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 @43d7c4ea I'm pretty sure the Tories are scared of doing things that seem unnecessary. If they bring in strict measures and it's a damp squib, they'll be criticised heavily - even if those measures are the reason it's a damp squib.

I'd really love for people to get better at explaining / understanding that a boring outcome means the action was *effective*. Cf Y2K bug was never a thing vs Y2K bug was prevented by lots of people working really hard for months to fix things. 

Yes, I agree this is a toxic element of our current media... its very much damned if you'd, damned if you don't, which never results in good advance policy making 
 @85dc524c @43d7c4ea that's the basic problem of successful public health measures. You spend a small fortune on preventing disease, so you get cut back as nothing happens, only to find out that you end up costing a fortune putting things right once they've gone wrong. 
Examples outside healthcare, schools and RAAC, potholes in roads and resurfacing roads, Vapes, climate change and petroleum.