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Time to reclaim it perhap... 
 @43d7c4ea that's what I envisage. A series of local governments within collaborative Federations within a series of larger confederations.
In UK it would return power to Local Government who would hold the spare money and pass it up to regional and federal governments who would fund the confederations in turn. Bottom up government, rather than the top down approach we seem lumbered with. 

A new medievalism?
This w... 
 @43d7c4ea I loathe the term, which I suspect was designed to be pejorative. However, I suspect it is pretty accurate. Small communities based on an accurate version of Dunbar's number, say 500 people, will source food & energy, repair  hygiene and primary care locally, with larger communities providing specialist services secondary services such as legal, hospital based services, and post primary education. I'm guessing cities will provide tertiary services within the sovereign city state? 

Yes, this is an interesti... 
 @43d7c4ea also food growing and supplying, aka villages.....😉 with towns for professional services.... 
 As we now look to be clearly entering a period of high(er) sustained #interestrates, the Q. must ... 
 @43d7c4ea localism is the way to go, with a focus on minimal external energy use. Perhaps employ people to do things, rather than rely on electronics to do it..... the return of water mills, perhaps😉! 
 @43d7c4ea the importance that perhaps flying (and shipping?) will have to stop if we want to stop boiling our home, before 2040 has perhaps passed people by. See Uselessgroup.com from Cambridge Uni engineering..... 
 @43d7c4ea I hope all opposition parties promise to compulsory purchase the land back at the presale value-10% and then offer it back to original owners or their descendants at the original compensation given, or give it to LA if unsold in 10 years for Social housing or similar social benefit depending on the type of land it is. 
 Q. are we about to see a repeat of the swift expansion of market share by #Japanese motor manufac... 
 @43d7c4ea the complete transfer of the UK economy from industrial capitalism to service rentierism. The long-term consequence of building your lifestyle of taking in your neighbours washing, is that if the neighbour needs to cut back, then, like UK has cut back maintenance, they cutback and you are squeezed all seems well until it collapses. See RAAC and Grenfell for examples of what happens. 
 nostr:npub1vh9nmlglyd84nudfdurd9fc9pewp4p925slevzvs0xcue3k005cskv8qsf didn't day that they were. ... 
 @2a70c54d sorry i wasn't clear. I was trying to claim that the two are casually linked. Not to say you thought they weren't or were. Your statement was neutral, so I was going further. 

Apologies for being unclear. 
 Two troubling trends:

Wages are low, globally
The rise in global fascist extremism 
 @2a70c54d the two are not disconnected. Low wages for the many with riches beyond reason for the few is a recipe for civil discontent. A soup in which extremism of all kinds flourishes. 

The very last thing the T... 
 @4eceda26 @43d7c4ea and by focusing on training human robots, to pass exams devised in 1960, they are preparing them for industrial jobs they got rid of in the 1980s. 
We need to return schools to being about education not training. As educated people can adapt and flourish in changing situations. 
 nostr:npub1g0tuf634rz4suczwj7kgnecr6cyt0eu9xmp3sp0fku68mqehq4msp3tvm4 this country could easily h... 
 @544f4f05 @43d7c4ea don't forget tidal rise and fall, and plenty of rain on the c Western side at least. So if we move our mindset from a Centralised Electricity Generation approach to a dispersed near use approach. Guess what you find most towns are near natural power sources, which is why they were there in the first place. Water and wind drive the agricultural and the industrial revolution, and could again. 
 @b2c4807d @43d7c4ea I don't know what the generational change effect will be, but as I have discovered with my family's children who live and work in cities, they have not learnt to drive. So they certainly don't own a car. Even those who lived in childhood in rural areas, but now work in cities, and had cars in their youth, have disposed of those using hire cars/vans when required, but cycling everywhere else. 
Another example of the urban rural divide? 
 nostr:npub1g0tuf634rz4suczwj7kgnecr6cyt0eu9xmp3sp0fku68mqehq4msp3tvm4 I'm pretty sure the Tories ... 
 @85dc524c @43d7c4ea that's the basic problem of successful public health measures. You spend a small fortune on preventing disease, so you get cut back as nothing happens, only to find out that you end up costing a fortune putting things right once they've gone wrong. 
Examples outside healthcare, schools and RAAC, potholes in roads and resurfacing roads, Vapes, climate change and petroleum. 
 @43d7c4ea I wonder if Carney (?) The foreign banker was responsible for that temporary resurgence of approval before it was returned to English hands..... 
 @43d7c4ea long term senior management in schools has not supported teachers. The small number of disruptive pupils have created terrible working conditions for all. The focus has been on short term action rather than investing in finding out what is causing the problems. 
 @a0b872c9 they'll attribute those unnecessary deaths as due the COVID pandemic, I wager, so they can claim they couldn't do anything. 
 @43d7c4ea I noticed that our return to Euratom is still not happening. The idea we left the system we set up is so sad. A bit like the Medicines agency which was based on our own regulator, but had all our most experienced people. What a sad loss of expertise, for a nation claiming to interested in being at the forefront of science and it's application. 
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 @43d7c4ea it was always for most people an imposed, by cunning, mechanism to reduce employers liabilities, to enable shareholders and executives to picket more money. 
Hence the judges had to introduce a new category of worker to explain that apparently "self-employed" were "employees" who evaded social security benefits, whilst they're employees evaded NI contributions. 
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 @43d7c4ea they own both the production of the raw ingredients and the marketing power, and the political controls. Vaping will allow them to stop selling cigarettes, whilst contributing to market their toxic material. The tobacco market is first drug cartel, and the cocaine market simply follows it's magnificent example. Yes tobacco smuggling was a major organised crime problem in the past! 
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Maintaining things in status quo requires a lot of resources. Living things spend a lot of energy on homeostasis, so when overwhelmed collapse suddenly. If you have had the misfortune to watch someone with bacterial meningitis you will know what I mean, they're unwell but ok, then minutes later they are at deaths door.

All should read Richard Cook's papers to see how linear thinking mucks up healthcare. Summary in his 1998 paper;