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 **Re: Reply Guy Exploit**

I can't help but think the filtering needs to be done by the relay/s. That's the only way to keep it transparent. You also probably don't really want clients carrying the processing or code burden.

I'd want to run my own relay but I can also see configurable relays as a paid service.

Advertisers & scammers are probably the next people to use the RGE. 
 Its censoring & it's needed.

The decision is where should it occur.

On the client or via the relays. 
 Good evening 🔥🔥 
 The personality analyser said I say GM too often. 

"If I had a nickel for every time you typed '... 
 GM mate 
 Client side UI idea:
If you mutually follow each other, commenting on a note is free. 
If you don... 
 We can't all be doing it, but influencers would love that feature. 

Sort replies by zaps for the parent note & if you don't zap it at least 5 sats, I won't even see your reply. Good for the fans & good for the influencer. 80℅ of the reply guys are immediately excluded. 

Keep in mind that replying is a way that new users can get noticed. Most people not using nostr also have zero sats. We can't all use zaps as a filter. 
 Cooked up a small peice of Chuck Crest (brahman hump) today.



Low & slow along with some pork shoulder. Very tasty, juicy & tender, similar to brisket.

I should have cut it all against the grain.

 Yeah kamado BBQ - charcoal fueled with temps stabilised by the thermal mass & controlled airflow.

120⁰C for about 7hrs 
 I bought my Kamado Joe when I went carnivore. Best BBQ I've ever owned although it probably cost the equivalent of 20 million sats at the time 🤣

I have a couple of little portable Weber charcoal grills for traveling that were much cheaper.

I love the taste & love that I can always cook with the energy stored in wood. No reliance on gas. 80% of the charcoal I use, I make myself. 
 Guys, I know you are thinking "nonsense, such huge shake-ups don't exist. Problems for everyone, ... 
 It's so much easier to sell Bitcoin non kyc than it is to buy.

It is only a matter of time before people will accept it directly but until then, cash works. 
 That's a lot of guac! 
 Get it through your head, those of you waiting for a debt crisis will die waiting.

The system wa... 
 The system is designed for people to voluntarily surrender their power to a few.

I wouldn't put an engineered debt crisis off the table. They need a plausible reason to print like crazy

Yes I'm aware this means creating more debt.. 
 Is Reply Guy trying to get us to value relays more? 
 And think about them more. 
 It will be good for nostr 
 Someone is spamming replies with unique npubs to certain relays.

It's very hard to stop or filter out. 
 What are things you'd require to have in a camper van?  
  - big battery with solar & AC charging ability
 - mattress, pillow & doona
 - DC fridge & freezer
 - gas stove, pot & cast iron pan
 - portable charcoal grill
 - metal bucket for charcoal
 - fresh water tank
 - an aeropress + ground coffee 
 - Changed water filters 
- Cleaned the toilets

No matter how great you think anyone else is, or ... 
 I'm about to top my 1000L toilet tank.

I partition off the toilet water because it has a massive impact if it runs constantly. It can drain my remaining stored water within weeks.

Been putting it off 🤣.

Doing it now.

 I’m glad that my legacy is that I wrote a whole ass book about money.

Money is broken, so we n... 
 Not to diminish your professional endeavors at all, but you possess within you the ability to create life.

Have some kids.

Much better legacy. 

After ~7 years of near-constant traveling—usually in hostels packed ... 
 Sometimes you meet the best & worst examples of your own country when traveling.

 Looks like I've been infected by the reply bot 🤣 
 Good to see you here man 
 Do it for yourself man.

Try expressing your most authentic self as if nobody is watching.

What does Hats need to say? 
 had a sort of funny interaction today while out walking the dogs. i was distracted and walking on... 
 It's helpful if everyone is running on the same protocol.


100 squats for #31 days. 

My muscles are tired. I can sure feel the week of extra... 
 What day are you on? 
 I love an orange smokey sunset. 
 It’s all about the space between the notes 
 Space & contrast are both useful. 
 Can confirm nostr:note17p6d7l8p07j693wcjwky2whens3vrxdan3cd5z8675g5d8zlat2qgycmh9 
 I gave up programming professionally within1within 12 months of starting my job out if uni.

I didn't like the way it was changing my thinking & I wasn't fast/good enough.

I was experiencing if then else statements & loops in my dreams. 
 Holy shit, so did I.

That was in a job while studying IT, so I'd already consciously chosen that path.

Figuring out what the customer wanted to know & them turning that into a report. I got pretty good at writing & optimising SQL. 
 In my citadel I’ll have an openly available learning environment where I’ll teach anyone who ... 
 I think optimising for resiliency, optionality & privacy will be my wider goal. Allowing people to largely do what they want on their peice of citadel will be fundamental.

Each of the private areas will be separated by pasture that's actively grazed rotationally.

I think the communal area will be where most of the fun happens. A clubhouse of sorts that can be accessed by outsiders without going deep into the private areas.

It may start as just an insulated steel shed with mezanine & plaster interior. A big wood fireplace. Bar & pool tables. Covered outdoor area for BBQing & socialising. 

Commercial kitchen & cool room for processing & aging meat will be nearby.

I think it will all evolve in time naturally but this is kind of where my head is at. I'd like to be a member of several citadels for increased geographical optionality.

I'm so glad others in my social circle are also considering this. Mistakes & strides will be made along the way but we can share the costs & lessons. Fundamentally this increased optionality will cost sats & I think everyone is keen to keep the optionality:cost ratio as high as possible. 
 You Americans have big cars and big houses but it is not because you are harder working than the ... 
 It's not just Americans, they're just the closest to the printer.

