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 we understand eachother already. im not talking about NS Christianity. NS Christianity is not at all christian in the modern sense. it is archaic christianity. we should fully realize this. You understand the racial aspects, but you can become more critical of christianity with me in forcing normal christians to become NS Christian. If they want to be considered White, they should be NS Christian or NS Pagan. there is no risk in this. they've already abandoned us as fascist racist antisemites. The majority of christianity is not even christian or White, same with most Pagans. we don't need to defend them, in fact I want them to become atheist so they lose all direction. until they racially align, they are our enemy and zog aligned and will betray us. Only Racially aligned people deserve spiritual help. But I will defend NS Christianity, if you have the Racial aspect already integrated, this I can agree with. for eg. I don't have to defend faggot lgbt pagans because they don't represent me. And yes you know as well as I do there are pagans and christians who love niggers and think they are fine. we should be critical of them, not include/defend them and consider their spiritual life. they are ruined beyond help in my opinion. There should be a Racial exclusionary aspect. most don't even know that NS Racial Christianity even exists. they see christianity as buddhism where every race can be a member, just do the feel good yoga and peace loving fun man. the complete opposite of NS Christianity. Only White people are people. Only White people have souls. Only White people matter. I can extend this to honorary Asians, but exclude all others. We should become hyperracial in spirituality, this is the only counter to our lands no longer being homogenous. And we should heed our criticisms. So be critical of non-NS Pagans. I welcome it. If mainstream christianity is in inferior to Ancient Pagan ideals, then we should integrate the best of those Racial ideals into NS Christianity and NS Paganism. This is what Hitler did. One thing we should remember is that neither NS Christianity nor NS Paganism can remove our Pagan or Christian past. it happened. We belong to both Racially. They happened and we should take the best aspects and forge new perspectives if we are to survive.  Hyperracial Spirituality that is exclusionary is the only way to survive in non-homogenous countries. Christians should also realize that Paganism has been under attack for centuries and is even more under attack even today. It is not European to deny a racial belonging. All White people have a Pagan belonging. They have a duty to their race to learn of it and teach their children of it.