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 Mistakes  May Have Been Made


I may have gone a little overboard this season. I hope all these pears freeze within 5-8 days. 
 Liberties are not something granted by a government. Liberties are hard won and require constant vigilance. I'm really sad to see the attack on freedoms going on in the UK and more broadly in the west under the guise of public safety.  
 Bottling / Tasting Pear Wine


I had two gallons of pear #wine sitting in carboys for secondary fermentation and to clarify naturally. One of the bottles was running low from initial fill and hydrometer readings so I decided to bottle it. I left the other carboy to sit for several more months. I'm happy with the color. I hope the other bottle continues to clarify. 
 Anyone out there willing to take an inbound 50k Sat channel and has reasonable fees? I need to open one so I can pay for some inbound liquidity on my new #lightning node. Also if you have tips for what fees to set so I don't immediately drain all that outbound liquidity that would be awesome. 
 I love seeing new CPRs (Centralized Platform Refugees) come over to Nostr. 

I love the initial e... 
 Since your identity can follow you to any client make sure to try a bunch! https://github.com/aljazceru/awesome-nostr 
 Well, fuck. #dropbox is kind of pointless now, so I did a bunch of online research and decided to... 
 I did a little digging and they don't open their API up so no other clients exist. I recommend getting some s3 compatable storage from any Cloud (linode, aws, etc) and using restic (https://restic.net) for your backups. If its more for syncing between devices I'd recommend syncthing (https://syncthing.net/) which is also opensource and will sync between devices without the need for a central server. Good Luck. 
 Latest Country Wine Tasting

I marched on down to the basement today to sample my country #wine. It has been about a month and a half since I racked this pear wine a second time. Right now I'm patiently waiting for all the sediment to fall out so I can bottle it up and let it age. 

Tasting Notes:
- I know this should go without saying but it does smell and taste like wine at this point. I was a little worried about this wine early on because it tasted like cheap malt alcohol at the first racking. 
- The mouth feel is pleasant and has some real grip to it
- The early and late flavors are OK but I think they could use higher acid content
- There is a flavor in the middle that is not that pleasant. It still retains some sweetness (almost like overripe fruit). I want to say it reminds me of 4 loco. 
- The aftertaste is pleasant and it sticks with you
- The alcohol taste is mild
- Overall (beside the mild and middling sweetness I mentioned) its a pretty dry wine.

Other notes:
- The country wine looks pretty dark in the carboys but in a glass or dropper its really improved in clarity. I hope in 6 or so more months the fruit haze will have completely cleared up. 
 New users need to find people and content that interests them. They need to be able to find it ea... 
 It seems pretty easy to find topics with "#". Nostr clients like Satellite operate pretty much like reddit where you find communities that grow up around topics. What improvements would you suggest? I worry someone will wind up making another BS algo to lead us all around by our noses. 
 I'm having a terrible time getting into the bitcoin game. I've got my own lightning and bitcoin nodes but I'm stalled out trying to get funds / channels in there. I've been to over half a dozen sites that promise it will be easy to buy bitcoin but there are myriad ways it goes wrong:

- Using a vpn or tor? Many sites just block you for "abuse"

- Want to go p2p for no KYC well then you need some sats to pay for the collateral

- Hell, half the "no KYC" sites just use third parties that want everything including your SSN.

- Not to mention all the sites that just fail with unhelpful error messages like "try again later"
 At what point does one abandon old domains?  Or is buying one a lifetime commitment?  If I had FU... 
 I never thought of how awful it would be to drop one if you used it to help maintain your identity or serve up something tied to your offline self. This is a real landmine now that I think on it. :sadpanda:

I suppose I can take comfort in the fact that I've only done this once and only in a limited capacity! 
 This sounds tangential but the only thing I can think to do is let them expire and have other mitigating controls: freezing your credit, watching your credit reports, retaining a lawyer, and squatting on your gov benefits accounts even if you're not eligible for them yet.  :thisisfine: 
 Nostr Freedom Pro setup: 
- AlbyHub for self-custodial lightning wallet and Nostr Wallet Connect ... 
 Agree, freedom don't come free. I just went with hosting all my images on a public s3 like bucket with a domain pointed at it. I don't host my own relay but I would like a relay or something I can host to pull down all my posts for archival purposes should the public relays let me down. Know of anything like that?  
 We should be thinking of ways to help our cousins over in the UK. If their freedom of speech is lost it will only embolden other gov to do the same. 
 What difference can a little headspace on your secondary make?


These two carboys of pear wine were poured from the same primary! Look at that color difference! Which one do you think caused this color change? Is it the headspace? Was it because I poured the darker one last? These have been sitting about a month now. 
 I  was looking for a familiar reddit like client to bucket some of my topics here on nostr and started a new community over at https://satellite.earth/n/winemaking/.  #winemaking #wine 

Lets get a wine community started on the nostr network! I look forward to hearing from all the winemakers out there! 
 Welcome to winemaking on nostr/satelite. I'm pretty new to winemaking but I'm excited to share my new found passion with others. Cheers for Liberty and Wine. 
How can you avoid seeing feeds that you do not like here?!

