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npub npub15879mltlln6k8jy32k6xvagmtqx3zhsndchcey8gjyectwldk88sq5kv0n
name jackspirko
about Host of The Survival Podcast & The Bitcoin Breakout, Founder of the #grownostr initiative. I am also a prepper, a permaculturist, a teacher, a gardener, a hunter, a fisherman, a grandfather, a husband and dad. My life is pretty damn great.
banner https://nostr.build/i/nostr.build_1335a368064fe5370ac6624c3d424a6260db4641d7e8e3281ce79d46d188305f.jpeg
display_name Jack Spirko
lud16 jackspirko@primal.net
nip05 jack@nostriches.net
picture https://m.primal.net/HbGx.png
website TheSurvivalPodcast.com