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 Anyone here do meditation?

What kind? 
 Yes. Mindfulness, sitting, and active. 
 Transcendental meditation. Powerful and relatively easy to maintain year after year. Without effort. 
 This kind

 What is Pepe doing here?! 😂 
 Focused breathing is my fav, gratitude versions are good for the head too.  
 Staring at the 1 minute chart as soon as I wake for an hour. Really gets my day off to a solid start. Peaceful, harmonious. Good stuff. 
 I like the Headspace app.  It's trained me to the point where I can run through variations of many routines depending on my need of the moment. 
 I watch nature alot. it A creates sense of peace I suppose. 
 Practicing presence of God 
 yes, I like using the pause app to stop, think, and pray

 Hey Lyn! How are you? Do you meditate? I don't, but I pray, sometimes. 
 Looking into Jhanas since Lubka shilled it ☀️ 
 CrossFit and long distance running is the best kind of meditation Lyn! Ask @Lawrence Lepard 
 Yes, Prozac, Ozempic, … oh whoops, I thought you said medication. 
 Traditional zazen everyday 🧘‍♂️ 
 Seated, walking, yoga. I find almost anything can be a meditative practice TBH 
 Breathing techniques found in the Wim Hof Method 
 Zazen and walking. 
 Vipassana 🧡🫂 
 Pray the Rosary on Hallow.

 Had a few years of active meditation, didn't stick. Find very long walks without earphones just taking in the moment very rewarding. 
 Second this 
 I take 30 minutes every Saturday Night to walk on the top floor of a nearby Parking Garage and look at the skyline in silence. 
 My doctor calls it sleepwalking 🙂 
 Meditation can mean differently for everyone.
You can have a shower meditation, or soulful meditation and others.
Just going within yourself and not thinking about anything and allowing thoughts to come and go for a while can be meditating. 
Buddhist meditation 
 I really enjoy movement meditations and red light therapy. 
 Wim Hof is the way. 

Trick your mind into meditating by putting your body there first via breathing. 
 I do mornings fasting with art. I feel like it gets me to flow fast and gives some tension to overcome. 
 I got into vipassana meditation about 20 years ago. Although I'd like to practice it more, I can't really find time to get back into it. 
 Same here. 
 Regularly.. I started with the ones from UCLA mindfulness center. (Diana Winston)
Now I either do a short one (6/8 min) in the morning or if i have time a 25 min one in the afternoon.  
 here in the nows 
 Transcendental meditation 
 Me too 
 Often. No app or lesson necessary. I focus on breathing and clear out thoughts and after 10/15 mins can find that sense of tranquil and relax and empty my mind. 
 Every day. Sam Harris, hands down the best IMO. 
 How long have you been practicing for? 
 Years ! 
 Guided. Mindfulness. 
Jon Kabat Zinn is a favorite. 
 Depends on what you're trying to accomplish with meditation.... 

Seeking Enlightenment?

 Try Dzochen practices like merging into clear light, sky gazing, lucid dreaming.... 

Trying to ground and steady your mind? 
Try  meditating on the breath, or a walk in nature, or an asana practice that links movement to breath. 🙏 
 Not really. 
 secular transcendental - for a couple of decades - used to do twice a day but gradually ended up at once a day. 
 Trying to meditate doesn't work for me. But I kinda accidentally meditate when I do my stretches. 
 Walking ideally in nature is meditative. 

Find the kind that works for you. 
 Yes! Vipassana Meditation. ( by Goenka. Highly recommended by Yuval Noah Harari(21 lessons). ) 

 Prayer to Christ.  The only meditation that bears fruit.  Tried everything else.  Fruitless.  
 Yeah. Vipassana

Best place to start 👇

 Waking up app

30-day guest pass
 Makes me happy to see so many Waking Up recommendations. 
 Sitting, back straight, (legs cross if possible), palms up resting on legs or knees. Try to focus my eyes a little beyond the tip of my nose. Long slow deep breaths. Aums. Mantra of choice. (Sri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram was my first one), many different ways to say/sing it. 

