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 Hmmm... still no detail (here in the longer BBC news coverage) of #RishiSunak's 'deal' to re-enter #Horizon... if its not being publicised, he's agreed to the very EU terms he said he wouldn't, I suspect!

 @43d7c4ea I noticed that our return to Euratom is still not happening. The idea we left the system we set up is so sad. A bit like the Medicines agency which was based on our own regulator, but had all our most experienced people. What a sad loss of expertise, for a nation claiming to interested in being at the forefront of science and it's application. 
Given the report cites the argument about the NI Agreement as the cause of the delay and not also Sunak's spending the last year haggling about the price of membership it would seem he's caved on that. Any discount on member's would have been crowed from the rooftops. Instead UK science has had a year of lost opportunities just so Sunak could stroke his ego. 
 @43d7c4ea this is good for EU access to the U.K. fusion project, and for U.K. space research. But in many other areas the damage has been done. I work in scientific publishing, and I could see real time the effect of leaving Horizon. The EU was very smart in spending the released cash in southern and Eastern Europe, and we could see more high impact papers coming from e.g. Spain in biomes research and countries like Slovakia in material science. Good for them I say.