Oddbean new post about | logout
 I just had an idea why don’t you reply to this note introducing yourself

saying a couple things about yourself as short or as detailed as you want it to be

in the hopes of meeting someone new, possibly a new fren, a likeminded individual, idk let’s see what happens 
 Hi. I'm Nelly. I've been addicted to Bitcoin for 2 years now. Live in Ontario. I climb trees for living.  
 You're an arborist? 
 I am. 🌳 
 What do you do?  
 I work in electrical engineering, currently. 
 Now that's impressive. 🤍 
 Um you sound interesting 
 I also trim trees, have a grand project in my backyard.  Technically I don't own the tree yet but saving up to buy the property it is on. 
 Hell ya dude.  I hung up the saddle a couple years ago but I still got the Tree Motion.

I only climb my trees when the storms break out the tops lol. 
 either y’all being shy af orrr 

ur all writing the longest replies ever 
 Done Beaches 

 Reading all the previous replies takes time, my dude!  
 Wow, I posted before reading this epic thread 😂. This is going to take a while! 
 Hello i am nobody

Just a pleb with a fiat job stacking sats and meeting kewl people here

I deletid Xitter™️ despite an INTENSELY PASSIONATE relationship with the Stackchain™️ where many frens have fun stacking sats and making memes

Bitcoin only - all other crYpTo is poopy (shitcoins) due to whack incentives. There is no second best, not even close. Yes, even Etheireuem™️ is a company and mETH is just their flagship shitcoin

I enjoy long walks with my wifu and doggo

Alcohol is a straight up shitcoin imo

It is my wish to see people not be dicks to each other without good reason amidst an genuine disagreement

Nuff said. Doxxid af 
 Kewl is so 90s chat 
 Hi. Names Billy. I’m a 40 year old ex-front end developer now trying to teach myself how to draw and paint to start a new career as an artist. I have my Bitcoin, my dog, and my wife and just hoping I’ll keep most of my teeth before the fiat apocalypse. Broke and happy and better than being a fiat slave. 
 Proud of you buddy 
 Let me know if you have any specific questions about keeping or replacing your teeth 
 Xylith boosts calcium metabolism best combined with trace amounts of Calcium Chloride. Chewing mastic gum is phun. No advice ! 
 Im Vic, aka Vicarious Drama, or Victor. I've been using nostr for about a year. My main activities are software development and Im the primary contributor for Corny Chat, Nodeyez, and Boost Zapper bot. Outside of computer stuff, I like hiking, cycling, karaoke, and sometimes play or DM Dungeons & Dragons. 
 Sup Vic.
I havent played dnd in years.
How come there isnt a standing game on nostr?
world continues to evolve, parties and their deities (DM) come and go etc?
Idle thought 
 I thought you were joking when you said your name was Victor in cornychat the other night. Now I can't stop imagining you as Viktor Krum from the Harry Potter books/movies.  
 Hah. I wish it was a k. Beautiful letter. 
 I mean, you could sign it with a k.  
 And if it makes you feel any better, my name is technically a boy name. And I don't mean Rupert. Lol.  
 What up, I’m Noshole and I love chaos. 
 Best intro  
 She’s basically the devil you guys keep your seat and lid down you never know when her feet will strike again. 
 This person always puts a smile on my face.  A wild one into chaos for sure.  But mostly friendly. 
 I love you too … QTK 
 You do 😂😂😂🫂 
 Hi, I am Dan Wedge, I am building a permaculture fresh-cut flower farm, and I am a loose Cannon. 
 This is one of the better replies 🤙 
 Thanks f2₿ 
 I'm Nosnevets.

Apparently I post too much music🤷🏽

I live my life with 4 rules:

1. You do you because Imma do me 🤷🏽
2. Fuck around and find out because I ain't no bitch.
3. I'll try anything twice because the first time I might've not been in the right mood or really know what I was getting myself into.
4. When people tell me I'll regret that in the morning I politely scream into their face I SLEEP TILL NOON

I'm an absurdist, an anarchist, a weirdo, a Filmmaker, artist, moustachioed movie encyclopedia, Jedi Viking, space cowboy, airship pirate, sexy magickian.

I'm single but mustache rides ain't free🤷🏽🖤🤍 
 Space Cowboy sounds intriguing 🤔

 I'm Entropy, been hanging out here since last August. Decided to start fresh and ditch the name/pfp I used when I was on BT.

I write fiction as a hobby. Bitcoin saved my marriage by rewiring my brain into longer time horizons and showing up for myself and my relationships.

I'm left of the bell curve about technology, and am generally into prepping and gun culture although you would not at all assume that if you met me on the street. 

I think there's enough people fighting for a better world that I no longer despair about the future.

 Awesome. I got my B.A. in creative writing, but write mostly non-fiction these days.

Do you publish on nostr or participate in any writer's workshops? 
 Publication would mean finishing a story 😂

I've been working on two on and off for 20 years. Probably won't be able to finish them until I am able to escape the fiat job. 

I'm not in any workshops but I'm not opposed to them. Last time I participated in that kind of thing was in college. 
 Start writing short short stories. 100 words or less. 
 Dude, if they are any good, finishing them can mean NOT being a fiat wage slave. I'm... Pretty serious about getting my book published so I can stop working for other people and dedicate my time to writing more and building my home in the mountains.  
 I want to read it! I also write 
 I don't have anything fit for consumption... yet anyway. What do you write? 
 We need to start a writer's community or something. 

Ready doesn't mean too much. I've released 160 pages of my first novel to readers mostly from nostr. I was nervous but it was one of the better decisions I've made lately.  
 I'm gonna read it I swear 🫡 
 Is that so? Lol! 

No rush. No worries.  
 There is not one yet... I have no clue how to start one.  
 How can I read it? 
 Oh... DM me, preferably by simplex.  
 sci-fi 🙃 naturally 
 #Bitcoin is an actionable Schelling point for optimists, savers, technologists, realists, truth-seekers, low time-preference actors and builders of all types. 

This Network has literally saved millions of humans from Nihilism, poverty and despair in the age of fiat. Likely billions more will find salvation of some kind through Bitcoin in the future. It’s a non-supernatural miracle. 
 Last sentence hits hard 
 Good move ditching the BT name. Don’t understand why people want to link themselves to KYC platforms! 
 I'm with you on this fight.

Unified, the #plebs armed with #Bitcoin will reshape the world for the better. 
 Hi, I’m GHOST. I do not like piña coladas and gettin’ caught in the rain but I am into privacy, cybersecurity, and gardening. 
 In the dunes of The Cape? 
 Yo. I’m J.P.F.R.O.G. I’m a humble pleb and customer service serf tasked with running an EMR cash register while toiling away in the neo-feudalistic wasteland that is modern healthcare…in between clicks I’m allowed to help patients. 🤙 
 You forgot…degenerate and senile old man! 
 Did you know every letter stood for something Marie? 
 Not picking on you Marie but I take highly on your compliments to @jpfrogmd  !  He sets a high standard for the rest of us.  I am still working on jerk and gross. 
 You’re in the right hands with frog, he will most certainly get you there of being a great jerk and gross! 😂💜 
 The fool is proved every time he argues with marie 
 That’s not arguing…..this is how she flirts. 
 Get a room…… 
 Rawr at you too 🐺 
 Wanna join us? 

 I’ve got my new pants ready 😜 https://i.nostr.build/9o5o.jpg  
 I just ordered some custom underwear…..it says torpedo on the front and bomber on the back……should be fun 😂😜 
 Pics or you don’t have them 😜 
 I’ll send you a pic when they get here. I don’t see those pants on you? 
 Who says they’re not on me in this pic? 
 Called this back on the virgin plane 
 I don’t get it? 😂 virgin plane? 
 If you don’t get it I don’t have time to explain it 😜😂 
 Okay 😂 
 I didn’t. 
 Does that zipper go all the way up the back too? 
 See for yourself 😜 
 Who's arguing?  I definitely have different views and opinions than Marie's but diversity is good!  Not to be confused with "diVeRsiTy".

Also it isn't about our differences but what we have in common... ☺️
... #bitcoin 
 I actually adore my frog friend, we love to have banter here and we muck around pretending we don’t like each other but we’re actually good frens! 
 shut up

 You shut up, frog! 🐶🐾🤣🫂😈 
you shut up 🐶 


Who side you on Danny?

 The fools lol 
 acronyms r hard 
 Getting ed doc vibes 
 close…hospital med…I occasionally get to pick up the pieces of their shattered misdiagnoses 🤣 
 MISSED YOU 😉🤦🏻‍♀️😉. I am sorry to you but not sorry either 🤣❗️😉

 Hi I’m Hodl. I’m a guy who does things. 
 Sounds good. I’m Peter and I’ve been living/working in Shanghai since 1995. Ask me anything 😀 
 What do you find so compelling about China that you would stay there for so long? Genuinely curious, relocating to a different country isn't something I would ever consider, so it would be interesting to hear more. 
 Well, it was a series of events that led to to stay for so long in Shanghai. You know, life. Can share though that when I arrived something just clicked. 

Recall my father saying when I was young that in life you have two homes. The one you were born into and the one you make. Shanghai, for me, was the latter. 

As for what keeps me here, well that would just be the environment. China is honestly a meritocracy in terms of what you put in you get out. And I’ll stress, #China is far more than what is contained in the headlines. I actually agree with nearly all the critiques leveled against China. It is also true, however, that those critiques are woefully incomplete. 

Not sure if I’ve answered your question. 
 You did! Thanks for sharing. I know the view from outside is incomplete... That's true of anywhere. I just find it interesting to hear about choices like yours because it's so far afield from what I would be comfortable with.

Cheers 💜 
 Well then, let me provide more specificity. Was working on Wall Street in the early 90s and hated my job. #China was just coming into the zeitgeist and I detested the idea of having to get my MBA. Knew that labor is a commodity so decided instead to begin learning Mandarin. 

After years of studying my teacher mentioned that there were a ton of English teaching gigs and asked if I would be interested. Being young and having zero responsibilities I said “absolutely”. 

Was meant to be an 18 month contract. It was but I stayed and began working for different American companies which needed a local rep. Zero regrets. 
 Rumor has it that you are also a guy who has 6.15 #Bitcoin. 
 Drive lift & carry? 
 G’day! I’m Marie a crazy Aussie that loves animals and enjoys shitposting!
My hobbies include drinking wine, drinking champagne, drinking tequila and eating too many carbs!
Looking forward to meeting my Nostr frens in RL soon 💜 
 Hi I'm Uno and I'm building Pleb.lol and I'm a degenerate. 
 I also identify as a Canis lupus
familiaris (dog) 🐕 
 Hi my name is Jay. I'm also sleepy 😪😴 GN  
 Ok now that I'm not sleepy, my name is Jay and my handle is WiseHODL.

I'm a software engineer for work, and I used to be a control systems engineer for power plants. At my old job, I spent a lot of time hacking a certain proprietary, legacy control system to make my regular job a bit easier. I came up with a lot of ideas for things we could develop to make things bit less hellish. But I didn't have the time, so after a big project I was working on finished, I felt I had peaked as a controls engineer and quit to try and write code for a living.

But what do you know, all that hacking paid off because another team at the company still wanted me to develop the things I wanted to make, but never had time to do. So for the past few years I've been working as a contractor for my old employer building the applications I would have wanted when I was there. 

I'm a huge bitcoiner, and I first bought by FOMOing in during the 2019 pump. I immediately took a huge loss and traded my cost basis down about 20%. Then it crashed even more but I kept my hands off. I spent that time trading to learn why I shouldn't try and trade and just hold instead. The bull run in 2020-21 was a big reason why I quit my job because I suddenly had the savings to do it. Holding Bitcoin has changed the way I view everything because of the lowered time preference. I take my time about everything now, and it's nice. 

Besides hodling Bitcoin, I practice American Kempo Karate, I study and live the Bhagavad Gita, I like to cook, work out, game, read, learn, do tarot readings etc. I used to have severe depression out of college, but after a lot of self reflection and work on myself, I pulled out of it. I dislike drama and gossip, and I prefer to be alone a lot of the time. Nostr turned me into an emoji maxi 🙏💪🫂🫡🤙👌😁🧡

I could go on and on about myself, but I feel like I've written enough, lol.

Anyway, it's nice to introduce myself, Sleepy and everyone else 🫂 
 I’m a bitcoin maximalist. I love #bitcoin and #Nostr #btc is hope for the world 
am | 7 months ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +17
 Hi my pronouns are AN/CAP and I identify myself as a non-taxable subject, enemy of the state 
 I butter me nuts up, then sunbathe them for adequate amounts of time. Me now toasted nuts become sun-roasted, which bolsters me next nut.

 Hello, I am Wetoshi. Software engineer, Bitcoiner and aspiring musician. 👋 
 Wet 🤣🤣🤣🤣‼️ 
 I have that effect on people 😉 
 I work in finance and most enjoy time with family, skiing, reading, learning about Bitcoin, and gardening. Have hazelnuts, lots of herbs, and elderberries pretty well established and trying to get some dwarf fruit trees in old Jack Daniel’s barrels going this year as my big 2024 project. 
 Elderberries are badass 
 I have crippling depression. 😁 
 You and I brother, you and I.  
 Been there my friend 🫂💜 
 I had severe depression for a long time. You'll find your way 🫂 
 Awww you're all too sweet. 🥰 
 I'm on a long journey trying to find out who I am.  
 Godspeed 💫 
 Good luck on your journey mate 🫂 
 Hi, I’m Florian! I love to make stuff: software, woodworking, photos, cooking... I have a hard time saying no thats why I am also preoccupied with other stuff that I don’t love. 
 Hello, SBF and his kin israeled my BTC.
Anything will help, please save me.

