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 Americans, are you planning to leave the country or just fight and die? 
 Picking out my property in El Salvador!  
 Where, in your opinion, is the place to flee to that has a strong and reliable foundation for not going down the same political road as most of the West? 
 I think this is it. There's no where else to go.  
 Pre-covid, I would have told you Australia. But, now I'm convinced it's a trial state for totalitarianism. And no longer a human-rights safe haven as it once was. They'll easily forfeit their own, as we saw with Assange. Sad, because I now believe the US is the last remaining "free" state, despite the constitution's days being numbered. The founding fathers must be rolling in their graves. 
 I remember Australia's gun grab. Lots of people here in the US predicted Australia's current state. 
 Surprisingly, the buy back did not end all guns in Australia. Still legal to buy rifle or pistol, just heavily regulated. A 30-day cooling off period before you can get the gun you order. Also, no high capacity magazines or large caliber. And rifles need to be bolt action, unless the right license is attained for semi-auto. 
 Have you seen anyone with guns? Did these measures basically end practical gun ownership? Not on TV - actually see with your own eyes.

Regardless, these rules are completely unacceptable. Its absurd to agree to a thief's demands to only defend yourself in certain ways. 
 I'm an American living in Australia and I own a gun and my brother has multiple guns 😏

There's some other annoying rules required for gun ownership, though. Must have a safe that's bolted to floor. Keys cannot be nearby. And for pistol, must be member of a range to regular visit. 
 Tbh that's not as bad as I thought. How much does the range cost? 
 Not bad for annual price, mine is $300/yr 
 Yeah that's a deal 
 The constitution is at least slowing them down which is cause for hope. 
 I've been dreaming about it since I was a kid. 

I had one specific dream on deployment where I was lying face down on a scorched earth with my Sgt lighting a smoke and asking me "well ____ , what are you going to do about it?" 

Idk how to keep my family safe.  
 I live Thailand... Cash based society  
 Planning on leaving over and over, since I like travelling, and not dying. 
 We have to fight. If we can't be free here we won't be free anywhere 
 Government control over the people is just a shared delusion. There's like 10,000 citizens for every cop or soldier. It only takes a few percent of a population in active rebellion to overthrow a government. If the people reach a breaking point and are aware enough to fight it will be over faster and easier than anyone expects 
 Build... something. We can fight, or we can build. Look at nostr - people are building this. Look at that meshtastic thing people are doing. Idk what I'll build, but I know thats the only option other than fighting. 
 Why is fighting considered necessary?
Because we know how many of our neighbors would be complicit in our murder. 
Build a better way in parallel, attract your neighbors to it. 
Things begin to seem less bleak. 
The day might come when the loudest minority is the one laughing at the state’s tantrum demands instead of falling in line, and the rudder of the follower majority finally turns toward liberty. 
Maybe not without a shot — heck, I consider Ross and Assange and many more casualties already. But with fewer shots than there could have been, and more sticking power. 
 Ross and Assange are already victories. They're alive. That's 100℅ because of the internet. I'm very optimistic. All we gotta do is keep doing what we're doing - which is talking, vibing, having ideas, building, prepping, etc 
 You're right. 

I just see a wall of stupidity and brainwashed people fighting for slavery.  
 you are completely delusional if you think that computer programs are enough to defeat totalitarianism. as if all the people who were ripped out of their homes and sent to labor camps in china and russia would have been spared if only they had invested their time into an autistic radio hobby. 
 Who's the more delusional - the persom with an idea, or the person unwilling to try the idea? 
 Hunker down. It's easier to defend than offend in this case. We just have to fight back when it counts. 
 I guess we just don't have anyone and we're reliant on the grid and supply chain.  
 I dont see any other way that doesn't involve unknown territory. At least if youre at home you have familiarity with the lay of the land and the people. 
Or maybe I'm wrong and there are greener pastures , El Salvador, Costa Rica, or Dubai.  
Idk tho.  
 I do think about flying my family out to somewhere like that. Or Poland/Lithuania, and staying back to fight.  
 None of us are free. We aren't fighting back. It's been happening for decades, we are already in the cage. It's just getting smaller.

 It has been time to. So I left last year. 
I can’t get people to read the bitcoin white paper. I don’t want to try and convince them that their freedoms are being encroached on daily.
1. They won’t listen. 
2. They will say that I am crazy. Well, maybe I am, but I’m free enough to think that way. 

The time to fight has came and past. 
 They won't listen 
 I'm here for the duration. 
 Will you stay or go? 
 Idk. I'll probably try to get my family our and I'll stay.  
 If that isn’t one of the hardest decisions a man has to make… I don’t know what is. 
 That's good to know 🙂

Like it should be this hard 
 What’s going to happen here that requires all of us leaving?