The whole of the West benefits from this cantillon effect.

All are fiat slaves, it's just some are more privileged than others. 
 The middle path. 

Peace: Cultivate inner peace

Love:  Journey from conditional to unconditional... 
 GM annica

 I haven't been following the problem-solving discussion on the reply guy spam

What's the move he... 
 Each note appears to originate from the same person but carries a fresh new npub. Wackamole doesn't quite capture how pointless muting & reporting is.

I suspect that the only way to remove this spam is to restrict notes from npubs that have put in zero PoW. A white list approach over the black list approach that we've been using.

This would represent a significant change to the nostr experience, particularly for new users. I don't expect it to be fixed within a week. Trade offs are definitely required. 
 Sometimes shit happens and it makes you feel like an idiot, and a failure. And you realize just h... 
 There's value to be had from any situation even if the situation itself was undesirable.

You can't find all the value in a situation if you are judging it & yourself though.

You have to have at least have a neutral (preferably positive) mindset to find most of the value in a situation. From there, you either get back on the horse or find yourself a new horse to ride.

There are no coincidences, why did the universe show me this? 
 It's funny how so many mushroom recipes are trying emulate/substitute meat.

I kind of just want to make a nice side dish to go with a steak 🤣 
 Good morning Efrat 
 Can you see me?


 I see Bukele 🤣 
 He's a handsome, powerful fella 😉 
 Not financial advice but if you currently have no debt and no bitcoin, I can’t see how a person... 
 If you can get the loan & service it, that will be life changing. 
 I love this out of context pic in ways you probably wouldn't understand. 

I paid 1021 sats for it & I'm never selling.


 You stole my pic! 
 Has the number of people on nostr suddenly grown? Seeing a lot more people and not just our usual... 
 Nostriga brought a lot of people in & back.

I also hear rumours that dedbird is getting even worse. 
 This Nostr thing is becoming far too enjoyable. 

Struggling to put it down today but stuff needs to be done. 

Catch you later, Ron. 
 It's good for the brain.

Consider it an investment. 
 Nice - I might have to get some. 

Mine just doesn't seem to want to fruit. 

Brand recommendation? 
 This is the worst thing about Bitcoin dips, everything gets so much more expensive. 

Thanks. You saved me a lot of time searching.

500K sats for a kg of Lionsmane mushroom extract?

I think I'll get the 100g pack for 100Ksats (equivalent to 1M sats per kg).

Have you looked at your lions mane extract purchases in sats terms over time? It's gone up in fiat terms but has it increased in bitcoin terms?

 Feeling some regret, not gonna lie. 

Have fun man, I'm sure we'll meet one day. 

 Is it possible to overload the reply guy bot by uploading a bunch of 1GB videos to nostr? It seem... 
 Nope - the bot is just reposting the URL to the video already uploaded. 

I'm personally loving watching people react to it. It such an elegant way to draw attention to an issue that has existed for a while & that we're now ready to address.

Band-aids like muting certain words or phrases will not fix the underlying problem of having zero cost to npub creation. 
 When the audio volume of a movie changes drastically, I can feel the producer's lack of confidenc... 
 I really dislike it when they have moments of quiet dialogue followed by loud music or effects.

It's like they trick you into increasing the volume & them punish you for doing it. 
 The economic thesis for “why bitcoin” is temporarily falling apart.

In my opinion, over the ... 
 Over 4 years it's done pretty well at protecting & elevating my purchasing power.

Not so much over the last 3 years though. 

This is nothing new & is often a criticism employed by those trying to discredit Bitcoin as an inflation hedge. I think the bull-bear dynamic of Bitcoin will start to diminish this cycle as the market understands this beast better. We shall see 

There are no solutions, only trade offs.

 The truth is frequently somewhere in the middle.

Value is subjective & so what is good, beneficial & bad is subjective.

No solutions, only tradeoffs. 
 Would it be possible to only see notes from within a web of trust?

For example follows +1  (mean... 
 I treat the bot replies as a small distraction from an otherwise very pleasant experience. 

It is a problem that needs to be addressed but it currently doesn't bother me too much. 
 Ok I'm just gonna make my own client that fixes this bot thing  
 It reminded me that Bitcoiners love to scratch their own itch. 
 It has become normalized to put down 8-20% for a mortgage downpayment. 

I wonder how many people... 
 Very few. Most just see it as the only way to accumulate wealth.

It's crazy that it's one of the few asset classes where this behaviour is widely accepted. What's even crazier is that these loans are rarely marked to market. 
 People in new age scenes seem to think you can “open your chakras” using your intention. They... 
 This is my second trip into this spiritual world & it feels a whole heap different exploring it as a Bitcoiner.

I think there's some truth to every model but that they often make it so much more complex than it needs to be.

I think that there are elements to this journey that are so personal they just can't be shared without causing people to become more confused. What you perceive is largely based on the beliefs that you carry with you.

The ego is a tricky character & I don't think it can be destroyed while your physical heart is beating. It pretends to die & then resprouts again while you're not paying attention.

I think that we each are able to connect to our higher selves & receive guidance. I now trust that inner guidance more than any extremal guidance I receive. I suspect that many express this guidance as spirit guides & ET communications. I used to feel inadequate for not being able to tap into those frequencies.

It's funny, as someone who has been mind dominant for most of their life, intellectually understanding all this stuff doesn't seem that important to me.

I still think that the book, The 4 Agreements offers the best words for living a fulfilling life in this realm. It's so simple to understand but so difficult & rewarding to put into practice.
