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Notes by Brisket | export

 Very inspiring video man.

Thanks for documenting & sharing your journey. Having the camera rolling through the experience must have introduced it's own dynamic & pressure for you. I imagine that you would have published whatever the outcome. 
 Too much coffee…… 
 Yeah that's not a nice feeling 
 Does this note break your client too?

 I can't get to the last pic/vid in #Amethyst

 Can you see all the pics & videos? 
 Maybe it was just too much to hold in memory for my little pixel 6a 
 Hold your frequency & let it influence the you that thinks they're the other. 

 And that's how you get perfectly parallel grill lines on a thin steak! 
 Does this note break your client too?

 Sometimes people come over here from xitter and post stuff that seems totally irrelevant to the p... 
 I see it. 

Sometimes I can smell the X on their notes. 
 Is that nostr:nprofile1qqsd8s4rmq7a773n7lsepl2fkhpmel7vk8eg2rxk9gzmvm2sg998zwsprpmhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctvqy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj764y30v? 
 Salyor could be playing 7D chess.

Or he could be a statist cuck.

I'm going to enjoy the show ei... 
 There's no perfect way to custody your Bitcoin. Anyone that says otherwise is probably trying to sell you something (he's kinda got a point here). Some of those things are also really useful depending on your risk model.

When Saylor speaks he's acutely aware of his own risk model. This influences both his stated preferred custody solution & the narrative he's weaving on a broader level. He's aggressively shorting the USD with a publicly traded company. He has to tread carefully in public.

Sailor's good for Bitcoin. 

MSTR is good for Bitcoin. 

Neither are getting my sats if I can help it & I don't have to trust either of them at all.

 GN - I hope you enjoyed the stars! 
 It's happening isn't it dot gif 🔶👀
 Fuck DocuSign. 

Nostr for the win! 
 It's gonna be a good Christmas Pringles. 🧡 
 I know it doesn’t feel like it with how the ops tweet, but we are winning. The tides have shift... 

 Now we have an exit & it's clearly marked. 

Back then there was little to be hopeful about. 
 I've become a bit of a chronological purist. My perception of time dictates my life, with the den... 
 There's only ever now. You can only experience the expression of the past in the now. 

I enjoy living on the edge of expansion. It is the most exciting place to exist in. 

I also enjoy watching & participating in the expansion that others are experiencing. I'm experiencing this now in your note signed just 4hrs ago. A footprint of the now you've already experienced & yet that footprint is still expanding as others weigh into your expression. Diving through something expressed a year ago has a very different feel to it. 
 Whenever I see statists like the ECB get upset about Bitcoin, or when I see more brazen regimes t... 
 We will receive less opposition if there's nobody to fight them.

Every person is incentivised to accumulate Bitcoin.

Their shitty fiat system is dying & it needs no help from Bitcoin in it's destruction. As you say, Bitcoin is just the most logical exit, the escape valve.

They'll still try to fight it by manipulating price, attacking proponents & banning it's use. Bitcoin will be fine, but some of its users will be targeted.

Focus on building a new system rather than fighting the dying one. 
 When you press the X icon to close a new post, should the app delete that draft or keep it? 
 Ideally you'd be able to set what the app does when you close an unposted note. 

I've never benefited from a draft reply but I've used drafts of new root notes a few times. This has usually been because of a crash or something unexpected like a distraction. I generally put more time & effort into a new note than a reply.

 It's going to be hard to get trees growing unless you go from seed & then you get a lot of variability. 

Comfrey is your friend & doesn't generally compete with trees. It'll send a nice big tap root down into the clay & encourages soil life (they drop a lot of exudates). You gotta keep that clay moist with mulch though.

With your lasagne bed construction, lay some crushed charcoal (bio char) down at the soil layer. As this gets incorporated into the clay, it'll improve drainage & soil life.

Use fast growing support trees like eucalyptus & legume trees to eventually pollard & coppice for bio mass.

