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 Do [p, hex, “”, “mention”] tags get dispayed in notifications if it’s a 30023 markdown formatted post in clients? I’m trying to figure out if i’m doing something wrong here or Nostr clients aren’t working like I expected. 


Njump: https://njump.me/naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqkwlz2yg4c6tqcnu7gjdsn8qfanev27wqytn778l9eud57fwzaz0qqdkummnw3ez6um4d4kkzune95cnwv3exqmr2d3jxy6rgwg9yklkv 
 @xdamman lays out what happened and will happen with Open Collective. Excited to see where he takes it. 

 so what are people thinking, politically here? centre-left allowed? 😅

I’ve seen some pretty... 
 I’m pretty lefty myself and what I’m doing with protest.net is a leftist project. I think you’re right the the dominant ideology here on Nostr is right leaning. If that’s the only space which can exist on Nostr then it’s a failure. The protocol needs to be able to exist with many communities who don’t need to agree or even see each other.  
 I agree @hodlbod, I see the way we avoid top down centralization in a social space is by creating voluntary bottom up grassroots collectivism.  
 I get it. Authoritarians use the term collectivism for a kind of top down control of other people in a way that ends up abusive. What I mean is you’re voluntarily able to choose what collectives you want to participate in as a way of solving problems, organizing work, and resources together. In this case often this is the informal social labor of sustaining an online community like inviting people, welcoming them, setting norms, and in cases where it’s needed moderation. In the case of a fediverse server you end up stuck, they own your content, connections, and identity itself. That’s not voluntary because you can’t leave or fork the community. With subreddits you have a bit more agency but there’s still the issue of the mods being whoever created the subreddit or their self appointed successors. 

With Nostr we can have groups and communities which exist as something more than a network of individuals, a collective as it were, but where participation in the larger network is locked open and permissionless. If you don’t like a group on Nostr you can much more established fork the group, or make your own relay. The awesome thing is users who want can put the same post in both the original and forked group. 

I use the example of the meth users and anti-woke meth users subreddits. 99% of posts are just about using meth, and should easily be able to exist in both places at the same time. But some posts might be about politics and should only be in one or the other. In Nostr we can do that. Plus we can also make encrypted groups for people who want to have some privacy with then do their illegal drug advocacy and mutual aid. 
 I really appreciate your contributions to building nostr @hodlbod because we’ve got really different political views but know that to build nostr we need to make it for many different kinds of people and groups to manage their own affairs. 
 @jasontheoriginal I’m not sure ‘neither left nor right’ is really a political position you should take without knowing it’s history.

 That’s rough. Sorry you’re going through a tough time. I hope you have people close to you who are able to support you.  
 OpenCollective is changing. The current “non-profit as a service” platform is being handed off to a new non-profit and the company is focusing back on creating new organizational forms and models for supporting open source. 

 @xdamman the founder of OpenCollective who’s returning as CEO to run OpenCollective Inc is here on Nostr. One of the points of contention was different opinions about crypto and payments systems. We should expect the new OC projects to be much more open to decentralized tech. :) 
 Why not write a little post re-introducing yourself and what you’re thinking about for the new open collective and I’ll share it. 
 I was supposed to be productive, but it turned into a lazy day. 

Somebody tell me that’s ok ... 
 Not every day should be a productive day. Our lives shouldn’t be a process of constant optimization for productivity. We need balance and being lazy is part of the balance.  
 I set it up but don’t actually use it. I mostly use the Nostr browser extensions for web nostr apps.  
 Wait, does people still believe that mining is destroying the world?  
 You mean bitcoin mining or mineral mining? I would be curious to see opinion polling about bitcoin mining specifically. Antidotally it seems very polarized, people either don’t think of it at all, think it’s fine and no big deal, or ecosystem destroying stupidity. Almost all the positions are held based on adopting the views of others in whatever community they are part of. 

It’s become a culture war issue and that’s not a good thing for anyone. 

 And there were Indymedia like projects in the 90’s like the CounterMedia center at the DNC protests in Chicago in 96. 


Nothing new and important appears out of nowhere.  
 IMF study and Stanford Economics Prof research shows that Working from Home has caused a large productivity boost to companies that have adopted it. The biggest boost is for fully remote organizations because it shifts who can do work, and increases happiness due to avoiding commute times. 

 The #Aurora Australis came out and tonight we were lucky to have a clear sky. The reality is the pictures look better than what it looks like to the naked eye. Even then it was amazing. Definitely go see them if you have a chance. 

