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 Who knows about some good side events happening in Lugano? 
@BTCsessions @preston @jimmysong @hodlonaut @giacomozucco @UNCLE ROCKSTAR 
 My favorite part is just how big his head is at the end 🤣 

I have been wanting to try this for ages and I didn’t realize @Alby was going to make this doable.

It’s basically nsecBunker but for your Lightning node. I can set budgets, timeouts, limited access, etc for certain apps really easy.

And even though the “disconnect wallet” button at the bottom of this is strangely placed and I almost reflexively tapped it twice while change my percentage, I am jazzed to see @damus attempt the “support with a % of zaps” idea. Been wanting to do this for a while and having specific rules for each app makes it really easy.

The value of Nostr Wallet Connect here is hard to overvalue. This is a fucking cool setup. https://i.nostr.build/PictX3p5OksejpTX.jpg  
 And immediately after I say this @damus is having a bug. 😆

When I try to connect to the NWC address (which I think is confusing btw when Albyhub says “pairing secret” - might be useful to just say scan or something?) the camera never loads it just immediately gives a “no response” error as if it tried to connect and the device didn’t respond. @jb55 
 Ok  @Alby is it in the LND side or the albyhub side that fails to decode an invoice without an explicit sats amount?

I would love that if it's something you guys can implement. 🙏 
(I can't send to CashApp otherwise)

 This was my first zap from my start9 using Albyhub. 
Gotta say that was a lot easier than i suspected.

 LND on start9. CLN too but it’s not compatible with Albyhub yet 
 This was my first zap from my start9 using Albyhub. 
Gotta say that was a lot easier than i suspected.

 The hardest thing about being successful isn't obtaining wealth, it's keeping it.

 — something i heard once that stuck with me 
 Honestly doubt that’s an unpopular opinion. 😆 
 In a crypto anarchist with a pod 🤣 
 Ba dum tiss 
 Constantly hating on Saylor and fanboying for Saylor are two sides of the same coin, imo...

Giving too much importance and attention to any random thing he says. It's cool if he says something valuable, and whatever if he says something silly. The average person is going to have the same tumultuous journey as everyone else and I've come to realize that there's probably no great shortcut. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I've kind of come to the same place with that sort of thing as I have with shitcoins. I used to spend SO much time and energy trying to explain why it's stupid and everyone was going to lose their money... now i just don't care. It's a waste of my time and it never seemed to work anyway. I just make my case to anyone who will listen. 
 Eh, it's also why humanity works to begin with. It just doesn't scale very well. 
 That’s an interesting point. 
 Dude this is just to be as insulting as possible in a clearly rigged court, imo. Are you fucking serious? 

@knutsvanholm & @lukedewolf's new book now has a published audible ready ready to listen! 

For those looking to understand the rise of Clown World 🤡🌎 and how we can find our way out of it, this one shouldn't be missed 👏

 I'm not sure if it would be profitable from a business perspective, but I'd like to see different... 
 You could have the additional key be offered by the person who onboarded you too 🤔

Like an “affiliate + key assistance” system. As long as they understand the trust model, this could be an interesting idea.

Also I think a way to hold the “backup” key with a friend or spouse using Apple keychain or Google password whatever would be critical. I think having them use an entirely different app and download it would be a bit friction for someone who didn’t have any bitcoiner friends. But if you could have a way to have a secure keychain encrypted key or something, and your wife or friend could just scan a QR and unlock something for you, that would be good UX. They wouldn’t even have to know what keys are being used or where. They just know that their Apple account has the keys to help get your coins back. 🤔🤔

Something there I think. 
 This is the best way to use voting. Not assuming you’ll get anything good (because 🤣🤣🤣), but using it simply to oust people who are openly attacking #Bitcoin.

Anyone in Mass just vote in the state race to kick out Warren solely for her embarrassment. 😆 nostr:note15zupkcr0efxvwm9yl3m8v4u56k75v2ymtae9mlcg955s3xtck94s0g803w 
 Sucks, I wish people could just open their eyes and see politicians for what they are… prostitutes for the corporations that fund them.

The fact that everyone buys this huge charade of bullshit is still just mind blowing when you see it for what it is. And she’s one of the worst. 

It’s crazy that what gets you elected is literally the most excruciatingly ignorant and shallow condition possible… “do people recognize the name, and is there a slightly positive or negative association?”

