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 dry fasting 
 What exactly is dry fasting? 
 No food or drink 
 how long? 
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 Done it for 36 hours once. 
 Almost 4 days but I do not recommend it. I think is better for no more than 3 days. 
 Yeah that sounds rough 
 Risky. For how long? 
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 I've made it easy and convenient for everyone to reach me and have a quick chat. For more information, questions, investment guides, and tips, You can connect with me now through SimpleX Chat using the following link:: https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=2-7&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FPtsqghzQKU83kYTlQ1VKg996dW4Cw4x_bvpKmiv8uns%3D%40smp18.simplex.im%2FD1yZe9VTHaaYgGw5orbCq5dKNRuXn67I%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEA8jxuVUwBtzlwikmHx9Tqpstet3raCJyvenI2ql6lWyk%253D%26srv%3Dlyqpnwbs2zqfr45jqkncwpywpbtq7jrhxnib5qddtr6npjyezuwd3nqd.onion 
 Good morning nostr:nprofile1qqsgydql3q4ka27d9wnlrmus4tvkrnc8ftc4h8h5fgyln54gl0a7dgspzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqg5waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t0qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyfehcpn 
 For how long? My longest was 3 days. I’ve only done that length of time once. I typically do 24 hours. 
 That’s insane 
 = Huge booster + omad on 1 hour window/carnivore/keto 
 🍀 never been brave enough, I like my water 😅 
 muslims do this during daylight in ramadan

it really can't be a long term thing, it's really bad for the kidneys, but i think there is some benefit to doing this kind of short term fasting from water 
 So I've read. Have contemplated it, but I think I'm part fish. 😅 
 i'm prone to consuming diuretic drinks in general, fasting is a real challenge for me at all and dry fasting would be even harder, but without those diuretics i obviously would have lesser need for water anyway

i'm only gonna even consider it anyway if there is actually a health benefit

probably there is... in general living things are antifragile and benefit from periodic strain 
 I'd be even more reluctant if I thought I had kidney issues too.  
 yeah, i definitely do, so it's kinda out of the question for me at this point

but when i have pushed back this neuropathy at last i might think of it as a way to put some stress on my kidneys to keep them on their toes, as part of some of the time of my fasts... i think daylight no water would be a good thing to have periodically with the process of doing a full long fast

anyhow, hypothetical because right now my kidneys are definitely on the ropes 
 Abstaining from premarital sex to attain your goals?  
 I fast fasting 
 try fasting from excitement for 3-5 days and magic happens... 
 magic being? 
 Any primer/rationale behind this? 
 Look food is expensive, guy's just trying to get by   : ) 
 Fasting is great on multiple levels 
 Similar to dry humping? 
 Why? Regular fasting isn’t extreme and edgy enough? 🙄 Be safe. 
 I am today on dry fast. during 4 months of monsoon we Hindus do dry feasting on alternative day. today is my 44 th dry fast(started on july 17 will end on 12 nov). and on non fasting day we eat one meal a day. so time between 2 meal is 47 to 49 hours 
 have done 100 hours dry fast 3 times. its hard given weather conditions here at Gujarat(India) 
 Believe, by dry fasting, you mean, no food and no water? Many Indians do dry fasting during the current #Navratri time in the month of October. Do agree with fasting but not dry, just completed a 1-day water-only fast this morning. Hoping to do it once a week 🤞  
 dry fasting i.e Nirjada enhance autophagy. one day dry fast is effective as 3 days water fast. u can go to 24 hours water fasting by increasing 2 hours  in each attempt. don't drink water when u wake up till 2 pm, then 4 pm, till 6pm in 3rd attempt so on
 Haven't tried fasting without water yet. Many elders in my family do it though. Need more evidence to pursue. 😅 Soon planning a 3-4 day water-only fast this quarter.  
 during daylight hours in islam they fast from water also during Ramadan 
 me too, yom kippur is today 
 Health risks? 
 It looks like jack has tapped onto some sort of energy that normal people don’t have a clue. Everyone agrees peace is the real happiness. But chasing peace is like Heisenberg uncertainty principle contradicting itself. The very act of chasing peace perturbs the mind to be unpeaceful. 
 Getting in shape for the ladies. 
 Funny because in Islam fasting is advised to stop certain desires.  
 So it's funny?  
 Temptationhttps://m.primal.net/LTdE.jpg  moustokouloura 
 Hope you are all well jack. Will you meditate at the same time? 
 That's got to be dangerous. How long? 
 lol ntwana, I fast everyday for 14 hours. whatever "dry is" - just don't eat or drink. I haven't had anything yet as of this post and I've been up for 7 hours so far 
 I’m wet fasting today 
 Dry fasting seems like a detox without the detox part.  
 Yogi Jack. 
 Unnecessary and also not in line with our ancestral physiology. It was much more common to not have food than it was to not have water. I don't think dry fasts are worth it unless you are after bragging rights. 
 Some people are more concerned with fasting than eating. The ultimate privileged lifestyle. 
 I did one last night for nearly 8 hours. Feeling good 
 What's the benefit vs wet fasting? 
 for Yom Kippur? 
 can lose fat faster because body converts fat to water as far as I know 
 you do every time you sleep 
 I found it to be easier that any other fast. 
Better results in both mind and body 
 The Muslim way of fasting. Every 11 months, for 30 days. 
 Joints inflammation reducing. Better sleep too. 
 I appreciate you doing the self-experimenting. I recently came across a podcast of like 5yrs ago where you talked about it. Curious to hear more!

I stopped complaining and started self-experimenting about a year ago and my health is improving by leaps. And it's changing many other aspects of my life for the better as well 
 I'm fat and proud.. 
 How long? 
 gonna need a good break down of this. I wanna explore 
 from dawn to dusk 
 Fasting works!  Even semifasting works better then reducing portions.  Thank you! 
I quit munchies for few days - cookies, chips, etc...and only did breakfast and dinner. Lost almost 5lbs 
 The dirty warehouse creatures that exist here they around dietary fasting posts and more, vitamins. 
With deteriorated processing...and it's a virus....I would make sure.......while authorities completing their investigation. 
And don't dehydrate  
 Have people noticed a big difference between wet and dry fasting?

I've still only done wet, never tried dry
 ~8 2 m4nh corpsez ye~ 
 admire your discipline- seems awful to me 
 @jack is talking to himself again. 🪄 
 how long for? 
 just finished three days veg juice only fast !!! 
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTGM2KjNGUU  @jack .  You have never responded to me.  Please checkout this one and let me know your opinion ......... 
 Hi  @jack.     

You believe that meat is beneficial for health and strength, and you often share this view publicly. With millions of followers, your opinion holds significant influence. I recently came across a documentary that presents an opposing perspective. I think it would be valuable for you to watch it and share your thoughts. It might even lead you to reconsider your stance, potentially benefiting your fans. 
 okay, do you want a cookie or something 
 how’s your day going? is food ready? i m a cook. 
 This is the way. 

I’ve healed so many injuries and helped my body somewhat detox with dry fasting. 
 Never dry fasted, but have water fasted for several days at a time on numerous occasions without issue as a carnivore. Good luck! 
 How’s this going 
 Enough is enough, go eat & drink, NOW.  
 Jack:I'm so sorry...Dino!You're waiting for the Sun but i'm dancing as the moon! 
 Please don’t do this again 🤣. Here I am worried that you’re dying of self imposed thirst.  Please let us know if you’re drinking water again. 
 i care about you
are you ok?