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 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek nostr:npub10d5zhp5atut9hcmy... 
 @21149f3e @7b682b86 @5a43dd67 

That's a good way to do it. I have zero clue about page counts. All mine are ebooks. 🤣 
 nostr:npub1tfpa6eu6gw7ylq7lda5qyam0u0f3nqvpfhudsn2l74dkq9meh68qg60mnp "How many pages" makes me t... 
 @7b682b86 @5a43dd67 

I've gotten the pages question a couple of times 🤣 Most people know nothing about how the writing/publishing biz works so I cut them a huge amount of slack. I didn't know anything myself until I started writing and researching. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 30
What dumb things do people say when you tell them you're a writer?

It might be my age, but most people, if they find out, act impressed. Most of my friends/family don't know, as I don't want them to feel obligated to buy them. I have one old friend who feels it's necessary to explain, every time we talk, why she's not bought one. I've told her it's fine, but I did buy the CD she put out, so maybe it's guilt. 🤷 
 #WordWeavers Sep 30
How educated is your MC?

Like all Morlani royals, Jade had a loremaster to coordinate her academic studies. However, unlike most who hired tutors for different topics, Master Zagon had attended to her lessons himself. She had a cleric for her religious studies, which she enjoyed much less than Master Z's lectures in history & science.

There was also Shar, who lectured as well as any tutor. She knew quite a bit for a raven. 

 #WritersCoffeeClub 9/30 What dumb things do people say when you tell them you're a writer? 

For ... 

The vegetarian jokes never end, do they? 🙄 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sept 30. What dumb things do people say when you tell them you're a writer?


My husband was always supportive but kind of discounted it until he saw I made some sales. Now his "when I win the lottery we will ..." joke saying includes "or you make millions on your books" 🤣 It's nice he has that confidence in me. 
 A little advice about social media from someone who has been on social media since it has existed... 

I've never seen anyone change their mind because someone argued with them online. It seems more an exercise in venting personal frustrations. 
 There was a poll that stated—Rowling’s opening line in the HP series is one of best in the wo... 

"The Scopuli had been taken eight days ago, and Julie Mao was finally ready to be shot." -- James S. A. Corey, Leviathan Wakes

#bookstodon #OpeningLines 
 nostr:npub1eeuda68pptpk52ddtkhm27euhplf8jm8nya524k2vzkvpszq88hqtt4aku Odd as it may seem—or not... 
 @7b682b86 @ce78dee8 

Yeah, I couldn't think of a proper answer for this one. I have a few characters in SoJ:Red Wolf that give encouragement here and there, but no one is exceptionally "pep-talky." I didn't get those as a kid either, so my characters usually support each other, at least. 
 #PennedPossibilities 86
What is the greatest extravagance your MC or SC allow themselves"

Time. Jade gets little of it to herself. Whether lingering in a tavern over beers or sitting on a beach watching the waves or viewing the world from her flying dragon's eyes, these stolen moments are precious and few and far between. 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek We do the same. When I used... 

I notice you and I are the only ones I've seen so far that don't use them so I believe you are on to something. 😀 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 29
Scene breaks

I don't use these. Early on in my writing I did and didn't like the way they looked or flowed with my writing style. If a chapter has more than one scene I will have one or two transitional paragraphs between which naturally moves time along. It works for first-person narratives as there's always some musing to do. 😆 Otherwise, I'll just make a new chapter. 
 I just drafted a scene that I've been waiting to write for years. It's based off a dialogue betwe... 

Very cool 😀 It is a great feeling when things come out the way you envision. 
 I finished it! On Oct 1st I will have written and published a trilogy! 


Congratulations!! 🥳 
 #WordWeavers 9/28
Sense of humor?

Circumstances have made Jade less jolly though she can still throw out one-liners:

“I possess some talent. The master taught me stealth. I can blend into the landscape.”
“Any good tracker can do that.”
“I get feelings, sense danger. A knot forms inside my stomach. Sometimes I”—he paused, looking embarrassed—“throw up.”
“I see.” Ms. Marstair frowned, then brightened. “Such skill will be useful in the wild.”
“Not so much the vomiting,” I said. 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek I used to do the same. Nowa... 

I upload the latest version to my Protonmail files where everything I don't want to lose in some computer crash live. So, if I feel I've messed up an edit I can download the previous version. I don't keep them all, just replace them with the next in line. So far this has worked, but I get your point. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 28
Do you practice "kill your darlings"?