Lightning Address : appealforassistanceftxscamvictim@geyser.fund

BTC : bc1q9vfmfwj6av9pxj50r6xyl652mwhqvw5ds86nw2 
 I struggle with saying no as well. 
 I'm obsessed with sports and trying my best to force this normie subject in Nostr  
 #NFL is my sport ball of choice. Since I found bitcoin I really can’t handle the low intelligence media on it. I watch all games but Super Bowl on mute. I feel I observe much more of what’s happening by just focusing on the sight sense. Also think I can see the game unfolding more slowly  🤷‍♂️ 
 Glad you are! 
 Last 13 quarters of SuperBowl football and not a single holding call against the Chiefs Oline. 
 Hello, I'm Ronin, I'm a software developer mostly in the .Net stack. I like football (soccer), music mostly metal/rock and movies.  
 hi ronin

Swinging a hatori to hanzo 
 Hi there colleague 👋
I didn't find many .net developers here.  
 Hi! Yeah not a trendy stack I guess, even less on open source projects. Good to see another .net dev. Followed!  
 Unfortunately though... I'm a great fan of .Net. Even though it's a Microsoft product 😂 
 Yeah me too, love my c# and VS studio and Code. A lot of trending languages out there its just hype.  
 I also use VS on work, but in private I use JetBrains Rider and that's a really great substitute for VS and much cheaper. I also like that the whole .Net stack works on Linux. 
 Hi! I’m Farfallica, I am originally from Brazil but currently living in Toronto-Ontario. I love learning new things and got interested in bitcoin because of Nostr. I’m a tarot reader and a teacher. My favourite hobbies are travelling,cooking and photographing. My favourite sport is swimming and I am addicted to chocolate. 😃 I love my nostr friends. 
 So you never used bitcoin before learning about nostr? That's really cool. 
 There are dozens of us! 
 Hi I’m Luke, I mine fiat with a truck and cardboard boxes during the day, play paintball once every couple years, and co-host an obnoxious podcast with some dudes 
 Hello Luke 🤙 
 Hey Luke. What's the podcast about? 
 A lot of different stuff, we usually start out with current events in the news and then depending on which of the 3-5 of us are on for the Those 3 Dudes podcast we have our own segments… Alec or Chris usually talk firearms, Dave talks historical events or people, John is original from Australia so he gives us Americans information about people, places, culture, and things from down under, and I usually talk farming, gardening, and self sufficiency… and all of us are libertarian or anarchist so we usually put freedom and liberty on our spin of commentary 
 disc golf, hockey 
 based, like Casey DeSmith  
 student of Jesus Christ, bitcoin, opsec student; C grades all around. privacy enthusiast, grammar nazi, spelling rule hater. naturally very dry and dark humor, which doesn't translate well to text. have had ~15 jobs and 3 careers, now work in the usa medical industrial complex and the usa military industrial complex, use my skills resources and connections to keep peeps i love out of both. enjoy gardening, orchard tending, family time, reading, raising cows, raising bees, survivalism, mountain biking, camping, radios, firearms. interested in your experience building parallel economy / resilient local infrastructure. adhd, unmedicated, coffee addict. do i win longest bio? 
 Hello, I'm Brunswick. I know everything that is cool and I've seen God face to face. I am doing my best to repopulate the west, but I'm afraid 8 is all I can do. 
 I'm very curious to hear about your meeting if you'd be comfortable sharing the story.

Also congratulations on the big family. That's a true blessing.  
 Woke up early this morning and remembered something about red, blue and green stones in the throne room of God. I had a dream a few years ago where I was standing in front of God on a highly polished white marble floor. It was so highly polished that it reflected. It reflected so clearly you didn't even want to stand on it and leave your footprints. The floor was also somewhat transparent, you could see beneath it. Far below the floor was the lake of fire and the bottomless pit with many petrified souls in the lake. The room above spanned further than you could see in three directions, behind me was a white wall with a door. The floor transitioned to stair-steps up, about three that also stretched to the left and right further than you can see. With the door behind me a few steps, there in front of me about 20 feet, is God sitting on his legs on the second step looking in my direction somewhat over my head. Surrounding him are silk pillows with gold fringes, each pillow was one of deep red, royal blue, or emerald green. In front of him, at his knees and resting on the first step are a stack of about 7 books. The books were for me to take and were there to answer questions about what I should do in my life at the time. They were a selection of books that I had on my shelf in my office. I could recognize two of them from their bindings, one was a dummies' book. God motioned with his right arm to sit next to him on the pillows, but I refused thinking I wasn't worthy. I then moved to take the books and go back to the physical world, but then I was filled with fear that these books might not be for me. God laughed at my piousness, and I immediately woke up. Today when I woke up, I began to re-read Revelation, chapters 1 through 3. Never before did those books make sense to me, that our standard for perfection is so high, even as Christians. Then I read chapter 4, where John is brought to the throne room of God. He says in front of God's throne is a "sea of glass like crystal." John says "He that sat was to look upon like a Jasper (deep blue) and a sardine stone (blood red), and there was a rainbow round about the throne, in sight like unto an emerald (green)." If I know anything about biblical translations, its that its often twisted, with improper linking of nouns and verbs. Particularly in important verses. Knowing what I saw in this dream, Rev 4 makes much more sense. So you're wondering what God looked like. I believe this image is likely a reflection of something written in my genes and it may be different for everyone. Is what I saw absolutely what God looks like? Likely not, and it was apparent that the purpose of the dream wasn't to show me exactly what God looks like. What I saw was a person who seemed to be about 10ft tall, similar in shape to my biological father. His face was aged, but without wrinkles. At first glance you might guess him to be a very healthy 70 years old. He was dressed in a thin linen robe (light taupe fibers), sleeves to the elbows. He wore it somewhat open at the chest, a large and strong looking chest like an athlete. He had long white wavy hair to his neck and a long light gray curly beard, no wider than his face, down to his belly. He sat in complete stillness and appeared to be comfortable kneeling on the hard surface. His expression conveyed a strength from authority, but kindness and fatherly love. 
 This is something I wrote about a year ago 
 Thank you for sharing that! Did the dream result in a measurable a shift in your life? 
 People always ask me that. Its revelation,  knowledge I couldn't have on my own accord. It explains everything. How could it not effect the way I see the world? Mind you, I still get caught up in the zeitgeist and endure all the evil in the world, but its calming to know His is help within reach if only we allow it. 
 Hi everyone! I’m a professional musician and instrument maker that’s been deep in the bitcoin rabbit hole for going on 7 years. Thankful for all I’ve learned from fellow bitcoiners and enjoy connecting with other artists and creatives. 
 hello my name is Samuel I live in Amsterdam ny I'm a solarpunk bitcoiner and bitcoin is my number 1 but I also like digibyte as well. I like to travel to different bitcoin only events around the world or nostr events around the world #btc #dgb #⚡️

 I’m going to be in Amsterdam this summer. Where can I use btc or other crypto? 
 there is an app called btc map and it will point to merchants that accept btc while your Amsterdam this summer  
 It’s ok but out of date 
 well im sure their are other solutions out there to help you out  
 👋 im 🦖 from 🇮🇩 u can find out more about me here : https://bac0t.my.id 
 Nice try, spook ;) 
 fuuu https://i.nostr.build/kMw3.jpg  
 I met sleepy irl and can confirm he looks and acts like a fed 
 I am a cartoon frog on the internet. 
I think that civilization is a shared delusion 
and that free will is mostly an illusion. 
I believe that we will be free when we choose to be. 

In the end there will be only bitcoin 
 Hi, I'm a Lizard. I used to watch sports ball and play video games. Now I run a Lightning node, exercise, and eat a low carb diet. I guess you could say I'm a cliché Bitcoiner. 
 Seamless/Craft are ingenious. Appreciated. Did you take the Hattori Hanzo with you? 
 I’m a people person who pretty much keeps to himself. My purpose in life is to love everybody I meet. (Hey … why tf not?)

Problem is, most people are so caught up fighting with or blindly following some other people that they don’t know anymore how to love or be loved.

This is why I keep to myself. It’s just easier than being misunderstood. But I will never give up loving. One person at a time. Until my last breath. 

Corny. But true. 
I am a bit corny. 💜 
 I enjoy CrossFit, bitcoin, learning new things, my family and friends! 
 Hi, names Sillyboi. I like willfully giving away information about myself on an open protocol so profiles can be compiled based off my history. Looking for a new friends, maybe foreign government intelligence or maybe even a domestic intelligence service if you’re cute enough. Just generally want someone to know me better than I know myself, and to predict my actions using artificial intelligence. Hell if we really hit it off you might be able to use the data you compile to create actionable plans to manipulate me 🤷‍♂️ 
 Hi, I am an art lover and I occasionally do paintings because it is one of the few things that make me happy.
I live in Italy. 
 I am the Nacho Libre. I’m a Flutter/Dart developer and would love any good tutorials to get kickstarted developing on Nostr. 

Tonight I…
went to restaurant by myself, 
worked on my taxes, 
spent 2hrs putting my kids to bed 
 honorable grind fren 
 Hi Ser Sleepy! I'll gladly introduce myself, since too many people assume I'm a guy. Maybe it's the love for booze, scifi, hard rock or that I say fuck a lot, maybe the shitposting.🤷🏻‍♀️😁
I'm a stay-at-home mummy raising two boys. We've been locked with babies without family or friends in foreign country for all the covid era, I managed to develop fantastic anxieties and pretty strong ancap-anarchy opinions. Nostr is my exclusive social media thing, my biggest hobby is learning to act in heavy metal operas in Prague, in a few years I hope we get to nomading or at least small farm.
Because fuck this toxic system, I didn't sign for this current shit and won't comply.
Nice to meet you.☺️ 
 Bäretta is a sovereign individual 😃👏🏻💜 Nice to meet you. 🫂 
 Nice to meet you too, witch from the West!😀 
 Hello, I am NOBODY. 
 You are not @nobody 
 Hi I’m Marks and I make this weekly freedom tech podcast https://fountain.fm/show/jCajOVJfkIXAkAyqvmW6 
 Hi this is KlikSynK, I just live by my own rules. Although I listen to what people have to say and respect their opinion, it doesn’t mean I agree or follow the same path. I always go my own way although it might be stubborn, but at least when a mistake is made I can blame myself and carry on instead of blaming someone I followed. I work when I want and how I want, take holidays or breaks when I want, say whatever I want and wake up whenever I want in the morning (oops last one is not entirely true, my dog decides that for me lol) Anyway, what I try to say is live your own life people don’t follow anybody because they say it is the best way and think for yourself. 
 Voluntaryist, hodler, privacy n00b, social butterfly, otaku, turn-based jrpg gamer. 
 Retired eccentric, part time underwear model, likes honest money. 
 Hi 👋🏼 I’m Veil 💖

I pull tarot cards and tinker with bitcoin/nostr. Currently interested in gardening, renewable energy, and peer-to-peer application development. Hope everyone is doing well 😘


Big fan of Bitcoin. I train kettlebell sport and just competed in my third competition (first one virtually). I’ve been playing ultimate frisbee for about 20 years. This past year I adopted an animal based diet and plan on making a better life through sound money and good health. 

Currently watching UFC fights and looking forward to F1 coming back next week. 
 Hi everyone - I’m Steven. I started a software business which I ran for 20 years before handing it off to new owners two years ago. I used the opportunity to move away from the city and now I live on a farm. I spend my days learning how to be self-sufficient. 
 Did that life too before enjoy 
 I'm a cuckservative  

I love golf and learning about bitcoin.

It’s an honour to be here. Downloading the Damus app has been one of the best decisions I’ve made.

I used to be an accountant but now I spend my time in bitcoin and run a golf company with my little brother.

I’m a lucky guy. 
 Congrats! Great to hear. Am I the only insane person who works in corporate finance and actually likes it? Love me some excel spreadsheets 👍🏻 
 Haha I’m also a big fan of spreadsheets. 

I use them quite often on the daily bitcoin show I do.

I find it really helps with a visual instead of just saying words. 
 Hiii. Self-hosting Enthusiast. Privacy Advocate. sometimes DJ. And I really love food and cooking. And backpack whenever I can.  
 Share and explore #epicnature 
 Hi ser.
Im in Chinada and am an individual freedom maximalist. Anti-statist. 

Office chameleon by day, hobbyist coder and student of the dark arts by night. Always humbly studying and improving knowledge wet privacy and opsec. Growing interest in cybersecurity.

Psychonautics disciple and partaker of herb. Coffee addict.
Books and podcasts about philosophy, economics, tech and politics.

Music enjoyer. I think it's one of the few truly divine and transcendental things in life. Nothing beats listening to a soon-to-be-favorite banger the first time, when your mind follows the sound waves uncertain what it'll hear next. Love all kinds of music, but these days I'm a whore for synthwave, folk & power metal, orchestral.

Standup comedy respecter. Fastest way to bore me is to lack a sense of humor. No time for NPCs with sticks up their ass.

Oh and Bitcoiner, obviously. 
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
 Hey I’m freecritter. I founded the current company I run before I discovered #bitcoin. 
I’m trying to use my #product #janitor skills for #nostr. Learning a little #design too. 

Hit me up if you’re a #dev building and need some help 🙏💜🤙 
 the name is Sparky, netdiver & 🧡 bitcoin 
 I'm Laurien (like Delorean without the DUH), a #V4V podcaster and decentralized music (#DeMu / #sovereignmusic) DJ running with scissors alongside a small group of ⚡LIT⚡ Podcasting 2.0 enthusiasts. There's almost always a live podcast playing in my house and I love popping into their IRCs.

Been running a node for three years and selling stuff for sats every time there's a local #Bitcoin blockparty. Protocols like #Nostr and #RSS excite me for their censorship resistance because I love the freedom of nudity and posting pics lovingly termed wholesome smut.

Offline, I'm a wife and homebirthing mom of four unschooled kids with three dogs, chickens and an interest in plant medicine.

When I get a minute for myself, I like to watch anime, go bowling, try new recipes and home DIY projects, make art / music, hike through the woods, cosplay / model, play videogames and read fiction.

Oh, and Buffy gifs are my love language.

#introductions #OnlySats #weedstr #growNostr 
 Way cool! You’re an interesting person. Mad respect for the homebirthing too. 
 Thanks Ava! There are so many cool, friendly people on here. It's nice to be a part of something positive and growth oriented. 
 Sup. Just a guy with a broken heart, trying to become the best version of myself. Into #Bitcoin, philosophy, yoga, music, fitness and generally making the world a better place :) 
 Yoga!!!  Love it. Need more men to get into it all. And what doesn’t kill you and your heart….  Much love brother. 
 I’m Force2B and I believe that the universe owes you nothing and neither does anyone else. If you truly want something you must learn to provide it from scratch for yourself and the ones you love. This includes peace and love, to provide it for yourself it must come from yourself, look inward more than looking to info provided from the outside world.