 Aotearoa ;) 
 The NFL is fine with players disrespecting the American national anthem, but the Jets’ coach Ro... 
 Ending a player’s career for kneeling during the national anthem is hardly fine with political protest. You’ll get farther if you build coalitions instead of attacking people who support your political views.  
 So what’s the deal with trigger warnings? Do they actually help? They clear are a culture war fixture. But where do they come from and is there any scientific evidence behind them?

Because they first got public attention at liberal arts universities in the US I assumed that it was the popularization of academic research. That’s not actually what happened. It was students who pressured schools to adopt them. Where did the students learn about trigger warnings? Early social media! LiveJournal, Tumblr, and most especially fanfic sites had trigger and content warnings on their content and lots of students had used those sites in high school and liked the idea of trigger warnings. 

Search Engine is a great podcast, and they did an episode about the origins of trigger warnings. 


 Search Engine is an active running podcast. I’m not sure what you’re talking about.  
 Search Engine is PJ Vogt’s reboot of Reply App but with only him doing it.  
 Hello World. 
 Welcome to Nostr! 
 Went for a walk on a sunny windy spring day. 

 @TheConversationUS has great coverage posted directly to Nostr. Not via some RSS import. They’re here building the alternative with us. Check them out for coverage of the news backed by academics who are experts in their field. 

 Substack’s getting more traction and moving beyond text and newsletters. 


What’s most interesting is why people are moving to or sticking with substack. It’s traffic generation. They’re taking a 10% cut of revenue but they are able to use the platform and network to drive 50% of new subscribers and 30% of new paid subscribers to each substack creator. Sure, creators also need to build traffic, but the power is in the network which grows an audience. 

If we are going to see Nostr as a protocol for creators who run a business, we need to make it easier for them to build an audience. That can be algorithims, but it could also be making it easier to recommend good content, share lists, etc… 

The other issue we face with creators is that subscriptions are much more valuable to a creator than one off payments. With NWC and wallets we CAN do subscriptions, but we haven’t made it easy and nostr connected the way zaps are.  
 Dude. Don’t use my software or relays. Or modify them to work how you want. I’m not telling you how to use Nostr. 

And lightning? I have no idea what you’re talking about.  
 Amazing thorough list of nostr apps by category. The killer feature of Nostr is this diversity. 

 Yes, there can only be one Amethyst. 😎 
 Seems to me nostrudel.ninja and amethyst are competing for the everything nostr apps.  
 Somebody’s going to write a bot using AI that actually makes all the hallucinated software libraries that AI chat bots and other tools are trying to use.  Then they’ll be able to put backdoors in them and we’ll have a security nightmare where there’s nobody ever to check the code that is being generated and used all through the new large language models.  
 @fc001f22’s talk on “fighting for our web” at xoxo was great. 

 In the same way that substack helps convert email subscribers into paying community members

 I think this is something we're going to need to work on if we want to make Nostr as a viable platform for creators.  
 This map of military sites in Syria by country makes me realize that the Middle East wars are a lot more complicated than the media portrays.

 Do you use and pay for buffer and also like Nostr? Why not encourage them to support Nostr. 

This will mean something to them if you ARE a paying customer most, and secondarily if you would become one. If you’re not likely to use Buffer and pay them, then don’t post because that’s distraction for them instead of helping them know they’ve got paying current or future customers who want Nostr support.

 I’m hacking on a personalized newletter prototype and using openai to generate a summary of the various conversations i’m following so i can keep up. I just noticed the latest version started generating urls like this: https://satshoot.com/npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s

I honestly was TRYING to get it to to just do @jb55  but it was making it in to a url… turns out satshoot.com IS a real thing, i’d never seen it… and the links openai was generating worked. Does the AI know more about Nostr than I do? 
 After disasters I’m always amazed at how people come together and see the humanity in each other. The mutual aid we see is a powerful counter to dystopian myths that say we’ll attack each other if we don’t have government keeping order. While sometimes government aid helps it often makes things worse after a disaster. The real recovery is organized by the people for the people.  
 I want to see them tonight but the sky here in Wellington, New Zealand is mostly cloudy and it’s supposed to rain later… One of these days it’ll clear on an Auora night.  
 24 hours of music from around the world. My friend is a musican and music teacher and he’s organizing a marthon of global music with guests every hour from a different part of the world. It’s free to watch, but they’re asking for donations as a fundraiser for the Global Orchestra project. 

 I’m excited to be going to labitconf.com in Buenos Aires to talk about Nostr and the importance of social media being build on a permissionless open protocol. There’s going to be a Nostr day after as a side event to help people exposed to Nostr to dive deeper. 

