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Notes by erikcason | export

 200 pages in and still totally fucking with me. 

I see the path of Beyng that he has laid out. Now to just try to explain it in any meaningful way…

 How does that actually happen? I am interested in the strategy and plan. Excerpt of nostr:nprofil... 
 This is a pretty wide reaching question that I have a bunch of thoughts and ideas around, but I’d point out it’s already happening.

States will not be able to wage the kinds of conflicts they are today on a bitcoin standard. So over a long enough time span this resolves itself because fiat money will become priced appropriately; i.e. worthless. 

But how much can we accelerate it until then? Well that’s a whole different story that really depends upon commitment, radicalism and pedagogy.  To me, getting people to understanding what bitcoin is as an ethical principle that leads to an economic one is probably the most important step IMHO. 
 We could be free, but the idea of contemplating deeply how money and wealth functions because we use it everyday and it one of the most definitive aspects of our society is simply too much for most people.

So instead we’ll get infinity wars, false democracy, and a collapsing political system because most people don’t want to think, and simply obey. 
 These are not small iterative changes of old ways, but totally new ways of connecting with cryptography in mind, and privacy at the heart.


The future is very bright if you know where to look.

 Sorry for my dyslexia.

Y’all are too kind for not calling me out on all of the gross grammatical and syntax errors I make.


This morning I am just reflecting on how profound the internet is.

Much of my of my life and who I am has been defined by it. I have been lucky enough to meet people from all over the world and some of my deepest friendships are a product of starting to interact with people online. Most of my adult jobs came from working at internet companies, and I helped scale teams that were totally remote and built incredible things with people whom I never actually met. 

What the internet opens each of us up to is a radically new and different form of life. One where we are no longer limited to relationships just within our immediate proximity, but that we can seek out others like us from all over the plant to create, build, inspire, grow, and love together. It is truly profound what we are building here with Nostr and Bitcoin and the very real hope and agency that it can offer to all people everywhere, forever. It is the hope of an internet where all peoples who participate and create it together are self-sovereign; owning their data, wealth, and health of their digital life to enhance and liberate the lives they experience and are reflected in meatspace. 

Thanks to each and everyone of you for believing in this vision we all share of an internet that is truly free, and beyond the power and control of any nation-state, corporation, or government to use against any of us. It is a task that is reserved for only us, and this generation of peoples at this time. We can lose this all and be doomed to a life for ourselves and all postally to come inside of a guild panoptic cage controlled and owned by states and corporations where the very concept of privacy is eliminated. That is a world that we cannot allow to come into existence, and with each and every one of you fighting against it, I know that we will win. 

Thank you for believing in this, for working on it, and for participating. It means more than any of us will ever know, and our great grandchildren will one day beam with pride in knowing that their ancestors worked on such important projects. 
 One of my goto weekend breakfasts is a dutch baby. It’s like a cross between a souffle and a pa... 
 Fuck cryptography, I want you on my baking team! 😋 
 Inside out 2 was good 
 I was surprised to learn that’s the highest grossing animated film of all time. 
 I meet this guy a few times a year. Was super early and bought 1000s of bitcoins only to sell them after a few gainz. Knows that all crypto can be hacked, knows guys at the NSA who are satoshi.

It’s always a cool story bro.

Too bad they never keep any of those bitcoin, with them being super well informed and all…

 Most people are so captured by the guarantee for safety and security through the state (which does not exist in any meaningful way) vis monetary and economic means, that the idea of any form of life outside of that seems like nonsense. 

It is nothing more than trying to explain the freedom beyond the cave to the slaves enamored with the shadows on the wall. They will insist their chains protect them, and the darkness is security. 
 It’s true he was the most fascist of all. 
 Always shit before leg day.

it’s not worth the risk. 
 Sorry you are having this kind of day… 
 I would pay mad V4V sats for a podcast between nostr:npub1hk0tv47ztd8kekngsuwwycje68umccjzqjr7xgj... 
 Who is Matt Ehret? 
 There is a massive opportunity to use Nostr to build a kind of dating app where people can own their own data. I’d have to think about it for a while for how exactly it could be build, but someone’s gonna kill it with this idea at some point. 
 I love that Alfred Nobel—the dude who invented dynamite and who can arguably be link to more deaths via war that any other human in existence—then decided he’d use his money to make a ‘peace prize’.