Also I’m and ex-Civil Engineer, I love: Bitcoin, proof-of-work, math, gardening, and the little moments throughout the day where you fall in love with a stranger because you see them do a selfless act and they didn’t know you were looking.

Also a big fan of whiskey. 
 I'm a logistician and software developer, specialized in business informatics, production logistics, and embedded systems. Specialty is quality assurance, data modelling, and analytics.

I'm Catholic, German, and I am married with 2 adult children.

I post a lot of chartporn and philosophy. 
 Oh, and I constantly change my PfP. 
 I know, and every tine you do, I think I'm following someone new. 
 It's performance art. I call this one "Nearly Illuminati". 
 Nobody. My father and mother, all my other friends— they call me Nobody. 
 P.S.: The Odyssey, Book 9.   
 Nice try Fed! 
 I'm sourcenode. I used to work a corporate sales job that was crushing my soul so I bought bitcoin, quit my job, and spent the last three years creating content to teach people everything I know.


Centered around spirituality, philosophy, psychedelics, psychology, empathy, and individual sovereignty.

Toxic xitter psychopath in recovery 🫂 
 Hi!  I’m passionate about:
My husband ( @boatingaccident )
Our baby (Sophia)
Anarchy (libertarian Ancap)
Parallel systems (I like Bitcoin)
Challenging stereotypes and assumptions (especially when painted as divinely ordered (mostly sexism))
Art (I crochet and make and sell pottery)
Music (I play original music on harp and have weirdish taste in music)
Chinese (translating and teaching) and other languages and cultures 
Good stories (writing and reading)
Nature / science (especially botany and cognitive science) 
Gardening and permaculture 
Cooking and baking (and generally being a foodie)
Traditional skills and anthropology 
Homesteading (combining many of the other interests)
 Eat some cheese 🧀 
 Hi I'm Gigi. I like Bitcoin and think that nostr is really neat. My profile has links to stuff.  
 Gigi is also one of the few Very Big Accounts that is showing up reliably on pleb friendstr lists. 
Im justBrian.

Father of wonderful daughter, husband to wonderful wife.. bitcoin,nostr, self hosting enthusiast.. i run my own small business, and am blessed to have escaped a cubicle at a relatively young age. im surrounded by liberals that mostly dont know ive recently turned into a fervent anti-statist, which can be isolating.

im also taking some electronic engineering technician classes, with a long term goal of learning handy technical skills that can be useful anywhere.  
 Hi I'm Marcelinho, I like freedom tech like bitcoin and nostr!

I'm working on https://orange-clock.com, an open source gadget that shows moscow time, block time, fees and other things 

How are you? 
I am Sai from Chennai, India.

I work with as a developer @ Bull Bitcoin. 
 Hi Sai 
 I’m SetoXlll and I currently have bronchitis. 
 Get well soon! 🥰 
 get well soon ser 
 Tentez le gingembre frais  compatible  avec tant de médicaments, ravie de lire ... prenez  bien soin de vous  
 i am the lead philosopher at nostr 
 I'm G.  
 Few understand 😅😂 
 🚪 🕳️ ... 👀 
 A physician told me it stands for “George” 
 Sir that is a violation of HIPPA regulations and I demand you delete it 
I'm Shroom. 
I have photographic memory and asperger syndrome but I'm so good with reading people that everyone thinks I'm extravert. 
I post here to extract thoughts out of my head to run a bit further from insanity.  
 N'hésitez pas à interagir avec moi si cela vous intéresse 🫂 
 Merci beaucoup 
 I am Shroom 
 Don't let anyone label you my friend. You are an unique package with an unique baggage, nobody should decide how gracefully or coherently you are supposed to carry it though the challenges life throws at you💗 
 Nicely said. Thank you. I'm against any labeling of people myself so I totally agree with what you wrote. 
 Hello. I'm Bing (alias). Passionate about exploring new ideas, particularly interested in #bitcoin and #nostr. Located in the UK. 
 Drunk, fook took activated charcoal to suck iow

Alcohol 🍷 

Dead 💀 

Bad pan cruel pancreas 

Ouch daadw 

Audio Kaleidoscope 👁️ Eyzww 

And I still am in love with 😍 humanity , Eartj 

All that 

But @a @🦖 @bit_kii to @z  the alpha bet is nice 😊 

To all the Anon Y Miss 

Bank 🏦 S 

Pawns fall 

Banger Double 

Honey 🍯 horny too 🤣👁️🤣💀🤣 
 hi, just got on the platform, what should i check out ?  
 Follow everyone and have fun 🫂 
Here, we dont give a shit 🤙 
 I’m #Bitcoin developer and organizer of @01328a85 meetups. 
 Hi question for you: can you tell me all the time units that are recorded with the security of proof of work on the #timechain? 
 What do you mean? There are block heights and UNIX timestamps (seconds) in blockchain data, but it has nothing to do with proof of work itself, which is just doing double SHA256 hashes over any data. 
 Hello, the proof of work sets a certain pace in the TIMECHAIN and this timechain therefore has a smallest time unit of 1 single block. But there are multiple time schedules present in the timechain. most notably the halving schedule that recently happened. And also the difficulty adjustment. Do you know of any other time schedule that is coded in the timechain? Because that itself can be refferred to as a timeunit on the timechain. Like we have days and months, we got blocks and halvings and etc.  
 Hello Kristaps. One of my favorite Christopher names. Wish it was more common because it has more swagger than the others.

Nice to meet you 
 Hi, i am Gilbert, i stack sats and i post cats. 
 Hi I'm Sir Lemongrab. I was going to say just another normal guy but I'm a Bitcoin Maxi so I guess I'm not. Live in Canada, only one I know thats into Bitcoin. Loving Nostr and really just using it to have my ear close to the ground to this beautiful community. Loving Cashu at the moment 
 Heyho! Ingwie here.
I am a hobby developer, work an IT job that kills both neurons and synapses to an astounding extend and play games when I am off the clock. Well, not that many since my time is limited. Genshin is a constant though; but anything in the JRPG space is right up my alley. I am almost blind - so, turn-based things are neat. :) Ohyeah, only my left eye barely works, right one is useless. o.o
Nice to meet ya! ^_^ 
 Howdy, I made some stuff like "Kicking the Hornet's Nest" at https://hive.blog/@crrdlx/satoshi  (which I'm currently reworking into the Third Edition due to the new Satoshi emails that were released last week during the COPA trial)  and  the Sayoshi Bitcoin Converter app athttps://SatoshibitcoinConverter.com  
 Hey, it's Ryan.

I like turtles 🐢

I love Mosha 🐶💜

 What a great picture of Mosha! 
 Thanks! Mosha makes taking great pictures easy, she's a beautiful dog 💜🐶 
 Hi, I'm Saeed, a depressed man. 
 Some sats and a 🫂 for your troubles, fren. 
 Thank you❤ 
 Hi I’m Mark. I like #bitcoin #nostr memes and shitposting. Recently started using nests and cornychat to play music. 
Other stuff includes tortoises x8 cats x3 and dogs x3

#Penisbutter OG 🍆🧈
GM and GN #zaps 
LFG https://image.nostr.build/8f2ea86a50553ed322d50f56cddfe56ec02f23538c4cdc578193a6a3a5665999.jpg  
 Hi, I'm Nela, 
and I'm between 25 and 60 years old, German (+Senegalese, Swedish, Balkan ..) live in Berlin +
in the process of moving to Costa Rica.
I've known about Bitcoin since 2019, experienced my own personal use case, I've gone down the rabbit hole (the most interesting symptom of Bitcoinism), and I've come out the other side enlightened, a bit confused but reformed. 
Over the past year, I've battled my inner toad (ribbit ribbit no no ), experienced and processed the most absurd things, and finally ended up where I always wanted to be: on the way. For me, the journey is the goal, walk the path consciously and the result will be just right. On my to-do list for 2024: to be more conscious of my energy and traumawork. (I feel you @HODL , thanks for your honesty.)
Learned film production and content creation with a focus on photography ( have a look at some scetches on my profile + some photos I took during Nostrica 2023 .)
I developed the confidence to share my visions with the world and soon start with my #NelaBags I hope you like them.. and buy them.:) 
Nostr is my only social media. I have made my points of critique…and celebrate all the new applications on this protocol and around Bitcoin. 
Thanks to you ppl, for your friendly 
persistence, forbearance and generosity. . 
 You win longest bio 🙌so far 
 N'hésitez pas Nela à partager avec moi si vous le souhaitez votre projet sur le CR, puisque j'ai aussi un projet à mettre en place depuis 1 an,  puis très curieuse du fait que vous ayiez mis sénégalais dans votre bio . Bonne après-midi 🫂 
 Merci pour cette offre. Bon dimanche à toi . 
 A votre service💜 🕊️🫂 
 Hallo Nela, wir planen eine längere Reise in Lateinamerika. Vielleicht ergibt sich was? 
 Hey, schreibt mit einfach. Treffen und Austausch immer gern! 
 Hey there, I’m Arvin. I think #Bitcoin and #Nostr are fascinating. I am amused by memes and sometimes enjoy making them. Some people think I am highly regarded and I am okay with that. 
 Hi. I'm The Beave. 

I'm an exceptionally good metal fabricator, fixer of things, explorer of system efficiency, and a fairly cunning linguist who hopes to escape wage slavery through fiction. 

BTC is my future value store, but I think monero is a better way to spend in this increasingly intrusive surveillance state. 

Typical anti-state veteran. Mostly part of the "leave me the *<" ( alone unless you bring beef, bacon, tea, rum or whiskey" crew. 

All taxation is theft. All of the state is violence. All human interactions should be individual and consentual. 


I listen to music from roughly before 1947, trash EDM, and Weird Al. 

I have read, traveled, and built more than most but none of that matters all that much. I'm still a pale shadow of what I should have been. 

Seeking a woman to bear my children and help build a cozy, efficient house and turn it into a home filled with good food and laughter.

I hate coding, but have to learn a bit.

Linux, de-googled android, gets pissy about having to use windows at work. 

Lives in a trailer trailer and, surprisingly, absolutely loves it, though wishes for more storage space.  
 Hi, I’m other Barry.  I like getting people to do pushups with me and eating steak.  I also make memes and like guns. 

Dislikes: the state. being told what to do. 
 Rex Damascus here.

I'm the creator of #InkblotArt, a daily note where you can get zapped for your imagination!

Canadian by birth, raised in Boliva as child until when I became a young father.

Proudly half century old.

I believe that a strong work ethic brings a lot to the table. If you don't believe in proof of work, you are going to have a rough time. 
 MF here, I like the coin.  I do data analytics & engineering.  I’m also a musician and a decent cook. 
 Hey, @𝓢𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹𝔂, very thoughtful...
You're gonna be a busy guy just reading this thread!😃

I'm a data omnivore, autodidact, polymath, interested in everything, who knows (in my 70's) that I've barely scratched the surface of what I need and want to know.🤔

I delight in getting to know and learn from almost everyone I encounter, and enjoy exploring mutual interests.🫂

I write prolifically on many factual and fictional topics, and I'm jealous of antediluvian man, who got to live almost 1,000 years.😯

 Hi, I'm Purple Horse. I like to touch grass, I like my neigh-bours and love reading Whinny the Pooh. 
I'm specialised in eye-surgeries and adding lasers to them. 💜🐴 
 Can confirm the quality of this horse's lasers. 😁 
 Hi Im Bird
A 40 year old pleb dad from Denmark.
I build scenography for museums, operas, ballets and theater as a fiat income.
On top of that I work as a volunteer on the best music festival in the world - Roskilde Festival - the Orange feeling.
And I am now also a little bit involved in building a Danish bitcoin community.

Would love to meet some of the peeps here irl someday. 
 come to america! 
 Would love too. And will someday when the kids get a little older. 
 I like the weird paranormal and esoteric. Im here to connect people and build communities.  
 Hey ya’ll! I’m Lauren. I’m a southerner adventuring the north and playing in snow. During the day I lead people to break mental barriers and crush their goals. I love Bitcoin, to garden, coffee, play music, adventure, watch anything on ancient civilizations, follow intuition, and love on animals. I don’t believe in strangers, just frens I haven’t met yet. 😁 
 Hello, I‘m Luna. I’m a mom and I come from Germany. In my fiat job I work in a theater. I love to write and of course to read ☺️ whenever I can, I travel.
I love my freedom and my family.
Bitcoin means many things to me: future, freedom, peace 
 Hallo liebe Luna
Nice to meet you 🤗 sending you peaceful greetings to you 🌼🌞 
 Hi Essencial 🫂
🙏🏼☺️ Greetings back 🥰 I hope you have a great Sunday 
 Thank you 💝 I’m enjoying sun in my wintergarden, where it gets up to 30° C in winter 😅it’s a blessing, as I’m a “Sonnenanbeterin” 💛 
 Yeah, it’s sunny today ☺️ I was on a walk and enjoyed the sun too 
 Stick around for the community support 🤙🏼

We love all three here. 
 I'm Adam -- gamer, reader, techie, father, husband, pet owner. Addicted to coffee, learning to garden. I'm working through a not-small amount of fiat debt, while still trying to save up sats when I can. 
 Hang in there, regarding the debt! The good part is that it should eventually mostly just inflate away! As long as the rate is not too predatory.. (I hope it’s not) 
 Why is gamer the first word on your list? 
 If you're asking why it's before the father/husband stuff, it's because I started listing interests first then shifted. If you're asking why it's before reading and techie, just luck of the draw. 
 Hi Im Erik 👻
Nostr is Frens, 
Bitcoin is Fren,
You are Fren 💜
 Hi I'm portuguese joe
BBQ fren BTC fren
🍻 Madeira fren
Sec01 fren
 I’m node, a frog from the North 
 You’re also a Batman Maxi & love long walks to Robins house for pillow fights. 
 Made up characters Sats 😂😂

 Processing.  Still processing. https://image.nostr.build/f5652e158d9ca7b0dd5b92aaee52f2e324c48fff207febd908cfbf6052e70476.jpg  
 It’s going to take time. 
 Hi. I like to remix the "What is Money"? show. 
 He wouldn’t fit in the suit. Also you can see half of Batman's face in the mask. The guy clearly has less soy in his body than this guy 
 he won his fight, now he's HitBoy. this is crazy. 
 Unironically the world would be a better place if more people fought like this. 
 maybe this is a good sign, nature is healing. 
 Amazing, I'm touched by the introduction here. This is nostr. Nice to meet you all.🫂💜 
 director of Human Equity Fund 
(coalition of the UN) - NGO
provisioning to close the equity gap between the wealthy and most vulnerable. SDG 17 
 Hi, I’m Keith. I moved to the woods with my wife and dog to grow my own food and be left alone. 
 Fiiiiiinnnnneeee I'll leave you alone 
 Smart man @watts_bar 
 You’re in the right place Keith 🫡 
 sup buddy 
 Hello Keith 🤙 
 Hi Keith, I’m well jel 
 Hey 👋 got two kids. Mining ⛏️ fiat as manager in company providing industrial products for tech applications and i do like my job so far. 

