Oddbean new post about | logout
 fitness content here fell off a bit.

what you doing for exercise? 
 2x group semi personal training per week, running, and riding my bike to the grocery store because I sold my truck to buy sats. Will try jujitsu once I recover from a lower back thing. 
 !! amazing 
 been loving biking lately 
 the best 
 i am scared of biking. but in amsterdam it was soo fun 
 It would be beautiful in amsterdam 
 🤩the city was made for bikes 
 yess, any nonbike transport is too dangerous there haha 
 And getting hit by them lol. The Dutch take no prisoners when you’re walking in the bike lane 😬 
 that’s why i was happy to have a bike this year and start ringing the bell back 
 @mcshane  posts on grappling over the past years made me want to learn more organic forms of self defense. All the options. 
 Waiting for you to bring it.  
 bring what 
 the fitness content 
 it’s gonna be a while, your turn 🤙 
 youre funny 
 then more cooking content 😄 
 i worked for a place that had soup yoga classes. we need to combine forces one day and do some kind of me-watch-men-roll-while-i-eat-soup segment for my new podcast 😁   
 I take taekwando lessons with my kids 
 amazing, grew up doing that with my da. great memories 
 Dumbbells, walks, Pilates. You?? 
 having a medical moment, inexplicable internal abdominal bleeding… still hitting a few lifts that don’t make it hurt. But mostly just walking a bit, eating clean, reading and trying to recover.

Cannot wait to get back to jiu jitsu and full lifting here in November 🤙 
 🙏 imho, better to just rest completely.

the body does a lot of good for itself, during those rest periods too. 
 you’re probably right but it drives me absolutely insane 
 those sound great! love dumbells 
 Mike Mentzer style high intensity shit. Heavy ass lifts twice a week til failure. 
 this is the way 💪 
 What are heavy ass lifts for you? 
 Depends on the lift. 
 Bench, Squat and Deadlift?  
 I still bench. 285 for 8 currently working up to 315. I gave up squatting and deadlift due to a disc issue in my back so I do leg presses and hack squats instead. 
 Awesome! Heavy ass weight indeed.  
 I only do one or two sets though in this style of training though. Not including warm up sets. 
 Then how do you get your volume in? With Machines?  
 I don’t get volume in, this is a low volume style of training. Workouts take like 20 mins total. 
 Damn that is heavy 👀

I’ve been doing kettlebell swings for a while now and that fixed any back issues I had. Maybe it works for you too. 
 I have an actual disc herniation from a snowboard accident 10 years ago, so nothing really helps (tried everything) but it’s manageable. 
 Shit that sucks dude. 
 It’s all good man. That’s life. Bar hangs help. 
 Good. Should add those to my routine. Heading to the gym now actually 👊 
 2+ daily hours of walking outside in natural footwear, daily squats and pushups 
 High intensity on my bellicon rebounder and barre. At least that’s what I did when I had a will to live. 😂 And CrossFit but the people were too shallow and intolerable. 
 i don’t know what those things are but sounds awesome.

I think crossfit is really dumb but it makes my mom happy so i’ll tolerate it haha 
 Walking, rowing machine, yoga & stretching daily 
 hell yea! great combo 
 if it weren’t for many of you casually posting about your training, runs & workouts, i’d be less fit right now.  

ugh, N💜STR. 😂 
 this what we’re here for hombre 
 Definitely need more of this in my life. Especially as a health conscious individual with a exercise science background 

Go figure huh 
 so what’s the move 
 To move lol 
 Mostly just wrestling and lifting a few times a week, how about you? 
 no way! wrestling?? love wrestling practice man, hardest sport 
 Yes i'm in my senior year of college, I've been wrestling since 5th grade and this will be my last season. 

Were you a wrestler as well? How long have you been into Jitz? 
 o that’s awesome man! find a bjj gym after that has wrestling practice.

i grew up wrestling in the midwest. my stepdad was a national champ/coach. I wasn’t good at all but was around it a lot.

I’ve been doing bjj as often as possible just over 5 years. with a lot of wrestling classes and grappling for mma classes sprinkled in. it’s my whole social life outside of work 
 Damn national champ is crazy impressive! 

I’ve done a little bjj in the offseasons but definitely thinking I’ll transition to that and maybe some muy thai / mma training post college just to have something to keep working at. 

Such a great community of people with combat sports and the awsome thing about bjj is it can be a lifelong discipline. 
 dude i’m pumped for you. So much endless discovery there. The other cool part is there is jiu jitsu almost everywhere on the planet, and the people are usually interesting and fun 
 Thanks man, I’m definitely exited to dive into it!  love how the UFC has really mainstreamed martial arts I think more people training is a big net positive. 
 absolutely, just like how the grappling community all grow together you now have almost unified principles across martial arts 
 Crazy how much martial arts have leveled up in such a short period of time. 

