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Notes by reltbracco | export

 The species is best characterized as female-centered and egalitarian and as one that substitutes ... 
 Humans:  worst of both worlds!  Violence AND promiscuity! 
 I’ll be nasty and brutish as a last resort in response to force in certain situations, but otherwise 💯 

To picture a world where we relate like humans, not like either chimps or bonobos, probably consider most of your everyday interactions. 

Consensual; pleasant; respectful; mindful of other’s rights, personhood, boundaries, and desires; personally responsible; socially egalitarian

To picture a world where we relate like humans are meant to, go beyond this to consider the happiest family you can: inspiring, deeply loving and caring, generous, thoughtfully considerate 
 I am going to start a podcast where I replace the guys I am interviewing with randos every episod... 
 If you wanted to know, these are my politics. 

#anarchy nostr:note1aywc5swn0cve3yvyg0m4w4x0jx2a325253upn2usun2k84fxywgswn0ftu 
 It’s a great book. They’re reading it on Cornychat on Wednesday evenings and I’m sad I’ve been missing it. 
 Dude, it’s great!
It’s a Nostr audio chat platform. 
I host #nostrbiblestudy there Tuesday nights 8:30 New York time. 
So much other cool stuff goes on there too. There’s definitely a community with a fun vibe  

 Weird, I have never had trouble with it. 
 You should join!  We’ll be reading Luke 4 
 Water lilies (Nymphaea) not lotus (Nelumbo)
So beautiful!  Love the blue ones. Do they smell? 
 Central floral parts are also different, and that color is not found in lotuses. 
 Americans, are you planning to leave the country or just fight and die? 
 Why is fighting considered necessary?
Because we know how many of our neighbors would be complicit in our murder. 
Build a better way in parallel, attract your neighbors to it. 
Things begin to seem less bleak. 
The day might come when the loudest minority is the one laughing at the state’s tantrum demands instead of falling in line, and the rudder of the follower majority finally turns toward liberty. 
Maybe not without a shot — heck, I consider Ross and Assange and many more casualties already. But with fewer shots than there could have been, and more sticking power. 
 The hardest part of my random crappy sci-fi novel hobby project, is going to be the first half of... 
 Good advice. 
 That’s how I used to “grill” peppers when I had a spiral electric range 
 Brilliant idea. 
When my mom bought a tagine, we also got a thick copper diffuser plate to use it on the stove. I guess it’s the same concept, just a little fancier. 

What kinds of things that you’re up to do you think he’d like the most? 
 Yesterday at the studio:

Various pieces trimmed and drying. My first pinch cup, with impressions of passionflower vines growing a short walk from the studio. I also picked a great mulberry leaf from just outside but didn’t get the chance to use it on anything before I had to leave. 

Here’s my shelf… I think I’d better glaze some of this stuff 😅 

#pottery #ceramics #clay #glaze #wrensnest #hamdmade #art #artstr https://image.nostr.build/92ade22cae8d79e28b2435a25538ecd5b26d676f5f32cb59709161e75c77014f.jpg https://image.nostr.build/be4efa7912fa84f3edc7067293aca08ef54b80dbcb9e4dfeaaeaa9035b3f69fb.jpg  
 Lucky number 13~

Yesterday’s church chili cookoff was fun!  I think it’s the most chili entries I’ve ever seen. My first year at this church I think there were only about six. 

@boatingaccident had been excited about the opportunity to win Spiciest Chili since I talked about entering, but my concern was more with making a tasty chili, not a spicy one. After all, I’ll have to eat the leftovers!
Won Spiciest Chili anyway 🤣
Maybe it was the 1/4 c chipotle adobo, or the close to 1 c roasted mixed hot peppers 🤔 
They had no idea how much hotter it could have been 🤣 

My mother in law won Best Chicken Chili, as well. As winners, we got our pick of towels as prizes and I found this set with a sweet embroidered stag 🦌 

This is the first chili I’ve made in years. It was delicious.  Making chili with stew beef is a revelation to someone like me who hates the texture of ground meat. I’m really looking forward to eating the leftovers (with some added beans) and my leftover sourdough 🤤 glad to have just a little left over of both cumin seed and bacon pepper jack loaves!