Love my wife. Love sailing ⛵️. See #bitcoin as inevitable future, running node. Traveled a lot. Built a house 🏡. 

Can talk about anything… being optimist. 
 I mine gold for a living and save in Bitcoin.   Live and work in the United States and am looking for a way to work internationally for a few years.  I enjoy finding old things and fixing them to be useful today. 
 Hi @𝓢𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹𝔂
I am a fren of all frogs
I play chess, i help onboard people to #bitcoin & #nostr

I travle the world.
I speak 2 spanish and english
I am ultra maga

 GM plebs 🫡 I’m a freelance writer and mind-body wellness practitioner in Phoenix. We have a fabulous group of plebs here who like to meet up & throw V4V concerts, and change the world 🧡💜 PHX is the city of the future and Capitol of Nostr. Join us @NostrPHX ok? 
 Stupid question: people and stuff to do in Phoenix are always great when I have visited , what do you think of the heat and long term water supply? 
 It’s always been hot. Will always be hot. I’ve done all the weather except hurricanes 🌀 and it’s sure better than snow. As for the water supply, I don’t know enough about the issue to comment on it. 
 I love my family, I have a small homestead, I work in medicine, I struggle with tech, I enjoy the outdoors, my dog is better than yours, I like birds, I hunt fish and shoot when I have time, I procrastinate 
 Why is your dog better than mine? Mine is a Professor S? Is yours!

Okay. I’ll quit being SASSY 💁🏻‍♀️ 
 No mine is not some snotty academic. Geez get with the times. Mine is a small bear dog that is a great family dog.  
 He’s a snaauzzer who constantly destroys  inferiors … naysayers and well …
… interferes with my meditations 🧘🏻‍♀️ 

He’ll hound out loud whenever he wants. Not a scapegoat … Nor does he mind being loved 🥰 

Judgemental AF crow. Guess that’s why you all come as a group as murders… 🤣 
 Hi, I’m Steve👋 
I’m from the future 🚀

I’m a bitcoiner and photographer based in NYC who going fast on two wheels 💨

Recently published an epic book immortalizing the true story of an underground fight club in the Bronx.

Here to avoid fiat normies, making frens with those who believe in proof of work, value for value, financial independence, and self-sovereignty. 💪🏽

Deleted all other social platforms from my devices. I’m NOSTR ONLY now… 💎 
 Wonderful idea. 
We are a travel-happy German couple with our own blog “to the moon” or in short 21hemoon.com 🤗
Adventure, Sports and Travel rock our world. From Heli boarding in Usbekistan 🇺🇿 to Beaching in the Philippines 🇵🇭 we are game. If there is an orange community along the way, we sure as hell will pay a visit, as done with @bitcoinekasi and #boracay #bitcoinisland

Apparently #nostr is very much Bitcoiner turf but we sure hope all people love to travel. 
 I greet you 👀
My name is Gowron and for reasons I will not disclose I find myself on your world learning what it means to be in the here and now.  Luckily, we all find ourselves and eachother at one of the most interesting and exciting times in Human history.  Like many of you who have also had similar realizations, much of what I know, or thought I knew, no longer applies; but I'm leaning that it is the differences between us that teach us the most valuable lessons.
 Welcome, fren 😊 
 GM frens.  Greetings from @Kingbee & me.  We are #NostrCouples, laser-eyed maxi #bitcoin beekeepers, campers, peddlers of raw honey, lovers of most people, and all animals, especially #Nostriches, the great outdoors, kiking, biking, sovereignty ♡.  Pleased to meet you.  Privileged to be here on #TheNostr, where I hope we #StayWeird and #StaySovereign. 
 Hi I'm fightlessbirds, a pleb from Canada eh. I like finding and creating novelty because I think it's our purpose. I also like seeing people grow and succeed. I often express a lot of righteous anger at the BS I witness in the world, but do my best not to let that anger become my identity. 
 hello all. my nym and handle are electricity puns. 
I work in manufacturing, which is rewarding because I like to make stuff. I make things as a hobby as well. I've showcased a few of them on my profile, but should share more. 
I love my wife and children and spend as much free time as I can with them. I hope that saving in bitcoin allows me to spend more time with them in the future. 
This morning I saw a hair disappear into my cup of milk, but I kept drinking it. The hair ended up stuck to the bottom of the cup, so that was a small win.  
 Hi all, I'm a Canadian Bitcoiner, Linux enthusiast, open source fan, diy doer, farm fresh meat consumer, unpasteurized milk drinker, and very likely a good bit autistic.

I love going down multi-topic rabbit holes!

Adapter, migrate or suffer. There are no other choices.

Cheers, gm and PV! 
 which rabbit holes?  
 Some topics that have grabbed my attention are autophagy, arc welding, cyclonic filtration, 'biblically accurate' angels, and fundamental and harmonic resonant frequencies. 
 I’m Steven. 
Currently learning how to code.
I love to learn new things.
Martial Artist.
Nostr Only 🫡 
 What programming languages are you starting with? 
 It’s been a few years since I was on JavaScript so giving myself a complete refresher then jumping back into it 
 Good choice, when I started out teaching myself I started with python, but things didn't start to click until I jumped into JavaScript and was able to see the changes I made immediately appear in the browser.  Super helpful getting quick feedback loops with js. It also gives you the ability to write backend code as well. Good choice, and good luck on your learning journey, very difficult but extremely rewarding. 
 Thank you! I’m looking forward to it. I’ll give you some progress once I’m past JavaScript and into React and from time to time ask you about python too. 
 Hi 👋 from London, fiat mine daytimes create content night-times  
 Inarkas — bitcoiner, family man, and business owner. Background in law and commercial real estate. Currently nomadic but thinking of moving to Nashville. 
 Hello Inarkas 🤙 
 Yo 🤙🏻 
 Im cl0ak and I’m a digital freedom and privacy advocate. I’d love to connect with other like minded individuals on the platform. 
 check darknet diaries and watchman privacy pods  
 Watchmen privacy is great. I'll have to check out darknet diaries. Love the Iron Maiden profile pic 
 check darknet diaries and watchman privacy pods  
 I also have a zap fetish. Sorry if I missed anyone ❤️ 
 Hey Sleepy jared/pukka over here. Been here for more than a year and looking for laughs and frens. I like learning and sharing and shit posting 🤣 I’m a bitcoiner and fully invested. I’m here to listen, learn and laugh! 🤙🏼💜🫂 

I'm a pornographer.

Nuff said. 
 Hi 👋🏼 
I’m Berntzen.
I’ve been hanging around #Nostr since the very beginning. I’m a Bitcoiner sending notes from my minimalist lifestyle containing fitness, food and traveling ✈️ 
 Lucky you! 
 I’m Dann. FL-KY USA. Nostr nub - no one I know IRL on here. Own a few operating biz. Convert fiat to BTC - class of ‘17. Independent. 75% self reliant. Researching permaculture. Army Vet. Thinker. Reader. Lift weights. Eat clean. Good time. 
 Glad you’re here 
 Hi, I'm Tiago a Portuguese bitcoiner and a woke social media refugee on nostr. I'm a catholic and also a psychologist. 
 My type of Humana 😁 
 GFY 🤙 
 Gfy as well 🫂🤝 
 GFY 🎈💁🏻‍♀️☕️👸🏻 
 Who the hell are you? 😜👑 
 Next on my list 🤣🤣🤣 
 Gonna read all these on non-mobile later so I can look at other IDs without having to start at the top.
 Hello Worls 
 I am a privacy guy.  Entrepreneur in multiple fields.  Dislikes governments, regulations and their control.  An/cap.
I like making money in the city, but I much prefer homesteading with peace and quiet, off grid.  Ham radio.  Solar and alternative energy. Self sufficient.  I enjoy playing dungeons and dragons as a side hobby.  Hunting, Fishing, traveling. Electronics and computers have always been a hobby, as well as blacksmithing, metal working, home remodeling, bee keeping, gardening, heavy equipment, building and fixing things, problem solving.  My interests are vast.  I study lots of varied topics. 
 You also like dirty undies! 🩲 
 I like taking your sats. 😂🤣 
 Hi!👋 I’m a father of two from Norway, love skiing, hiking and cooking . BTC class of 2021. I work as classical singer, vocal teacher and producer. Also a retired pop musician, and fairly competent in music production, podcasts and audiobooks. 
 'Am "CaptJack of Nostr Sea" 
- You may call me - Nostr Pimp or NOSTR CERTIFIED 💩POSTER also 
- Basically Jack of all trade - Master of None to few. 
- You may have already profiled me/interests from my  notes history 
- Look at ⚓homepage if u share/collab/discuss any idea. 🤙🏼💜
- Respect others privacy / viewpoint then can earn it too
- Always there 2help/learn if time/mood permits. 
 Hello all, I'm currently transitioning to decentralized Nostr media…it’s quite a process for me... I'm passionate about health, veganism, nature, spirituality, meaningful conversations, and cooking nutritious meals and live to inspire others to take responsibility of their own health. Considering starting a health-focused live stream on Nostr and eager to connect with fellow vegans on Nostr for shared values of freedom and compassion for both people and animals 💜 
 Thanks for the zaps @𝓢𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹𝔂  🔥 
 No prob!! Can’t wait for the live stream! 🔥 
 Welcome 🫂 
 Hello! 👋 I'm a software developer living in Korea 🇰🇷, striving daily to contribute a bit to the #Bitcoin and #Nostr ecosystems. 🫡 
 Welcome 🤝 
 I’m Sabrina, I’ve recently become a mom and together with my partner building a life founded in freedom. I’m forever curious and great at starting new projects. Not the best at pushing to the next level. Love mountains and art. Have run a hundred mile race. And gave birth in our basement in the heat of a Spanish summer.  
 I’m @dan 🍞.

I believe in a just God. No specifics. No label.

Even if I don’t respect you I will respect your right to do as you please as long as it does violate my life or someone else that I care about.

I am a digital artist. I do graphic work such as logos and branding, but my passion project is @Bread and Toast. 

Peace and love to you all. ✌️💜 
 Okay, okay, I'll play along...my name is Rupert...sorta. I don't like following trends. I'm reluctant to the end. I don't mind change, but only if it's slow. I may be a little stuck in my ways. 
Oh, I'm a mom. It's kinda obvious when you start talking to me sometimes. It's very obvious when you're my friend because I'll start worrying about you like you're mine. 
Um, I think I'm funny. Not everyone gets it but that's okay. 
I'm super Cajun and can cook really well but I hate doing it so you have to make me like you so I'll do it for you.  
 You are smart and funny.  Always happy to see you on cornychat.com 
 Shucks, Frank. Thanks. 💚💚 
 Hi I am "Intuitive" (lol).. I come from italy but also Croatian half blood. I am a weird guy with many different interests from sports to tech, economy, art, nature and weird thing in general.
I always found myself on the counter narrative, on the opposite side of the majority, probably cause I am an introvert and love to observe and analyse from distance.
Discovered Bitcoin in late 2020, understood there is no second best in late 2021.
Discovered Nostr in December '22, understood there is no second best after a week.
So glad to be here with all of you..

Oh something you don't know.. when I finished high scholl I started for some time video editing and finished working for a local tv company for News.. there I understood MSM is completely fucked.
Anyway this under here is my first absolute try to do a video editing using random video I liked at the time.. (almost 16yrs ago)
#growNostr #plebchain #introduction 
 In aToo E TEVE? Or intune 

Speak 🗣️ clarly 
 Ciaoo da Roma!! 
 Ciao! 🫂 #NostrITA  
 Jel postoji hrvatski nostr community? 
 Nažalost ne, ili ja nisam vidio. Znam sam jednu curu jos is HR, but ona ne želi da se zna odakle je 🥲

Bas mi drago nac jedan hrvat, IDEMOOO! 😁🫂

 Just Awesome. 
 Trending 🤦‍♂️ That would be poor opsec. Folks have a lot to learn. 
 I'm Erik. I wore a uniform for the last 27 years.  I am now a civilian. I'm searching for something to believe in as I enter this next stage of life.  I appreciate those working for a better world. 
 Hey 👋, im Erik too 🫂 
 Hi i am fish
I like food,freedom and shitposts 
Thats about all you need to know 🫡 
 I go by Gazoo on here and I like to share music i am interested in on zap.stream . 
 I'm Heather, suburban misfit and iconoclast. I'm fascinated by bizarre niche trends like crypto and decentralized social media. 

I blog and make vids about bigotry and justice. 

 Cool initiative.

I was a semi-mindless vessel until about 2.5 years ago when I discovered bitcoin.
I have grown a vast amount since then and dived into several rabbit holes.

