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 So I've just thrown together a Keet broadcast room so I can post updates about #hurricane #Helene... 
 Thanks for the updates. We keep hearing about the gubmint being evil but it’s good to have a success story source. Thank you. 
 Withdraw your consent-

In this country's founding documents it states:

... Governments are instituted among Men, ***deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed***, ...

Withdraw your consent!  That is one of the primary steps to freedom.
 Remember when we sent a "small number of military advisers to Vietnam", do you?

 “They” are hell bent on maintaining a constant state of war. “The love of money…” and all that. 
 He was set up on hole six, if Trump had been putting on that green the shot would have been 30-50... 
 That’s not an AK. They don’t even know their Russian guns. 
 Keep DCAing Bitcoin, folks. It has so much farther to go. 

Still the best investment out there for financial freedom in everyday life and for retirement. 
 I'm slowly but surely putting all my YouTube videos on Rumble. 
Where else should I put them for ... 

is another blockchain space if you want to store them online and accessible to everyone.   
 Would love to.  One of the years I will.  Still have a - j o b- for 3 more years for insurance and retirement/pension.  I'm building my skills for after I "retire" from this job I will already have a growing income stream that will replace my commute.   
 That’s an AI pic if I have ever seen one still looks tasty, though. 
 I finally see it. 
 It’s only good news if you pay attention to history and know what the predictable part is. 

 Looks exactly like it’s out of “Idiocracy”. Every year it becomes more and more a documentary. 
 An issue with Universal Basic Income that I haven't seen addressed is that it would become an ann... 
 You couldn’t stop it. Payday loans will explode on these new guaranteed paydays. 

People who refused to be responsible will continue to do so. You can’t fix it by “helping “ by feeding the addiction. Prices will explode for basic needs. TV sizes will get bigger etc 
 I saw this same warning at the front of a Gilligans Island rerun. Are you friggin kidding me?  How pathetic is the “modern” human that he/she/it/they/blahblah can be triggered/offended by Gilligans Island? 
 criticism is good, but keep in mind many nostr devs are working on this in the spare time, or are... 
 I know it’s pointless to say it, but I will voice my opinion on that-
Ignore the gripers that aren’t constructive. You are exactly right; they want a perfect something for nothing on their part and will never be happy. They aren’t happy with their own life and take it out on others. Trolls, if you will. 
I don’t code, so this is all magic to me and I appreciate work done, even more so since it costs me nothing and I get to enjoy the results. 
Well done, frens. 
 Never forget what the elite took from us!  This is from the 20s and it is 100 years later and our... 
 Low tech is superior with so many things. Apparently toast is one of them. 
 Name a TV series or a movie franchise from your childhood that that woke media hasn't yet fucked ... 
 Gillian’s Island. 

A few months ago whatever channel it was on  had a trigger warning at the start of the episode. I shouldn’t have been, but I was dumbfounded to see that. People are so much a pansy-ass group nowadays that Gillian’s Island requires a trigger warning?  

I think I welcome an alien abduction now.  Anal probes may be preferable. 
 It took a minute, but they don’t kill the dandelions because they are ugly.  It’s a flower, it’s not ugly. They kill it because it doesn’t conform. I believe that analogy follows to life. Some people will use poison or force to kill something beautiful because it does not conform to that which they want. 
 He who has the money makes the rules.  The money also gets to pay for the interpretation of the laws and implementation of the punishment of violations of the laws. 
 Gavin Newsom looks like Max Headroom. 
Anyone else see this, too? 
 “Forced into collaboration with” = “Forced into submission to” 
 What we need is a verifiably fair lottery. 

Not for gambling, mind you. 

For choosing our publi... 
 The movie “Harrison Bergeron” that was done in the 90s with one of the 80s Coreys had that as one of its premises. An extreme “equality” dystopia where the country was ruled from behind the scenes and everyones talent was brought down to the level of being equal with others. Made from a Kurt Vonnegut story. It’s approaching the level of 1984 or Atlas Shrugged for prophecy. 

It’s free on YouTube and probably Odysee.com as well. 
 Fire Safety Tips

A series of fire safety tips to consider for your home or homestead in no particular order.