But then again it’s kind of an example of how free markets and open competition drives innovation. 

When all the arts were siloed there very little improvement but put them all head to head and we can actually figure out what works! 
 yes, plus the magic of open source / internet 
 Tennis, Pilates, and rhythmic barre 
 💪 love tennis. the moost fun. 
 For real!! It took me a few weeks to figure out it takes strategy. Now it’s all I wanna do on a beautiful day and watch on a rainy one 😂🦾 
 Helene brought down thousands of trees in my neighborhood. 

All chainsaw work & log throwing since then, keeps me sore 
 wow, been there brotha hope it’s going well as can be. at least you get plenty of outside time :) 
 Barbell and dumbbell lifts. Mostly maintenance, not trying for PRs. Overhead press, deadlifts, bench, squats, along with lying tricep extensions, French press, etc. also, got a standing desk. Made an improvement in my posture 
 standing workday is key! and nice, love a lot of those lifts 
 Get an anti-fatigue floor mat. Makes a big difference (on my feet 8 hours a day and feet are not sore when I get home ) 
 i usually stand or work outside, but also have gym mats in a couple rooms. does make a diff 
 100 squats and 100 pushups a day until 100k 
 also, tennis with my wife and short runs with my dog.  
 exercise with others is the best 
 damn that’s no joke! probably feels awesome to beat your times on those 
 Tibetan yoga, Sandow-style dumbbell routine, walking when it's nice out  
 sounds like a great routine ☯️ 
 I need to add some kind of cardio 😃 
 jumprope is supreme 
 Living on a boat so very limited with space but doing 30mins a morning of conscious stretching and calisthenics using the body as a weight and loving it. Works well for our environment and makes you feel awesome. Amazed how little you need to do to make yourself feel great. It’s all about POW 
 that sounds peaceful! what kind of water? 
 The salty kind in the Pacific at present.  It’s a great way to live free and to opt out. 
 Lift, hike, heavy bag, work, and when the weather blesses skateboard, swim, kayak, snorkel 
 amazing line up of activities. the best 
 Life is excellent my friend. I must honor my time alive by doing fun stuff. 
 Gym and outdoor running most of the time. Biking sometimes. I love the gym but it is always fun to get outside too 
 Run a 5K 3-5 days a week. 
 I am doing this... Though sometimes have several days in between each work out but aiming to shorten gaps, also walking and yin yoga. 
 This https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhu1QCKrfgPW3VAMHM-wefcO4ZyXf6cwt&si=_TxiJLNuZstUlYDf 
 dumbell and body wait always a good choice ! 
 Lifting for progressive overload. Walking a ton and some sprints 
 Push, Pull, and Legs split. Highly enjoyable. Takes me no more than an hour per workout.  
 Olympic weightlifting. Got a lifetime PB front squat this week! 
 Also rucking. 
 mainly calisthenics and burpees 
 been sussing calisthenics a lot recently. throwing in some runs also. great change up to standard gym 
 Depends on the mood. Either CrossFit, running, mountain biking. 
 sprinting(30-200 metres), high jumping, lift heavy shit 
 Taekwondo, Weights, rest on Sunday 
 My own shit. 
 Never ran or lifted more weight in my life 
 We all getting fat! 

MTB & mountaineering if possible, but crossfit much more often. 
 - Walk
- Push Ups
- Pull ups
- Kettle Bells 
 split squats
pull ups
push ups 
dead lifts
large muscle group compound movements that elevate heart rate 🤜🤛 
 i'm in that phase that i know i should be doing way more than i should, i guess the 30s will teach me in the most brutal way and force me to start doing it. 
 working on absolute strength and endurance. push, pull, carry, hinge, squat... building from 800m repeats. 10 more weeks and then digging into endurance focus. Probably hot back into BJJ then, too. 
 Run and strength train 
 75% resistance training 25% cardio training 
 4k power-walking daily, 6k cycling daily (to/from work), 3x /week gym full body workout 💪🏼 
 ACTIVELY teaching/coaching tennis, lifting...either light with BFR cuffs or heavy...swimming, rowing, sauna.

Teach 5 days/week, try to lift/row 3x/week and get one swim in. Shoot for sauna at least 3x/week. 
 My fitness effort has fallen off a bit too 🤣 
 Variable Resistance Training using X3.
Walk the dog most days... 
 Trying to hit 30 minutes of Zone 2, 6 days a week, with another 30-45 minutes of some form of strength, mixture of bodyweight, machines and/or freeweights.

Following Dr. Attia's cardio protocol with Zone 2 training most days and one/two day a week of Zone 3-4. 
 What's the net good for? Planks?

Or is it more a dual purpose for kids to play as well?