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Notes by ᛗᛟᛟᛗᛁᚾ:vrill: | export

 new house architecture sucks
what race does this belong to? it is raceless and therefore trash
irrelevant whether it is popular, trendy or expensive.

 one of the biggest architecture redpills:
racial architecture is called vernacular architecture
in other words, academia does not recognize RACIAL architecture as unique.
 lol at the tryhard glowniggers trying to psyop blackpills. put more effort into your memery. you lack mana.
im just gonna have a good time regardless. 
had a great day, gonna have an awesome meal and then go for a forest walk and have a great evening :moominwave: 🍀

 I live in Wakanda, Africa 
 @Nigbot  Nigbot is a real nigger and his gardener. 
 just leave the country. now you see why I say not to register the births of your children. there are many solutions, just depends on your courage and willpower. if niggers can cross the ocean on a raft to get out of rapeville so can you. move to asia or africa, south america, and keep moving until you can give your family safety. your freedom is in your hands. failing that, shit your pants become unbearable to be around. failing that refuse to go living. no one is forcing me into anything. i am already dead. they're gonna have to take my body already dead if they want it. :vrill: 
 i wish i still had grandparents to make a book for my cat 😿 
 @519b733c inshallah, sandbrother, one sees you have a keen eye for the haram girls or what remains unexposed of their ankles. salam olayolayolaycum Alkosh p.b.u.h. would you like to buy حقل النجم Starfield :todd:


clearly not an autist




 half or a quarter muzzy 
 no he is a lot more than that. he's more muslim than any muslim before him. 

average muslim:

 Muhammad is really going at it. 
 nice try, but no :trollface: 
 >Lightning ball spell hits olive garden grease traps
>Entire building explodes killing 50 people,... 
 The mother of Apollo(jesus) is Leto, a Hyperborean Titan and Mother of the Hellenic people.

 *raises hand sheepishly*
I did that. I was practicing in order to destroy an olive garden.

 #justwizardsongs 🔥 🌩️ :borb1: 
 working on a new lightning ball spell and things got out of hand. mid-cast I tripped on me robe. if you see this outside, run.... its still floating around. :wizardcat:

 apathy and indifference is 6 million times worse than anger and hate.
anger and hate is righteous.
the idea that anger and hate is inferior to indifference and apathy is a psyop.
the way how you are trained to react to anger and hatred is wrong, anger and hate should be encouraged. you should evoke a worse response from apathy and indifference. 
apathy and indifference is the lowest emotion you can have.
anger and hatred is Aryan and right next to Love.
nihilist and blackpilled faggots should make you angry and evoke disgust and hatred from you.

 there is zero value from school that you could not have learned from your parents or been an autodidact and taught yourself. i taught myself to read. dis-legg-see-hah is based. i taught myself algaebruh, niggatrometry, calclueless, maffs. i taught myself history. those who cant be autodidacts should not be taught anything.  the idea that qualifications mean anything is a myth for hr kikes. nepotism and knowing people is how the world really works. teach yourself skills, hire yourself. 
 how much difference is there between the dromedary and baktrian camels? i would think the dromeda... 
 yes I think the dromedary is a bit wilder. though both have the canines. i'm a bactrian fan myself, i like two humps on everything. thank you very much.

 Camels have large predator canine teeth and eat meat. they can kill humans with their bite alone. many camel jockeys and sand niggers have died from camel attacks to the head and neck. they have a bite force of 400psi. they are more dangerous than hippos. they can run up to 40mph and sustain 15mph for over 2 hours. they can carry almost double the weight a horse can, for much further distances.



 the best crayfish are those you catch yourself and bbq right there on the beach. the restaurant ones are always past expiry date and been sitting on ice for weeks. unless you live very near a fishmarket with high standards (northern europe, and some cities in maybe japan), I would not even bother. it tastes like slightly fishy white meat. pretty bland. well made british batter fish and chips has far better texture/flavor, or even sushi has far better texture/flavor. yes, i have a loicense to chippy.