If you are beginning meditation for the first time, it can be frustrating. Do not try to block thoughts or feelings from coming. Rather, allow them to come, acknowledge them, and then let them go. Don't dwell on them or pass judgement on them. Become the witness.  
 The Waking Up app from Sam Harris is the best approach I’ve found. Start with the beginner course. 
 Tara Bracht. Psychologist and Buddhist meditator. Meditation is healing work. Her free podcasts explain and help practice and then has specific meditation episodes that guide you. Understanding + practice is key my opinion. Here's a brief overview: https://www.tarabrach.com/new-to-meditation/ 
body scan
guided meditations
might work my way up some day 
 Yes. SKY breathing followed by Art of Living meditation daily. 
 What’s the art of living Meditation? 

I tried out a few meditation and breathing techniques. This was the one that stuck and resonated with me personally. 
 for anyone else out there who might now be wondering why meditation is good:

calming the mind also calms the body and so can actually heal physical ailments too.

having a calm mind also makes it easier to make better decisions and to be more loving and kind.  you will have a better relationship with yourself, with others & society.

sometimes in some types of meditation, one wants to clear the head completely and not have any thoughts at all.  it’s incredibly super duper oh so hard to achieve that nothing state, but highly recommend taking steps with mindfulness & meditation to get there (sometimes when possible).

also, meditation is hard like working out.  sometimes one doesn’t do it nearly enough (every day), but we would have a much better world if we all did, just like working out, surfing under the sun, or being in nature.

 Jesus prayer 

 Me too. Learned about it from a JD Salinger novel. 
 Yes daily meditation.
Sitting, resting as awareness.
Vipassana/Mindfulness for years now more Open Awareness.
There are many approaches to meditation. What is your interest/intention? 
 Tai Chi and prayer here 
 In terms of meditating, square breathing exercise for me (4 in, 4 hold, 4 out, 4 hold is what I do). 
 I second this. Getting too fancy can take away from the experience. I used to make it part of my wind down routine, great for sleep. But also a fan of Wim Hof method in the morning.  
 was introduced to Vipassana meditation in India 30 years ago while backpacking. Went on a 10 day retreat and it was amazing.
It is supposedly the technique taught by Guatama the Buddha himself. Quite straight forward and very effective. Popular throughout India and Nepal.
Quite an old organisation works on a voluntary basis so the retreats are free with the ability to make a donation of your choice.
I was surprised to see Vipassana here on nostr. I didn't dig in so I'm not sure who it is exactly.
Anyway, I recommend it. It is a technique I always come back to. 
 Sam Harris and the waking up app. Sam is to meditation what you are to macro. 
 Stripped out a lot of woowoo but kept what I thought to be the important theory intact. I would have spent so much time bouncing around from tradition to tradition if it wasn’t for him. 
 Zazen 🙏 
 I don't suppose it has a name. Or maybe it does. 

I close my eyes usually... Focus on my breath for a while.  

Follow my mind wherever it wants to go. 

All the while quietly reminding myself I don't need to go anywhere.

I already am.

And hold it here. Or go again. As many times as I want. 

 This (link) gives me a similar result in 10 minutes to what I would get from 45 minutes of zen (sitting) meditation