Clay is nutritious & holds water/life if it's kept moist. Drainage & compaction (no air pockets) is probably your biggest issue with it. Keep piling on organic matter that will be incorporated by the soil life you'll encourage. 
 Comparing your experience to the ones of others in order to judge your existence, is auto-sabotag... 
 You probably shouldn't judge your yesterday self either. 

Know that you did your best at that particular point in your experience, with what you had available. 

Always do your best with the knowledge that this brings improvement over time. 

Discover the other 3 agreements: 
- make no assumptions
- be impeccable with your word 
- take nothing personally 
 One of the great joys of parenthood is telling completely made up stories at bed time, and then r... 
 That's beautiful man.

I was too scared to do it, if I'm honest. 

A wasted opportunity. 
 Dollars seem to be coming in but sats aren't being stacked?

Are the ETF traders just bad at trading or are they hedging other fiat bets?

Seems weird. FAFO I guess. 
 There'll never be cures or peace while those incentivises exist. 

Defunding & shrinking the state is the only way to remove those incentives. 
 That's nothing. 

There's are an intransigent minority who think 4 of the top 6 are going to zero. 
 This morning I was messing with my old docs and saw some shitcoin wallets so I wanted to see what... 
 Chuck it in NZ dollars - it's $113K over there. 
 It's probably more about lowering CPI 
 I don't want to live where uber eats is an option.

It's only a matter of time here. 

I need to go further out. 
 What the hell is hamburger helper? 

Is that ground beef? Why do your burgers need help? 

The govt can't tax the work you perform directly for yourself.

The govt also can't tax the work that plants, worms, bacteria & animals perform for you. That's why they want you to buy from farmers that use heavy machinery & fancy fertilisers/chemicals. 

Since discovering Bitcoin, I've also been rediscovering permaculture. For me, it's been about building resilience rather than becoming self sufficient.

Yesterday I finished planting 84 ice cream bean trees from seeds I collected from my mature tree. I have a long mound of dirt that I made with an excavator last year. I've no idea all the mistakes I've made yet but it's fun to play with nature & life again.

The mature flowering ice cream bean tree (Inga edulis):


Some of the 84 seedlings from the same tree: 


#permaculture #permies 
 Today I'm planting out root cuttings from a few comfrey plants that I dug up. 

Each 1 inch section of root will get the chance to produce 1 comfrey plant. The 4 plants I dug up will reshoot from the buried root sections that I couldn't harvest. 

As I was digging the comfrey up, I was reminded of how much the earth worms love hanging out in their roots.

The ice cream bean trees fix nitrogen from the air using bacteria while producing a lot of bio mass. Some will become mulch & some will be turned into charcoal. The comfrey breaks up the soil & locks nitrogen into it's leaves (more bio mass).

Working on your own stuff is nice but having nature work for you is even better. 

 I bought the scrubby 2 acres like 14 years ago but lacked the time to really get things moving. 

Permaculture is definitely a low time preference activity. You're always learning & adapting.

I bought Bitcoin to acquire pasture for cattle & now I'm learning to appreciate what I already have. I still intend to buy pasture but I can be learning & producing a lot from my plot of soil in the meantime. 

 The name is deceptive. The pods have a sweet edible fluff around the seeds. They're tasty & sweet but definitely have nothing on ice cream 😂

I doubt any of the 84 seedlings will ever reach maturity & produce pods. I'll be coppicing them regularly to keep them small. They're really just support plants for the fruit trees I'll be planting with them. 
 Too cold where you are? 
 Much further south - in the sub tropics of Australia. They're native to South America. I've seen people growing them in Arizona but the frosts tend to knock them around a lot. They can bounce back in spring & grow a lot in the summer though.

