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 for an atheist you ascribe a lot of power to religion smdh 
 judeo-christians are Atheists. you have abandoned your RACIAL Gods for the idol of the jews, jewweh
Atheist is what Pagans call judeo-christians
A(not)-Dyeus(Zeus, Odin, Perun, Taranis)

 i’ve seen you poast stuff like this before and i am not sure where you get the idea that that shit on the right is representative of Christianity. i mean churches do push that shit but when i actually read Scripture it seems more consistent with what your meme calls pre-Christian virtues.

i guess what i’m asking is, are you drawing your conclusions from churches or from Scripture? because judeo-Christianity is like saying satanic-Christianity; it’s an oxymoron. 
 we understand eachother already. im not talking about NS Christianity. NS Christianity is not at all christian in the modern sense. it is archaic christianity. we should fully realize this. You understand the racial aspects, but you can become more critical of christianity with me in forcing normal christians to become NS Christian. If they want to be considered White, they should be NS Christian or NS Pagan. there is no risk in this. they've already abandoned us as fascist racist antisemites. The majority of christianity is not even christian or White, same with most Pagans. we don't need to defend them, in fact I want them to become atheist so they lose all direction. until they racially align, they are our enemy and zog aligned and will betray us. Only Racially aligned people deserve spiritual help. But I will defend NS Christianity, if you have the Racial aspect already integrated, this I can agree with. for eg. I don't have to defend faggot lgbt pagans because they don't represent me. And yes you know as well as I do there are pagans and christians who love niggers and think they are fine. we should be critical of them, not include/defend them and consider their spiritual life. they are ruined beyond help in my opinion. There should be a Racial exclusionary aspect. most don't even know that NS Racial Christianity even exists. they see christianity as buddhism where every race can be a member, just do the feel good yoga and peace loving fun man. the complete opposite of NS Christianity. Only White people are people. Only White people have souls. Only White people matter. I can extend this to honorary Asians, but exclude all others. We should become hyperracial in spirituality, this is the only counter to our lands no longer being homogenous. And we should heed our criticisms. So be critical of non-NS Pagans. I welcome it. If mainstream christianity is in inferior to Ancient Pagan ideals, then we should integrate the best of those Racial ideals into NS Christianity and NS Paganism. This is what Hitler did. One thing we should remember is that neither NS Christianity nor NS Paganism can remove our Pagan or Christian past. it happened. We belong to both Racially. They happened and we should take the best aspects and forge new perspectives if we are to survive.  Hyperracial Spirituality that is exclusionary is the only way to survive in non-homogenous countries. Christians should also realize that Paganism has been under attack for centuries and is even more under attack even today. It is not European to deny a racial belonging. All White people have a Pagan belonging. They have a duty to their race to learn of it and teach their children of it. 

I'm not in favor of foreign missions right now. My people need to much help to send money to foreigners. 
 what you call Paganism i usually think of as ‘ancestor worship.’

and the Christianized Paganism of the Europeans is p cool, it is the essence of Lord of the Rings and Final Fantasy IV for example.


 "Christianity with a body" I'm not sure how to describe it, but yeah, that's what I'm trying to be part of. 

This bloodless modern christianity is gay, and by that I mean homosexual. There's very little good there. I'm sure that a few people get a stepping stone from it to move on, but it leads a lot of people astray 

it leads a lot of people astray

the trouble is that they are not, in action or let’s say behaviorally, on God’s side. modern churches participate in the building of the Black Iron Prison via acceptance of neoliberal & other faggot values.

have we not done many wonderful workes?

i never knew you; depart from me ye who work iniquity.

these verses make more & more sense to me these days… 

 many pretenders. in christianity as well as paganism. if the Ancients met any of them they would want no part in their revision. just using a name or description does not make one part of something. there are much deeper aspects entirely missing. 
 >there are much deeper aspects entirely missing.

i most certainly get this feeling. 
 I understand where he's getting it. Much of Christianity isn't the ancient kind anymore, it's just neoliberalism in religious garb. It's shit. If that's all Christianity was I'd walk away from it right now.

But that's not ancient Christianity. 
 the work of satan, which pushes away people from accepting Christ working pretty well it seems. 
 yeah i wanted to be clear that that’s what he was saying. 
 i'll just let you know that this is a guy who yelled at me because i was adamant that Jesus was in fact a jew 
 I've learned a few things from these guys.