I am echoing the thoughts of nostr:n... 
 Some clients do let you search hashtags and you can follow those. I'm using nostter.app and messages with certain hashtags do show up in my feed. 
 I haven't used it yet but https://satellite.earth/ looks promising. Maybe one of the other clients on this list will scratch the itch: https://github.com/aljazceru/awesome-nostr 
 Alas, no. However I find it easy to run in a browser on my phone. 
 live a little :party:. I do love me some frankincense and myrrh 
Now I'm starting to believe nostr might win.

 I could be wrong but i think nostter client is using media servers by default. i may be misunderstanding the preferences page. i also self host my avatar and profile banner. good on you 
 fuck lobster canoe people marriage range today bean dawn way riot element fog  
 Gotta be careful with those passphrases friend! :lol: 
 We need to get used to paying for relays. 

Free relays doesn't work. 
 Paid relays are going to wind up leading to centralization and censorship. Once money is involved you gotta worry about lawsuits, censorship, control being in the hands of a very few. If you wind up with a monopoly or duopoly or where a few companies buy them up then what? Your right back at those relays choosing who can talk to who on their massive centralized server. Maybe they refuse to let you even use their service. Once they are big enough it won't be any different then blocking you from twitter. Sure, you can go somewhere else but what if everyone is using a relay that won't let you participate. 
 Do it! 
 Sadly many countries are following China and slowly walling up their networks so they can have greater surveillance, influence, and control. Soon I'll be resorting to messengers on foot a la Mirrors Edge. 
 What's your daily driver in terms of nostr client(s)?  
 I haven't picked one yet. I was struggling to decide between NIP-07 and NIP-46. Landed on 07 because remote signing doesn't have a ton of adoption. Whats the best web client out there?  
 I wish I were Catholic. There's just no way I can dumb myself down enough to think the pope is a ... 
 I'm surprised more folks don't move over to orthodoxy with all the shenanigans the church has pulled over the last 20 years. Its hard for me to contemplate switching because I joined the Catholic church because I believed we should stick with and make better the church with the successors of Peter. Jesus made him the first Pope. However, with every year the church turns away from its traditions and I think with that its loosing part of its self. The only argument I have left is. Stay with the church and make it better. Men will always have failures and the church is run by men not god. We should strive to make it better. Even I have a hard time sticking with it though 
 This method of making cider is super interesting and looks like something I'll experiment with. I just finished up some pear wine. Its been in secondary for about 2 months. I plan on using a pear variety that has a short season and its hard to find any other time of year. I'm thinking of buying enough fruit to make 6 or so gallons but I don't want to make it all at once. Have you ever frozen fruit or fruit juice so you could have more iterations throughout the year? I'm thinking of just throwing pounds of whole pears into a deep freezer so I can pull them out, press them, and iterate with different techniques and ingredients throughout the year. Ever heard of anything like this? Does it work? Is it better to freeze the juice instead?  
 Does your buddy freeze them whole? Does he just drop them in the freezer with no container or anything else? Thanks for the info! 
 I'll be grinding them up in a grinder over the press and into a cloth bag. This is good news! I was worried the pears would not freeze fast enough when I put them all in the freezer. I'm dedicating the freezer to the pears. 
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 What the heck did you do Lunduke. I keep digging but I can't actually find anything. Is there an event that kicked all this crazyness off? Here are the only things I can find and they aren't very convincing: 

- Started charging for your content
- General disagreement on woke policies
- General opinions that you're anti trans.

All this stuff seems pretty weak to kick someone off a network. I'm just a long time fan wondering what the hell kicked up this hornets nest.  
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 Incidents of harassment against upstanding members of the opensource community by woke lynch mobs need to be exposed and condemned. 
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 I understand where you're coming from there. I'm looking to make a wine from a pretty mundane fruit (pear) and its pretty darn expensive to do. I plan on picking up 250 LB of pears to crush. 
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 This was a great read. Thank you! 
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 I was able to ditch my last windows PC this past year. Valve's desire to protect their business from the threat of walled gardens and the tremendous effort by the opensource community really are a beautiful thing to behold. 
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 This is a damn shame. I remember when mastodon first hit the scene I was ready for a better internet with less  censorship. Alas, it didn't take long for all those folks decrying censorship to turn on folks with opinions that don't align with theirs. Pretty soon they were hard-coding bans of servers. https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/11129.

Doesn't stop there either. We got folks ousted from NixOS recently, people picking on the creator of hyprland, the list goes on. 

Don't let the bastards get ya down 
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 I'm making my first country wine and its been in the carboy on secondary for a little over a month. I'm going to go check the airlocks!😜 
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 It took a bit of work but I finally got forza 5 working on linux and its really empowering to get your entertainment fix on an open source platform.