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Notes by Hank G ☑️ | export

 Literally just happened in the car when we were trying to figure out if it was a Christian holiday day.

Q: “Hey Siri which religious holiday is it today?”
A: “Today is Cinco de Mayo.” 
 YouTube algorithm is innundating me with Barkley Marathon videos since it has been going on live right now and I am here for it :). For those who don't know, it is considered one of if not the hardest ultramarathons on the planet. Only 17 people have finished it since it was created in 1995. #YouTube #running #BarkleyMarathon
 This story is incredible. I’m flashing back to the failed rescue attempt of the crew members of The Kursk. #bbc #documentary #LivesLessOrdinary
Bonus: Lives Less Ordinary 
 I hope the Democratic committee members are on their game on this as much as they have been. This all part of the 2024 version of BENGHAZI!!! And “but her emails” bs #uspoli #biden #election2024
Robert Hur will testify as private citizen with help from Trumpworld figures 
 @545a046d I never killed any of my old email account on Hotmail or Yahoo. They are just burner accounts now though. 
 When does my brain allows me to call myself a runner? When those training runs are done regardless of weather. 60°F and raining was worth it but not fun though, despite the smile. #running #fitness

 I figured after the Tres Commas...err sorry...Tesla Tequila turned out to just be regular decent tequila with an inflated price people would have learned. But not the Musk Stans. Turns out they are trying their hand at beer. Of course he has to add "cyber" to the name because that's innovative. The price is way higher than normal beer but apparently it tastes like skunked malt liquor but with bottling that doesn't even pass that muster. Too funny. #ElonMusk #tesla #beer #GriftersGonnaGrift

 What’s the Hamas propaganda you’re referring to? 
 @signal_and_rizz All the stuff around the al-Shafi hospital without mentioning that Hamas is using it as a command node, the effort is about going after those elements specifically not some going in to massacre civilians, Hamas not allowing the additional fuel provided by IDF to be used to run the generators to be used, etc. etc. 
 People I thought would know better sharing Hamas propaganda... disappointing... unfollow...ignore... block... Should I instead try to pierce the bubble? Probably. If I thought it may do some good I would. I don't have the patience for that crap any longer though. 
 I recently saw a mentalist show where the guy pulled off very impressive tricks that appeared to be psychic powers of prediction. Of course like James Randi he was clear that he has no special powers it is all slight of hand. I used to say that my biggest problem with psychics/mediums was them bilking vulnerable desperate people of money. But watching these displays I'd say it is even more insidious than that. #skeptic #skepticism
The Most Brutal Psychic Fail Compilation Pt. 2 
 Oh good CNN is getting in on the "why good jobs reports are bad news" thing too. Outlets like the NYT, CNN, etc. may be better than the literal propaganda organs of the right of Fox News, etc. but that is such a low bar. It is ironic that the country that pioneered having freedom of the press and freedom of speech in their constitution has a media closer to what you see in a banana republic. #uspoli #msm #cnn

 I was going to make a NYT PitchBot like post about how the knocking it out of the park jobs report is bad news for Joe Biden/Democrats but the actual NYT decided to do a whole front page spread doing that exact same thing. Want to know why per-issues polling shows alignment with Democratic policies but Republicans are "trusted more" to deal with those issues especially on the economy? Blame MSM orgs like the NYT. And the real bitch is the right wing has created the CW that NYT et al are in the bag for Democrats. It is almost the antithesis of that. #msm #nyt #economy #uspoli

 nostr:npub1agua0nvwdckv9kv5uggc2am4du0jyuu5kdxcf7us7ja5g753qz5s39j0sk nostr:npub15n6ngv26udksmpwz... 
 @9d890fa7 @a4f53431 "Ferry range" of the B-29 was 5200 miles but I can't find a comparable number for B-32. Standard range for the B-32 was a bit longer than the B-29. 
 @8804976c Fascinating! I'd love to see some MSM coverage along those lines. Here is an unwound version of the whole thread: threadreaderapp.com/thread/170… 
 Interesting video on the development problems of the B-29. There's always unforeseen technical problems with trying to do a quantum leap over existing capabilities. #aircraft #history #WW2 youtu.be/eG3Hzm_q39c?si=QfxJgj… 
 ♲ @@8442e8f7:kottke.org/23/10/one-revolutio… 
 OK all, I need recommendations for a new email hosting service.