Each of my books goes through several self-editing passes before going to my editor, then a few more after that. This being the case, a lot is changed. I rarely delete, just cut and paste into an associated Notes doc where all the outtakes live until I am absolutely sure I won't use them anywhere again. If it's a turn of phrase I like I might alter it and use it in a different book. 😆 
 #Today I have to see a cardiologist. I've never seen one before, and I'm nervous about the whole ... 

Eww, sorry. Hope everything goes okay. Hoping it's like my recent scare (for another matter) where the specialist told me not to worry. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub Sep 27
What's the strangest research you've done for your writing?

Maybe tree genders. Most species are androgynous but not all. I don't find this strange, but I suppose it's not the sort of thing a lot of people research. 🤷 
 #WordWeavers Sep 27
Do any children under two or older people factor into your story?

Song of Jade: Red Wolf doesn't have any little children. All of my stories have older people but most don't look their age. In this book, however, several do because it's the Dragon Age and the human realms in the northlands have been cut off from mage practices. 
 I had assumed I had lost the ability to sit and rock decades ago.  #ActuallyAutistic 

Last night... 

Poor kitty. 😔 It's hard when they get older. He is lucky to have someone like you who loves and cares for him. 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek nostr:npub192dxh7ltd73hqpw8... 

Yeah, no excuse for so many getting through and it does seem like there's some confusion as to meanings. 🤷‍♀️ My blunders tended to be more along the line of I knew the distinction but my dumb fingers/old brain used the wrong one. For example, I would type rein rather than reign (or vice versa) and berate myself later 😆 Stuff like that goes on my editing search term spreadsheet so it never happens again.

 Are you irritated by mistakes in diction when you read a published book? I just finished one in w... 

The type of errors Word's spell checker won't pick up because they're still words. I usually find a few of those blunders while self-editing and my editor finds what I've missed. It would annoy me as a reader to find too many of these. 
 I'm writing my first novel. It feels like I'm wandering alone in a dense forest without a compass... 

Editing is where the "magic" always happens for me. I don't worry overly much about first drafts. I also tend to edit as I go, starting out each writing session reading a chapter or two back, which gets me in the "zone." This works for me, but others prefer to get the entire first draft complete before going back. Whatever works best for you is fine. 
 nostr:npub10n9kwhemskr7uzjrp7ltr4nj9j6fdl5vkv0u8vc56u9tsfwh84hsrdtjug Having been a solitary writ... 

I've never had a group. This wasn't exactly by choice, I just never found one. I'm okay with it these days. My editor will do a critique of each new manuscript as a first step in the editing process.

 nostr:npub175l80yqmw7jrh79385lpcdaqdgwvxm25leflgqqedmjpkalphvnqyv55we The money required to do it... 

It can be costly. My editor created a package deal for me but editing is still my biggest expense. She is worth it. If I were rich I'd pay her more than she asks 😅. I queried mainly because of cost concerns but then I saw so many querying authors opting to get professional editing beforehand and, honestly, not having to pay for that was the only thing I liked about trad. 🤷‍♀️


A lot scares me, and I ke... 

Oh yeah. I've run into that type. Religion has a lot to do with it. 
 First, they came for reproductive rights, now it's no-fault divorce. The right's war on women in ... 

It's so disheartening. We've been fighting for equality all of my lifetime and made some progress (though not enough)--and now are sliding back. 😔 I'm so worried for my granddaughter. 

1) Cooler weather! 💃 
2) Good news from the doctor yesterday
3) A long phone convo last night with an old friend

Today my body is rebelling against yesterday's covid booster so I am focusing on happier things 😆 
 #WordWeavers Sep 26
Is your antagonist or protagonist more fashionable?

In Song of Jade: Red Wolf, Jade is in disguise for a good portion of the story, so fashion is not considered. The Red Wolf is, well, a wolf a good portion of the time. You could say she is a quite lovely, fashionable wolf. 😀 
 Last night I had a writerly meltdown in which I despaired of ever getting my stuff in front of re... 

I think that's the most frustrating part. 
 #WordWeavers 26: Are your antagonists or protagonists more fashionable?

In a world where most pe... 

That's so interesting. I've never thought about the history of cloth and clothing.

One of the fun parts about reading these responses from authors is learning things. 😁

 Self-promotion time! What links, pieces of writing, art, and so forth would you like people to se... 

 #Writephant Self promo

The Tales of Ardonna series is a collection of fantasy stories set in a different world, in one of three timelines: Modern Era, Dragon Age, or Mage Era. All are standalone, save the trilogy.


