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Notes by Andronicus | export

 We need about 30 vitamins and minerals. Salt(sodium chloride) is needed in large quantities, relative to all the others. The optimum amount daily is about 10 grams(2teaspoons) a day. How do we know this is optimum ? -well this the amount people who live the longest have.
Furthermore when people can’t eat or drink,  (there are numerous reasons for this), they receive  about 9g of salt daily in intravenous fluids.
 The world is a tragicomedy, I give up, starting tomorrow:

- I will create me a whatsapp account ... 
 You will feel tired, lack energy and have trouble sleeping. You will get fat. You will  try to help yourself, and start to follow the dietary guidelines strictly .You will cut out salt and animal fat. You will follow a plant based diet and eat more soy, nuts, beans and healthy whole grains. Your doctor will tell you to eat less and exercise, but this will make you miserable, and will not work. You will get depressed and your doctor will prescribe antidepressants. You will get fatter and your already low libido will completely disappear. You will ask google how you can help yourself and you will become vegan. You will need medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, osteoporosis and impotence. Your children will be homosexual, porn addicts, autistic, Asperger’s suffers , hyperactive and suffer from social anxiety. They will need medications. Your children will worry about climate change and become social justice warriors. 
Your parents will become sick with Alzheimers and have strokes. They will become unable to talk or look after themselves, but they will be “cared” for in facilities. Eventually they will require hospital care which will continue until their insurance runs out. 
You will get an autoimmune disease which is incurable. You will deteriorate until you are so unwell that you want to end your life. If you are lucky enough to live in  a “progressive” country, your doctor will do this for you legally. 
 In spite of having strong bones, calcium is 1.3% in mass and only a tiny 0.22 percent as atoms in our bodies. 
 Best source of calcium is dairy products.

 If you are hungry it is important to eat something. If you don’t, then your body releases stress hormones to keep your blood sugar up. These include cortisol, which causes weight gain. This explains why dieting makes people fatter.
 “Just don’t use Google!” Is like saying “just don’t inhale the pollution from cars” 
 99% of the molecules in our body are water molecules. Best water to drink is natural spring water. 
 I was bored this afternoon, so I read the entire Internet. 
 A couple of years ago my son told me that he had “done” the internet . 
 There’s a huge conversation going on in my notifications about this, so I thought I’d just ma... 
 It depends on whether the child is a psychopath or not. 
 “It seems that everyone on the local business scene has their own story about Adrian Orr.

Almost invariably, it's a tale of how memorably funny he was in a public speaking role.

New Zealand's next Reserve Bank governor arrives with a reputation for quick wit and straight talk.”

NZ Herald 
 Avoid hangovers by eating while drinking. You metabolise alcohol a lot faster if you eat while drinking. If you have ever got drunk and “forgot” to eat you will  know this is true . 😏 
 I wonder what effect social media addiction has on econimic productivity. 
 I wonder what effect social media addiction has on people’s consciousness. 😏 
 No medical required ! 
 Pharma industry does not want doctors who can think for themselves. 😕 
 “The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease, and once from the medicine.”
― William Osler

Sadly more true than ever now . 
 “One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine,” 
Sir William Osler

Things have changed “somehow,” since he said this. 
 Pharma industry does not want doctors who can think for themselves. 😕 
 “One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine,” 
Sir William Osler

Things have changed somehow, since he said this. 
 “The person who takes medicine must recover twice,once from the disease ,and once from the medicine.”
― William Osler

Sadly more true than ever now . 
 Before money existed, “taxation” consisted of thugs taking peoples livestock. If  people resisted, then there would be violent consequences. The thugs didn’t take everything, because then people would fight back, as they had nothing to lose.
Also if they took everything, then people would starve and would not be able to pay further “tax” in the future.
At some point the thugs came up with a better method of 
taxation, the idea of religious sacrifice. 
They convinced people that it was necessary to appease God, and he needed their animals as a sacrifice. The animals were sacrificed by the thugs (now known as priests) . But God (being not of this World) didn’t eat them, so the  priests dined well. 
 Always 😆 
 This was not on MSM ; he should have released a tiger 😆

 Ate cow brain for the first time.

Not terrible, but not a big fan.

I'd describe it as meat jello. 
 Maybe not the first time, if you’ve  ever eaten sausages/salami . 😉 
 Some “studies” are not true 🤨 
 It might be true ; anyway what is certain is that they like  status, intelligence, confidence and wealth 🙂 
 Google (verb) - to stalk or surveil someone online. 
 Gulag-able ; abrv. Google 
 “I am in favor of paying taxes, what I don't agree with is the way they are used.”