While the white fluff around the seeds is a sweet edible treat, I don't rate them as a food source. I'm growing them as a support plant & bio mass accumulator. 
 No bunyas. I planted a jackfruit because of Geoff & I don't really like it 
Maybe I'll learn to like it this year - it's only started fruiting in the last 2 years.
 I don't have a cherimoya but I have a sour sop & used to have a custard apple until it died (too dry a location). I also have an American pawpaw in a pot. They're all from the same anonna family.

It should be just a case of planting some of the big seeds in the fruit.

 I've been debating with myself about going to the next unconf. I almost talked myself into Riga, ... 
 I almost travelled to Riga this year. In the end I couldn't justify the expense & time away. 

When it's the right time, everything will come together easily. It won't feel so much like you're forcing it & you'll see confirmations of it everywhere.

Maybe I'll see you in Riga next year. 🫂 
 They must mean for you to take your shoes off first. 
 Crimson colored pills 
Sprinkled into society’s news 
Humans focused on survival 
And lacking a... 
 So many layers upon layers of judgement in these notes. 

It's easy to see the judgement but the non judgement is much quieter, it's silent with it's lack of engagement. 
 Judgement only hurts the judge & those who take the judgement personally. 

The only fight we ultimately have is with our own internal judge & victim. 
 I don't feel the need to justify my expression, action or inaction to anyone.

Interacting with you is expansive for me. It's entirely self serving & I will quietly disconnect from you when it's no longer expansive for me. I feel like you're having  a similar experience with The Nostr but that's clearly an assumption on my part.

I'm also not here to save anyone & I definitely don't want to be a leader. The reality I desire is one where we are each empowered by our own connection to Source rather than via a trusted 3rd party. To do this I have to allow people to take their own journey, however indirect I think their chosen path is. I believe the most direct path is to let go beliefs which fuel the fear (the lies) & fill our hearts with love (Truth).

My path feels to me like a paradox at times but I'm learning to be more comfortable with the paradoxes. 
 I always love getting emails with recalls from a grocery store about a food product I’ve recent... 
 So how did the grocery store get your email address? 

Do you think it was a targeted email based on your recent purchase or just a an email to all their customers? 
 At least it was opt in.

I'm wondering how long before they can do this via your CC. 
 Retirement has simply come to mean “escape” from the clown world, with its clown show, put on... 
 Been playing with retirement for about 16 months now.

The fascinating thing I've realised is that the government can't tax the work you do for yourself & family. 

- The food you grow
- The meals you cook
- The wood you chop
- The repairs & improvements to your house/vehicle

They can tax the things you buy but not the improvements you make with those things. It's a fraction of the cost you would incur if you outsourced the whole job.

It turns out that you need a small fraction of the "income" that you thought you needed when you had little time left for yourself. 
 Just moved from android to iPhone. The only apps that were easy to move were the nostr apps. 
 Why iPhone? 
 Urgh the orange man is all over Nostr 

I want to block out all US politics chat 

Can you mute w... 
 Some clients can handle mute words.

Amethyst can, I'm not sure about the others. 
 TLDR: What's you main client Joe? 
 My wife has snack butter in the fridge. 

Her own little stash of fancy cold butter 😂 
 nostr:npub1smf35u9gnyndl9v3h5wr0k0768g5s7ph37ssr6qez32ua5vj3mrq8j9ntw welcome to #nostr ! Welcome... 
 Welcome Craig.

How was the Meetup? 
 Increasing demand meets absolute scarcity. 

It's a nice feeling not being stolen from while being proven right. 

It's been a long wait, enjoy the process. 🤙💚 
 I think most humans have the feeling that something isn't right with the world. That we're progressively being pulled further into a dark place while being unable to precisely pinpoint the cause. Inflation is such a sneaky, insidious form of theft.

Congratulations on putting it together, nobody could have done this for you. Although you probably have feelings of being late, know that you're still very early.

The next few years down the Bitcoin rabbit hole will be exciting & transformative for you. The biggest gift I received from Bitcoin was letting go silly fears that I had carried for a long time.

Onward 🤙