth outside of bitcoiners. 
 She is the same person that she hates. She can criticize and mock those that don't vote the way she does but all her insults & putdowns of people who don't vote Democrat can be fairly used against her too. She's a liar,& a peddler in misinformation and a fascist. 
 I've not listened to it. I am subscribed to Coin Stories so it showed up in my podcast feed but the last interview I listened to with him was typical politician BS. He won't say a single word that might come across as critical of any Democrat in office or the party itself. I listened to a Thomas Massie interview recently & he comes across as far more honest. I don't care for Ro Khanna at all even if he says he is pro bitcoin.  
 I hate that plastic bags of food now have zip locks on them them and are so shitty that they don't even work. Who tf comes up with these dumb ideas? 🤦‍♂️ 
 Why? 🤦‍♂️ 
 Yeah some thing are better off left as ideas in someone's head, these things are a great example 😂 
 Jealousy says I desire what you have and so I endeavor to earn it for myself. 

Envy says I desir... 
 You might want to Google Jealousy vs Envy. Not sure why you would think jealousy is always healthy which is what you are saying. A more true statement if you think it can be positive would be jealousy *can* be healthy. To say jealousy is healthy is just obviously wrong. 
 Regardless of changing definitions the idea that jealousy is healthy is ridiculous. Not sure what Hodl is thinking, this is some pseudo-intellectualism that really is poor. 
 As an introvert I don't look forward to socializing and networking at conferences, but this weeke... 
 It's tough being an introvert in an extrovert world. I read Steven Levy's book Crypto earlier this year, Phil Z is a good man. That's really cool you got to meet him.  
 The war machine finds a way to fund all sides. 
 Only if it's good for business 
 Democrats are and have been illegally importing voters in an attempt to change the demographics o... 
 A lot of peeps that align with it probably don't realize the reasons for the mass immigration. The media will constantly push the idea that anyone saying it's a Dem tactic to stay in power is a far-right conspiracy theorist. It's going to backfire rather badly at some point & it's an even worse problem in Europe.  
 I used to be on the Left. I never liked the Democrats but I voted for them because I felt they were the better choice. I fucking hate them more than I've ever disliked the Republicans. The big problem is that Dems essentially controll big media which is extremely effective & unfortunately I think will help them stay in power. Really hope I'm wrong though 🙏 
 There are only two bitcoin journeys. 

1. Bitcoin destroys you and you rise like a phoenix 🐦... 
 I did get a liitle burned by shitcoins at first, fortunately that didn't last long. Bitcoin was my saviour 👍 
 With regards to "bitcoin or bitcoins", which term did Satoshi use when he wrote about more than a single bitcoin? Surely whatever he used is the term we should all use. Personally I use bitcoin, I think bitcoins sounds so wrong. 
 Carnivore diet is elite 👌 
 It's a fad like every other diet 
 Followers of diets always justify their diet, that's how it stays popular, until it dies out. It wasn't long ago that being gluten-free was the craze. The Adkins diet came & went, same as the fat-free diet. Same will happen with the carnivore diet. I don't care what you eat, go ahead & eat loads of farm raised animals & feel like you are eating like a caveman, makes no difference to me. 
 Poverty is very simply just having the wrong ideas in your head. 

You can replace the ideas and ... 
 That can be true. It's also true that many people  say drugs saved their lives. What I'm saying is that it can take a lot more than just exercise & not just the use of anti-depressants either.