This is connected to bringing the NostrBooth to three November conferences in Latin America.  The project, organized by @Tanja, is being crowdfunded by the community and we need your help to make it happen. 

 We’ve got multiple independent teams of people doing booths at nostr conferences in different parts of the world. The @YakiHonne also do conferences and events mostly in Asia. 
 After a couple horrible disappointing years we barely make it back to the playoffs. We hosted the MLS cup final and lost in penalties in 2022 and then fell apart. Nice to see the Timbers at least make it to the playoffs. The team is really different we went from a very conservative counter attacking side and solid defense to one with explosive shooting and almost no defense. 

 It’s a geographic and cultural region. It’s not a legal entity. Is the “America South” still a thing?  
 There is both a fan created Cascadia Cup which while not endorsed by the league is a real thing. The teams and fans care about it. 


And yes there is a regionalist movement which some people advocate for independence from Canada and the US. It’s got a flag and adherents. The polling for it is surprisingly strong, between 30% and 50% as a theoretical question, but there is no actual real proposal. If it came down to it who knows what the vote would be. That said nobody thought brexit would pass. I don’t think Cascadian independence is likely or a serious movement the way Scottish or Catalan independence movements are. Plus the region would have a lot of the same political polarization that exists in the US, except the power would be more strongly held in the cities which would cause resentment and opposition from rural conservatives. So meh. It’s exceedingly unlikely anything would happen. 

 Oh come on. You’re intentionally trolling the fediverse folks. It’s not a one time thing, you do it a bunch and every time you throw out the bait there are people who bite. 

You’re playing the role of the visible anti-hero in the fediverse and I think you enjoy it. 

I think it’s kind of silly all the way around, but it’s more than one anti-trans / gender critical statement years ago. 🤡 
 They do love to hate you. I find the whole drama kind of amusing.  
 We got a wave of Brazilians trying nostr and they didn’t stick around. Maybe because it was hard to find Portuguese content or people to follow or a critical mass moved elsewhere. It’s worth investing.  
 Zeronet, while a horrible UX, has some concepts worth revisiting.  
 Many many years ago I tried to build a nostr like protocol on top of zeronet.  
 Traveling by train in Germany is a nightmare. Decades of stagnation thanks to government interven... 
 Have you tried Amtrak? 
 The cross posting service is open source but unfortunately it costs $100 a month for the developer account on the Twitter side so it’s a bit hard for people to run for personal use. For folks who want more features we welcome pull requests. 


 It’s once per client id not per user.  
 Any nostr user, regardless of what apps you use, can setup automatic cross posting to Twitter / X for free using connect.nos.social and use that to draw your twitter audience to Nostr. It posts using njump.me links which neutrally provides links to open the content in many different nostr apps. 

 It’s just new threads not replies. 
 We could add repost support I guess.  
 Nobody asked for it. 
 We’re currently pushing to get Nos in the AppStore but if someone wants to add support for reposts and ideally nip07 login that’d be awesome. Right now it’s just a Twitter login plus pasting in any npub. 

 Don’t abandon and delete your social media accounts elsewhere. Use those accounts to bring your audience to Nostr. That’s the way we grow, by bringing people over. If you delete your account and never post elsewhere it’s like you’ve gone dark to most people and that doesn’t help.  
 Yeah. Your other accounts are an audience and resource you’ve build up. Use that to get them to Nostr. 
 All it takes for Nostr to get big is one thing to get big. I'm razor focused on that mission. Jus... 
 We need easy scalable hosted bunkers similar to what fountain.fm provides.  I know you don’t want to take on that responsibility but I think it’s what is holding ditto back.  
 What kind of platform is this? I made a post about this platform being boring, and you can not ev... 
 I’m not sure where you got the idea Nostr doesn’t support delete. Some apps don’t expose it but Nostr definitely does support delete. 

 This gallery is like cat nip for me. I love that it’s the creation of a collective of artists selling their own work. They do some of it there on site while talking to folks who wander in. The Argentine artists who were there correctly noticed my Uruguayan accent. The difference from a Buenos Aires porteño accent is subtle. Then every Spanish speaker I talk to is very confused when I explain that I’m not actually from Uruguay originally. 

 I was just briefly visiting Barcelona.  
 Has anyone sent sats to a non-nostr lightning affiliated wallet from primal? 

The number selection only shows up when you try and send to a nostr user. When you paste in a lightning address and or scan the QR code. 

Am I doing something wrong or is primal sending directly to wallets beyond nostr just broken?

@miljan ? 
 To be clear, i got it working... months ago. ;-D 
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