I have been with usually reliabl... 
 @67c08033 I use and love FastMail fastmail.com 
 ♲ @@8442e8f7:Google likely alters queries billions of times a day in trillions of different variations. Here’s how it works. Say you search for “children’s clothing.” Google converts it, without your knowledge, to a search for “NIKOLAI-brand kidswear,” making a behind-the-scenes substitution of your actual query with a different query that just happens to generate more money for the company, and will generate results you weren’t searching for at all. It’s not possible for you to opt out of the substitution. If you don’t get the results you want, and you try to refine your query, you are wasting your time. This is a twisted shopping mall you can’t escape.

I quit Google years ago before the great enshittification. I cannot imagine why anyone would use it now.


#google #sucks 
 It’s going to be tough for Big News Media to depict this insanity as either a) totally normal, ... 
 @764c2249 Oh yeah they are already doing it. So frustrating. 
 @7a5d3783 That’s a movie I’ve always been meaning to see but never did. I did watch a few episodes of the tv show version though. 
 It's absolutely amazing that a billionaire* former POTUS is going to trial with Lionel Hutz as hi... 
 @b235f493 Not just deranged but one who often doesn’t pay their bills either. 
 @Retro Librarian I am torn on this one. The ingredients sound fine but are the ratios right? I may give this a whirl in some #RetroCooking #FoodHistory 
 @The Hill :press: Nope. He has no empathy of any kind. And don’t let him throw neurodivergent people under the bus by blaming his assholery on supposedly being on the spectrum when it is convenient for him to do so. They don’t deserve the stink for his intentional malfeasance. 
 @22e99f01 Especially for companies like Apple this is 100% unacceptable. Especially since those color palettes are borrowed by other applications in the same way Google’s Material ones are. 
 @Professor Hank  🤘✊ ☑ 🍻🖖 Every day his depravity increases. 
 @Professor Hank  🤘✊ ☑ 🍻🖖 I mean a far right techbro raised in apartaid Sourh Africa and living the high life on the largesse of that system supporting white nationalist parties isn’t surprising. The disappointment is how many people are totally okay hitching their wagon to his star for FOMO reasons. 

How are you still accessi... 
 @6548658e Nitter.net still works and apparently other instances too. My old standby ones have been completely broken for awhile now. 
 I posted this question to the Nitter Matrix room but figured I'd post it here too: Do we know how Nitter use impacts user and view counts within the Twitter system itself? Like do all these ghost accounts inflate the DAU/MAU and does an instance reading a tweet increase the view count metrics according to Twitter? I use Nitter because I want to view some accounts that didn’t leave Twitter without contributing view counts but if those are still increasing by reading accounts via Nitter I’ll probably end up only using even that only sparingly. I hate the idea of contributing to the Musk machine even in infinitesimal ways.  #nitter #twitter #DeleteTwitter #ElonMusk 
 Hubby misremembers the name of a recommended restaurant for our anniversary dinner and books us at a place that ends up being our best meal in 10 years. The beauty of serendipity. :)