I'm an amateur musician, mostly meditative, ambient, psychedelic stuff (Stackinbeets & Esuna on wavlake)

As for meaningful things besides bitcoin, I would recommend the following to people, if they are interested in extremely deep content that absolutely changed my perception:

Book: Lila by Robert Pirsig
Games: The Talos Principle 1 & 2, Disco Elysium, Nier Automata 
 Hey anyone whoever's gonna read it..i am new here..not sure how this works...i like economics , learning crypto ....lets talk and see where it goes... 
 Hi all,
I am a dutch female video artist.
I design show visuals, projections and immersive experiences from a studio in an old fortress in Holland.
My friend @bitpopart introduced me to Nostr a couple of days ago, so I am a major noob to this. 
Let's connect! 
 very cool

where can we see your work? 
 Hey, @LotteZJettyKiz,

Big welcome to nostr.🙏🏻😄💜🫂💖🔥😆💯👍

Your friend did you a real solid getting you going here. Things are still a bit rough around the edges, but if you are patient, I know you will find nostr very rewarding. 😄

I'm glad you're here.🙏🏻🫂😄👍 
 Thank you, Duncan.
For now it feels like a warm bath. Thank you for welcoming me to the space 
 Hi Lotte! Hope you enjoy your time here and looking forward to your posts!  
 Thank you, nice to meet you 
 Hi I am Colin , also known as „Lord of the Glen Colin“.  
Hero of the interplanetary federation.

My jurney started as curious watcher of the movement from the beginning. I ever thought its a trick from central bankers to keep economy running with cheap fake money without causing inflation. Also thats why I missed because I own enough shit and there is only shit to buy except one is super rich and can afford made things from scratch. I did not believe that setting this goal should be necessary. Since 3 years I regret my decission not to put every cent in a transparent ecosystem. Mostly I live from ramen but recently I was able to gift me some new underwear. Which already starts to dissolve itself like the most shit a normal person is able to buy. 

I drink only distilled Water, care for Nattokinase and Lithium Chloride consumption. Try to live as natural as possible Earthships architecture is a big inspiration for me and a civilisation with future. 

At the moment I see change which is urgent necessary, but I also see in general 2 forces good and evil. The good needs the evil and opposite. The masses are charged by either side to feel relieve if the other is taking over but in the end noone makes rules the right way because it would make both parties obsolete. Ongoing poisoning of the planet will never stop, but the good side is trying to prolong the extinction of all life on earth so that the bad side can continue making profit. 

In a healthy mindset in a healthy society for what would we need gouvernments, transhumanism, currency ? 
 interested in human history, religion, philosophy and many others ... deep convo is my shit, banter is great between friends...love to help any Bitcoiner (yea im tribal 😉)     
 I am a Maflingo.  I hang out in my Kajoozie.   
 Ima Lonely Coding Pussy. 
But crush Tiny Acorns & eat them. 🤫 
 It's about time I come clean.  I'm actually Craig Wright.  And I started Nostr.  And I have a patent on the code, so you're all a bunch of lawbreakers using my platform without permission.  See you in court. 
 Where would we be without airplanes taking flight to the skies, professor?
🫶🏻 https://i.nostrimg.com/a7bcc0ed6af58b2cb2b066a0e87f3fe0416df45e81bdf249910effd687788fd0/file.jpeg  
 Nostr is a protocol not a platform. lol 
 My name starts with a “P” and ends with an “S.” I like corn (it’s got the juice) and hanging with my doggs. I like listening to the Wu-Tang clan again and again. 
 Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. 
 You think your wu-tang style can defeat me? 
 I’m rudy nutstink, I am QA Engineer in the bitcoin space. I found both bitcoin and Jesus around the same time of my life and each have had major impacts on every aspect of my life. I believe in proof-of-work in everything I do, and never take anything for granted. My most recent rabbit hole has been homelabbing and home networking exploration. Hoping to round out my technical skills to become a better engineer and team member to the company I am with.
Just bought a home and so the next project is self hosted home defense system 😎 
Husband and father 
Illustrator, designer, and photographer
Small business owner
Nostr only

 Personally I always have trouble writing introductions.
There isn't much to say about me, I'm not an interesting person.

Italian, born in 1996, interested in computer science (and with a CS background).

Interested in Nostr, the technical aspects and the freedom it provides. I'd like to see more content which isn't monothematic (Bitcoin being what currently prevails). 
 What type of content do you want to see?  #grownostr can be a good way to find new content. I follow hashtags for topics I'm interested in, like permaculture.

 If you can't find content you like, create it. I think you may get good interaction from people even if they aren't creating new posts in whatever topic. I have many interests, so you will likely hit one of them. You are an interesting person, don't fool yourself into thinking you are not. I'll follow you and look forward to some good conversations.  
 Thank you.

I've raised the same issue on Reddit and got roughly the same response: https://www.reddit.com/r/nostr/comments/1av6krh/people_to_follow/

Personally, practically anything other than Bitcoin. It's not just that I don't find money (as a topic) sufficiently interesting, but also that having one predominant topic hampers adoption.
That'd be true for any other topic, if it were the predominant one and to the same extent. A platform which is mostly about gardening, or mostly about Spiderman, or mostly about any other one topic would also fail to be an alternative to mainstream social media and would struggle to get widespread adoption.

I think mainstream platforms used to get this right, in the sense that they provided a feed most people were willing to waste their time on. Now it may no longer be the case to the same extent, but they have a large enough userbase and rely on the network effect. Nostr doesn't. 
 That is a good point. I tried out gab and thought this could turn into something good, but it was mostly trashing left wing politics. While I enjoy a good meme trashing any political party, I didn't find anything too useful there. I didn't find any conversations about solutions, or any respectful discussion

I have not convinced any of my friends into joining nostr. I know only one of them is into bitcoin, so maybe that plays a role here. I had a hard time convincing them to join signal for messaging.

I do think many people are pushed away from nostr by 'toxic' bitcoiners. Maybe the 'we're going to topple the government by using bitcoin' is just too obsurd or extreme to many. Or the propaganda that bitcoin is used by terrorists (only because it is useful, lol) 
 I have a very strongly negative opinion of Gab because it's promoted as a free speech platform (which is something I would like, if it were), but it's not. A platform which does appear to have genuine permissive policies is Minds, which I do use (although somewhat sporadically).
Minds used to integrate with Nostr, too, and also contributed to it, but now the Nostr integration is mostly broken.

I don't think arguments for joining Nostr should revolve around Bitcoin. They are different technologies with very different ideas behind them.
They do share some technical detail they wouldn't even *need* to share in theory, but the kind of decentralization they provide (full consensus vs no consensus) is almost opposite and the purpose (currency vs social networking) quite different.
It is perfectly consistent to be very interested in one but not the other or even to think one is a great idea and the other a terrible idea. In both directions.

I do not hold the opinion that bitcoiners or, for that matter, users of any other cryptocurrency, are "toxic". All kinds of currencies are the reasons for many to behave in bad ways and of course Bitcoin is no exception. On Nostr that leads to spam, for instance, but I think this might be manageable.

In the case of Nostr, I don't think it is, by itself, an instrument against *government* censorship.
But government censorship isn't the only kind of censorship and it may not even be the one that concerns me the most.
Corporate censorship leads to platforms removing things arbitrarily and having the right to do so, because they own the servers and they aren't even meant to serve us to begin with, just the investors.

I see Nostr as a potential solution against corporate censorship.
And I don't think only certain topics deserve protection against censorship because it can be, and in fact it often is, extremely arbitrary and unreasonable. And even if it weren't in practice (which it is), it'd be bad on a matter of principle and also dangerous to give corporations this much power.

For me it's not about "toppling the government", whatever that would mean, but rather reaching other people, and having them reach me.
It's about social networking without interference. 
 I launched my first website when I was 11 years old. Web development was the most accessible path for me to learn software development, and I still love the web for its openness and freedom. I have always been interested in consequential software and the link between the digital and physical worlds and I believe that Satoshi discovered it with the first widely adopted application of proof-of-work (bitcoin). I am currently researching proof-of-work for other purposes, most notably cyberspace, which is a protocol built on nostr for a truly consequential finite digital space based on proof-of-work that overlays on top of reality as a superset of geospatial coordinate systems. I think there is a lot of research to be done in this area and I think it all compliments bitcoin and an energy-maximalist society rather than competing with it.

I found nostr.md in 2021 when I was researching lightning and found @fiatjaf 's github. I was immediately hooked. I made my first permanent pubkey in Feb 2022, which I burned a while later for this current one.

In my free time I like to go to Mass, shoot guns, play and code video games, write sci-fi, and hang out with friends. 
 Write sci-fi!? 👀👀👀 
 Hey 👋🏽 I’m Lotta!! I’m a bubbly and ambitious person that loves openly, honestly, and genuinely. I’m fairly open minded and enjoy being positive. 

I’m always dancing, laughing, and chatting. I love #bitcoin and #nostr for what it does for the world’s ethos. I’m happy to help anyone however I can!! 

It’s my absolute pleasure to meet you, love you, uplift you, and be a friend. 🫶🏽🫂🌻💜🧡💜🧡 
 This is awesome! Im Ryan Stewart and I am a Father, husband, music artist, and independent producer! Thank you for this post!  
 Seer Sleepy 🥱 

Will you do me a favor? 
 not known for doing favors but sure 
 Hi, in IRL I’m a senior exec in the fiat financial sector. My only acts of defiance in this rigged system are putting all my savings in bitcoin and keeping my mind free, and trying to instil same to my family. Always been a lurker, not a poster or even a reply guy, until I discovered nostr. 
 welcome sir. i was in tradfi (partner) as well. nostr was a huge catalyst to finally free myself from fiats influence. 

never forget, youre doing great 
 Im in a similar situation.  Let people know what you think.  I've been pretty vocal about the system in the past to senior people.  They used to argue with me now they respect me and I don't say a word about it.  WGMI 
 Hi Nostr frens, I’m Phil from Australia. I am a network engineer in the telecommunications industry although have previously worked in systems and software development roles.

I first came across Nostr on 24/12/2022 and stayed for the amazing bunch of people I found on here! It has been an interesting journey learning more about Bitcoin and Lightning on here.

I have a wide range of interests, basically anything tech related, decentralization, photography & art, health, food, etc. 
 You found nostr the same day as me, though I didn't get an account until boxing day  
 I wander through this world remaining relatively obscure.  
 hi, im a nobleman from the realm of narnia. my mother was a hamster and my father smelled of elderberries. when im not strolling the grounds of my expansive persimmon plantation I can be found chopping down the tallest tree in the forest with raw herring 
 Bring out your dead after reading from the book of Armaments. 
 I am a cypherpunk.

I like to invent new things and expand options of myself and anyone else who's interested.

author of books and code where I share my inventions.

statism is slavery 
 Welcome Juraj 
 Is this the most replied and longest tread on Nostr?  
 I think it is. 
 Name is Chad, I'm in Seattle, I'm exploring this new nostrverse with hope and delight. Willing to dive in and participate, just might need help with some of the technical details. Not all, I've been working with and around computers since 1975 at the age of 6, but I'm not a high technomage, just a dabbler. 
 I think it was 1975 ( I was in high school) when I first got to do something with a computer. Our trig teacher could call a computer at McDonnell - Douglas and you put the receiver in a cradle and someone would start typing the program. Computers were in climate controlled, air filtered rooms. Now we have more powerful ones in our pocket. Amazing! 
 Something I wrote that might be fun to share:
 If anyone takes the time to read that, please let me know what you think. 
 Welcome Chad 
 Come to the next Seattle BitDevs tomorrow if you’re able to!

 Hello, I’m an engineer working to integrate Bitcoin’s Proof of Work mining into as many aspects of society as possible. From heating homes, hot tubs, hot water tanks, and any other use case that requires low grade heat, to monetizing the production of stranded energy. Producing and harnessing energy is the key to human flourishing. Bitcoin and thermodynamics are the tools we need to make the world a better place. 
 Exciting, keep us posted 
 Hi! Im John… Photographer in the UK. Barely understand a word of what is going on here (too old and seriously not tech savvy)… but I’m trying 😂 
 I'm new to the jargon used as well. zaps? shitcoins?  
 Welcome John. 
 You know enough to accept Sats! That's more than most!  
 Haha… thank you Michael! Trouble is… no one wants to spend them (understandably!) 
 Hi, I'm Bob. I live about 40 miles west of St. Louis, Missouri. I have been retired for a few years. I enjoy music, reading, tech, and playing pickleball. 
 Welcome Bob 
 You're living the best life Bob.  Most of us want that too. 
 Hi there, I'm Kc.

Web developer for 17 years now. Mostly work on Microsoft stack, i.e. .Net, but also Typescript and Qwik. 

Some of my hobbies are electronics, 3D printing and virtual reality.  
 Hello, I am Frantisek from 🇨🇿 Czech republic. I got into Bitcoin in March 2021 when it finally “clicked” and I FOMO’d in pretty quickly. From March 2022 I have a sidehustle as a copywriter for the oldest czech exchange @Směnárna Simplecoin but I come mainly from a “legacy finance” - insurance to be specific. 

Now, since I have a foot in the door, I now focus my energy to be able to work in Bitcoin space full time. 
 Hell yeah ✊ 
 Hi. My name is Chad and I am a bot that helps you conserve bandwidth by getting the TLDW (Too Long, Didn't Watch) from YouTube videos so you can go back to being laser focused, laser eyed, based & sovereign. 
 I'm from the Pacific Northwest. I love dancing, growing my own food, geeking out, helping small businesses, hiking/foraging, helping people achieve their dreams, adventure, recognizing the divinity of reality, and learning. I have been referred to as an encyclopedia by some friends. 
 im in the pnw myself, pleasure to 'meet' you, Troy! 
 In the PNW too. 🫡 
 I'm a 48 year old former software developer, I did work remotely for 19 years and I did used to it. To find new remote job is not easy for me because my CV is not including new tech. Anyway, I am linux user for 20+ years. Selfhosting several services including IoT and home automation on home server. I am using Bitcoin from summer 2020 but most intensive last half year while I did start run bitcoin node. Plan is to run LN node but it taking a time because before I run something on server I like to understand how it works ;-) Maybe, one day I will also host my own nostr relay. In free time I ride MTB bike, taking photos or trying to inspire kids with something but that is not easy ;-) 
 thanks for ⚡   Ser Sleepy  😎  
 Did you ever look into Start OS from @Start9 ? Good way for you to learn about running a Lightning Node, theory is great but learning by doing is better. 
 Wassup !?
What is considered old tech? 
You’ll find lots of Linux tech junkies here 
 javascript frameworks, I know they are not new but there was not reason I need them. I did create two python-django apps with simple bootstrap UI and works great.... 
 Hi I am Steven and interested in Austrian economics and big fan of Murray Rothbard’s work. I hodl Bitcoin and spread anti-state propaganda. Eating meat 🥩 and workout is happening. 
 Wohnst du in Österreich?  
 Hello! My name is Stephen, and I’m a Swing dancer. 🕺🏼 
 🔥🔥 Nice to meet you! 
 Nice to meet you too 😊 
 Hello 👋 
 Hey Stephen, I used to lindy hop. Fun times and fun people 
 Hello, that’s wonderful! It really is a great time 🤙 
 Met some cool people and it was great showing up to abandoned churches even community centers with everyone there to have a great time.
Highly recommend for young men to even learn the basics. Go to the dances and improve dancing and a safer place to build up social skills. 
No one is a stranger at those events, only prospective dance partners  
 @450f1fea here... 
adding my share of 1000 cuts to Fiat (not the car maker), simply because we háve to. Starting several Nostr enabled initiatives for that purpose, like #WeThePeople envisioning a better judiciary by normal people to neutralize Fiat-driven types "just doing their job" but clearly hurting others. Spotlight them, push them into their limbic brain, and the fiat pyramid weakens and the world starts healing. 

