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Notes by Kinky | export

 When I post something to a relay, does it get echoed to every relay in the world?

I'm guessing no because that would be a lot of traffic. 

But if it does not echo, then I can never talk to someone that does not share any relays with me. Right? 
 No mmo has ever created a successful ingame economy because the game prints money when you kill m... 
 Yup. And some players would never log back in  so that is lost 
 Hey #everyone!

I'm drunk! 

And that happens like twice a year! 
 Been working through every weekend the past few months, worked through christmas, bday, new year ... 
 What are you working on? When I made my coracle account it auto followed you. I don't know who you are 
 had a chat with a nice prof today who knows a lot about the internet and he wanted to know if i h... 
 Correct me if I'm wrong but can't the relay delete the message from their relay? 
 I want thinking the same thing as you. I thought nostr didn't really fit in the definition of decentralized, federated, mesh, p2p, any of that. But as I was replying to you in support, I realized that if I try to define what decentralization means, why nostr does not fit and try to give an example, I can't. Because it is decentralized 
 To read later


Tbh, I'm not happy with nostr and I think it will fail, so I'm still looking for new stuff

Btw I'm stayin g on nostr because I'm having fun 
 Then my kid pisses on top of it 
 Dumb question: bitcoin? Or monero? Bitcoin is so easy to trace that is barely considered private. I'd say monero or zcash are way more rogue 
 A brief refactoring in the morning due to breaking changes in a library upstream is great to warm... 
 Depends on how you found out about the change. 

Do you monitor your dependencies?
Or did you find out when trying to publish and the deadline is today? 
 Id compare it more with irc or slack than discord since it has no voice chat 
 Those look like nice pictures. Do you like photography? Or is your phone's camera with some good ai? 
 Stereotypes don't bother me. If someone stereotypes me I find it funny. I even have a pith-hat to... 
 I think that is a naive way of thinking it. 

My grandma was scared of black people and while that does indeed talk about how much of a fool she was, it didn't change the fact that Se was less likely to help black people in need than white people 

Or my uncle who was an insurance lawyer and believes that women are genetically worse at driving.

Or a friend who said that if he had a business he wouldn't hide women because they can get pregnant to get paid and do nothing

The point is that while words are just words and you can laugh it off, actions cannot 
 Oh. And one of my bosses said
"I'm glad none of you are weird (gay, etc). I wouldn't feel this comfortable working here otherwise" 
 Nostr supports a lot of different kind of post. You could try using one of those if you are interested. One of them allows posting a job request with how much you will pay 
 What is the reason why Primal, Snort, and Damus do not include the marketplace NIP that Amethyst ... 
 The other day I woke up and read every single nip that is indexed I'm the github (there are a lot of nips but I only read the ones in the "front page") and trust me. Nostr can do a lot of different kinds of things. Basically, when you make a nostr app (with no funds) you can choose to implement a few kinds very well, a bit more kinds good enough, or all of them but none in a usable state. Coracle and amethyst are between class 2 and 3 they can't do everything. 
 Hey nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qg5waehxw309aex2mrp09skymr99ehhyee0qyfhwumn8ghj7mmxve3ksctfdch8qatz9uqzp978pfzrv6n9xhq5tvenl9e74pklmskh4xw6vxxyp3j8qkke3cezklg6al  two questions about calendars:
- why does it let me write a description but then is not displayed?
- why can't I set the time? 
 Thanks! I hope i didn't sound demanding. I was curious. What do you think about the global calendar. I cannot imagine a good use for it 
 Is that an ai enchanced meme? The hand suddenly gets huge and the eye clips over the hand 
 how buying is working, actually? 
 I whish there was a way to partially silence someone. I like seeing the pictures, but not so many 
 Not all taxes are wrong. 
 How do you propose that governments pay for stuff? 
 Nice argument. Except for the HUGE holes in logic. 

When you sell something you do so using the infrastructure set up by you country and that infrastructure needs funding for developing, maintaining and improving. Even the very laws and law enforcement are infrastructure. 

Also the people that need infrastructure the most are the ones with the less resources to pay for it. In your proposition, people living in huge cities would say "why would I pay for the roads of the rest of the country, while the rest of the country can't afford to pay for the roads because the lack of roads means less business

You are acting like the government doesn't give you anything because millions of people already paid for your stuff. 

The us struggles to get people to vote, and voting is free. Imagine trying to get them to give money to paid for someone else's infrastructure 
 Law making , law enforcement, public lights, elections, schools, health and safety... Really? Where do you live? Even if you live under a rock, you probably own or rent that rock which give you rights according to the laws and that law has to be enforced and maintained 
 What. So you say that when you call the cops they should first charge you and then do their job? No. They have to be employed before hand. You HAVE to pay for they jobs so that when you or anyone else needs it, it's there. 

Also, let's say you live in a street without public lighting. If you want public lighting would you only pay for the light in front of your house? A single light is not very practical, You can't force your neighbors to pay for theirs, and I guess you probably won't pay for all of them either. The solution? Everyone pays taxes so that the government can build the lights for everyone. 

Also I'm not talking about morality. I'm saying that you use things paid for by other but complain when you have to pay thing for others. If they hadn't built your roads, lights and laws, you wouldn't have a penny. That is not morality. If you want to argue that, you have to stop using public infrastructure or you are a hypocrite 

He gets a 100 on the TSPC ... 
 Not all taxes are wrong. 
 I love reading about the zookos triangle solutions. For everyone that says it give them a 404, I was able to see it. Its just that it doesn't have https. You can skip the warning 
 Somebody should build a Steam store/launcher with a Nostr database. Stop giving control over your... 
 Not sure I'd want that. That would mean that my employer would always get to see If I'm looking for jobs, and my job history would be public 
 Called the health department today so they could dispose of some uranium ore my uncle died and le... 
 Sometimes things are not as dangerous as they seem. Was it actually dangerous? Or you threw it away just in case 
 Relevant xkcd

 The #coracle global calendar looks different from my PC anonymously than from my phone logged in. From my phone it's basically empty.

Why is that? 
 There are content warnings you can add to your posts. I'll send one 
 This message causes epilepsy 
 There are content warning you can add to your own posts. I've sent one but I think a lot of relays rejected it. Do you see it? 
 Well. I'm an idiot. That was my message. 
 I don't like that many clients pick up my kind30023 posts as if they were the news of the hour an... 
 I'd argue that the best option is that updating a note is done by deleting and sending again as new. Otherwise, clients might say "I already have this note, no need to re download it" 
 any new logos while i was asleep? 
 I see a lot of messages about this. What is happening? 
 Can I delete a post in coracle? 
 That would be nice. I posted a listing and a few relays failed so I tried again and ended up posting like 4 times. I'd like to delete unnecessary listings 

I'm just trying out the buy/sell process in nostr. Posting from coracle 
 Gonna be lit 
 I see your test. I can't believe there is a global calendar