#cooking #chili #food #beef https://image.nostr.build/8639b812830632b7c0700f311f0707936add7bb3eb71dd8633ce8896de9ca764.jpg https://image.nostr.build/5b32d0daaf5c425c44fc635640b9d0f8aa62125dd7d408a6fa0d65b6076c3fc0.jpg https://image.nostr.build/ca065545f9412c938807ce284accf9ae7fbc2da9b9f2f411b22810ff41589646.jpg https://image.nostr.build/69c3c5400d1c1a86875c04c3829422c2a481386cdc7118917e414bca17a3c582.jpg https://image.nostr.build/7745faf82170ebea8ad6c68135c16aaba6c781322f19d46feaad7b0ab229b82b.jpg  
 Ooh what is this beauty gonna be? 
 Let's just jump on our menstrual cycles and run his ass over.
 What a great line 🤣 
 This squirrel attitude checks out 💯 
 Turned out just fine 😁 can’t wait to dig in tomorrow with some chili

One bacon pepperjack loaf, one cumin seed loaf
So many good smells!

#sourdough #bread #baking #ferment #breadstr #cooking https://image.nostr.build/c7ee2bad186a5a7c15391b75a7b97279f7d9062877fdcd86882510959500e2f6.jpg  nostr:note1jy7vvsar4uru0wsa04uj4a6dy7ztd88r33kxm05l6j0cws0h9agszqvm55 
 Aaah the last at least four ppl I followed within just the last couple of days got mysteriously unfollowed 😱 whaaat is goin on here 
 It’s a lot worse than I thought. Some people I lost in that pseudo-nuke and added back a full month ago are gone again. 
It’s about enough to make a lady give up for a while. 
 Tried out OxChat to avoid the DM reporter bot. 
Seems like it’s working. 
Also, there are some messages people sent me that I can only see there, and do not show up on Damus or Primal’s DM screens… 👀 even an important one from months ago

I think this one does count as #nostrability @elsat 
 Have you tried soaking in whey?  I want to try that. 
 I soak mine overnight and it makes cook time faster. 
It think it’s also supposed to boost nutrition. 
 I believe so. 
 Sometime you should give oat groats a try!  The absolute best form of oats 
 #sourdough emergency — I completely forgot to put the dough in the fridge last night. 

In the past when this happened, I baked it and it made wonderfully fluffy bread that wasn’t sour. That would be fine. 

But the most recent time I tried that, the bread failed to rise at all, and I don’t know why. 

Any ideas or suggestions?

#baking #bread #cooking #food 
 After removing from the fridge, I always add more flour and some cane sugar and honey, which definitely gets consumed and turned into loft. 
I’m probably freaking out over nothing and should make the bread. I just remember it failing the last time though it had worked before. 
 It is today, but I can’t remember what it was like the day it failed. 
 To me heat has seemed much more a factor, and I think I have a solution to help me with that. 
 Keyboard warriors of Nostr:  do you self-censor more when you are AFK?  Or are you just as confrontational offline as you are online?  Do your tactics differ?

I feel I haven’t been pissing people off enough in either place recently 😔 

 Were gonna thrive in chaos. Idk about you but it's where I feel the most comfortable. 
 Depends on the chaos. 
I know people who think liberty is chaos. They really need someone telling them what to do or they feel lost, I guess. 
If it’s daily violence, nowhere is safe sort of chaos, I don’t think I’ll be thriving. 
 I know I can’t do 100 pushups. 
But I’m gonna really give it a try starting this evening. 

 DUDE I’m glad to hear someone else say it
I’m not 45 but I might as well be for all the arm strength or ability to keep my back straight that I have… 

I was gonna start at 12, then do 25, then 50, then 75, then finally be up to 100, taking each step as I felt ready.  Because everyone doing this is starting to inspire me. 
Ok, I have no excuse anymore… I’ll start, too! 
 It’s Uvaldeism, natural disasters edition 
 This is the third random bean-related conversation I’ve had on Nostr in two days. 