 Wim Hof, does that count? 
 Check out Jiddu Krishnamurti  
 Not sure what it's called when you focus on your breath until you start to disassociate from your consciousness and start observing ideas as the resonant signals of metaphysical beings trying to influence the physical world through humans like meat puppets. But, that kind. 
 I can’t remember where I read it—I think in one of the many popular happiness books that were published over the last decade—but the author talked about how reading novels puts your mind in a similar state as traditional meditation. I like the idea of reading novels as a serious meditative practice; it’s one I regularly engage in! 
 yes, I use Sam Harris' Waking up app. There are many kinds of practices within the app and teachings as well.  
 Second this, the app is absolutely great.  
 Middle way Buddhist meditation with breathing from kriya yoga. 
 Yeah, non-meditation 
 Every now and then deep breaths and focus on what’s going on 
 Getting back into Vipassana/Insight meditation. 
 I currently subscribe in the Calm app. Previously used the Headspace app. A lot of focus on following the breath, body scan, visualization, bringing the attention back to the moment. 
 That’s the way 
 Breathe in - breathe out meditation 
 I do a basic mindfulness meditation from time to time as I need it. 
 Simple 20 minutes of trying to clear my thoughts completely (usually listening to repetitive noises/music) is my favorite. Mindfulness is nice too 
 Wim hof 😎🔥 
 I am a meditation teacher and I teach mantra meditation (similar to TM) and Kriya Yoga ❤️ 
 Just 20 minutes a day focusing on only breathing... Don't know if it counts as meditation though 
 I developed a guided meditation which combines Breathwork and hypnosis with modern music. My mission is to make meditation cool and accessible. Reaching thousands of people over the years. A lot of them who never thought they would ever do stuff like that. But it’s still in German. Maybe in some time I record all in English:) 
 ✅ …for 20+ years, 1-2hrs everyday.  Life changing 
 Samatha (concentration meditation) is great for beginners who are focused on developing concentration and tranquility.

I'd also strongly recommend Vipassanā (insight meditation), if you so a 10 day retreat it will blow your mind!
Bitcoin is the only rabbit hole I've ever found to compare to the depths you can experience with meditation & Buddhism ☸️  
 I recite old Sioux and Navajo prayers when I'm in nature for energy, balance and strength. 
 Stacking Sats is my meditation 
 You should probably look into Vipassana meditation  @LynAlden. It is said to be the Buddhas original teaching; a non religious, very simple technique for understanding reality as it is. Don't be scammed though – first encounter is, for a reason, a ten day course, and only the real and genuine places offer it for free.

Check out https://www.dhamma.org

Bitcoin, friends and meditation – all you ever need! 
 Sam Harris’s ‘Waking Up’ app is excellent - highly recommended. It’s also free or discounted to those that can’t afford it. 
 Arm pinching works all the time 
 @LynnAlden I would sart with a very basic Shamatha training ... Everything else will be an excuse to not let go in experience 
 Yes I use insight timer for guided and use counting of numbers with breath. I also the different techniques from yoga. 
 Yes. Transcendental 2x day 
 The protocol I use is simple, but it works.
1) Sit or lie comfortably
2) Focus on the sensation of breathing
3) As soon as I notice being distracted: return to 2)

3 to 5 minutes already give me a good relaxing effect. 
 I subscribed  to Sam Harris’s waking up app and I’m loving it.  I don’t know what you would call it specifically, but the main point is to realize that our minds are out of control so much of the time. We are lost in thought with being aware….. this insight when you notice this happening is profound.  Random shit just continually arises in consciousnes seemingly out of nowhere. 
 I mantra chanting meditation for 40 years. The benificial results have been increasing more and more. and  never been bored. 
 Vipassana meditation 
 I do, just recently picked it up again.

No brand. I just sit, focusing on the moment, my breath. 
 @LynAlden about to transcend. Cold plunges, meditation. 
 Funny, I shared mine a little over a week ago. note1yajpq86mlmnpdad7vnkypft5qmpp2fgfkacwarrxq8jzt550783qy78fmf 
 Vipassana meditation.

Look it up. Do one of their incredible (free, donate at the end if you get anything out of it) 10 day starter courses.

Very intense, but it literally changes your brain wiring and sets you up for your own mediation going forwards. I did the course 10 years ago, and I'm still practising every morning. 
 Anapana & Vipassana. 
 Every day, mostly mindfulness and zen, if you start a daily practice, join us at www.trydayapp.com!  
 Yesss can’t wait for the Lyn meditation deep dive 🙏 
 Big Yes!!  So many techniques depending on what you desire, the results are compounding, I can honestly say my mental, emotional (and even physical) health has flourished over time.

I started with Mindfulness (great with an actual teacher), then moved to Vedic/transcendental (mantra based) when I needed something stronger, and now do a Yoga Nidra/nsdr hybrid every dayI’ve devised for myself.

