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 @43d7c4ea long term senior management in schools has not supported teachers. The small number of disruptive pupils have created terrible working conditions for all. The focus has been on short term action rather than investing in finding out what is causing the problems. 
 @65cb3dfd @43d7c4ea I do not work in education, so my opinion is just my opinion, but having heard from friends about how terrible schooling is at present I’m not surprised kids are acting out. My local primary school doesn’t allow childrens games at playtime (e.g. skipping, hopscotch, football). All children are issued an “official water bottle” and stationery and are not allowed to bring their own belongings into class. I suspect some prisons have more freedom. 
 @4d1e9cc0 @65cb3dfd 

I guess the Q. is why this is happening in some schools?