 "something stupid" dominate Europe into perpetual seethe :trollface: 

 because Sweden 
 have you ever been there? 
 woosh this esoterically encoded wizard song is going to be in your mind all week :wizard_cat: 🪄 
pay attention to the visuals

 Wanna have some fun?
The sega company was started by kikes. Their rushed, unfinished game Phantas... 
 interesting, i'll have a look

 i wanted to go to the park today but it rained a lot and i blame the jewwwwwwwwws who are probabl... 
 "nothing is the jews. the jew has never done anything. its all in your mind. should just take the meds and marry a nigger, get a circumcision. in fact give all your possessions to a nigger, since they are family of the human race. don't notice anything jews are doing, you might start to form a pattern. ignore all that. join a synagogue. make sure to marry your daughters to jews. work for a jew. move to israel. become a rabbi. join the jidf. learn how to read, write and speak hebrew. only watch holocaust films. start enjoying gefiltefish. buy a ficus. grow sidelocks. listen to adonai chants."

 Yeah that’s a wierdo chick thing. Had a couplde exes want to have a gun to my head, or theirs. ... 
 demoralized city normies with lack of risk and lack of adventure. its a steel pipe with a grip. if that turns you on you've really lost your way. life has become so sheltered the surrogate activity is now to pretend to get close to death. city folk fetishize everything they are disconnected from, its degenerate. how about they try hunting and see what it is like to really take the life of a deer. bet they don't have the guts. the worst are those into choking/cutting/handcuffs/tieing up/bladeplay. its not hot, its degenerate. if you think it is hot you are fucked in the head. any woman into this shit, chase them the fuck away from you and your family. what you want is a nurturing woman. who likes animals and children. what the normies would call boring because she has an intact morality. the fact that these degen things have become so commonplace is a sign that the Kali Yuga is really here. Kali Ma will filter all of them. I hope all those degens remain childless. whole lineages wiped clean, to take out the trash. they should try having a gun to the head from someone who intends to kill you, or being shot at. bet they won't feel turned on then. they only want the fantasy, but I bet the real thing will scare the shit out of them. imagine Hitler and all your Ancestors looking at you while you're doing that.

 one contradiction i want you to think deeply about is why did jews after occupation still allow English, a Germanic Language to remain the predominant language worldwide. after occupation they could have changed it to hebrew. why? i think within this answer is a far deeper thing to ponder

 >scripture is open to interpretation.

i don't think it is; i suspect there is a perfectly object... 
 the perfect objective truth does exist, but its locked away in the vatican archives, or somewhere else. for all we know all the contexts we deem to be a certain way and we are taught could be a manipulation too. there is a massive lie behind what they call history. i bet if we saw the perfect objective truth it would shock all of us to our core. it might surprise you that I think the Poetic Eddas have been doctored and vast parts omitted. 

