It blows my mind that so many people don’t understand that all social media is actually a political apparatus that has been mutilated into the most debased crass garbage EXPLICITLY to mute out its political nature.
We can interactivity speak and organize directly through a decentralized nature to millions of people now. There has never been a power so politically potent in human history, and this nature remains hidden because the moment it is truly understood as a political praxis it will become the most powerful political entity that has ever existed.
We can now start the grandest conversation about what it means to be human in our day and age, and what The Political really is. If we are truly free people and not slaves subservient to a system of totalizing exploitation, than we should be able to use these tools to both throw off the yoke of digital imperialism, while also giving one another the knowledge/power to create a totally new territory of human freedom from which a new future may be born.
The Dialectic is healing.
Speech is a powerful mechanism we can benefit from. Decentralise thought and idea into mindseeds infecting the collective human conciousness with freedom.
Their greatest fear is 100 Arab Springs happening across the globe simultaneously.