And people wonder why this system produces constant streams of dogshit 😂 
 Might just be my perspective and familiarity... but I kinda feel like every self custody setup should now be multisig, AND that multisig is how we should think about key recovery (rather than a bunch of paper seeds) and "backups" for the user. 🧐

 Of course. 
 Holding a smaller amount wouldn’t be about distributed multisig, it would be about service based multisig. 

I’m not saying there is one size or one setup, I’m saying that the various levels of security and self custody should be met with different kinds of multisig.

In the case of someone who just bought 100k sats, maybe it’s a 2/3 with their phone, their spouse (or another device), and the wallet provider? 


I just think the design mentality should be “so what multisig would be best for this user’s situation and skill level?” 🤔 
 True-ish, except taproot. 
 I do not argue against that 
 Setups should be thought as as varying levels of multisig in complexity and sovereignty.

As I mentioned with @bitcoinpup, let’s say you have someone who’s buying their first bitcoin. You just onboarded your friend basically.

Well then maybe the setup should be that you have a key, your friend has a key, and the wallet provider has a key. That way this person can come back to you and still recover funds in case anything goes wrong.

It leverages local trust, instead of some huge, distant corporate (or scam wallet) trust model. 

Then this can have all sorts of default variations based on the level of user skill and knowledge. 3/7 for someone who really needs help, but has a ton of funds, and has a spouse/friend they trust with a device also. Use tapsigners for main keys because they are super easy and have no input or UI complexity. They always work and you just keep them in your wallet. Multiple options for recovery, and to them it’ll look like just “tap to sign” because their phones auto sign with a local key too. 

This way if they lose their phone, tapsigner, and additional key, it can still be recovered through their group. The UX challenge for something like that is mostly in the setup process.

But then there’s all sorts of options in between. As well as timelocks in the case of too many keys lost, let recovery still be possible on one key, with a 3 month delay, etc.

Just lots to explore and it could be hidden for the user behind, “just have these devices” or “just have this person confirm,” or “just tap this card,” etc. 
 I think they are referring to the key design not anything about the service specifically. It’s a man obscured multisig with the intent of making it easy and safer for casual users. 
 This would be more for people who want to use their bitcoin or are on a bitcoin standard. 
 Nunchuk will soon I think. @c301f133 
 Anything that improves how you use taproot would be a big help. And just implementing naive multisig setups and making it the norm would build the pressure for things like FROST to get adopted. 
 I think that's a little like saying that using training wheels is setting people up for not being able to ride a bike. 

I think making the presumption that learning and taking responsibility aren't incremental processes (when i think there's ample evidence that it is like any other learning process) is a great way to just get a lot of people to be too afraid to take the first step, imo. 
 This would be part of the benefit of multisig. A single set of seed words don't threaten your bitcoin and so you can still move them if a key has gotten compromised. 
 It will suffice from a security standpoint if you know how to maintain it, secure it, and not lose it. 

I think most people discount just how unprepared and "tech security illiterate" the average person is. Yet many have decent amounts of money and want to get into #Bitcoin. In this case the "simple" solution is highly likely to result in disaster.

Example, someone I've been talking to who  have been buying bitcoin just lost his phone twice in 2 months, got tricked into buying rallycoin by coinbase jsut before they delisted it so he can't get rid of it, and now thinks he sent bitcoin to his green wallet but it never showed up (i still ahve to investigate this one).

The guy wants to put his savings into bitcoin but his life is pretty crazy and I honesly don't feel safe telling him to do this unless I can make him a setup that's easy to understand and recover from WHEN those things happen. I think the best option is to distribute among many devices. 
 Best piece of content to convince a leftish minded person that bitcoin doesn’t waste energy, go. 
 Had a falling out with my extended family during Covid times. Goes way deeper than Covid, lots of... 
 lol, THEY called you and then asked you to apologize?

 It's exactly what everyone who got everything wrong during 2020 wants to do. 

"Admit that i never did anything wrong and I'll treat you with the respect that I should always have done and explicitly refused to give you."

Basically saying that their abiltiy to be decent human beings is predicated on whether you admit that's what they are... making them bad people and forcing you to be dishonest to join them. 
 Looks like you’ve got plenty of room. 
 Just scrolled through my feed with 5 different memes that I really want to understand in a row that were in either Spanish or German (I think)… maybe some Dutch? I don’t know. 

Regardless, I need an OCR auto image translator really bad 😆 
 oh snap that's awesome! Thanks for this 
 You’ve been invited to join Holesail.io as a Peer.