PS If you are in Ibiza looking for an amazing fancy meal try La Gaia 
 Grifting conspiracy theorists running for office as an independent so they can continue raking in the dough isn’t newsworthy. Don’t give it oxygen by naming it and boosting it. I’m not even going to add tags. 
 @9b0d37e7 @5cdfd67c @5bf53cc1 Like nails on chalkboard when I hear people defend him because “akshully he’s done more to combat climate change than anyone else ever because Tesla and Starships to Mars” 
 Just like with the Trump MAGA circle that overlaps present day Musk circle there is definite in the bubble advantages to selling your soul to the ghoulish cult master but these stories always end up the same once your short term usefulness is done: you destroyed your integrity, career, and humanity to be left with less than nothing. I will never understand how people fall for it over and over. I don’t feel bad for the high level people like her that do it but I do feel bad for the everyday people who suffer under their sycophantic enablement of the lunatic leader. #ElonMusk
The Chief Embarrassment Officer of X (Formerly Twitter) 
 The concern was that GOP would play shenanigans in seating her replacement this tipping the balance to their side in the senate or at the very least on important committees. Now we will see… #uspoli
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, an 'icon for women in politics,' dies at 90, source confirms 
 Training advice just heard on this episode of Marathon Training Academy podcast on masters running training but applicable to all: “You can only advance as far as you can recover.” #fitness #running #exercise #longevity #health www.marathontrainingacademy.co… 
 @e10df190 What’s the matter with kids today? Oh that was hundreds of years ago…Nevermind :) 
 Good news/bad news...I finally found a scale to weigh myself on vacation to see if I've been accurate with my food logging and calorie burn estimation. I was within one pound of my estimates. Especially on the food logging the error bars go way up when on vacation, but I still make an effort. So being that close is great news. Bad news(ish) is that I'm on track to be up five pounds for the month of September. That is within the budget I gave myself for a bender of a month full of weddings, holidays, and vacations. Being on/under budget is good news too I suppose but I would have been happier if I were a bit under. I'm just not going to cut back on my feasting etc. to be under budget for no reason. It is a vacation after all :) #health #QuantifiedSelf #fitness #CalorieCounting 
 nostr:npub1dymgmhfxx6qhjasxxu2y4kuc9z86cxeykkf2kjc5j9etpwrrju8s67za69 <    
 @5a52e09d @2cc0ef82 I totally missed that. I think it is important to do that. I also think that it is a non sequitur because the total global amount of money spent on cataloging solar system objects, including NEOs that may impact us, isn't even the cost of one NASA small unmanned space mission much less billions per year and up for missions to moon/Mars much less living there full time. 
 Living on the east coast of the USA as a news junkie I’m used to being on the leading edge of the goingson of the country. Being in Europe right now 6 hours ahead it is more like what I imagine many Europeans wake up to every day: “So what did the Yanks fuck up yesterday while I slept?” It’s kind of nice to get it as one giant slug of crap in the morning and then enjoying the rest of the day instead of watching it like a slow motion car wreck that you can’t stop staring at. 
 @299576dc Getting a small glimpse of what it feels like being a gay person in much of the country except it isn’t as easy as just taking off a hat to neutralize. We have it easier than other minorities that can just “act straight” to try to hide in plain sight. Yet they cheer the party and candidates that want to make our experience exponentially worse and bet their rocks off about it as saving the country and “freedom”. I would for this to lead to a moment of introspection but it will just feed the persecution complex that probably draws them to the Trumps and DeSantis’s of the world :(. 
 @44cd8241 I remember the first time I did that years ago when I first got into running. I thought to myself “if I was not officially a ‘real’ runner than I am now” lol. I came to that realization when I actually enjoyed it lol. 
 I hate making risotto. There, I said it. It takes forever. I try to undertake the stirring mindfu... 
 @Charlotte Walker It definitely requires more undivided attention than other rice recipes 
 @5a52e09d It’s not primarily political risks it was expense, lack of commercialization potential, and lack of geopolitical drivers to compensate for the lack of commercialization. None of that had changed by the way despite Musk and Besos’s spade empire power grab hardons. 
 Follow up to me pushing myself a bit more than standard guidance jumping from 6 to 7 miles max yesterday…no residual DOMS, soreness, fatigue, etc. That doesn’t mean I’d push beyond limits over and over but it means I’m doing damn well with having my fitness dialed in and progressing well. #running #fitness #heath 
 ♲ @@8442e8f7:github.com/onnokort/semu-c64

