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 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m My wife and I quote that li... 
 @299ece6c "The years hadn't softened Moronie. He continued to murder the English Language, and anyone who got in his way." 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Do you know your last name... 
 @299ece6c Post Meridian. Ante Meridian. Uncle Meridian. All the little Meridians. 
 If you don't agree with me that Johnny Dangerously is one of the most underrated comedies of the 1980s, we can never truly be friends.

 I used to think the pre-Internet grown up advice of "look it up" (in the dictionary or encyclopedia) was all about helping the child learn and foster self-improvement.

But as I've gotten older, I now understand grown ups say it because we just don't remember jack shit anymore. 
 this indictment could have been an email 
 Watching and listening to demonstrations of AI-assisted real-time language translation, complete with reasonably accurate lip and mouth movement rendering, I'm struck by yet witnessing yet another #StarTrek technology actually come to fruition.

Now if we can just focus on developing a post-scarcity economy. 
 Happy Sonoma release day. Live dangerously! Don't back up a damn thing before you upgrade. Flick the power main once or twice you'll at it. Drive on the wrong side of the road! Party naked in the street! ANARCHY!!! 
 "Information on the Internet is meant to be free" is every bit as ahistorical and inaccurate as saying "the internet was created to survive a nuclear war." 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Tried it with a kid’s App... 
 Every time I see shells and white cheddar on the store shelves I hear The Moody Blues.

 @bb052609 Do you have AppleCare+ or is it out of warranty?

Depending on the capabilities of the Apple Store you bring it to, many repairs can be completed the same day. It'll depend on what's wrong, which model you have and how well-stocked with service parts and well-staffed with trained service people they are.

They will tell you at the time of your appointment whether they can fix it in house or need to send it out.

Apple *does* have a loan program for long-term service situations. 
 @bb052609 also, strongly recommend sticking to Apple for this, not Best Buy or anyone else, even if they're Apple-certified. 
 I need to get my iPhone serviced, but it's my only phone. What do people do in this situation? 

 @bb052609 Do you have AppleCare+ or is it out of warranty?

Depending on the capabilities of the Apple Store you bring it to, many repairs can be completed the same day. It'll depend on what's wrong, which model you have and how well-stocked with service parts and well-staffed with trained service people they are.

They will tell you at the time of your appointment whether they can fix it in house or need to send it out.

Apple *does* have a loan program for long-term service situations. 
 cat: wake up, I want breakfast

me: ok here's your breakfast

cat: no I want your breakfast 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Are you fluent in Twiki-speak? 
 @d81ad197 bee dee bee dee bee dee 
 them: if you were in the middle ages, what do you think you would have died from

me: heresy 
 I would happily get rid of my iPhone forever if some handset maker simply gave me a Space: 1999 Comlock instead.

 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m The story is definitely bet... 
 @89fca73c straight down to the UI of the operating system, half Atari ST, half weirdbeard homebrew Linux. 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Great robo-choices. I’d h... 
 @299ece6c if I could have added five images I was going to include Jet Jaguar. 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m And one of my pet peeves; w... 
 @d9e3f724 this web site could have been an email. 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m I rather enjoyed it, especi... 
 @4649d227 the scope of the book series changes from volume to volume, so it would just be following suit. 
 At least part of my initial attraction to Silo on Apple TV+ was purely aesthetic and had to do with the absolutely delicious retrocomputing terminals they created.

That, combined with the brutalist architecture and utilitarian modernist furniture gives the whole thing a very "Stanford Community College Prison Experiment" vibe.

#appletv #scifi #silo #retrocomputing

 I love it when I see people accused of "stealing" memes (as one does, if one drinks long enough from the endless firehose of social media).

You can't steal a meme, sweetie. That's the *point* of a meme. 
 I take no pleasure in his injury, but I, as The Onion, definitely think his general dipshittery and foolshness is worthy of disapprobation.

 #VisionOS developers: How do the changes #Unity announced for licensing changes affect your plans? 

DM me or HMU at peter_cohen@appleinsider.com if you'd like to discuss, for an upcoming article.

(amplification of this toot is welcome and encouraged) 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m I don’t agree, if they ca... 
 @a819ea45 There's something to be said for creating a sense of scarcity as a PR trick, but really what we're talking about is Apple nerds' fear of missing out, amplifying their already pretty heightened sense of self-entitlement.

Very few of us who aren't on deadline for a tech publication actually *need* to pre-order our iPhones the second they're available, and Apple doesn't and shouldn't need to develop super-elaborate technical solutions to police human behavior. 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m I was blaming AT&T in my he... 
 @e34fbc38 I mean, that's safe bet. 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Wow! I mean, it kinda makes... 
 @1eec8cc4 Mac users don't buy enough games so publishers don't make them. Publishers don't make enough Mac games so Mac users don't buy them.

 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m I’m an IT worker too, so ... 
 @538a1fbd MLK Jr. said "Morality cannot be legislated, but behavior can be regulated." Obviously he never got a chance to see the Internet in action. 🙃 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Yeah. The porting pain seem... 
 @1eec8cc4 During the discovery phase of the Epic trial, it was revealed that Apple makes more money annually on games sold through the App Store than Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, and Activision - COMBINED. 
 I also think you’re insane if you buy a new set of AirPods Pro just to avoid carrying a single ... 
 @8379395e I got ahead of this by going with Beats Fit Pros instead. 🏆 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m I find it amusing when peop... 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Nobody forced them to commi... 
 @538a1fbd you're right, of course. Apple should move heaven and earth to cater to tech nerds' FOMO. 
 If y'all think you're gonna get rid of your Lightning cables any time soon, just FYI: I spent a day and change a little bit ago scouring my house for a 30-pin Dock Connector cable to hook up an old Apple device I needed to backup and wipe.

