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 also scripture is open to interpretation. its the reason for all the denominations as you know. i also don't trust scripture because they have all been subverted and none are original and are all copies of copies, edited to suit each empire at their requirement and to control populations. compare kjv to septuagint to nag hammadi. each is so entirely different from the most ancient that I think it is a lie to claim that the words of men are the words of God. sure you might disregard the older ones, but what would you do if the Ancients told you they disregard all the modern ones? all books are lying and falsely pretending to say something God said. i get that you can say this is a lie too, but if I could take you in a time machine and show you each subversion where the original text is edited, how would you feel worshipping the words of men? i also don't trust literal interpretations. the same applies to pagan texts. i don't know of a fail-proof way to know what is original and what isn't but I am trying. but that all texts have been altered to suit an agenda and a historic revision, altering history, of that I am sure. I don't trust any history. I take it all with a grain of salt. what I do trust are the ideas my family told me they inherited through oral tradition, and they will remain unpublished so they cannot become subverted. I also trust the Aryan race.