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Notes by C. R. Collins | export

 #WordWeavers Oct 14
If your MC, SC, and antagonist had to go out together, could they agree on a place to visit? 

My current WIP has a variety of antagonists, but the ones living in Maggie's country have been to several events with her and other townspeople. They don't hang out in the exact same social circle but run into each other regularly. Everyone goes to the festivals and market days. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub jumping in on this one because I've seen so many positive responses to the que... 

Me, but we seem to be the minority here this morning. 🤷 
 #PennedPossibilities 95
What is your villain striving for?

Mitchel wants to free all the Reserve beasts. It's only fair. 
 Dear neighbour lady,

I don’t know why I can never get our micro-interactions right.

She obviously wants to be tutted? 
 #WordWeavers Day 12
What would your MC enjoy the most about our world?

She would find parts of it pretty (the countryside rather than the cities,) & probably enjoy the food, but it would ultimately be disappointing as our world has no magery. Our water wouldn't sing, nor give her information, nor protection. 
 #PennedPossibilities 251
What clothing materials or outfits feel the most comfortable to your MC?

Cali, in River's Roar, has opinions:

Comfort and functionality was preferable. Loose blouses. Soft skirts and dresses, with no confining layers or pantaloons. Better than heavy court gowns with their precious metal chains, buttons, and feathers. Extravagant undergarments seemed designed to spoil the mood. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Mar 12
Do you agree with Ray Bradbury, who said, "Quantity produces quality. If you only write a few things you're doomed"?

I think any craft improves with practice, so there's that, but, in Bradbury's day, they didn't have the deluge of clickbait, nor the quick churn on Amazon put out to make a buck rather than as art. Also, some authors labor for years on a single work, pouring their heart & soul into it. So, it depends on approach & intent. 
 Just woke up to what may be the worst terror attack in the history of Israel, right next to my fa... 

It's just so horrible 😔 Glad your family is okay 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek Haven't heard about that on... 

I know. It's getting harder to find decent shows to watch. I've been binge watching science videos lately. 🤣 At least they gave Sense8 a 2-hour series finale, unlike most of the shows. I am kind of used to seeing my favorites cancelled, unfortunately. 😔 
 Do you write more when you're happy / content or when you're sad / frustrated ?

I don't write as... 

I write (or edit) pretty much every day, regardless and I've not noticed a difference in output/time spent. If I'm happy it makes me happier and if I'm sad it cheers me up. 
 #WordWeavers Oct 7
How do your MCs handle strong emotion?

I wasn't going to answer this as I have too many MCs to sort 🤣 but it occurs to me that dealing with emotions is one theme running through my books. I have MCs with anger issues, but love can also be problematic, depending on one's past. A couple of my MCs don't experience emotion the same as other people they know, for difference reasons, and have to figure this out. 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek Yay! I love that show so mu... 

Another really good one on Netflix (which they cancelled after 1 season, of course 🤬 ) is "The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself." They later retitled it "Half Bad," which I think is the title of the book it's based on. I've watched it a few times. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 7: Have you seen a TV show or movie so close to one of your ideas you wish you... 

Sense8? Well, hell, now I have to read your book 😀 That's one of my all-time favorites & a comfort rewatch. Currently trying to figure out how I can dump Netflix but still have access to that show. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Oct 7
Have you ever seen something on TV or a movie close to your own ideas and wished you'd written it?

I can't think of a case where this has happened. I do emulate elements of my favorite shows. For example, the banter in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series. I love that. 

Lovely girl ❤ Sounds like she had a great life. That is an impressive age but, still, we can never get enough time with them. 😔 Sorry for your loss. ⚘ 
 #WordWeavers Sep 6
Has your MC ever done anything contradictory to their values?

Rowena, my Woodspell trilogy MC, has anger issues which leave her susceptible to fury. Mages have been known to lose themselves in it, and she well-understands why.

She's done some things which were arguably necessary, given the situation, but do not make her proud, as that's not who she wants to be. 
 nostr:npub1nuw25dkx74qh0gqeqs0mwt3p9cppcleeuy0a24dxmv34k2xtt8vsmlpzfl that all sounds very realis... 
 @ce78dee8 @9f1caa36 

If my books ever earn back their editing costs I will feel I have "made it." 🤣 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 6/10 
Trad published? Self-published? How's that working out?

I'll be honest,... 

I queried because I thought I had to, but my heart was never in it. Self-publishing has been so much more satisfying. 
 #WordWeavers Oct 6 — Has your MC ever done anything contradictory to their values?

Not really,... 

