More evidence that sugar is not toxic : We have one hormone to lower blood sugar and five hormones to raise it. Low blood sugar is fatal in seconds ; high blood sugar takes days to many years to be fatal. We have evolved to like the taste of sugar. Fruit is not toxic . Honey is not toxic.
The median lethal dose (LD50) for Fructose is 4000 mg per 1 kg
Yes that figure is for rats ; guess what monkeys main food is ?
Many primates are omnivorous
Chimpanzees are our closest relatives “These intelligent primates have a diverse menu that changes based on their habitat and the season. A significant portion of their diet consists of fruits and berries, which they prefer due to their high nutritional value and accessibility. They are particularly fond of figs, bananas, and mangoes when available.”
Negros are our closest relatives
I have no problems with fruits. Plants design fruits to be eaten in return for spreading their seeds. Vegetables however are their body or future offspring and plants protect these with toxins. Sugar in processed food is not the same as organic seasonal fruits.
Actually the sugar is the same but when it is combined with other things in fruits especially potassium it causes much less insulin release .
Yes what I meant was the package the sugar comes in is entirely different. Insulin is designed to rise and fall, as long as you remain insulin sensitive I see no issue. I think everyone overcompensated from worrying about too high insulin to never letting it rise.
"high blood sugar takes many days to many years to be fatal" so... it's a chronic toxin rather than an acute one