#wildlandfiresafety #firesafety

Make sure your driveway is accessible to fire engines.  

Most fire engines are longer, taller, and wider than your average car or pickup.  Your driveway should be wide enough to keep from breaking branches  as we drive to your house.  It should be open enough to see around corners and at least a little bit of the area.  If we are bushing up against the shrubs and branches and can't see what we are driving into, we are more hesitant to go into that property.  We need a clear and safe way to exit in a hurry in case the fire moves fast.  We also need to know what kind of an area we are driving into.   
 To jump on the earlier bandwagon... 

"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."


When you aren't allowed to feed the homeless, when barter is "taxed", when the "freedom of speech" becomes "freedom from speech",  when the "right to bear arms" becomes the "right to strip you bare of your arms"...  
 Dream Chaser's note made me think about how many quotable moments come from Ayn Rand's books.  She was a prophetic as "1984" and "Idiocracy".  So many of the points in Atlas Shrugged have come true and I fear the rest will be arriving shortly.  

I often wonder why we hear so many immigrants warning us about what they see coming on the horizon instead of those here.  Perhaps because they have come from a place where they lived it and see the precursors that so many of us are blind to.  

 Ok, I really missed something. Will someone point me to the origin of what the hawk tuah is? 
 Ok. I looked it up and found it. She took off fast. 
 Part way through the show. So far it’s great. I don’t think many people consciously believe ( no, believe is the wrong word) consciously consider (is better) the points you are making in their lives. They don’t think to themselves ”don’t do that”, they just don’t think to do those things. 

One must re-“train” one’s brain to think outside the box we have been trained into and continually reinforce the walls of. 
 Why do “they” design a bathroom sink/faucet combo that gives you 10 inches of sink depth but the water flow is 1/2 inch from the back wall so your hands are rubbing on wall of the sink to wash them?  Dumb. 
 I haven’t been looking into the airplane mishaps other than to hear that “a door fell off” or “bolts were loose and the part could have fallen off”, so there may be a simple answer, but why is Boeing getting the blame and not the airline maintenance crews? 
 Apparently when you throw violent assholes into cages they stop bothering peaceful people.  Who k... 
 Or when you send them to other countries. 
 I think we should declare August "Anarcho Pride Month".  Apparently all these months, days, etc. ... 
 I'm in.  Use the agorist flag as the symbol? 
 I despise the designer of the newer rear windshields. You can’t get the squeegees to clean the top of the glass because of the overhang and you can’t clean well around the wiper because it barely lifts up. 

They should be hanged from their toenails. 

 Truth should not hurt you. Truth should empower and strengthen you. 
If the truth hurts you, maybe the problem isn’t the truth, maybe the problem is with you. 
 Fire Safety Tips

A series of fire safety tips to consider for your home or homestead in no particular order.

#wildlandfiresafety #firesafety

Do not store flammable materials against the outside of your house.

In rural settings I often see firewood stacked against the house.  Especially during wildfire season, don't.  Bark landscaping should have a gap space so it isn't touching the siding.  Don't let tree branches rub against the house or grow to lay on the roof.  Don't let trash pile up close to the house.  

Keep a space between your house and any flammable items that could burn with enough heat to catch your buildings on fire. 
 Fire Safety Tips

A series of fire safety tips to consider for your home or homestead in no particular order.

#wildlandfiresafety #firesafety

Keep your roof and gutters free of debris (leaves, moss, pine needles, etc).

A buildup of these flammable materials allows an ember from a nearby fire to land on your house in a hospitable environment and catch your roof on fire.  If these areas are clean/clear the ember will just burn out.  

Many houses are lost every year due to neglect of this simple maintenance step.  If you live near a wooded area especially and are not comfortable or capable of cleaning your roof and gutters regularly, it is worth having someone do it for you.   
 dont cover my posts with yours, assholes nostr:note1ezsyzjd8axglyglfnq4zljj6q4kdtd7pw6ex6va20hyd3... 
 WTF does that mean?  Not sure what I'm missing, but I replied to your post.   
 where is that post i saw today on the ukulele artist who performer somewhere over the rainbow? Al... 
 I was looking for it as well, but there weren't a lot of words in the post to search.  Here is a YT link to one of them.
 It really has to be the airline maintenance crews that are failing with the planes. Unless the maintenance manuals are missing something that needs to be checked. 

