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Notes by ᛗᛟᛟᛗᛁᚾ:vrill: | export

 these are strangling hands 
 great thread on christian esotericism
even if you dont subscribe you should know the deeper roots that it draws from. they might not be immediately apparent. the esoteric is always pagan in origin. this is why it is veiled. like a virgin bride before her wedding, the uninitiated will give up their most precious gift if it isnt veiled even from their own eyes.

 Two watas had to die to make this outfit. 
 they were watacool wit it :watabit: 
 >in the future humor will be randomly generated 
 humor = “liquid, moistness” 
 what is the audio i want it 
 czech it out

 so what do we call them? i like this idea. 
 Ok, official narrative believer. 
 are you THE sevenchins? 
 typical kike behaviour. so many parallels with silencing free speech. the kike trannies cement it. this is the kike who called behringer antisemetic. kiwifarms here is your new lolcow. dare you to lolcow a kike for once and not low hanging fruit (you can't)

 one mans purpose is another mans waste. one mans waste is another mans purpose. for all we know having 12000 hours in steam could give you a certain perspective purpose far outweighing any wagie knowing all NFL niggerball final commentary by heart, being up to date with political theatre, or whatever normies do. wagies and their constant neurotic busying are not as important as they think their goals are. they think they have endless time to work and then suddenly one day wake up and realise they've forgotten to live. consumed by the day to day and what is. protestant work ethic is a betrayal. NEET kings vs worker drones. when society collapses, NEETs instantly become the top of the food chain.

 just break off a tap in the oil sump while you're at it 
 I think about Hitler every day
"What would Hitler do?" 
 :trollface:  what would Hitler do about about modern ZOG Ukraine vs ZOG Russia. 
 nostr:npub1fhq6s4lgf8cyavhqdxuafnxuma0cj3ekpn208y036n4qtd5ny3qsn4c2uy Odin is not a jewish lawyer... 
 Odin is many things. I think his list of names are longer than any other. The jewish lawyer idea of Satan is a modern idea stolen from Goethe's Faust. It is Aryan, and a veiled Reincarnitive Ancestral interaction. Demon = Daemon = Ancestral Spirit. For Faust bargains for knowledge and all knowledge is imparted through Ancestral Resurrection. This is the true meaning and origin of the crossroads bargain. It is not an abrahamic fantasy of taking souls. A soul cannot be taken (jewish bullshit). The Soul refers to the Eternal Waters from which we are birthed from and return to. Nara. This is also the origin of the nymph, or the Germanic Nix water spirit. Soul = Sea. It is an Ancestral Resurrection. The abrahamist wishes its mythology could strike such bargains. The Trickster is not what the jew is. the jew is beneath any such ability. This is christkike fantasy. For a trickster be definition needs to impart a moral fable invoking Aesop. The jew is incapable of this. they know nothing of invoking Aesop nor imparting a moral. the jew just has no conscience and no inner monologue. they are simply sociopaths ruined by the abrahamic mindvirus, the ultimate goal of all abrahamists.
Satan was a slander applied to all Pagan Gods. But it is true. The Racial Aryan Gods are the True adversary of the jew. The Seat of Satan is the Pergamon Altar and High Uppsala and many Pagan places of the Ancient World which far outclasses the recent world religion of abrahamism. Of course the kike and his philosemites will call what they can never be or achieve, evil. Its like a jealous nigger calling what they can never reach evil. 






 i denounce the right
christkike righthanded abrahamic conservacuck fools who think they are the real jews, who support israel and philosemetic ideals. who would continue the same abrahamic ideals that would bring us to where we are now again if they were to take power. you are not a jew (take your fucking meds), you are retarded and so is your sandnigger abrahamic mythology. right as a concept comes from the right hand being important to abrahamic kikes.
i am a racist antisemetic leftwinger. left hand path. evilmaxx. fuck your non-racial jewish god. fuck yahweh. fuck jesus. yahweh and jesus are not in my lineage. fuck your nigger world religion. The Adversary of the Jews, Satan will triumph. Satan is the boogeyman under your bed. Satan is the old and original RACIAL Pagan gods of Aryans. Satan is the name given by kikes to Odin. Adversary. I am your adversary christkikes. Hail Odin. Hail the RACIAL Gods of Europeans. :windmill_of_friendship: 

If you don't follow the RACIAL Religion of Aryans, you are not White.