So happy to help point you in any of these directions should you wish to get started 🙏 
 @LynAlden I can confirm @mindfuljungle is a great place to start your meditation journey… 
 Thank you 🙏 
 yes, results are compounding, the more disciplined we are the better the meditation.
 The kind of just sitting and being aware of now. 
 Here’s a short audio reflection from the Waking Up app:

 I do the kind of meditation where you try to think about nothing 
 yep, vipassana and mindfulness meditation 
 Remembering God, thinking about him and his blessings.... 
 Yes. I like to follow ones on YouTube, sometimes different breathing techniques and sometimes with affirmations 
 @fractalchris you didn't meditate on Sunday 
 I know. Apologies, I'm on my last day of vacation today. This Sunday we will be back on normal schedule - Sundays 11AM Eastern, Wednesdays 9PM Eastern. Much Love 🙏🧡💜🫂 
 Also, that's awesome that you've been meditating with us! 🙏 
 ✨ just taking a long walk anywhere seems to do the trick for me 🌌 
 kind 1: short text note 
 You're not going to meditate your way out of this.  
 I’m trying my best! 😅 

 S N.Goenka.

Goenka described Vipassana meditation as an experiential scientific practice, in which one observes the constantly changing nature of the mind and body at the deepest level, through which one gains a profound self-knowledge that leads to a truly happy and peaceful life.

 thought about it but 3 hours was discouraging  
 The full course can be very daunting for a beginner for sure. Even gruelling to be honest.  The intensity though is worth it if you can set aside the time.  I did a 10 day retreat which is free,just donations if you have the funds. 
 Wim Hof’s breathing exercises. The app works fantastic. Daily user for three years now 
 Sometimes I sit and think, and sometimes I just sit. 
 I have been meditating, Zen meditation. It has benefited me a lot.

 Even the still water is clear, let alone the spirit. 
 Don’t categorize or over think the method. Just sit. Breathe. Have awareness. 
 Zazen, the do nothing meditation 

Free 30-Day Guest Pass: 
 - Zazen for simplicity and subtlety
- Dzogchen for quick insight (the greatest living teacher in the US has to be Loch Kelly)
- Cheng Hsin for purpose beyond awakening 
 Inner Engineering / Shambavi Mahamudhra (The pic is mileading though)

 I study the courses on meditation available at bota.org 
 I lie in a dark quiet sauna every night and observe my brain as it tries to scheme, plan, and ponder...

I guess it's a kind of meditation. And also a kind of entertainment. 
 Just sit and breathe for 15 mins. 
 Body scans are the way to go for beginners: https://youtu.be/CyKhfUdOEgs?si=hDgwSJPwzBJLqAP8 
 Did but it's a dead end quite literally. 
 transcendental meditation 👌 
 Mindfulness, keeping it simple works 
 What does this entail? 
 Yes not enough, unless washing dishes etc. is 
 Every day. 

“But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭3‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬
 transcendental meditation 
since 2014 
 Surat shabd yoga by master Baljit  
 It’s a long book but The Mind Illuminated has been helpful for me. Basic premise is to focus on the breath, and continuously improve your focus, and forgiveness after forgetting. Trying to minimize the time between forgetting to think about the breath and returning to the breath is also important. 

Walks in nature are unequivocally good also. 
 Sitting. Breathing. Counting . 
 Walking in nature! 
 Toilet meditation 
 Time in the sauna ... 
 I used to do simple breath work meditation then my mind got busy after stopping the practice so I’ll use meditations from Insight Timer & attend group meditation as it’s much easier to go deep with a group when I’m out of practice. I read that we speak to God when we pray 🤲🏽 and he speaks to us when we meditate. I liked that. 🧘 
 Took a year long snail mail correspondence course 30yrs ago with self realisation foundation in LA. Paramahansa Yogananda founded it in the 1930s. Raja and Kriya yoga techniques. In a busy life made time for daily 10min morning practice (with lapses of course) and continued study. Lower anxiety immediate benefit. Only after 25yrs practice and lengthening daily sessions now experiencing more profound feelings (or maybe I’m just a slow learner) 
 remind me to tell you about vipassana meditation next time we're together 

TL;DR we're all Jedi's we just don't realize it 
 the part about "no high and luxurious beds" pretty much rules me out 
 Yeah I did one 10-day vipassana and it was physically grueling tbh 

Was in Burma and my bed was a piece of plywood. I assume other centers are slightly more comfortable. 