I have a friend that does airplane maintenance (formerly with an airline) and the detailed and frequent checks they do are pretty extensive. 

Unless there is something I’m missing… 
 Never forget what they took from you!  #coffeechain #grownostr 

 I’d rather have this than the steering wheel fight me to stay in my lane as I try to dodge potholes… 
 Americans think 100 years is a long time and Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance. 
 Perspective is truly an important thing to keep in mind. 
 Can someone explain the sats/vByte for bitcoin transactions?  I understand the “sats” part, but I don’t know the definition of the “vByte”. #asknostr #bitcoin 
 Like bitbuybite said, no plumber will touch that until an electrician has cut whatever line it’s connected to. Electrician. 
 The most infuriating response to someone spouting bullshit who knows in reality that they are spo... 

Don’t engage, they know you don’t agree with them with an “okay”. 
 Should be done with the hard freezes here, so last weekend I built my #bioreactor #compost pile  used last fall’s leaves, hay bales from a failed haybale garden experiment from 3 years ago, old bark and some rotting stump hole wood. Added some homemade #biochar.  

Will pull the tubes out this weekend. You can see my tub of spring ramps on the left. One of the first foods up after the spring warming starts. 

Learned it from @jackspirko   https://homefoodsystems.com/ Thanks. 

 It is 2024 and according to "experts".....

Observation does not matter only peer reviewed studie... 
 This is clown world. I can’t decide if so many people actually believe these things or if they are trying very hard to convince themselves they believe these things so the MSM stops calling them bad names. 
 First post in the fediverse! 👋 
 BAHAHAHA.  You took his handle.  Fantastic. 
 All wars should be fought by the world leaders only, fastest way to world peace.  
 Now ain't that the damn truth.   
 509M Bitcoin

Putting the United Stated debt at 34.5 trillion and the current Bitcoin price  at 67,700, that means the US is 509,601,182 BTC in debt. 

Does that make it sound better or worse? 
 I’m fairly new to your party, but have learned quite a bit. Good show, good work. Many high quality quips out of each show. 
      Here is how I explain public/private keypairs to new people:  
     I tell them you have a public address and a private key.  If you order something from Amazon you give them your public address (you never give them your house key) so they can deliver the goods.  Once they drop the package through the mail slot they can no longer access it or take it back because it's locked in your house that only your private key can open.  
     Same thing with Bitcoin, you have a public address/key that someone sends BTC to you at and once it's sent it is locked behind your private key that they don't have.  
     The security aspects is where it falls apart - trying to analogize that your private key also has your public address on it, so if someone gets your key they know where your house is and you can't stop them from taking your BTC.  They must never find your key because they can take your stuff from anywhere.  And that you must never lose your key because then you are locked out and there are no Bitcoin locksmiths. 
 Once in a lifetime… probably. 
 Peanut butter is better bait for mouse traps than cheese.

Hopefully you never need this knowledge! 
 Peanut butter works great. Harder for them to steal off the lever and has enough smell to get their attention. Got a double once off PB. I should post that picture. 
 under what... how... is Bitcoin struggling?  Guess you can tell people who don't do their own research anything you want to 'sell'. 
 The first class (Bioactive compost) was well worth the cost and time spent.  Signed up for this one as soon as I read this note.   
 When it is said that "God made us in his image".... God doesn't have a physical form so what does... 
 You get 80 years in this physical form, then an eternity in the non-physical. “You” aren’t this body; “you” are your soul/spirit/thoughts/beliefs.  You are not the physical aspects of yourself but the non-physical aspects of yourself. 
 I don't know this brand specifically, but EMT shears are great for cutting anything tough.  They actually will cut a penny... once.  The blades have fine serrations that grip to help cut and a penny cut will flatten those out.

These things aren't 'sharp' in a way that will glide across butcher paper or Christmas wrap, but they will slice through all kinds of things.