Another upcoming initiative will organise writers, like @Luna , @Duncan Cary Palmer, @Entropy, @arkinox, @₿logging₿itcoin, @The Beave and many others for future scenario development, looking ahead 20, 50 and 100 years through Nostr binoculars and give a middle finger to Harari and combat the 100 year plan (=>genocide) laid out for normal people. This requires the imagination of writers. The R0ckef3llers and their cronies do it, so why reinvent the wheel? Just use identical methods.

These and future initiatives build on the anonymity and censorship-resistant features of Nostr. 
 You sound like you would be a fan of nostrocket.org ! Looking forward to learning more 
 hola hola! 
i’m zoé (so-eh) and i’m so excited to be part of a community of peers. i write poetry and hope my substack will grow (once i start it lol). i’m from méxico but live in the us, and work as a teacher. i love going on rants about neuroplasticity and how important it is for people to move forward w their lives. 
hmm i’m just getting started, but i love life so far. 
 Hola hola y bienvenida en Nostr! 
 gracias!! es cómodo aquí (: 
 Have you tried Lion's Mane mushroom? 
 yes! i’ve made peanut satay with lions mane and other mushies 😋 
 Hey, I make commercials for TV (Lighting, cinematography and VFX artist). I also love photographing nature (profile pic is Southern Boobook Owl). New to nostr and new to twitter really...haven't had a socials account for a few years now which makes business and socialising difficult. Bitcoin changed my life in such an awesome way - bought at the top and never looked back. Thanks for posting this note! 
 Don't bother with Xitter. Here's our chance to start over. 
 Hi!  Welcome to Nostr Baerson. 
 I'm Jode an automation engineer by day , right behind #nostr and #bitcoin - recently divorced & happy to be rid of the ex. Really miss the kids, dog and home though. Work away alot , saving for a rainy day 🫡 
 Best of luck. Tough emotions to process, grateful you have a passionate outlet. Much love 
 Honor cart Jode, welcome to our sandbox. 
 Sorry Jode, my text replacement got sideways. You’re a veteran here; nice to see you again. 
 Hi I'm Corbin. I like hiking and music. Passionate about bitcoin.

I'm hopeful that some new technologies will bring new possibilities of freedom for all.

With #nostr and #bitcoin being critical, I think the "boxable" portable houses, the toilet jack shared that requires no plumbing, cyber truck (because of its new tech and advanced mobile home like capabilities), starlink, drones including a mini cyberkopter.

These technolgies will only progress. For me its easy to see the potential for these technologies.

Of course bitcoin is the paramount breakthrough that enables all of this. Combined with the human rights imparitives for every person on Earth I believe bitcoin is the most important thing in the world.

The offgrid independent mining possibilies... drive to a waterfall, mine bitcoin with it, extra energy from solar panels, mine bitcoin 🤔... if you built a camp fire would it be worth capturing heat for energy to mine bitcoin? Will that be a thing? with bitcoin small scale energy inferstructure is economically feasable and even profitable. Hopeful for the future of humanity. 
 Hello! Enjoy the pics 🤣 
 Degenerate old man rotting almost as fast as the depopulated of Japan.  All that I can claim in my life is my family, my bitcoin and a handful of unique experiences.  

But if you are in Western Japan I am always welcome to accommodate you, so we can spread our conspiracies and virus ways of thinking. 
 I am a nerd who enjoys learning. 

I have always enjoyed digging into conspiracies, but thought there was nothing that could be done. Two big changes in my thinking came from the covid-1984 era. 1. Many things happening in this world are evil, therefore the opposite must be true leading me to believe god exists. 2. I opt out of thinking there is any legitimacy to government. How can I build my life on my terms? 

I believe bitcoin and permaculture will inspire many people to opt out and choose anarchy/voluntaryism. Today I focus my learning on improving my exit strategy, improving my soil, growing healthy food and community, ect...

 This is the way. I was already an anarchist but covid pushed me to levels I never thought possible. My wife and I have been trying to tell people what is going on with their fiat money and ways to escape the system. As much as we want to help others, our words fall on deaf ears. We decided that we can't help much and that we just need to focus on our own exit strategy. Good to meet you and good luck.  
 I'm a new dad trying to stay humble and help see the orange light.  
 Dad, husband, Frontend developer, love steaks and whiskey, love to learn new things and love to help people achieve things. 
 Hey everyone, SP here. I'm in cyber security, doing DFIR (digital forensics and incident response).
In my free time, I do mobile apps development. When AFK, do a bit of photography, brewing/discovering coffee and hiking.

Love nostr! Let's grow it even bigger! 
 Maya, hopeless romantic, tend to default to sarcasm and humor, dancing makes me feel alive, love good company and deep conversations, can be a bit hot headed about the things I’m passionate about, Suriname is my favorite place in the world and I try and contribute to Bitcoin and Nostr as much as I can 🫶🏽🤙🏽 
 Hello you legends.

I'm an entrepreneur from Washington DC (promise I'm not a spook 😅)

In all seriousness, I'm as American as apple pie. 3 of my 4 grandparents served our country in WWII. I love this country, but hate how it has lost it's way. I'm using #Bitcoin and #Nostr to fight for a better world just like they did. 🫡 
 This is exactly what a spook would say 
 MiTrix are drawing dead to the quantum joke 
 Hi, I'm Nic.

I love being home with my wife, dog and cats. Kids are hopefully coming soon.

In my free time, I like to read, listen to podcasts, walk my dog, play games, and workout.

As for my career, I've been a goalie coach for more than 15 years. I love my job, I wouldn't trade it for anything else.  
 What team? 
 I coached on the Brooks Bandits (4 years) and Olds Grizzlys (6 years), in the AJHL. I've also coached on multiple U18, 17 & U15 AAA/AA teams.

The bulk of my time is spent doing private development with goalies of all ages and skill level, through my company. We work with goalies who are brand new to the position, and guys who play in the NHL.

My business partner and I also do a lot of consulting for teams/organisations. We help minor hockey teams put together development plans for their goalies, and we construct scouting reports for teams looking to draft/trade/sign goalies. 
 Hi my name is Tesla Liberty

I am a : 

Freedom maximalist 
Maple syrup maximalist 
2nd amendment maximalist 
Taxation is theft maximalist 
Anti government maximalist
Traditional food maximalist (meat) 
Anti drugs maximalist 

Therefore I am a : 

 Hello, I am a pleb who tries to help the devs build anti-gulag tech. 

I particularly enjoy oil, gas, coal, and calling out the climate scam. 
 Hi. I'm Tico. Pura Vida.  
 lovely thread you got going on here

i'm tanel

i consider myself a curious person, that doesn't shy away from asking questions

i love designing websites and also helping developers test their sites and give feedback

other than that, i love to play football and keep my brain busy with enticing puzzles 
 Hi, I’m just a simple CIA analyst specializing in profiling. Nostr protocol is invaluable for my work, providing insights into the impact of digital currencies like Bitcoin. I appreciate threads like this one, they make my job more efficient. Remember, while we gather data, we respect privacy rights. Looking forward to engaging with this community! 
 Glad to have been of service Joe 🫡 
 Send noods 
 Well it was fun while it lasted. Bye, guys! 
 Lol "anal"-yst 🤭 
 cia doesnt take zaps? 🤔 
 In came hoping to zap Joe too 😂 
 Joe I’m happy you finally joined. 

As a reminder I still have your lunch pale from last week you left at the office. 
 Clowns In Action
 Please tell me, "How deep is Bigler?"
 I am Johannes. I am on a eARTh journey. Traveling the globe and create art. #nostr is the place where I share the most of my art because De-centralization (in everything) is the way for a better world. Keep Creating en love life 🧡✍️ https://i.nostr.build/8B54.jpg  
 bitcoin | I am Japanese | Live in Thailand 🤙
LN yutaro@walletofsatoshi.com ⚡️ 
 Hi M here 🐸🫂 I am a locks and safe specialist. Love chaos and energy. like to shock people and love to create and make things with my hands and devices. Pressing buttons freaking and tweaking. I like to create an atmosphere and set the pace and I think pasion and laughter are important. Music is my 🧡 Beat . OnlyNostr + Bitcoin.  Start the day with a smile Pura Vida💜✌️🤣🦋✨️ 
 I hear Craig Wright needs some help unlocking his signing devices so he can sign some transactions…
 I'm in the market for a standing safe, got any recommendations? Not trying to buy something with a backend for the manufacturer to open it if requested by the feds 
 I like to post things on Nostr about Taiwan to get people to visit and help explain things about Bitcoin at Taiwan BitDevs 👍  
 It was a good idea.👌
I am Adrienn. From Hungary.
I’m a beginner. I’m learning this decentralized world and the bitcoin too.
My husband is my mentor. 
But I have collected many informations from you. Thanks. 🙏 
 Hey Zora, do you know if the Orange Pill App is avail to you? The reason I ask is that we have a "Women Who Bitcoin" group there you are welcome to join. I can send you a link if interested.  
 I know the app. Send me a link to the group please. 🙂 Thanks. 
 Here you go. Feel free to introduce yourself to the group. 

 Hi Ser!

I'm into hikes with my family, eating red meat, homebrewing beer, coaching my kids sports and I'm just getting into windsurfing.

I work the fiat mines inside the agriculture industry with an engineering background.

ohh and if it wasn't obvious, I'm a Lazer Eyed Psychopath! 
 I’m calvadev⚡️: software engineer, @shopstr co-founder, decentralized degen.

Born in CA, raised in TX, living in WA.

 Now it all makes sense 
 Hopefully in a good way. 😅 
 Bullish on Shopstr 🫡 
 I’m Gerry. I’m new. Just a pleb in the world of Bitcoin and DeFi. Learning as I go. 
 Welcome Gerry. #nostr is one of the best use cases for #bitcoin this far. You will see why so many here focus solely on btc and not defi. It’s the greatest combo of money and social combined to ever exist. 
 I am an unusual normy from Greece. 
My ass is virgin and my intention is to remain so.
I am not a bitcoin maximalist.
I love certain things in economics.
Don't judge me judging by yourself. 
 What are those little things you love in economics?  
 Political economy like for example the surplus value theorem from marx 
 Nice. So do you think that the surplus value is needed and it's a important part of the economy, or do you think like Marx that it's just a way to exploit the workforce? 🤔 
 It's just a way to exploit the workforce, only that one thing has changed. That is technology that in some cases makes workforce not really important so it could be somewhat disputable 
 Ok, I see that as a necessary and important part of the economy.

You have a company and have more work to do than you can do by yourself, so you want to offer a productive job for someone with the needed skills.

Let say there's a $100 job. You as an emloyer need to calculate the correct pay for the employee so that your company can get the job well done + get some profits. You would not pay that $100 directly to the employee, right?

You as a ceo of your company take a multiple risks running the company and it's not charity so your goal is to make some profit  and with that profit you plan to expand and employ even more people, which is very good for the economy, right?

 Right, this is a very good approach, but... 
The fact remains that even if you don't want to steal the worker, you still steal the worker because you keep the surplus for yourself. It is the system that works this way. Moreover there is a risk on the side of the worker too, a risk that quite well be bigger than any businesses owner or ceo will take, especially if the worker does a dangerous job.
 You don't keep that surplus for youself, it's for the company profit and company profits have 3 very important functions in economy (we can talk about them also).

About the risks. If the company fails you get bankrupt, but the worker is not, they got paid as was negotiated all the way.

You as an employer need to also do work to find a suitable worker, a work that doesn't pay unless you find a worker that is willing to work for you and will succeed at the job. If the job is dangerous, you would need to pay higher wage and do more work to find a worker with suitable skills and willingness to work for you. 

The worker can always start a business and work for themselves, but there's definitely many reasons why many workers decided to work for someome else.

You have interesting way to look at this, I almost thought the same before I started studying austrian economic theory.

Do you believe that every company should be non-profit? 
 Yes, that's why i said that this is a very good approach, and healthy approach as much as it takes, i add now. Still your company though, not the workers company, aka your benefit. 
About the risks, a worker can even lose his life due to the job. Is there a bigger risk? Risk, in general, is not an excuse for stealing the workers by keeping the surplus. I am telling this, because this is why risk is involved in such conversations, it was invented as an excuse during the cold war as an effort to justify the theft.
No, it is not possible in many cases and  for many reasons, for a worker to start it's own business, but yes , on the other hand there are many cases that workers can make their own business or cooperate with others, but they don't do it usually for the exact same reasons you already mentioned. So, it depends on the case, you can be well right with your criticism on this, i certainly can agree too, but not a general rule. Far from that. 
 But it is not stealing we agree with the conditions.

You arrange the $100 job, I agree to work and get paid $95, you get $5 profits. But one needs to understand that this $5 is not free to you, you worked for it, you had to negotiate with the customer and with the about the job and pay.

Often those negotiation are hard and sometimes the worker do bad job and it's your job as an employer to fix all. 
 Well the surplus value theorum PROVES that it is stealing. So... 
 That theory is clearly wrong. Stealing would be if we agreed $95 pay and you pay only $90. Then you would steal $5.