#FantasyBooks #HopePunk

 5. Fall is also the time to prepare for National Novel Writing Month in November. Are you partici... 


I never have. It never seems to coincide with my writing schedule. I'm presently busy with editing my 2024 releases. I have a WIP for 2025 about 3/4s done but it's pushed back for now. 
 4. Fall flavors often include pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, and allspice. What is your fall flavor, i... 


Mmm. Have to admit I do like pumpkin. Also apple cider. 
 How are you doing this Monday? What is bringing you joy today? #Writephant

I'm recovering from a... 

I just had my covid vaccine this afternoon. Bracing myself for side effects. I don't recall the last one being so bad so fingers crossed. 
 3. The days are going to get shorter, with the sun going down. Are you a morning bird or a night ... 


Whenever I can get a long quiet block of time, whether early morning or later at night. 😁 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek That sounds lovely! What pl... 

I have a cactus garden which also has native milkweed and desert marigolds ( which are currently blooming.) Then, in the back, I have a combo of herbs and flowers (roses, milkweed, multi-headed sunflowers,) and jasmine in one corner. I also have a little orange tree, plumeria, and palm tree. And I'm attempting strawberries in a planter again--last try didn't survive the heat. 
 2. This weekend was the equinox, the first day of fall. Some writers take the opportunity to rech... 

We never get too cold here but it is cooler in the morning and evening now, so I can have the window in my office open. Or even sit outside a while. 😁 My gardens enjoy the cooler weather too, so I have a nice green view while writing. 
 Before we talk about fall and the equinox, which was this Saturday, how are you doing this Monday... 

What brought me joy was good news at my doctor's appointment this morning 😁 Also, actually catching this hashtag day for once--I seem to usually miss it 😁 
 #WritingCommunity, are there any dedicated writers' instances open for registration at the moment... 

I think @01d5c050 has an instance? I vaguely remember reading something about that 🤔 
 What happened to the Local Feed option? 🤔 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek nostr:npub1cy392tn4anaf0s8q... 

🤣🤣 Good incentive?

@c122552e @2ee95d3f 
 #WritersCoffeeClub 17 How do you promote your writing?

Good question. Possibly not yet applicabl... 

Rumor has it you're supposed to start promoting before the book-shaped thing appears. Can't say that worked well for me, but I'm probably not the best marketing role model 🤣

 #PennedPossibilities 74
What does your Side Character want more out of life: happiness or success?

Hmm ... which SC? 🤔 

Garland is the third-born Prince of Atlan. When his uncle married the queen of Sharren he went along & joined the Sharren dragonknights in order to make a name for himself, which he didn't think possible at home, so I'd say success.

Things don't always work out as planned.

 I have a writing maxim "Nothing dates as fast as contemporary references" in other words, avoid t... 

Oh, great job! I love her. 😍 
 ☝️ That's one way. I am making it up as I go along. I start with the assumption that a debut ... 
 @99964f0f @97b71756 

Personally, I've been in awe of your success. From where I sit it looks phenomenal. 😊 You seem on top of things. 
 I would love to know what apps you guys use for Mastodon. I happen to be on Tusky (and love it). ... 

I use Fedilab on my Android phone. It's mostly fine. Easy to use. Sometimes it does weird things like report a larger number of notifications than I actually have, but it's not the only app that's done that. 

In certain cases (maybe a lot of cases,) I'd consider it child abuse. It certainly was in my case. Really traumatized me as a young child. 
 #WritersCoffeeClub incidentally, if you have a book out, i'll cross promote it on X and other cha... 

I am on X but never post. Even before the latest mess I never had much engagement. I didn't even do a promo for my latest release there. I will pop on to read a couple of accounts I like (one author lost her husband recently & has been so sad I try to at least like her stuff) but otherwise have checked out. My May release is in my pinned post, along with my website details. I am active on Insta. If you're there & find me I'd be happy to boost you. 😀 
 nostr:npub15wtkkf7yxmea8g4mstwjlu4hsm40luj6f65m99hqjyjh7nes8eqstl7rek Big fan of using interspers... 

I stopped using all but lip balm a while back. Maybe a year or two? Do not miss it at all. I do, however, have a fun bit of green in my gray hair. 😆 One of my characters has blue streaks  in her hair & I've mentioned that more than once. 
Event not found

At one time, when my kids were young, I was going to school full-time plus working multiple part-time jobs to fit with my school schedule, most short-term, a couple longer. I honestly look back and don't know how I did it all. It helped that the majority were on or near campus, I guess.