Can argue how it was "part of what made it a powerful experience" but tbh I think I could achieve the same with a decent bed 
 Awesome you're doing Vipassana, Brandon 🙏 
 Just a bit of breathing 
 How about Wim Hof breathing 😉 ? 
 Never heard about this.. 👀 
 😉 In my experience, it's a powerful tool for inner freedom. To stay healthy on your own as best as possible, to unleash your inner powers, and to heighten mind and body awareness.

 Hi Lyn, 

I have been meditating for seven years. I learned Vipassana as taught by S.N. Goenka (in the Tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin) during a ten-day silent retreat at Dhamma Palava in Poland. Since then, I have practised daily, usually twice a day. I have also attended another retreat and am planning my next one. Goenka’s technique is rooted in the traditional teachings of the Buddha. It is non-religious, universal, and focused on liberation from suffering.

There are over 200 locations worldwide that offer instruction in this tradition.

For those looking to grasp the basics, there are several apps available. I have tried many, but one truly stands out: Waking Up. This app teaches a combination of different techniques and provides numerous additional insights. It is a genuine marvel.

With metta.

PS. For more information, you can visit the following links:

About S.N. Goenka: 

World-wide directory: 

Waking Up: 

 Amazing, mate! Dhamma Pallava is my favorite Vipassana center as well 🙏 
 Lyn, I cannot recommend Sam Harris‘s Waking Up app  
Highly enough. 
There’s a lot of good content there, but Sam’s daily meditations (nonduality) are absolutely stellar. 
 @Noshole does. :)  
 That’s true! Rāja yoga🙏 
 just sitting, still the mind, breathing and becoming present.  
 everyday, best thing i do hands down
just sit, breathe, enjoy, find stillness 
 Yeah, meditation is letting it flow, accepting everything - it does not always mean sitting with the legs crossed and eyes shut 
 21 min of breathing in silence daily 
 Mindfulness. Mantra repetition. And I consider aspects of my sculpture process to be meditation when I’m in a flow state. 

If you’re looking to get started I’d recommend guided meditations from Jack Kornfield or Sri Swami Satchidananda. I started with stuff from them years ago and eventually just developed a practice that works for me. https://image.nostr.build/67c13c9d4a3108e8e94c7c707e72f277087608fb801f391c38818e003fc331c5.jpg  

Breath focus meditation
Mindfulness meditation 
Spiritual meditation 
Mantra meditation 
Chakra meditation 
Kundalini meditation 
 Behavioural improvement 
 Dzogchen practice.  Awareness of awareness.  Rigpa 🪷 
 Tried it for 3 months and it was annoying as fuck. 
 They say that you meet yourself when you meditate 😄 I don't mean that as an offense at all, I hear you. I find myself very annoying at times during meditation. But that's exactly the stuff to honestly process. Sadhguru put this something like that: "If you sit in silence and it's unbearable, then you are not keeping yourself good company." 
 I can spend a day walking or hiking by myself, and I actually enjoy that. No phone, no music, no people, just me. 

So I don’t know if I found myself annoying during meditation or if I found meditation annoying, but I recall that staying still for so long felt like a waste of time and energy, and didn’t bring me anything positive for the rest of my day. 
 Fair enough 😉 

Performing an activity where your sense organs are highly active and your mind 'distracted' with your natural surroundings is different though.

The reality of how you and your mind works reveals itself much more strongly when you are in silence with yourself, having reduced the activity of the sense organs to a minimum.