It’s funny stuff. 
 NPC: “But Obama won the peace prize!”

Me: “You mean the guy who chose to extrajudicial murder an American child via drone? That Obama?” 
 I've been experimenting with fresh green juices the last couple days (spinach, celery, cucumber, ... 
 I mean, what have you been normally eating? Lots of processed and prepped stuff, or are you normally eating fresh vegetables 3 or 4 times a week? Also do you take any supplements? 
 Seems pretty healthy so yeah there might be some micro nutrients that you’ll get that you been missing. 

“See? I told you that was a conspiracy theory. Case closed.” 
 He will win it, and he will announce a global CBDC built on ETH at the same time. 
 I really liked the conclusion of this series, which I think actually aired as an episode of Justice League. 
 What the most crazy about this to me, is I am sure I’ll point this stuff out to NPCs and they’ll say shit like, “but that’s just a conspiracy theory!” I’ll show them these research around this, and instead of accepting that this could be true, there will be accusations of the research being bungled and that this is some far-right conspiracy.

Anyways, happy I’ve been on well water for most of my life.

 Verify for orange 
 Holy shit, this honest to god tops the clusterfuck disgrace of ‘journalism’ that originally pointed to Dorian Nakamoto as Satoshi.

Congratulations on this. Seriously, it was a high bar to fail to, and they somehow did it.

 Ah ok, praise be to god for allow some level of logic to exist. 

Good troll on me too. 
 No no, I’m just retarded 
 Yes, yellow has to get at least one good troll on me for not checking every quarter. 
 Having kids makes your childhood even more confusing in retrospect. 

Like this is how easy it is... 
 This hurts bro. 
 Just got back from a nice dinner

Open car door to let my dog out

Immediately bolts after a fami... 
 This happened with my dog last year, good news is they will probably never mess with skunks again after this. 
 What I am excited for over the next decade is watching every single app be expropriated into the decentralized web as a P2P self-owned solution so no one gets to harvest your data and use it against you ever again. 
 What’s even more amazing is the actually value of freeing beings is worth more than their exploitation because of how subjective value theory functions. It’s hilarious 
 I went into the local supermarket yesterday and noticed that there were maybe two dozen types of produce (all of which had been sprayed with poison and grown in nutrient starved soil), and I thought to myself,

“What the hell are we doing to ourselves?”

It’s sick, sad, and hard to come to terms with, but we are being fed poison for the most part.

 This was my favorite book when I was 7. I’m weird. 
 It feels so cool and powerful to do cypherpunk stuff and feel yourself become empowered through the sovereignty of cryptography. 
 could somebody zap me a lil bit to see if i fixed this? nostr:note13e99qfq6ggn06jk2f20cgdfnuvl7kn... 
 Zapped in primal and seemed to work 
 The government hates you and will continue to steal, hurt and punish you no matter what because the people in government believe that’s the right thing to do. 
 Yeah, maybe 4 or 5 people 
 It's amazing to me that 100 separate direct reports from citizens on the ground saying that FEMA ... 
 It’s truly amazing how the state can ruin anything and everything it touches like blood cancer 
 I love that the state in all of its lobotomized brilliance is doing more than anything at any time in human history to accelerate the revolutionary agenda of radically freeing people from its own wrath in a way that it will never recover from.

The sovereign of cryptography and all of its various ways, modes, and functions is a one-way street that once understood, it cannot be taken away. It’s a form of logic that destroys the forms of power overreach the state has created from its panoptic. 
 If Satoshi’s identity was revealed, would it change anything for you?