"Conversations without autism" are the key

But they're not going to pull me away from my Creator. I know who made the Pagans. 
 i won’t yell at ya but i’m not so sure what He is. 
 no i mean i’m not sure what Jesus of Nazareth is, as in jew or what. 
 well Jesus followed the whole law perfectly his whole life, in the gospels so he is, sides being born to mary who was. 
 i… can’t really argue with that. on the other hand, does jew mean tribe of Judah or does it mean Israelite? Mary, for example, was a Levite, possibly a Jew/Levite by blood.

so what does that make Him? i’m not sure.


 the geneology is Chirst is in the bible  he is called hte Lion of hte tribe of Judah for a reason. he is decended from david. 
 >he is decended from david.

well, hold on. is He descended from David on Mary's side? because if it's on Joseph's side then i'm not sure that counts cuz Joseph didn't impregnate Mary with Jesus, right? 
 Both sides 
 well that settles that. thank you friend. 
 Both Joseph and Mary were descended from David, if for nothing but appearance sake 
 >if for nothing but appearance sake

 well joseph isn't actaully his biological father 
 right. but Mary is in David’s line, like @Idea Enjoyer says? 
 yes, lemme look Luke and Matthew have geneologies of Christ. 
 Both Jesus‘s human parents were descended from David, probably to make extra double sure that everyone knew he was the prophesied boy

(And jews STILL don’t believe it) 
 them not believing was prophecized. 

I haven’t gotten through the whole Bible yet so I must not have gotten to that part 
 well i'm not fully understanding it, but a lot of the prophecies in the old testament are sorta like double meaninged they're talking a bout thet imes but also talking abotu what will happen with Jesus, and there are several Jesus archetypes in the bible but again i'm not the best guy for that kinda stuff. 
 also king david has several prophecies in his Psalms 
 I did read psalms

I forget most of what they said though 
 there's a lot of things i think i've forgotten then they just come back to me when i need them. 
 Book of common prayer has you read a few every day

Really good, especially when you're having problems 
 What’s a book of common prayer

How many monies do I have to spend for it 
 you could prolly find it online in a pdf tbh but i dunno for sure. 
 Free online

Or amazon.com/1662-Book-Common-Prayer-International/dp/083084192X/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=13KT70BLVPV5R&keywords=book+of+common+prayer&qid=1695691046&sprefix=book+of+%2Caps%2C320&sr=8-4

If you want an updated physical copy 
 >there are several Jesus archetypes in the bible

there's a super interesting Tree of Woe post wherein he calls these appearances "Christophanies." even posits that the Archangel Michael is Jesus of Nazareth. 
 he isn't, but it's commonly accepted that "the angel of hte Lord" when mentioned in the old testament is Jesus 
 yes and Melchizedek apparently. 
 i dunno 
 This "Jew for Hitler" says Judah was the bad line and Joseph was the good line and Jesus is of the line of Joseph if I understand correctly



 Jesus is a descendant of the davidic line on both sides of his parentage as has been stated in the thread. both the kingdom of israel and judah were ultimately destroyed and scattered due to sin. so i dunno what's supposed to be the good or bad line, but God called david righteous. 
 Stop with the cope (yes we've had this hell thread already) but whatever he was it's a foreign religion and ultimately anti White 
 stop trying to shame people into hell. 
 We're already in hell in case you haven't noticed 
 yea and it can get worse, but that's no excuse, for trying to shame people out of faith, if i've said it once i've said it a thousand times, if someone who's a wn is also a Christian, we're on your side and not cool with fag churches with tranny pastors preaching infinite immigration. 
 First of all nobody with actual faith is going to change their mind because of a random internet post and second I've already said if you're willing to fight for our people I don't care about it. I'm just tired of the mental gymnastics people do to avoid an unpleasant fact. Also I'm not gonna do the hellthread again it's just tedious and ultimately pointless. 
 "mental gymnastics"

It's called faith my friend.

I'm glad the hellthread is cancelled, have some popcorn 
 I'll have so coffee instead, have a pleasant evening. 
 You too ☕ 
 lol, in the end it was a discussion between believers as far as i was aware. trying to keep heresy form creeping into people's understanding. 
 People's understanding is their own problem, I'm not the Understanding Police 🥂

If someone is helped by what I say, great, otherwise, no problem 
 Interesting theory HarryNuggets 
 >it's a foreign religion


>and ultimately anti White

i do not perceive this, not in the Book :bible_wh: 
 All I ever find in those conversations is autism.

I like what the Bible says about Jesus though. Fully God, fully man, died for my sins and was resurrected. That's the preaching that converted the Pagans as far as I know. 

