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 It is 2024 and according to "experts".....

Observation does not matter only peer reviewed studies.

Inflation is good and also your fault when it is bad.

Medicines with 70 year track records of being some of the safest drugs on the planet are suddenly dangerous but new experimental ones with five pages of fine print side effects are safe.

Type two diabetics should base their diets on low fat and high carb diets.  Which is largely the diet that led to their diabetes in the first place.

Women should be fine with men competing in women's sports and shaving their balls in women's locker rooms at the gym.

Men can have babies and breast feed.  While women are not women they are "birthing persons".

The term man hole is part of the patriarchy and oppressive to women, even though they can't tell you what a woman is. 

There is nothing wrong with adding new genders annually to our understanding of gender. 

Eating grass fed beef is bad but bugs, HFCS and seed oils are healthy.

Inflation isn't real just a word that Fox news taught you. 

The most coddled demographic of people in our nation are victims and oppressed. 

It makes perfect sense for lawmakers to know absolutely nothing about the underlying technology and substance of the things they are regulating.

An unborn baby is nothing but a "clump of cells" an hour before it is born.

The US is a corrupt and racist nation but always right in our foreign policy interventions, except when it involves Israel. All others we get 100% right every time.  If you disagree you are a tool of Putin.

A child should not get a tattoo at 12 because it is "permanent and life altering" but can choose to have their balls or breasts removed at age 9.  Parents who object are child abusers.

Parents that dare object to what the school boards they elect and pay for do are "domestic terrorists".

The border is secure but it is the republicans and Donald Trump's fault that it isn't secure.  It is Schrödinger's border.

Feeding wild animals is bad because it makes them dependent on hand outs but all government welfare is not just good it is necessary. 

Doing your own research is bad and you should never ever do it.  Unless "research" means reading, watching and listening to the things the experts approve of in advance.

Songs, movies, TV shows that are loved by millions of all race, religion and sex are suddenly racist, white supremest, misogynistic, etc. decades after they stopped even being produced.

If I open a restaurant that makes Mexican food I am guilty of "cultural appropriation" as a white guy but if I am Chinese and do it, it becomes "fusion food" even if I call it Jose's and only sell tacos, nachos and burritos.  

If I disagree with any of these claims it is because I am clearly a CIS white male and a member of the rich elite while also being a stupid poor red neck that smells bad and shops at Walmart at the same time. 

What am I missing that you can add here? 
 Nailed it! 
 Doing your own research is how you get brainwashed

Judging people not by the color of their skin but the content of their character is racism

Words are literal violence 
 This may be the next one --> You can't run big LLMs locally. It is too dangerous. 
 Nice pull on the border,

How about printing money doesn’t cause inflation, but our spending does. 
 We must subsidize solar/wind power devices because Energy Poverty is a good thing.  
 Steer to slaughter #grassfed beef 
 This is clown world. I can’t decide if so many people actually believe these things or if they are trying very hard to convince themselves they believe these things so the MSM stops calling them bad names. 
 Awesome paradoxes...
 Hmmm…yeah I think that about covers it🤔🤣🤣🤣