To connect, paste this link into Keet.io, the unstoppable P2P chat app:


See you there! Invite expires at 2024/11/2 23:45 UTC. 
 You should add a tiny “readme” list in the profile description. Would be cool to just look at the account and see any commands/replies/options I could use. I tagged underneath a meme and it gave me a “language not detected” error. Would save time in me figuring out what/if I did something wrong without needing a thread of tags and replies 🙏🏻👏🏻

This is a seriously cool bot, btw. Thanks for building this. 
 They just need a Guy’s Take to go with it and they’ll come around 😆 nostr:note19k0j8vuxy0w4s88459nzr83nfj9xztfvq065ufyzhkt8qz0ey7qq97yujv 
 It doesn’t even lead to their demise, it literally benefits society as a whole, even those who do *not* adopt it, because it makes trade more efficient and communication better.

It’s the exact same as saying if you didn’t adopt the internet you were “left behind and impoverished.” No you weren’t, every single service you use is still 100x more capable because *they* use the internet. 
 Tell that to JFK 
 Were they that effective? Seems to me like they failed actually. Increasingly looks like he’ll be the next president 
 I would never sell my bitcoin for fiat. Anyone else? 
 Fiat’s only utility is its payment network. The only reason I ever swap to Fiat is to use it as a payment network for the bitcoin I earn. 
 I think that Blossom can be "the IPFS that works", but just in theory. I haven't seen its magical... 
 Can you link me to a good resource for digging into blossom? 
 My price target is that no pure fiat currency can be purchased with #Bitcoin because no one will buy it.

The only “fiat” that will survive will be those where countries backed it with BTC and they will simply be various denominations of sats. Fiat will basically become a state run satscard system. nostr:note15rrutrukfd76ml27qm4qaw899hvlfeu2sxjpytgn2n2ptl2v3y5qk7z9p2 
 🤣 Sir please come pick up your 5,000 tons of soybeans at this address by the end of the week… 
 Do you guys just get pictures taken every 2 weeks or something? 😂 
 Now the challenge will be making the core of the idea understandable in a sub 4 minute 2SATS video 😅 
 It's impossible to be a nostr influencer because follow counts don't work 🤠

That's why they s... 
 This is why WoT is the most valuable use case for #Nostr.

This will be the thing, imo, that in hindsight will be blatantly obvious. Weighing information, reviews, and conclusions through our social connections and trust. It will be as obvious as the “like” and “repost” buttons on all social and as having reviews under every product or service. It will eventually be indistinguishable from all basic services and social systems.

Keeping a very close eye on Satlantis. nostr:note190thkktcdsata6sf8zsjpcejf20qs633clpp5835cp9p63nks3msalrpjn 
 Dear socialists on #Nostr,

Libertarians and socialists could actually live together without any trouble if it weren’t for socialists always resorting to tyranny and enforcing others into slavery to their system.

There is nothing about socialism (commune living) as a chosen way to live that’s incompatible with freedom. It’s when you decide it’s ok to force your religion onto everyone else by pointing the state gun at everyone’s head, forcing them to pay for a system and people they don’t agree with, making them slaves.

If people don’t agree with your system, leave them alone and live your own life, and you won’t start a war. 😁👍🏻

 I think you possibly have a very naive impression that energy production and regulation isn’t totally controlled by the very people it’s advertised as “keeping under control.”

Read about Bootleggers and Baptists, and then remember that to make sure you don’t become a Baptist. 
 Then I don’t understand what your comment was referencing. I assumed the context was about needing state control, and you were giving an example of where it was necessary. 

Maybe expand on the context of what you mean, because I still can’t come up with anything else. 
 Well I was just answering what I thought you were addressing in the absence of a direct explanation. I clearly misunderstood, but it’s nothing to get bothered about.

Also you should still check out bootleggers and baptists if you haven’t before. It’s the most important framing for political incentives, imo. 
 I think the problem is constant conflation by the people who actually support it. Language on all sides is constantly co-opted and made vague and confusing. 
 lol, dude you gave no explicit context and as you said, its hard to understand what someone means in text sometimes. If you gave no explicit context then my only means is to assume which part of my post you are responding too. 

but now you've spent 3 additional comments just complaining about it. Don't know what has you so fixated on this but hope you have a good day anyway. Later 
 It was taking the blood of someone who hadn’t been grounded for a whole day, and then again after 30 minutes grounded.

So they didn’t artificially apply anything. It was a before and after look at the cells and how they interacted.