Fuck doxxing btw. 
 I would only care if he signs and moves a substantial amount of coins. 
 When I was young man I had a mentor who I asked why some people totally fail at keeping their word or commitments. His response was:

“The hard truth is that most people are going to let you down in life. Most people can hardly commit to their own word to themselves, nonetheless anyone else. Don’t expect too much of other people, or you’ll spend most of your life angry and upset at people who were always incapable of keeping their word. Focus on those who you notice always try to keep their word and live with integrity—they might let you down too, but they’ll at least own it.”

I think about this a lot, and now that I’ve accumulated more life experiences, it’s a hard truth that I’m only fully coming to understand now. 
 This is me too. 
 My son who is under 10 bet me that he could read the1000 pages of the lord of the rings trilogy before the end of the month. 
 To be clear, I am an anarchist.

This is a real and develop political ideology that is important to understand beyond the propaganda we have all been taught. 

I believe that our future is one of a political ideology of anarcho-syndicalism. However what distinguishes the form of syndicalism that I see is not one of labor, or worker’s unions—but value itself.

Sound familiar? 
 Ironically it both is and is not. As it is not about capital acquisition, but Bitcoin or perhaps even more widely ‘crypto’ acquisition.

And by crypto I do not mean shitcoins, but like darknet market infrastructure and p2p privacy services. 
 Classically it has been to organize revolutionary struggles based on worker’s condition and labor unions, and using that to smash the state. 
 “What is FOSS?”

That is correct for 5k sats. 
 Uhh, what do you think we are doing against fiat? 
 “Want my spicy content?

Just meaningfully engage with me 💅🐝🤩🏖️” 
 This is exactly why we will get a homegrown American fascist movement that will be outside and beyond republican lettuces-handed rightism, and it will become the most powerful political contingent to ever exisit.

The left will be begging for Trump in 8 years when they see what has been created from this.

And to be clear, fascism has ALWAYS been cultivated as an anti-socialism movement. That’s why it’s national socialism and not international socialism.

 I agree with most of this, and that is specifically why the vanguard that powerfully leads such a movement must be done with the greatest of safeguards and care or else you end up with a horrific malformation version of nazism. 
 socialism for me and not for thee 
 What do you mean by own? As I don’t think exchange or etf bitcoin is owning it.

Even those who hold their own keys I’d say ~5% if I’m being generous. 
 This is a really, really big deal for creatives who constantly get fucked over, exploited, and taken advantage of by centralized services.

 If enough people take self-custody of their Bitcoin we win no matter what they try to do. 
 The intransigent minority of 3%. 
 GM, it’s official Off-tober now.

I try to use each October to try to get my shit together a little more than the month before.

This offtober I’m gonna try to get ‘off’ cigarettes for the month, and ‘off’ my ass to work out everyday. 

We will see how it goes, but I’m setting the intention here and now, and will revisit next month to see how I do. 
 I may do that, as I’ve found the pivot from vape to nothing has been easier in the past when I have quit for a bit 
 How do we make technology more biologically friendly? #asknostr  
 Technological has always been biologically friendly, it’s who controls the technology into bio-power. 

Through rebuilding the whole of the internet on top of FOSS algos, demarcated by asymmetric cryptography. 

In other words, people need to own, know, and encrypted the full stack, of which most has not been developed yet. 
 It’s ironic that the public has in recent years become so exposed to the term “gaslighting”... 
 Holy shit this was my conversation last night that ended with me wanting to rip my hair out because of how incapable they were of connecting the government doesn’t love you to the genocides of the 20th century 
 Sorry, I’ve been pretty bitchy lately from a combination of personal life events, watching the catastrophe of American politics, and listening to everyone’s uninformed and absolutely banal opinions. 
 Because I am retarded 
 I’m a bitcoiner, and i don’t have to put up with this kinda bullshit most of the time. 
 I am forced to live in a reality with a bunch of smooth brained morons who are incapable of thinking of a world where they are not slaves.

 It’s true, just having a bad week