it leads a lot of people astray

the trouble is that they are not, in action or let’s say beh... 
 many pretenders. in christianity as well as paganism. if the Ancients met any of them they would want no part in their revision. just using a name or description does not make one part of something. there are much deeper aspects entirely missing. 
 i’ve seen you poast stuff like this before and i am not sure where you get the idea that that s... 
 we understand eachother already. im not talking about NS Christianity. NS Christianity is not at all christian in the modern sense. it is archaic christianity. we should fully realize this. You understand the racial aspects, but you can become more critical of christianity with me in forcing normal christians to become NS Christian. If they want to be considered White, they should be NS Christian or NS Pagan. there is no risk in this. they've already abandoned us as fascist racist antisemites. The majority of christianity is not even christian or White, same with most Pagans. we don't need to defend them, in fact I want them to become atheist so they lose all direction. until they racially align, they are our enemy and zog aligned and will betray us. Only Racially aligned people deserve spiritual help. But I will defend NS Christianity, if you have the Racial aspect already integrated, this I can agree with. for eg. I don't have to defend faggot lgbt pagans because they don't represent me. And yes you know as well as I do there are pagans and christians who love niggers and think they are fine. we should be critical of them, not include/defend them and consider their spiritual life. they are ruined beyond help in my opinion. There should be a Racial exclusionary aspect. most don't even know that NS Racial Christianity even exists. they see christianity as buddhism where every race can be a member, just do the feel good yoga and peace loving fun man. the complete opposite of NS Christianity. Only White people are people. Only White people have souls. Only White people matter. I can extend this to honorary Asians, but exclude all others. We should become hyperracial in spirituality, this is the only counter to our lands no longer being homogenous. And we should heed our criticisms. So be critical of non-NS Pagans. I welcome it. If mainstream christianity is in inferior to Ancient Pagan ideals, then we should integrate the best of those Racial ideals into NS Christianity and NS Paganism. This is what Hitler did. One thing we should remember is that neither NS Christianity nor NS Paganism can remove our Pagan or Christian past. it happened. We belong to both Racially. They happened and we should take the best aspects and forge new perspectives if we are to survive.  Hyperracial Spirituality that is exclusionary is the only way to survive in non-homogenous countries. Christians should also realize that Paganism has been under attack for centuries and is even more under attack even today. It is not European to deny a racial belonging. All White people have a Pagan belonging. They have a duty to their race to learn of it and teach their children of it. 
 also scripture is open to interpretation. its the reason for all the denominations as you know. i also don't trust scripture because they have all been subverted and none are original and are all copies of copies, edited to suit each empire at their requirement and to control populations. compare kjv to septuagint to nag hammadi. each is so entirely different from the most ancient that I think it is a lie to claim that the words of men are the words of God. sure you might disregard the older ones, but what would you do if the Ancients told you they disregard all the modern ones? all books are lying and falsely pretending to say something God said. i get that you can say this is a lie too, but if I could take you in a time machine and show you each subversion where the original text is edited, how would you feel worshipping the words of men? i also don't trust literal interpretations. the same applies to pagan texts. i don't know of a fail-proof way to know what is original and what isn't but I am trying. but that all texts have been altered to suit an agenda and a historic revision, altering history, of that I am sure. I don't trust any history. I take it all with a grain of salt. what I do trust are the ideas my family told me they inherited through oral tradition, and they will remain unpublished so they cannot become subverted. I also trust the Aryan race. 
 it don't make no sense to me, but i actualyl read history cuz i find it compelling. 
 its because "standard history" is a lie formed by edward gibbon in RAFOTRE and taught in occupation universities. 
 for an atheist you ascribe a lot of power to religion smdh 
 judeo-christians are Atheists. you have abandoned your RACIAL Gods for the idol of the jews, jewweh
Atheist is what Pagans call judeo-christians
A(not)-Dyeus(Zeus, Odin, Perun, Taranis)

 That's not quite what I mean 
 i think there are manga apps where you can support the studios directly. honestly this is how it should be. publishers are always middleman jews. i distrust all of them. i'd rather buy directly with the studio. 
 I wonder how much it costs to license manga here in the US and distribute online
Something relati... 
 Who here is from the deep state? 
 say nigger 
 what other things are in virginia except gamers? tell your boss to stop sending hot glowies who want to have the seggs with me. im not putting it in the glow. wizards know better. last witch made me radiate like a flare on an arctic winter night

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 few people know that Ancient Rome was Pagan. everyone assumes it was catholic, but they are thinking of the brown nigger loving Eastern Roman empire (a bad imitation) that was already under Jewish control from 150AD onwards. the moment Rome became judeo-christian, this is when the jewish occupation began. eastern rome fell to christianity because the 13 jewish merchant families wormed themselves into controlling rome and so implemented their religion. and no we are not the real jews. this is a 20th century glownigger psyop. any White man who says they are the real jews is a liar and faggot. the jewish occupation is ancient. judeo-christians just don't have the courage to face the fact that judeo-christianity is the world religion of the jewish occupation. it is inherently philo-semetic. it is the reason why the cross is not a hate symbol. and why all European Pagan symbols are hate symbols, and why judeo-christianity has no race. it loves niggers. judeo-christianity is a tool of zog and you are a fool for thinking it is a bulwark against jewish occupation. it is the very tool with which the occupation is strengthened. zog's best soldiers are judeo-christians. you can hate what i say, seethe and cope if you want, but it doesn't make it less true. face the hard truth. if you really want to remove the jew, wake up and find out what is your RACIAL RELIGION, or don't and keep perpetuating the abrahamic occupation. don't pretend that judeo-christianity will defeat the jew, it will never. judeo-christianity is jewish in origin and jewish goal oriented. the ONLY bulwark is Racial Paganism. because it is RACIALLY your own. RACIAL BELIEFS FOR RACIAL EUROPEANS :vrill:

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 i can see what you mean, but the real thing is infinitely better
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 wait is his name really kuracs? 
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 they really think that. they entirely disregard Protestantism historically too, and assume that everything protestants built is catholic too.