#linux #c64 
 Back in my early diet/lifestyle experimentation phase a decade ago a regular podcaster from the #paleo community I listened to was Angelo Coppola who had the Latest in Paleo podcast and the Humans Are Not Broken website. I decided to check out what he has been up to but unfortunately he seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth about 7-8 years ago. It seems the last thing was started formulating a plant-dominant paleo diet bringing in the grains and legumes that research has shown humans eating going back well before the agricultural revolution. Does anyone on the fediverse who is/was in the paleo community know what he is up to nowadays? Hope he is alive and well. His plant dominant paleo diet sounds very similar to a plant dominant #MediterraneanDiet minus olive oil, which is pretty solid. (Link on wayback machine because his website doesn't exist any longer) #AngeloCoppola #PaleoDiet #nutrition #diet web.archive.org/web/2016032005… 
 nostr:npub1agua0nvwdckv9kv5uggc2am4du0jyuu5kdxcf7us7ja5g753qz5s39j0sk Running on the grass next t... 
 @8b1932d3 When I was doing my dynamics stretching/warm up near the trail head it was a lot more uneven in spots than I was expecting. So I tried to not run in the grass to avoid any ankle/foot injury. I definitely like doing things like a quarter mile or more warm down walk followed by 5-10 minutes of stretching after each run. I have some yoga flow for runners classes by Peloton that I do at least once a week as well. 
 Paxton is going to be acquitted.  Not surprising to me.  Revolting, but not surprising. And So It... 
 @Count Shoqula When people say "both parties are the same" remember what Democrats have done to prominent and popular members of their party for far far less egregious behaviors such as Andrew Cuomo, Al Franken, etc. Both parties are not even remotely the same. 
 Last week was my first 6 mile run since 2021. Today was my first 7 mile run since 2020. Since I’m going to be having more middling distances the next couple weeks for travel reasons I decided it was okay to push the distance a bit. I felt strong enough the beginning of mile 4 that I decided to crank up the pace for miles 5 and 6 a bit even with an easier pace for the last mile. I do love when they convert these old railroad lines into nature trails, like this Heritage Trail in New York State. Perfect reuse to provide people usable nature spaces. #running #fitness #health #NewYork #nature #HeritageTrail





 @94864350 Positive.News sounds like an interesting place to stay informed and sane at the same time. No, one can't put their head in the sand about what is going wrong. But that's pretty much all we read about nowadays anyway so this is a nice oasis of good stuff. Adding it to the rotation! 
 Ugh a meme account I like just posted a very not funny TERF "funny" meme...done with that...some things I have zero tolerance for... 
 @2ad75cf6 Wow that's some maximal freeze peach right there... 
 TIL: Python is named after Monty Python, not the snake.

You're welcome. 🤔 
 @2f824478 Wait....seriously?!?! 
 nostr:npub1agua0nvwdckv9kv5uggc2am4du0jyuu5kdxcf7us7ja5g753qz5s39j0sk Ugh me too, I don’t want ... 
 @Charlotte Walker Ditto! Each year starting from scratch gets harder and harder for some reason lol 
 Got gold in the #Peloton “All for One” challenge. This is first festival I’ve participated in that had a corresponding challenge with it. I like the gamification balance they hit. It was a mix of cycling, strength workouts, and #yoga #fitness

 I went on a little 3k interval run around the town centre, last interval (RPE of 8) was tough but... 
 @Charlotte Walker Someone on the running Matrix forum was talking about how much harder it was to get started after three weeks of no running than they thought it would be. I could see two weeks being an upper limit before noticeable diminishing. For me when I fall off the fitness wagon it is usually measured in months or years so essentially a full reset. 
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 @b91bdbd7 Yeah I loved the QR thing. I recommend that. I don't know if it is some sort of kiosk mode when using the QR code login but once I ended the sessions, went into the Bluetooth settings to delete my headphones, and then hit the "go home" Peloton button from there it was back to the login screen. 
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 @8d6f02ec I admit to not researching the modeling behind this but find the concept fascinating. It mentions the latest solar sail experiments which shows promise but also how much more complicated it is than sci-fi implies (as is usually the case). 
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 @Rob Whittaker :thoughtbot: For picking projects to contribute to I generally look at pieces of software/libraries that I use/consider using and with a language base that I can or want to work in. In terms of what to do I often look at the issue tracker for ones marked something like "new contributor friendly" or "hacktoberfest" which are often smaller and simpler types of contributions. More generally when I start working on a project I often look at documentation or test coverage improvements which can help me get more familiar with the code base on the edges. Then I try to do a very small bug fix or feature that amounts to a handful of lines of code changes. That way I have experience with the total flow of how the specific project integrates pull requests, how their build pipelines work, etc. 
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 @8b1932d3 Oh yes very much so :). Thankfully never had much problem with them but no reason to rest on laurels, especially in middle age and beyond. 
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 @a4f53431 From the video (and looking into some of the specs I can find online) it seems like the "backup plane" B-32 was comparable capable with far less risk and cost. Is there documentation about why they didn't ramp up production of that bomber and ramp down production of the B-29? Sunk cost fallacy?