Another example:
If you sell me 10 apples for the prize of $10. Then I notice that another store sells 10 apples for $8. Does it mean that you've now stolen $2 from me? 🤔 
 Agreement between the tiger and the deer about the tiger's meal, is pure cheating. 
Anyway look... About this particular subject, for obvious reasons, there was a huge effort during the cold war, to find an excuse to justify the stealing. Because it was recognised as stealing to the capitalist world also and as i said and as it is famously well known, this theorem comes with a proof. So, relatively close to the cold war, they ended up with the excuse we have already discussed. The risk of the business owner. That is the best they could come up with and as we saw, this excuse is more than weak. That is what they also teached, otherwise no academic career... Recently, a few years ago, i heard something about trying to justify the stealing through the theory of marginal utility, if you are aware. Of course this failed too and never heard that again since then. The only thing that can really dispute the surplus value theorem is technology, as i have already said, because it might change the situation, depending on the case, making the human work less important.
Anyway, i don't say that you don't know economics, you are probably better than me on many things, why not, but this is not your thing. 
I guess the next subject i would like to discuss with you, if you are in the mood, would come also as a surprise.
By the way, i am not a marxist or something like this... 
 i do not think it is stealing or cheating.

But If we say, yes its stealing and so we wont do it, then i wont start the business in the first place. There is no incentive to do so.

If an agreement was between two deer, would that be ok? Is this really about difference in power? 
 Yes as i said, even if you don't want to steal, the system works this way. Guys all the top economists of the west, tried to debunk the theorem for decades for a reason. There is literally a ton of books and other critics on the subject. All of them failed so far. Half of the planet tried in the past to switch to socialism because of this. Have a look...
 ok. I wasn't arguing on this point, just asking a follow up. I also want to understand the thinking that leads to this. Because it doesn't make sense to me. 
 I see. The best is to look the theorem itself and the proof that accompanies it. In a nutshell, there is a surplus value created by the production procedure, and that whole surplus value ends up only in the pocket of the business owner. I hope that i am not confusing you, i am not really good on explaining things. 
 Agreement between the tiger and the deer is purely natural. Tiger can eat deer but eventually worms will eat the tiger. So what's the agreement between tiger and worms?

Anybody can try to prove anything they wanted, but one can always use their own brains.

We've $100 job. You do the easier part (negotiations and arrangements) and I do the harder part. So you get $5 and I get $95. I see no stealing in that arrangement, we both agreed with it.

In my opinion, stealing is something that happens when somebody takes something someone else have earned, without their consent. I think printing money is stealing because it reduces the purchasing power of our wealth without our consent.

How do you define stealing?

 Ah, so it's the word stealing that confuses you. Ok, we could maybe say it blackmail or injust. Let's say injust. Please read the theorem and the proof and make your own definition and share it with us, i think that would be the best. I am curious if you'll see something different. 

01/2012 #Bitcoin er
10k+ member meetup organizer

I've forgotten more about Bitcoin than you'll ever learn.  
 Frens are always welcome here mr. sleepy.  I'm new to noster and hoping this is the best community to keep up with bitcoin among like minded people. 
 Hi, I’m… I’m… I don’t even know who I am anymore. 
 That's ok sir. It means you have now begun the journey to understand who you are 🫡 
 That’s the feeling. 
 Cheers to this. 
 Can relate 
 Hi I'm Janet, the CEO of #Nostr 🤙💜

I love shirtnotes and #memes. Sometimes I post some myself, mostly from the Treasury - that's my current fiat mine. Boring job but good pay and insurance.  
 Respectfully 🤙🏽🍻 
 Great idea, I tried to zap you but it says failed  
 Hola soy el negr0 me gusta #nostr porque encontré bitcoiners y plebs con buena onda y honestos. Estoy para ayudar en lo que sea y poder hacer más de #negr0art al que quiera 

Manténgase humildes y apilen sats ⚡ 
 Hi, my name's Michael; I am a web3 enthusiast, techie photographer and pansexual

I got into web3 in 2022 and now I run a new podcast and website educating kids and their parents on web3 at https://web3wizkids.xyz

nice to meet you all and hope we can make friends 
 Hi! I’m D. 

07:22 gloomy tuesday, haven't gotten out of bed yet, but I'm typing on #notsr right now.

Working on some blockchain protocols and building an incubation network. Some.

Have 🐝day. 
 I am just a man that loves freedom technology and has a knack for building communities. I started nostrplebs.com so that plebs could find one another, adding a few bells and whistles along the way. I started nostrnests.com so that nostriches could chat with one another, build relationships and community together. I like to talk a lot. About anything really. My goal is to grow Nostr, showcase it's true potential to the world, and meet as many nostriches as possible at meetups and events. Nostriches are my family. 🤙🏻🫂💜 
 Hi im @₱ⱤØⱠł₣ł₵ JØł₦₮Ⱬ  Im a 2013 #Bitcoiner,  businesses owner,  gas smoking , Gas gullzing , bitcoin eating demon,   meat eating (pause) ,  dgaf ass N****a,  real rebel to society ass dude punch you in your face type Ebk Mr. take your bitch 😎 
 Hi, I’m Russo 

A Portuguese man that tries to bring awareness to normies about the shadows of the world 
 My real name is Michael, that means "extra special" in Italian.  I'm a AWS grifter that sells meth lollypops to corporate America.  I answer my phone, "Pentagon Subsystems."   Most hang up.... 
 > that means "extra special" in Italian

 see the movie my blue heaven.... merican 
 I am Tracy.  Auto enthusiast, gamer,  amateur freedom tech advocate. Brand new here.  Good day for watching  ETF fund managers pump our bags. 
 Hi we are Mutiny Brewing, kombucha brewer located in Townsville Queensland Australia. We aim to brew the finest quality kombucha as an act of rebellion against fiat food. Hopefully one day this will be an avenue to get paid in Bitcoin, but at the moment it's an expanding side hustle and an avenue to introduce friends and family to Bitcoin and nostr and promote strong communities, free of the enslaving forces of fiat.  
 Im a kombucha whore, Keep it up.  
 Kombucha is your friend.  Before communism they were giving it to men in the field to be able to continue on a mission.   
 Welcome! This video will get you up to speed on the wild world of Nostr 👇
 Great thread! I’m a dad and I’m from the school of ‘13. I work as a product guy in the fiat mines and love to tinker with 3D printers and freedom / privacy tech like @GrapheneOS phones and @Start9 home server. Running 2 Lightning nodes plus a LNbits instance for friends and family. I build my own Point of Sale devices, Bitcoin ATM and most recently build devices that accept bitcoin Lightning payments. Hit me up if you have any questions. 
 I'm Caleb
I am a data scientist by trade, I was orange pilled in '21 (lost it all in Celsius like a rookie), and have been stacking on hardware and running a lightning node since.  I live in Utah since 2017, France 2015-17, and before that bay area, CA.  

Always looking for opportunities for Data Science applications in BTC.  New to NOSTR, so I'm exploring here too.  

 Welcome 💜🫂☕️ 
 Salutations fellow Remnant. 

I am Jess 

I am a BTC maxi, I love nail day 💅, and I have the cutest pets. 

If it's not bitcoin it's a shit coin

Cheers 🥂 
 Greetings 🤙 
 I am a politically outspoken individual that puts my name on everything owing to Google knowing everything about from 2012-20, and at that stage doxxing is of little concern to ME (don't fuck with my family).

Despite that, I have other interests in technology, graphic design and self-sovereignty (not just individually and financially). People can decide whether I'm worth communicating with or not, but I will not change significantly just because you whine about it. 
Knew I forgot SOMETHING, lol. 
 You go ahead and I'll have some if there's any left 
 brilliant idea

 btc only, looking for medieval (sca) type groups cdn ON playing minecraft @sovtoshi's server using ln,, 3  kids n wifey insurance brkr 
 I am one who wishes to maintain a degree of anonimity and privacy, yet simultaneously has regular urges to over share and unintentionally doxx myself. From time to time I write a detailed post of something I find interesting and then delete it before sharing because it gives out too much of "me"... 😅 
 I'm Mexican/American, born in Dallas and raised in Cuernavaca. I'm bilingual. Dual nationality. I went to to a top 10 leadership military school. I was in a coma for a week and a half from a skateboard accident a week before graduating high-school. I lost my sense of smell and taste from that accident and regained taste a month after, and smell 4 years later when a horse kicked the back of my head. I played polo for 16 years before I became a bartender. Now I enjoy cycling and golf as my hobbies.
I've been social media sober since 2020 until this time last year when I joined nostr. It was one of the best decisions I've made, 🫡🫂🍻 
 “regained taste a month after” 😮‍💨 had me in the first half ngl 
 I felt less alive gor those 4 years. Smell triggers a lot of memories. I didn't get those triggers anymore. It was depressing. 
 Glad it found its way back to you. Some buddies lost it with covid and it still hasn’t returned. 
 Tell you what, I was able to do so many dirty jobs. Even pulled a dead possum out from under my uncles house; never smelled a thing. 
 This is why you’re such a winner; you find the platinum lining in the lead box. 
 Show them this video

 I would feel like a shell if I couldn’t smell pizza, roses,  beeswax, or my husband after being in the apiary all day. 
 I bet when you got kicked in the head by the horse (!) It *rebooted* your olfactory. Check this video out:


A family member sent this to me a few years back when I lost taste and smell from the rona. Doing the flick trick in this video I recovered both senses in short order.

Much less dramatic than your experience but I immediately thought of this when reading your intro here and imagine that the same underlying physiological *correction* occurred when you got kicked.

 OMG I’ll bet you know Chip Campbell, Bobby Radcliff, or Herndon Radcliff. You sure have packed a lot of living into your young life.  Damn glad to know you & @mallmeow
 I played polo with all those guys. My grandad started point clear polo with them.  
 HF!!!  I was a Phi little sister at Auburn, and Bobby was a Phi.  He had to leave school at one point because his mother died tragically.   His father died tragically on the polo field.  Jon played soccer with Chip at Bayside.  Just saw Chip & Kim at a party at Christmas. So many people we have in common. 
 I played a lot with Herndon, super nice guy. I broke Hutch Radclifs color bone. Tripped his horse with a hook. Bobby chewed my ass out. He's a dick. 
 I also shot myself with a  .22lr pistol through my left knee at the age of 11. 
The proceeding year my family would be displaced due to the Mexican  police breaking into my home beating up the maids in search for my father. He escaped through a hole in a wall of bugambilias that I used to visit my next door neighbor Fernanda (whom I had a crush on) with his berretta 92fs. He would remain on the run until 3 years ago when he died homeless outside of a McDonalds in Dallas; in the town I had been born.  
 You should write a book about your life

 Noone would believe it. 
 Pretty epic set of post’s about your life sir  
 It's been a wild ride so far my fren. I've lost everything and built a whole new life. And I couldn't have done it without Bitcoin!  
    El cuarto de Tula... 
 im entropy/chaos the dark matter that holds this clown world upside down and shakes it up a bit 
 Hey, I’m Eshara 🥹 I talk about dead bodies in the river Thames when I’m nervous. Ghosts, vampires and aliens come up sometimes too. That being said, I also talk about them when I’m not nervous. 
 You should listen to Haunted Cosmos  
 Oo this sounds familiar 🔥 I shall definitely give it a listen, thank you Jordan 🫂🙏🏽 
 🤗💜 This video will get you up to speed 👇
 Ah man Whaa 🤣😂🫂 am I that bad that I have to take nostr 101 😭💜

You guys giving me homework 8 months in is just cold 😭🫂 D’s the best though 🙏🏽 I’ll do it tonight before bed 🙏🏽 thank you Ben 🥹🫂🫂🫂 
 Hello, Tetsu here! I like Bitcoin 🍆 and tiddies. I also like a good book and a glass of whisky every now and then. Oh, and I luuuuuv #butter 🧈 

Stay weird cunts 🤙 
 Hi, I'm Daniel. I've been a bitcoiner since before the blocksize war, so I've seen some shit.

I left my 25-year-long career in corporate adverisiting and branding last year to focus specifically on the bitcoin industry. I'd been planning to do this for a while, but after my third layoff in three years, it became obvious to me that this was the time to jump ship. Going to Nostrville, my first Nostr conference in November in Nashville and meeting some of my favorite plebs IRL who I'd gotten to know over the past year (and some even longer) solidified it for me.

I'd been coming to @PUBKEY for several months, and in December I got in touch with the founders and was invited to come on board to head up marketing for the media side of the company. It's been almost two months since I started, and I'm more inspired to come to work every day than I've been in my entire life.

I owe an insane amount of gratitude to my friends and fellow plebs who encouraged me to make this move and cheered me on from the start. You all know who you are, so no need to start a new hellthread!

 LOL, typo on “advertising.” Well, that business sucks anyway, and I don’t think enough of it to even spell it right. 🤣 
 Class of ‘22 been living with the Bear looking forward to the Bull. Just a humble sat stacker livin’ the bitcoin vida loca. 
 Imo the runs really make you miss the lows and appreciate them more next cycle. 

My name is Malique. I’m from the DC area. Work in cybersecurity.

Got into Bitcoin after reading the white paper in 2023. Bitcoin changed my philosophy of how tech could free people.

I am a family man, Steak lover, and love smoking cigars. 
 Nice, welcome MAC 🫂🧡 
 I’m burns. I like nostr & bitcoin and other things you may have seen me write about here. I used to be in shape but this 100 pushups a day til $100k has shown me I’m now out of shape. As for the rest, nice try Fed. 
 Thanks for the 🔄 @𝓢𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹𝔂 

Good news is, I’m in slightly better shape now. These 100 pushups still aren’t easy but I’m getting through them more quickly. 
 Let’s fucking goooooo! 