Typical N... 
 Everyone knows that taxes are just Govt. theft. The proof of this is that  no one ever “donates” money to the Govt., like they do to charities. (not that charities are not suspect as well ) 🤡 
 One day that will be how things are done 🙂 
 Me and who ? nostr:note1s2urksvnuwg8hp960h359rh3n6wd4u0ehk25sxakfue6jvjyfv5sv8jnc4 
 A hot anorexic 
 I put ghee in my coffee every morning because drinking it black is harsh on an empty stomach. (Gh... 
 What is the lid made of  ?  If it’s plastic coated aluminium, you would be best to add hot very hot water to the jar and stir to dissolve the ghee. 
 This was not on MSM ; he should have released a tiger 😆 
 You will feel tired, lack energy and have trouble sleeping. You will get fat. You will  try to help yourself, and start to follow the dietary guidelines strictly .You will cut out salt and animal fat. You will follow a plant based diet and eat more soy, nuts, beans and healthy whole grains. Your doctor will tell you to eat less and exercise, but this will make you miserable, and will not work. You will get depressed and your doctor will prescribe antidepressants. You will get fatter and your already low libido will completely disappear. You will ask google how you can help yourself and you will become vegan. You will need medication for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, osteoporosis and impotence. Your children will be homosexual, porn addicts, autistic, Asperger’s suffers , hyperactive and suffer from social anxiety. They will need medications. Your children will worry about climate change and become social justice warriors. 
Your parents will become sick with Alzheimers and have strokes. They will become unable to talk or look after themselves, but they will be “cared” for in facilities. Eventually they will require hospital care which will continue until their insurance runs out. 
You will get an autoimmune disease which is incurable. You will deteriorate until you are so unwell that you want to end your life. If you are lucky enough to live in  a “progressive” country, your doctor will do this for you legally. 
 We should call very rich people who want to reduce the population : philanthropists

 Ok this is a RANDOM question but I know I’ll get some good info because I’m on nostr.

 You could chemically neuter it by feeding it soy, seed oils and a vegan diet. Also don’t let it get any natural sunlight. 
The great thing about this method is that it is reversible. 
 “He who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his own disposition will waste his life in fruitless efforts.”

Samuel Johnson (18 September 1709 [OS 7 September] – 13 December 1784), 
 Prediction: Tony Blair will be the new head of the #WEF. From bad to worse... 
 Socialism :

“The year is 2081, and all people living in the United States are absolutely equal “in every which way”—they are equally smart, equally attractive, and so on. This is due to a series of amendments to the Constitution, and to the vigilance of the United States Handicapper General.”

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut 

 We should call very rich people who want to reduce the population “philanthropists” 
 In fact “science” is now so corrupt that simple observation is better.

 More evidence that sugar is not toxic :
We have one hormone to lower blood sugar and five hormones to raise it.
Low blood sugar is fatal in seconds ; high blood sugar takes days to many years to be fatal.
We have evolved to like the taste of sugar.
Fruit is not toxic .
Honey is not toxic.

 Yes that figure is for rats ; guess what monkeys main food is ? 
 Chimpanzees are our closest relatives  
“These intelligent primates have a diverse menu that changes based on their habitat and the season. A significant portion of their diet consists of fruits and berries, which they prefer due to their high nutritional value and accessibility. They are particularly fond of figs, bananas, and mangoes when available.”

 Actually the sugar is the same but when it is combined with other things in fruits especially potassium it causes much less insulin release . 
 Give #milk to cat , dog , horse , tiger , lion, snake ..even a cow .. they will drink happily - n... 
 In fact “science” is now so corrupt that simple observation is better. 
 There is a narrative that salt and sugar are unhealthy even toxic ; this narrative can be seen to be false when you know that oral rehydration treatment and intravenous fluid treatment consist of only salt and sugar. Also breast milk contains salt and sugar .

 Milk is very good for adults .
The masai drink huge quantities.
 True but not the English speaking world. 🙂 
 Thank you for pointing out that doses are important .😊 
 The whole idea of security, secret service, fbi  or even private security guarding TRAITORS like ... 
 Only bad people need security 🤨 
 Are they actually spreading democracy and liberating women or just practising ? 😏 
 Tv and radio “programmes” 
 Free speech is a “weapon of war “

J. Ardern 
 A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. – Ariel Durant

 EV,s 🙀

The benefits of driving an EV is the world’s shortest book. You pay more the vehicle, more for insurance, it takes hours to recharge, your range is half that of an ICE vehicle, they are useless in remote areas without power, there is almost no second hand market due to the replacement battery cost, the batteries only last 10 years, the batteries can spontaneously combust and can’t be extinguished and can cause devastating cascading fires in car parks, you can’t charge them at home if you use on-street parking or live in an apartment without charging infrastructure, the batteries stop working in cold northern climates during winter, charging stations can’t be scaled to accommodate long weekends and holiday periods, towing a boat or caravan halves the battery range, the grid cannot cope with any significant EV penetration without a complete rebuild at enormous cost, the majority of vehicles will be made in China creating a geo-political dependency on a hostile nation, and they weigh more causing road damage and the tires wear out faster.
You can’t run the aircon when stuck in a traffic.
They will be written off after a minor accident as the battery may have been damaged and is dangerous .
They can be remotely disabled.
When you drive them you are exposed to a lot of EMF.
In a serious accident it is very dangerous for rescue services to cut you out .
The current electricity grid cannot cope with the increased loads that would be necessary if they were widely adopted. 
 Never go to Law

“Whatever you do, never go to law; submit rather to almost any imposition; bear any oppression rather than exhaust your spirits and your pocket, in what is called a court of justice. “

Lord Chief-Justice Willes 
 Question everything

“There are some frauds so well conducted that it would be stupidity not to be deceived by them .”

Caleb Colton 
 In socialism he who points out corruption gets ice axed in the head 🤨 
 This nostr:note18ztmnjm2zqykm7vrffqxz3pnqeddg48ynr9x8ma76r9nd5cs2q6q9sj709 
 Why would they do it secretly 🤪 
 Why didn't he onboard the hacker kid to nostr??

 I’ve noticed a lot of things are probably fake 🤓