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 Q. is the #Pirola variant of #Coronavirus likely to offer the #Tories another chance to mishandle a #pandemic? 

The Pirola variant is spreading, covid monitoring & data gathering has been stripped back, #vaccination *is* getting under way but is limited by capacity & demographic(s)... no social measures (#masking, #socialdistancing) are as yet being publicised.

Could this be about to be a very difficult #winter? The trouble is as yet we have no good way of knowing until well down that road! 
 @43d7c4ea I'm pretty sure the Tories are scared of doing things that seem unnecessary. If they bring in strict measures and it's a damp squib, they'll be criticised heavily - even if those measures are the reason it's a damp squib.

I'd really love for people to get better at explaining / understanding that a boring outcome means the action was *effective*. Cf Y2K bug was never a thing vs Y2K bug was prevented by lots of people working really hard for months to fix things. 
 @43d7c4ea Honestly, it would be a very difficult winter even if covid magically vanished. Capacity for the NHS (and consequently, the care services) to handle any kind of winter pressure this year is basically zero.

A normal flu season would by itself be enough to cause catastrophe. 

 It's going to be bad. The long term toll of Covid is going to start to become obvious to many as well. Like climate change another "don't look up" example. It's only so long the media can make the population denie their own observations. 
 @43d7c4ea Two options:

1. We get lucky and Tories crow that they made the right call. 

2. We have a bad winter and the Tories hand-wrong and say they did everything they could. 

(In either case, those with long covid and also the long-term ramifications of multiple infections will be ignored.)