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 I wish I were Catholic. There's just no way I can dumb myself down enough to think the pope is a good guy.  
 There have been others, one priest once said about the current that if you feel scandalized about it, you probably would feel the same about Jesus on the cross. He would look so fragile and weak, yet done nothing to stop it. 
 Jesus wasn't a pedophile socialist in bed with Satanists. So... No.  
 I share your sentiment on the pope.  

 I'm surprised more folks don't move over to orthodoxy with all the shenanigans the church has pulled over the last 20 years. Its hard for me to contemplate switching because I joined the Catholic church because I believed we should stick with and make better the church with the successors of Peter. Jesus made him the first Pope. However, with every year the church turns away from its traditions and I think with that its loosing part of its self. The only argument I have left is. Stay with the church and make it better. Men will always have failures and the church is run by men not god. We should strive to make it better. Even I have a hard time sticking with it though 
 Is your assumption that all popes are saints? 
 No. But being a blasphemous pedophile sounds pretty evil to me 
 One thing that certainly helped me to come back to the Catholic church was the  root of the Austrian school of economics, the school of Salamanca. But also writings of Rothbard like "The progressive era and the family" also Hoppe's books. Everyone has their own way, mine started in economics university that I started questioning everything, found the school of Chicago, then the Austrian school(school of Salamanca) then authors like Fédéric Bastiat, Éthienne de la Boétie...that made me drop the university and the keynesian religion lol. 
 O papa não precisa ser um cara bom, mas o necessário. Esse papa, que não é bom, é um lembrete constante da crise. 
 Mas não é o Papa q tem q ser bom é Deus, e se Deus prometeu q as portas do inferno não prevalecerão, então devemos obedecer. Este não é o primeiro papa a cometer algumas heresias, e não será o último até pq até msm Pedro, o primeiro papa, negou Cristo 3 vezes... e mesmo assim jesus o ordenou como chefe da igreja, devemos ter fé na igreja por causa do Cristo e não necessariamente no Papa...