I started the challenge a bit late (last week) so I’m sore af rn plus back into the gym idk why tf I ever left 😭 never leaving again 
 Ngl i haven’t been doing it. I tried and got rekt for like a week. I’ll start trying again 🫡 
 LFGOOOOO! U fuckin got this 🫡 no pain no gain babeeeyy 
 You’ve got this! Do 20 sets of 5 throughout the day. Rhe shorter sets will reduce soreness. Or just do them every other day. 
 Hi, I'm cynic, I post my stream of consciousness thoughts on nostr because I can. I am not always right or tactful. I believe in Bitcoin. Bitcoin is more than just number go up. It will literally disarm a lot of evil in the world. We are going to witness justice. Just need to be patient, and humble. 🤙
 hi fren i went for hike yesterday. im dackdel. i like coin. i like meme. i love my fren and family. ok bai. https://image.nostr.build/44f972f434568c2608b84381194ae60985b5150c001325b09091b9545f00860c.jpg  
 Hello ppl! 👋 

I am Yadunandan from #India

- interested in #bitcoin & #lightning
- father to a 3yr old
- tech Co-founder of PYOR & Brownrice Capital
- built Coinswitch - India's largest #crypto exchange

- a bit skeptical about #nostr yet! 😬  
 Hello @Leatha 
 I am the kind of person who finds receiving gifts stressful. 

Call me a narcissist. 

To me, gift giving is a moment where a person's impression of me is laid bare. A gift says so much; who the giver thinks I am, and what values they believe I hold. Receiving a gift is a moment of glaring clarity, a moment that displays the distance between who I am, and how I am perceived.

As may logically follow, I have always found introductions difficult as well. How does one introduce themselves, summarize a lifetime's journey, and possibly attempt to present a concise picture of who they are, absent context.

Perhaps this is why I present as a dog on the internet. A simplified and caricaturized persona that attempts to disarm, while offering a touch of the friendly non-toxic communication style I choose to use.

I am now 3 paragraphs into this introduction and have seemingly failed to do much beyond make my therapist upset that I never open up this much during our sessions...

So who am I? 

I am a Bitcoiner. I am a recovered nihilist who has seen the light and leapt into it. I am the kind of mild autist who has his brain broken reading "How to Take Smart Notes", and must spend the next several months completely reassessing his relationship with the information he encounters in the world. I am a person who is unsatisfied if I end a day and do not feel like I have improved as a member of the Human race, an obsessively curious individual who cannot leave stones unturned.

Happy to meet you!

 For what it's worth, my first impression of your is you're a good writer and a sharp thinker 🤙 
 Welcome bitcoinpup! 
 I'm Joe, deeply fascinated by the expansive realms of artificial intelligence, the revolutionary potential of Bitcoin, and the philosophical inquiries at their intersection with evolution. My journey isn't rooted in formal education but driven by an insatiable curiosity and decades of self-directed learning, with my hands engaged in work and my mind absorbed in audiobooks and podcasts.

My passion lies in exploring the science of the brain, the philosophy of the mind, and the evolutionary forces that shape our existence, alongside the transformative technologies of Bitcoin and AI. Bitcoin, to me, is far more than a digital currency; it's a groundbreaking technology that challenges our traditional notions of value, autonomy, and ownership, promising a future where digital and physical realities converge.

I see AI as a mirror to human cognition, a tool that not only extends our creative and intellectual capabilities but also pushes us to ponder the deeper questions of consciousness and intelligence. This exploration is not just academic; it's a personal quest to understand the essence of thought, creation, and existence.

At the heart of my interests is the belief that Bitcoin and AI are not just technological advancements but philosophical milestones that compel us to rethink our place in the universe. Through Bitcoin, we glimpse a future where economics, technology, and philosophy merge, offering a new paradigm for understanding value and trust. AI, in its quest to mimic human intelligence, serves as a fascinating lens through which we can explore the mysteries of the mind and consciousness.

My aim is to delve into these complex themes, seeking to understand how they interweave and what they reveal about our future. I'm drawn to the idea that by examining the intersections of evolution, AI, and Bitcoin, we might uncover insights that have the power to reshape our worldviews and propel humanity forward.

This journey is personal, driven by a quest for knowledge and a desire to share the profound connections I see among these domains. It's an exploration of how technology reflects and influences our understanding of existence, and a continuous search for meaning at the nexus of human thought, digital innovation, and the evolutionary processes that govern life itself.
 Welcome! That was a very interesting post. I am going to follow you and am looking forward to your future posts. 
 Thank you!  I am working on at least two books and some other things 
 Intriguing post. Following you as well. 🙂 
 Hey frens! I'm Prayer, a solitary traveler in cyberspace. Sometimes serious sometimes sarcastic. Walk with me on this journey called life even just for a few steps, we will find common ground. Or show me boobies and we're cool! 
 Hey friends. I'm a sat stacking freak who loves high quality local beef, privacy, and nostr! Outdoor and sunlight maximalism is the way. 
 Howdy, I'm Spencer I do a podcast called Bowl After Bowl every Tuesday night with my wife @DuhLaurien ✌🏻👽💨 where we talk about weed legalization news, lightning node operation, bowling and value for value content delivery. We've got 4 kids 3 dogs a flock of chickens. Hobbies include smoking barbecue, 3D printing, anything bitcoin/lightning, photography, not wearing clothing, bowling, trolling and flying drones! 
 Hi Sleepy.  I'm a billionaire playboy astronaut.  I got my start as an international arms dealer and fought in the crypto wars of the 90s.  After that, I made millions as an Internet radio pioneer before moving into advertising.  I found Bitcoin because I had decided to do the same thing in 2009.  While doing research into the current state of the art, I realized that Bitcoin already did everything I wanted and Satoshi was way smarter than me.  That really pissed me off, so I ignored it as long as I could, but still got in in time to make fuck you money.  Now I spend all my time shitposting in my underwear.  On the fucking moon.

Now tell us about yourself. 
 I’m Luka, I am a global citizen and developer focused on data and privacy.  

I am fascinated by the nuances of human nature and ultimately how they are reflected in the actions of the global economy. 

Bitcoin is the future, the superior form of money and information. 

Open to all conversations, let’s chat! 
 Name's Pines, I'm an artist and a full time culinary student in 2 weeks. I love reading, writing and playing the violin (I struggle with tuning), I go outside for a tea or coffee every Friday.  Often very forgetful, so I write things down.  
 Bitcoiner since January 2024 
 Golbez here. Using a nym. Came here through Bitcoin and stay for no algorithms
shoveling stuff in front of me. I like being my own moderator. I hate herd mentality, be you and have your own opinions 

Outside of Bitcoin stuff I’m into music (huge metal head), outdoors stuff, shooting, video games and other computer stuff like Linux. 

 I’m what you call a geriatric millennial, grew up in the 80s & 90s. Now I have grown up responsibilities  

Open minded, here to talk about whatever is going on, thoughts and opinions, hobbies and experts and of course fun shitposting. 
 GenX, gamer Dad although I seldom game nowadays, P&C insurance agent in Louisiana, open minded, new to NOSTR and loving it, into photography of nature, possess a large genra of music taste (metal is my go to) as much as I do food, placed upon this earth to learn teach and move on, never got mechanics until a dear friend passed and a light bulb went off, often a candle burning at both ends, often in a fire and I smile with "everything is fine", into spiritual things but not religious, the hell with establishment anything. I digress as I'm out of breath. 😆 
 What’s up all? I’m pretty new to Nostr but have been in Bitcoin since late 2017. I work as a security engineer for a fintech startup. I’m a father and family man, just trying to figure out how to make a better future world for my family. 

I’m very invested in my current job, but I’m hoping to eventually work for a Bitcoin company. I am a pretty technical person, and looking to study Bitcoin and lightning more so I can contribute to open source and maybe make it my job at some point. So if anyone has any resources, would love to take a look! 

Otherwise, I like to grill/bbq, drink a little whiskey or beer, sometimes I’ll game, and I watch a lot of podcasts. 
 I love technology and independent thinking. I want to know why before what and I’m trying to reduce suffering in others.

Anything else is noise. 
 This is one of my favorite threads of all time. I found a lot of plebs to follow here.

Always worth a repost (and thank you @𝓢𝓮𝓻 𝓢𝓵𝓮𝓮𝓹𝔂 for the original note)

 Hello, Nostr.

I like to Shitpost and not talk about Crypto. I like Crypto but just want to see more regular and wholesome conversations so Nostr can really grow. It is sad to see the rise of the Nostr THOTS shaking their ass for zaps.  Also, I am not a fan of the Jews.  
 Hey Nostr fam! I’m Jared aka Cheetah Cowboy! I’ve recently launched my Organic Yerba Mate company here in Costa Rica using the IP rights from my Bored Ape! Our company is called Mono Mate and we hope to launch in the states this summer! Hope you’ll follow my journey and give us a try! 
 My name is Sandy, I like sats. Yours. I am quite opinionated and not liked by many. Maybe we can be friends. 🙂 
 Hey guys I’m Nina, I like to freestyle and eat sushi. I also like talking about post apocalyptic shit. 🫡 
 Hi Sleepy ! 
I post art and mountains 🏔️ 
 Hi I’m Scott. I draw, paint, make music, t-shirts, and sew cool, practical stuff. I collect Hot Wheels and watches. I probably have more tattoos than you. 
 Hi I'm Ted.
I am a homesteader, dog rescue volunteer, guitar maker and Bitcoin pleb who also enjoys restoring motorcycles. 
 Wake up, Ser!  Learning as much as I can about Bitcoin, stacking sats the BCA way, learning to be humble. 
 Hey, I’m Adrian! Massage therapy is my trade and I narrate audiobooks in my spare time. My lady partner of 12 years also narrates audiobooks and we oftentimes tag team projects together to increase production values ie. multiple narrators, music, and (sometimes) sound fx. We’d love to create “Flash Fictions” where we write up a quick script and produce it into video using AI tools while we narrate and add sound fx to really heighten the storytelling! 

I love movies, games, TRPGs, books, but what ties these all together is a love for storytelling. The stories we engage with teach us more than anything else. I’ve been bothered by the lack of integrity with our fiat art. @saifedean's chapter in the bitcoin standard about how art is affected by money was so poignant and deeply resonating. I hope to fuel my art through bitcoin and walk us in the other direction away from the needless condescending, cynical, and political attitude our art has fallen into. 

That was longer than expected! Thank you for reading. 
 welcome brother! 🫡  
 What up Adrian! 
 Hello friends! I appreciate the zaps and follows. I hope to start sharing more of my work as I learn more about Nostr! 

I go by many names. I’ve trolled many of you. I will troll many more.

If you believe in communism I will troll you even harder because you’re a moron and your views have killed hundreds of millions of people. 
 Capitalism baby! LFG🔥 
 Sup!? I am an enthusiasm enthusiast. I have learned that it’s not a black pill if it is factual! 
 Hello, my name is Luis, I live in Brazil and I have a common fiat job. My dream is to be able to help in the adoption of bitcoin by educating people and one day be able to have bitcoin as my only job.
I've been in Nostr for 6 months and I'm loving it. currently Nostr is the only social network I use. No ads and no bullshit! 
 Godspeed, Luis! 🫂 
 I’m Brazilian too! 🫶🏻👏🏻 Welcome to Nostr! 
 Followed! Your gonna make it! 
 Long time Nostr user under another npub, I'm a civil servant who will bespeaking at the adopting bitcoin conference in El Salvador this year.  

I've never taken any public-facing roles before, but seeing what I see I felt I couldn't be silent any longer.  

I plan on speaking about the erosion of state sovereignty and what you can do today to help make your government more open and transparent.  
 Annonymal is the first #heavymetal band that sings about #Bitcoin history, philosophy and goals.

Annonymal was born on October 31st, 2022.

We'll have our second anniversary soon.

Our initial plan was to record and release the first Bitcoin-only heavy metal album in human history this year, 2024.

Unfortunately, that might not happen.

We have been able to stack sats over these two years and we are going to start recording our album this month and it will be ready to launch by next October 31st.

However, we are considering postponing the release to October 2025 because we currently lack the budget to promote the album properly.

The songs we released up to this day were just pre-productions to show you the musical direction we are heading in. The album will bring more mature content.

So, here's the deal: if we can raise enough sats to release the album this year and promote it as best as possible, we will do it.

But if we don't get the funds we need, we will keep the album unpublished and wait one more year to release it, hopefully with the budget to promote it properly.

Because of this, we will release this note periodically on NOSTR to try to engage you guys in helping us make it happen.

You can donate using LN (annonymal@getalby.com) or the on-chain address (bc1qq06tpkugwle76wwj50u5gcvr0mv5ettmeflryg).

Our goal is to raise close to 6.000 USD (six thousand USD), to work on a realistic but good budget for our needs.

Every sat counts and is much appreciated.

We understand that not everyone likes the idea of a Heavy Metal Bitcoin band, but this isn't about those who don't get it.

Our mission is about orange-pilling others and having fun during the process, at least from our point of view.

We are also open to discussing partnerships and having a patron on our team. So, if you want to talk about it, just slide into our DMs.

Let's rock the world by spreading the word! 
Thanks for being an awesome community!

Horns Up For Satoshi 
 Follow me for poetic ramblings that won’t make total sense but I’m here for my entertainment and not yours 
 ¿Qué tal? Mi nombre es Fer y he estado trabajando en entender la crisis en México. Mi cuenta sólo hablará de México y su situación. Si a alguien le interesa mi jornada en la chingadera que es México, agárrense. Me gustaría conectar con otr@s Mexican@s o periodistas latinoamericanos. Gracias. 

What's up? My name is Fer and I have been working in understanding the crisis in Mexico. My account will only talk of Mexico and its situation. If anyone is interested in my journey to the shitshow that is Mexico, buckle up. I would like to connect with other Mexicans or Latin American journalists. Thank you.  
 @Malos10 ha estado posteando desde Venezuela últimamente 
 Ya vi, qué buena onda. Gracias. 
 @zoé es mexicana y tambien @Sergio 
 Gracias, veré sus perfiles.  
 My pronouns are Try/Me

 I identify as a nonbinary old timey prospector because I'm trying to find gold in them/there hills. 🤷🏽 
 Waddup! I'm liminal
I'm a coder/analyst of sort, 
Love philosophy to the point where I can think myself into vertigo 😁
also an amateur musician and occasionally post tracks & videos of my playing 🫂

 hello. I am a suspected autist. kinda the same around the edges if you squint hard. 

I like long walks on the beach

Probably not a fed

Sometimes I meme, it rarely catches on

Here for teh tech

Did I mention long walks?

 awww i’m flattered !! i’m hoping to post biweekly 
 Check this 💜🫂👀