Apple hasn't made a Dock Connector equipped device in more than a decade. 
 I think that this box of bandaids is from the 90s 
 @823d3a5b Happened to me earlier this year. Didn't realize it until the bandage literally disintegrated as I wrapped it around my finger like Thanos had just snapped. 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m ”just throw more servers/... 
 @d9e3f724 it's insidious too - huge web sites that don't have to be, huge apps that don't need to be. 
 It’s going to be really interesting if Apple digs itself out from their Mac GPU performance hol... 
 @1eec8cc4 As is often the case, this isn't going to boil down to who has the best tech, but who can get the most folks to use it.

I'm sure Apple's got plenty of runway with its silicon and Metal. But getting developers to use it instead of - or parallel with - DXR and Nvidia DLSS, AMD FRS and Vulkan is a different story. 
 A quick anecdote to illustrate: When Apple first started to livestream events, I talked with a high-level Apple exec who worked behind the scenes to coordinate its efforts. 

They explained to me that the amount of traffic Apple saw during that event actually disrupted internet services on the west coast, especially the Bay Area. Completely saturated it.

Things have changed, but even now, infrastructure companies like telecoms can't always deliver service at peak times.

 So please, spare us the eyerolls and the tut-tuts about how Apple should have figured this stuff out by now. They have. There's only so much they can do.

 People complaining about the Apple Store not working right this morning: I know most you know actually know better and just want to complain a bit to hear some validation from others, BUT...

Cloud stuff is a lot harder to pull off than most people think. It's a lot more than "just throw more servers/bandwidth at the problem." And many of the problems are fundamentally beyond Apple's control.

 A quick anecdote to illustrate: When Apple first started to livestream events, I talked with a high-level Apple exec who worked behind the scenes to coordinate its efforts. 

They explained to me that the amount of traffic Apple saw during that event actually disrupted internet services on the west coast, especially the Bay Area. Completely saturated it.

Things have changed, but even now, infrastructure companies like telecoms can't always deliver service at peak times.

 @252594e9 IIRC, at least one Volvo owner's manual illustration showed how to use the hitch to tow a Saab. 
 @1eec8cc4 sounds like it poorly handled internally as well. I stopped tracking Unity a few years ago so I don't know what's going on as well as I used to, but I'm wondering about the internal politics of this, and curious to know how much of this stops at the desk of Riccitiello and his cadre. 
 Watching folks frustrated with Unity saying ‘$&@% them, I’m switching to Unreal’ is pretty ... 
 @1eec8cc4 I'm starting to wonder, however, how many people bitterly complaining about this will actually be affected, versus the ones who aspire to be affected based on their current or theoretical sales volumes. 
 I want to know what "1984 (Taylor's Version)" would be like 
 @534afeaa depends. Are we talking Van Halen or Eurythmics? 
 I was already contemptuous as hell of the entire medical insurance system in the United States but being in my 50s has radicalized me to the point where I want the heads of insurance company executives on pikes. 
 I remain convinced that when Abe Lincoln said, "a government of the people, by the people, for the people," he didn't consider just how awful some of those people are. 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m I feel like there’s a Dad... 
 @bfcd44e3 guilty as charged 
 Thank you, Gary Shteyngart.

"…the idea that any of these conditions are what makes Musk an 'asshole' (another frequently used descriptor of him in the book), while also making him successful in his many pursuits, is an insult to all those affected by them who manage to change the world without leaving a trail of wounded people, failing social networks and general despair behind them."

 what gauge does the grand funk railroad use 
 The thing that sticks with me the most about the "Mother Nature" skit at the #AppleEvent: I don't think in the end it was about environmental responsibility at all. 

I think it was, instead, Apple flexing on other Hollywood studios. "We're here to stay, and we can recruit Oscar winners even to shill for our corporate videos." 
 nostr:npub1fzyms7v5mlggfeh4ymn4e42mkrz5vjz5f66pzddru8ke44865h3sa8pkz4 Unpopular opinion (also: no... 
 @4889b879 In the vein of "this meeting could have been an email:" This skit could have been a press release. 
 Is this interesting? Reactions to Apple’s Mother Nature skit here on Mastodon have been univers... 
 @7a7f7a50 People simping for Apple on LinkedIn seems to be pretty on message. Everyone's either looking for a job or trying to polish their own professional image - I don't see a lot of critical commentary or analysis on that service, period. 
 “This is Elmo’s man cage,” is not something I expected to hear at bedtime tonight. #mctwins... 
 @fee4f376 I read that as "Elon's" and honestly I was like, "yeah I get it" and now I'm even more confused 
 nostr:npub1qw54rqswdc57yswxwst3n7dcsv2ssg3rjr5zevx62p9aqxn8k8mqjm037m Too long. Too many numbers.... 
 @683562c3 did you find the audio mix to be as disruptive as I did? The interstitial EDM bits between speakers was JARRINGLY loud on my Mac/Beats Fit Pros. 
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 @d6c50095 Yes, he was 7'2 stretched out when he lied down, absolutely true.

But "Bonaparte" means "boneless" in French, so he shrank several feet when I stood up. 
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 @d984db6e Once again, someone learns that freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. 
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 @299ece6c Movie's coming up on its 40th anniversary next year. I hope they'll do a re-issue (anything but a remake - the cast is perfect). 
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 @cfcf7cd7 I too am old but now I despise everyone, not just the young