Interesting question. 
 nostr:npub10d5zhp5atut9hcmyyslxdr07s65tj45q72wxvg229ajwjvmpqugq6lvvxa no, I'm much more inclined ... 
 @ce78dee8 @7b682b86 

Teen was always my favorite kid age. They have such a fresh outlook and I found them fun to be around. 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek may I ask why only e-books?... 

At first, I wanted to concentrate on one thing at a time, since I was new at it. Later, when I thought about it, I decided normal paper books wouldn't be "on brand" for me. I write extremely tree-huggy books. I am researching companies that offer treeless paper, so I might do that someday. I'll probably do audiobooks next, whenever I can afford that. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 6
Self or trad published?

How's it going?
Well, I'm not rich yet 😆 Actually, it's going better than last year. I get good feedback from readers, when I get them. I've not done marketing beyond social media so I don't think a lot of people know the books exist. Also, I've only released ebooks so far which limits sales. I guess getting rich must not be the priority. 😀 
 Absolutely loved the finale to Season 2 of #WheelOfTime. A few minor nitpicks aside, it was such ... 

But ... but ... 🐺 😭 

It was a good ending overall. Satisfying in many ways. 
 Why do sloths crawling along the ground terrify me? They look like some stalking monster, grinnin... 

Just think. There used to be giant ones 😁 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek Really? Thank you. I really... 

I think I've visited every writer friend's website on here at one time or another. I've got a bunch bookmarked for when I finally pull my head from my own work & start seriously reading again. 😊 
 Sometimes I think the only people who see my author website are the supposed web designers who em... 

I've seen it! 😀 
 #WordWeavers 5: How often do you discuss your writing with your real-life friends and family?


That's true. 😀 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4m... 

Yeah, it's the only personal social account I have left. I maintain it cause the majority of my friends & family are there. I check it once a day. What gets me is that the people laughing seemed otherwise decent & intelligent. Only one commenter understood & added to my caution, plus called out people laughing. The rest equated it with the zombie BS. I guess I've gotten spoiled by Mastodon & the good, informed people here. 

I'm continually amazed by... 

In this case, the majority appeared simply clueless. It's sad because, odds are, they all know someone in that situation. 😔 
 Disheartening to see my post on my personal FB page warning folks with secret phones about the planned emergency alert received laugh reactions. Really thought I had better friends. 😔 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 5
What are your writing project goals?

I have 6 more books for Tales of Ardonna. The 3 for 2024 are written & in editing stage. After this, I will likely drop from publishing 3 per year to 1 per year for the final 3. I've been doing 3 per year because I had a backlog written before I published my first, but I'm caught up now.

 nostr:npub1tfpa6eu6gw7ylq7lda5qyam0u0f3nqvpfhudsn2l74dkq9meh68qg60mnp are you a writer if your br... 
 @ce78dee8 @5a43dd67 

I suppose that's a good thing, but I wish my brain wouldn't do it when I'm trying to get to sleep. 🤪 
 There is an inherent tragic in Randall's character: his love language is touch, yet, his #neurodi... 

That is sad 😔 
 nostr:npub10d5zhp5atut9hcmyyslxdr07s65tj45q72wxvg229ajwjvmpqugq6lvvxa nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4m... 
 @21149f3e @7b682b86 

Oh dear, that is rough. But he must have seen something in it to request it in the first place. There are all sorts of reasons why he might have decided to pass. Though I think ghosting is rude, particularly with a full request. 😡 
 nostr:npub10d5zhp5atut9hcmyyslxdr07s65tj45q72wxvg229ajwjvmpqugq6lvvxa nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4m... 
 @2a9a6bfb @7b682b86 @21149f3e 

True 🤣 It's just that I'd be eternally wondering which category my book fell into. It's hard enough to keep up the confidence, you know? 😆

I am hesitant to call any book "bad," as they obviously appeal to some readers. It's a matter of taste, 9 times out of 10, and this book didn't do it for me. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 4
How do you write the time? Text? Numbers?

I can't recall ever writing the time 🤔 Normally, time passes by positions of the sun and moons. I will use early morning, morning, late morning, noon, etc and so on. Can't think of an occasion where a character had to be somewhere at a specific time on the clock. That would work for my Modern Era books if need be & I'd just follow the Chicago Manual of Style. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 4/10
How do you reference time? Why?

The first book takes place in a universi... 

Oh yeah, I forgot to include seasons in my answer. I use these as well. 
 nostr:npub10n9kwhemskr7uzjrp7ltr4nj9j6fdl5vkv0u8vc56u9tsfwh84hsrdtjug Only issues with myself, I ... 
 @b2ab0244 @7ccb675f 

Yeah, I'm not sure if any author can help inserting their worldview here and there. I try to balance it somewhat by having characters express different viewpoints. Many of them turn out to be villains 🤣 though not all. For example, I acknowledge a deep-seated anti-religion bias, so I made a point of creating a couple of characters who espouse the best of that worldview, and sometimes live it. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 3
Should a writer have a face shot on the book cover or within the book?