Christians used to be based, they were warriors, they were strong. These modern fag Christians are just an embarrassment 
 Jesus was a Palestinian who was a descendant of Israel and did not practice the modern so called Jewish religion which is actually newer than Christianity

The new testament was written down earlier than the Babylonian and Palestinian / Jerusalem Talmud and Mishna ( were written ) which modern Jews use instead of the Old Testament which they hate 
 ok, i know that modern talmudic judaeism is fake and gay and younger than Christianity, but people really need to stop changing who Jesus was to fit their world view. draw him blonde haired blue eyed aryan if you need to, i think it's cool BUT, he was born a jew to jew parents for a reason. 
 Mary might have been a descendant of Judah but she was not religiously what they call Jewish today.  She might be biologically Jewish but did not practice the modern Jewish religion that falsely claims to be older than Christianity.

Descendants of Judah are descendants of Israel who is also called Jacob

Palestinians have a higher biological percent ancestry from Israel than Ashkenazi and Sephardic so called Jews

Jesus was not an Ashkenazi Jew or a Sephardic Jew he would be biologically closer to a Palestinian having a higher percent ancestry from Israel than Ashkenazi and Sephardic so called Jews do 
 who the heck said anyone in the bible is supposed to be practicing modern judeaism? you eralize calling people jews comes from the province of Judea as the Romans called it, that's what i mean by calling his parents and him "jewish" it wasn't renamed palestine till after the jewish revolts that happened later on. 
 Ashekenazi and Sephardic "Jewish" haters of Christians and Christianity and Gentiles like to flip flop the definition of Jewish

They try to get so called Christians to believe Jesus was an Ashkenazi or Sephardic Jew and practiced the type of "Jewish" religion they practiced 

Ashekenazi and Sephardic Jews have a fake bloodline they are largely of gentile ancestry with only a tiny fraction of ancestry from Israel where as they exterminate Palestinians who have a much higher percent ancestry from Israel

I do not want to legitimize their fake bloodline by calling Jesus a Jew because they will say he is a Ashkenazi and or Sephardic Jew just like us or that he practiced our religion

That is why I do not ever call Jesus Jewish unless I make it very clear that he is not an Ashkenazi Jew and is not a Sephardic Jew and did not practice the "Jewish" religions of the Talmuds and the Mishnah 
 ok well you know what i'm saying at this point, and i'm going to sleep so have fun. 
 the “kike-on-a-stick” assertion never made sense. 
 also scripture is open to interpretation. its the reason for all the denominations as you know. i also don't trust scripture because they have all been subverted and none are original and are all copies of copies, edited to suit each empire at their requirement and to control populations. compare kjv to septuagint to nag hammadi. each is so entirely different from the most ancient that I think it is a lie to claim that the words of men are the words of God. sure you might disregard the older ones, but what would you do if the Ancients told you they disregard all the modern ones? all books are lying and falsely pretending to say something God said. i get that you can say this is a lie too, but if I could take you in a time machine and show you each subversion where the original text is edited, how would you feel worshipping the words of men? i also don't trust literal interpretations. the same applies to pagan texts. i don't know of a fail-proof way to know what is original and what isn't but I am trying. but that all texts have been altered to suit an agenda and a historic revision, altering history, of that I am sure. I don't trust any history. I take it all with a grain of salt. what I do trust are the ideas my family told me they inherited through oral tradition, and they will remain unpublished so they cannot become subverted. I also trust the Aryan race. 
 >scripture is open to interpretation.

i don't think it is; i suspect there is a perfectly objective Truth to the matter and (for various reasons) we are bad at 'getting it.'

you are correct that the Scriptures are nevertheless endlessly interpreted.

>I don't trust any history.

in this i agree wholeheartedly. mostly due to positivism tho. 
 the perfect objective truth does exist, but its locked away in the vatican archives, or somewhere else. for all we know all the contexts we deem to be a certain way and we are taught could be a manipulation too. there is a massive lie behind what they call history. i bet if we saw the perfect objective truth it would shock all of us to our core. it might surprise you that I think the Poetic Eddas have been doctored and vast parts omitted. 

there is a massive lie behind what they call history. i bet if we saw the perfect objective truth it would shock all of us to our core.

this is precisely what i mean when i say that positivism is largely responsible for my skepticism. my suspicion is that we couldn’t recognize ‘that shocking truth’ even if we saw it. and for the same reason that we are so dissimilar to our Aryan ancestors – our experience of reality right down to our very perceptual faculties are comparatively limited.

they were greater men in ways of which we are not even aware and could not be measured. i often wonder what happened between then and now to effect this.