Once you master that kinda silence, the awareness it brings can be applied to any activity in life. 
 Maybe I will have the opportunity to try it again someday. 😁 
 “The path of meditation is bitter in the beginning, but sweet in the end.” - Gautam Buddha 
 I start my working days with breathing rounds from Wim Hof with InnerBreeze https://inbreeze.xyz/ 
 Amazing 🤙 
 Taking the time a few minutes a day to just follow the thoughts as they arise helps the mind 
 I pray. 🙏 
I pray. 🙏 
 Looks like a loop 😉 A meditation practice has the power to change your subconscious reaction patterns. So, in between 'pray' and 'pray' there should be some less issues over time. 
 That's why I don't have multiple seizures a week anymore. 🙏 
 Just Breathe  
 I have tried many different meditation since I was 15 (I am 40 now) but transcendental mediation has been the most effective for me 
 Sun gazing pleb here. 🙋🏻‍♂️

The sun has a great effect on mental clarity. 🕉 
 I can recommend "Mindfulness In Plain English".

Best intro to Vipassana out there.

Beyond that, "The Mind, Illuminated" is a great handbook to follow as well. 
 Started with Zen training, now Tibetan (Mahayana).

Shamatha Viphashana (mindfulness-awareness) is the technical varient.  

My teachers (US) were taught by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche who was inspired to form the Shambala path, secular teachings tailored specifically for the western mindset.  

Pema Chödrön is probably the most recognized active author/teacher from this lineage. 
 Yes.  Daily breath work and affirmations every morning. Gratitude to start each day leads to great days. 
 Oddly, I find shooting to have some of the same benefits for me. I have to focus on what's in front of me, control breathing, clear my mind. 
 Sure, breathing method 4-7-8 
 Nostr is my meditation.  
 Well, not really meditation but I do Wim Hof's breathing every morning after cold shower and training:) 
 For 30 minutes, I sit on my bed with my back straight and practice a form of meditation where I aim to clear my mind completely, not focusing on anything in particular.

After this meditation session, I move on to my stretching routine.

Finally, I perform core strengthening exercises. 
 Yep, mostly Vipassana.

(S.N. Goenka tradition) 
 I started with formal breath focus practice but nowadays I mostly do “self inquiry “ where I turn attention on itself to look for the looker, the seat of attention. Very very very interesting stuff. 
 Teaser: the realization that there is nothing to find is quite something! 
 Anyone doing meditathion with Waking Up. It truly is a great app. 
 I have it but don’t really use it. Which meditations within the app do you suggest? 
 Breathing and Bitcoin 
 We make meditation so complicated. Like nutrition and exercise, meditation is simple but very hard. You have to commit to sitting still in an upright position and paying attention to what is happening in and around your body.  Try to do this 10 mins a day for 30 days straight and you will feel learn more about meditation than reading any book/article. 
 Paradoxial Relaxation with nature sounds or ASMR on my headphones  
 I have been meditating in the fabled Himalayas for the past 5 decades, and had the rare privilege of living most of those years with a realised master of meditation. 
I have been constantly impressed with all that you give so freely from what you have learned, and if I can return that favour in some small way, I would be very happy to.
Please feel free to connect any time. 
 Not as much as I should. I found box breathing worked for me best. Now I am doing some Wim Hof which isn’t really mindfulness but quite effective 
 The Waking Up app is excellent 
 Yes. Vipassana. 
 Yes. Vipassana 
 Do you know of any communities online where I can find people interested in both Vipassana and Bitcoin? 
 taxi medidation these days. i just chill, no phone usage, no too much thinky thinky and vehicle goeth forward 
 I’m trying to develop a meditation habit. Haven’t figured it out. 
 Art of Living - Sudarshan Kriya (breathing technique) and Sahaj Samadhi (mantra meditation)

Been practicing since 2009 and it’s been life changing.  
 Been meditating for about 10 years. Last 5 years or so have been mostly using the Waking Up app, which is inspired by Dzogchen/non-dual mindfulness. Super interesting. 
 Yes! My wife and I stream 2 meditations per week. All details here: https://pauseyourlife.org/meditation-schedule 
 Try Vipassana. Visit dhamma.org 
 Now that's what I call high time preference. 