śāṭān (Hebrew: שָׂטָן) noun meaning "accuser" or "adversary", derived from "to obstruct, oppose"
#leftwingracist #leftwingantisemetic

 im giving up my whole weekend for you guys :whyMelt: 
 population numbers are grossly overestimated. 
 they dont want you to know but dyslexia is purely anecdotal. you can become dyslexic instantly and no one can question your dyslexia. there are no consequences. start swapping syllables and emphasis at random and if you find another dyslexic wink and you will both know abou the game at play. sleep soundly at night knowing you rebelled against standardized spelling and upset a normies npc programming. find other wizards through dyslexia. :trollface:

 Holy shit it's the nigger version of the meat balls video lmao 
 which one came first? 
 Mmmm teflon poisoning so good yum yum 
 das why im retarded man :CryingCool: 
lemme flex on ya with the culinary peak of dindu cuisine on da erf.

 if you have teflon/aluminuminuminium pans/pots/bakingtrays/oventrays/woks throw them out. 
get ceramic coating pans or stainless or even better seasoned cast iron.  

 the wood is still wet after the last rain, when the wood dries and the spark takes, none of our enemies will be able to stop the Aryan Resurrection. other races can be destructive, but more as undirected chaos, but only the Aryan, when fully decided destroys utterly.  :windmill_of_friendship:

 evenin mignight crew
 remember when authority threatens you with death, laugh it its face :vrill:

 >be you
>witness my spooky emergence from your backrooms
>bass so deep your ornerments be fallin
>slap your gurls ass
>drop this sick hyperborean knowledge dance

 falcon 180B is larger than any other AI model even llama, and has all the politically correct filters removed. It will do anything you want. 
You can give it internet access and have it as your own personal research assistant, fully controlled by you. but it needs a shitload of GPUs. there is the smaller falcon40B also with all restrictions removed. whoever has the most fast GPUs, wins.

 honestly if they didnt cut it now some sandnigger will eventually for firewood. they hate having shade with a passion same as niggers in africa. need to feel that heatstroke. all of them have already had their brains cooked by the desert sun. they hate greenery. it needs to be brown and sand 
 abrahamics hate Nature. Pagans learned early on how to get free tree  felling. "yes, mr. priest, that tree right there is the most holy one. Donars Oak himself, please, please dont chop this random tree that happens to be where i want to build" "Boys he's gonna do it for free" :kek:

 niggers hating on steam hours while staring into a jewtube with infinite hours watching niggerball trying very hard to resurrect the Aryan Spirit. 
pic unrelated, me facing globe earth head on. BRLRBRLRBLRBRLB

 Time to put the uppity brown shudra niggers in their place. They think that Ancient Aryan texts were created by brownoids. White Blonde haired Blue eyed Aryans are the Brahman caste from the North.   

 semen retention niggers are retarded. Vril, the lifeforce isn't stored in the balls. if it was then it would mean all women are succubi feeding on our energy. a simple kick to the nuts would permanently damage any vril, which is retarded. semen retention advocates are niggers who don't understand the esoteric. a result of being monks. ever look at the origin of the word Cell? its literally kike bullshit where a christkike locks himself up away from women so he can become homosexual for yahweh and do "worship" with the other homosexual priests. did you know all cloisters had constant incidents of homosexual shit between christkikes? anywhere you look in clergy as far back as you want christkikes and islamkikes and jews are always buttfucking no matter what. 

the origin of the word Cell as in the biological cell is from the monastic cell, its also where prison cell comes from and most importantly INCEL. Celibacy comes from the monastic cell. abrahamites and philosemites are all buttfuckers who diddle children. no priest of any denomination is without diddle and buttfucking accusations. would you trust your children with any priest? no you wouldn't. i don't care what denomination he is, hes a buttfucker and diddler. to study theology you need to be a faggot. to learn hebrew you need to be a mega faggot. to wear frocks and sing in choirs to a judeo desert idol you need to be an abomination.


 the more expensive your keyboard the more retarded your opinions, prove me wrong. 

also my keyboard:

 Gonna go with /ouregg/'s version:


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 wait is his name really kuracs? 
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 he got dat melonin in him 
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 no literally deadname. all of them are deadname. 
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 i think you might be onto something 
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 im a member of crazy dragon killaz 
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 what will you now do with your jelqing entity? 
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 certified hood classic 
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 don't bully the pastrami 
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 accurate wizard depiction 
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 DARKEST MAGA ACTIVATED (for real this time) 
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 post nut surrealism 
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 by zog russia? wake up midwit