I prepare chili for the church chili contest tomorrow. 

It was going to be a no bean chili… beginning to wonder if I should change my mind. 

🫘 #beans nostr:note1f9nlscgllp2eq4hhxrjut899g2v9gxyj7zpafxk5usrjv2wezvjqeuf3um 
 It exists but it’s a bit disorganized. 
Beans, coffee beans, toe beans, Mr. Bean…
Let’s fill it with actual bean content 💪 
 We have a random bean puree at work. I gotta figure out a way to make it into a soup of the day t... 
What bean? 
 Sounds really good 
 Is that a dried banana slice? 
 Japan has an app called PayPay. It’s super popular and accepted almost everywhere now. I touche... 
 Annoying or genius?
 I keep getting surprised by discovering folks I’d lost track of in the Great Pseudo-Nuke where I lost about 2/3 of my follows. 
Part happy to find them again, part sad I lost them for a while and didn’t think to realize why. 
I put a lot of effort into vetting folks; for some accounts, reading all posts and replies 1-2 weeks back is a significant amount of work. Losing the results of that effort really sucks.  

All this to say, I should really go back up my profile 🤔 
 Considering I’ve already played some with listr.lol maybe that’s the way to go. 
This happened a while ago and I think it was explained to me, but my mind is usually a sieve for technical details. 
 What client/s do you use, and how do you get a client to follow or mute your listr lists? 
 #asknostr anyone use stainless steel baking sheets (no nonstick, no enamel or ceramic coating) that stay flat at high oven heat?  My most used temp is 375 F but I’d be more comfortable if it could go much higher without warping. 

I’m very ready for new baking sheets 😅 I use them for EVERYTHING

 I found some for sale at my state fair claimed never to warp. But it was over $100 for a SMALL baking sheet!  I’m gonna need a demonstration at least that it doesn’t warp, not just assurance… and even then, whoa 
I bet there are great options for cheaper 
 We’ve tried enamel steel before and it works “like magic”the first couple times, then holds onto all stains for dear life and eventually starts to chip. I got tired of this in frying pans and now use stainless only. 
I figure someone out there is engineering pans so they stay flat ish because of how they physically built the pan. 
 I’m concerned stains mean they’re not getting fully clean. 
I don’t really mind a thick baking sheet as long as it stays flat. It’s probably an asset, really. 
 As far as I know, seasoning on a cast iron is polymerized fats only, from an intentional application. Other food residues (are supposed to 👀) wash away. Having actual food residue seems like a health hazard, as well as affecting the flavor of your next dish. 
 I avoid nonstick coating like the plague, don’t worry! 
 Teaching the ten year old how to make his own beats and he's pretty fucking good!  
 That is badass!  Hope he keeps it up 
 I get that. I also get wanting to share your fun times together. 
 lol remember Google Plus? 
 What an awful name for so many reasons 
But it sounds like “flus” and “floozy” 
 speaking of friendship, who is your nostr bestie? what friends have you made through nostr? 

 Tough question to answer. Folks I like who I met on Nostr and have spent significant time talking to directly off Nostr are 
@The Beave 

If I tried to list others I consider Nostr friends, I’d definitely forget someone and feel bad. But yeah, you are definitely on that list, @karo 😊 
 That’s horrible. 
Someone once recommended I join the CIA and said it was so full of Christians they call it “Christians In Action.”  The more I know about the CIA the more deeply shocking and absurd that is. 
 Damus now showing full text replies from people I’ve muted. Not in the notifications pane, but in the push notifications. 

@elsat #nostrability 
 Ok!  Today, I got notifications when people I muted reacted to notes I made or was tagged in. I didn’t get notifications with replies because I don’t believe any such person replied to one of my notes today. Still, being notified of their reactions is also not ideal. 
 I have proof today that I am no longer seeing the text of muted replies in notifications for Damus. Thank you for fixing the problem 🙏 
 I have a few pieces I need to trim right now 😅