I've largely seen advice that says you NEED a bio photo. It's one of those pieces of advice I ignore. I only do ebooks right now but I won't include a photo whenever I do paper, unless it's the sort I use for my profile, in which I am the smallest part of the photo. One of my favorite authors religiously avoided cameras. It peaked curiosity, but I wasn't bothered. The writing is the important bit. 

It sounds such a boring life, to never question or investigate anything. I wonder what they consider "more productive." 
 Q3:	Have you written anything where alcohol or a bar/tavern/drinking establishment played a major... 

I have a tavern that appears in all my Modern Age stories that is every character's favorite. All sorts of things have happened there. 
 #PennedPossibilities 89
Do your characters believe in happy endings?

Depends on the character. Most of them refuse to give up hope no matter how bleak things get. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Oct 2
How often do you write in a typical week? How do you find the time?

Writing is my only job these days so I have lots of time. 😀 My only limit is my brain which needs breaks. I usually write/edit every day in 2-3 sessions, interspersed with housework, gardening, whatever else needs doing, or binge-watching something (lately PBS Eons.) 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek I bought one today. Here's ... 

Thank you! I hope so too 😁 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Oct 1
Shameless promotion

Somewhere far away, the improbable planet of Ardonna orbits its massive sun, along with three wayward moons, harboring an eclectic mix of lifeforms.

These are their tales.


#FantasyBook #fantasy #HopePunk

 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek And there are MANY more ser... 

I know. I think most people in the US only pay for it to get other prime services, like quicker delivery, and view the video portion as extra. At least that's how I wound up with it. They do have their own content, most recently Wheel of Time. The Expanse was one of my favorite shows ever. 
 Do any of you subscribe to Amazon Prime and therefore watch video series and movies there?
Well I... 

That part is on Paramount which started their own service not so long ago and no longer give free access to any of the Star Treks. It's like $10, maybe $12 a month to subscribe over here. 

Wow, you do keep busy! I'm impressed 😀 Congratulations on the "FINAL" version of the book. That's always a good feeling. 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek they do not, although in th... 

Absolution? It's a weird space where some people seem to feel guilty when they hear I'm vegetarian. I don't judge anyone else's dietary choices. I would prefer they opted for more humane options than factory farm meat, but I'm not the boss of anyone. They are always surprised when I tell them I do not miss meat. I  went gluten free at a doctor's suggestion--now that is food I do miss! Fresh bread 🥺 

I don't know how any of u... 

The one thing I will never claim is that I was a "great mother." I blundered through. They seem to appreciate it, somehow. My oldest told me once that I was always there for him. I was fortunate to have such a screwy schedule I managed to carve out times to do things at home, including cook (and teach them to cook.) There wasn't anyone else to support them so what can you do? Explains why I never got my book done till my 60s. 🤣 
 nostr:npub1wq6kzst3l7j67fyfk7j2jl6nyzgyg7qdffcgsll43euwccdw79es88ju6u nostr:npub1zdp33shl69xr0uq3... 
 @754d2f63 @70356141 @134318c2 

Yep, my date was 66yrs and 6mos, which I just reached. My job folded when covid hit and never came back (fortunately my husband still works,) leaving me to find contract work when I could. I decided to embrace my retirement and claim my benefits. Not like there are a lot of companies lining up to hire a woman in her 60s. I have my little book biz which may make me a bit of supplemental income. 
Event not found

I suppose I should try multiple POVs sometime. 😀 
Event not found

I'm leery of spending money I don't have. I am thinking of springing for a Kobo Plus ad at some point, which might alert those readers that my series exists. It's only $50 which I could handle. I don't think I'd ever do Amazon or FB ads as those seem like a money sink. I'm like you in that I prefer to spend my time writing. My budget is more for editing, cover art, etc--production costs. 
Event not found
 @21149f3e @7b682b86 

The last book I DNF was back when I was querying & trying to work out comps. I found a book repped by an agent I was considering submitting to which was "kind of sort of" close to my work. It didn't come in ebook so I had to buy the paperback. The plot was interesting, but the characters were so shallow I just couldn't get into the story. The book is still sitting in the back of my closet. I never queried that agent as I'd have felt bad if she'd liked my book 🤣 
Event not found

I have one FB account I've had for years because most friends/family can't seem to figure out or bother with anything else. Also, the RV park I live in maintains a group, as does the town. Every other social media account I have are author accts. I only actually use 2 of them but maintain a presence on others with my website in my bio (and, in one case, my Masto ID.)