- PCE YOY figures hot by 0.1% on core 2.8% and non core 2.5%.
- Jan MOM revised up to 0.50% vs 0.45%.
In case someone finds this useful; 👇👇👇
listpays | jq -r '.pays[] | "\(.amount_sent_msat)
listinvoices | jq -r '.invoices[] | "\(.amount_received_msat)
convert msat to sat =B5/1000 or and to btc =E5/100000000
and unix to date =(C5/86400)+DATE(1970,1,1)
Can you tell I'm on a budget?
I enjoy following monetary policy even though I don't support central banks.
Microeconomics, stock market, yield curves are all super interesting too.
Economists should just analyze / invest /participate in the market though, they shouldn't have any mandate.
If empirical evidence contradicts their foundational argument, how can any other arguments they build be taken seriously.
Monetary expansion is not beneficial to markets and value is not derived from labour.
Okay that's valid. I'm not opposed to economic statistics for example, even though I think many economic models are worthless as they treat economics as a natural science.
Disagree. Inflation was too and in many cases services inflation rose faster and earlier than goods inflation, so much so that they were concerned about a wage price spiral.
GDP Release
✅ 1.6% vs 2.5% exp and 3.4% last (Stagflationary!!)
✅ Inventories declined substantially. Add back inventories & trade, you get 2.81%. BUT, why are inventories down?
Thank you, but I don't see how using Bitcoin Knots does anything. The only thing I can think of, is perhaps my node won't purge the same tx, since Bitcoin Core users will have their mempool filled with spam, and mine won't, but even then.. I'm not a miner.
And using ocean mining is virtuous and appreciated, but you're leaving Bitcoin on the table to spite spammers. The best I can do is say, let them waste their own Bitcoin. The less naive version of me is afraid, the tx fees are being funnelled to miners who will just use their revenue to support more spam.
Hmmm... Yes, when debt maturing > debt issued it reduces money supply, usually happens during high rates / recessions. But inflation doesn't discourage new debt. And ecb can print money to buy bonds from the market, which isn't new debt.
Fiat isn't great but at least there is some separation of power. I can have different banks in different countries, that I use for different things.
Centralising everything in one product, and then lumping in non-finance services is a recipe for disaster.
Notes by Jose Sammut | export