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Notes by Copperknight | export

 Everyone doing well?

 Yes, thanks. You? 
 Something I’ve been thinking about lately is how people tend to make other peopes problems thei... 
 I like that assessment. 

Old news is “past” even if you just heard about it. Something happening now is “current” even if you can’t do anything about it. 
 This game has been around for decades. Before they used “market research” to neuter cool things to pacify the pansy-asses.  I liked this game as a kid. 
 I love nostr but most people here just talk about crypto and how it's the future and im sick of it 
 Start a conversation about something else. What do you want to talk about? 
 Been doing the keto diet for about 5 days. I'm shooting for 30 days. The first couple days were r... 
 Hell, yeah. It works so fast for me to feel better. I lose a bunch of weight to start then is slowed, but I still feel better when I follow keto/carnivore. 

You see that Dr Ken Berry just joined nostr? 
 Nice to know something like that. Very cool. 
 GM, good folks of NOSTR. So happy to see everyone posting away. 
 I need more followers to keep being on nostr and having this app on my phone, what do you want to... 
 Always happy to follow interesting accounts. I haven’t looked at your history though. I’ll do that now and see what youve got. 
 This is a very good story. There’s a short movie of it free on YouTube. The resolution is poor, though. 

When I first learned this story years ago I did not see its prophetic nature equivalent to that of 1984 and Atlas Shrugged. 
 logic can overcome emotions    Emotions are not tools of cognition   
 Can… but often doesn’t. It takes a person that wants to know something and doesn’t mind their beliefs being challenged. 
 Society also coddles the third type: those who actually have no intention of doing anything, ever. 
 Besides it being a health nightmare, I am saddens after going into Dunkin Donuts this morning. I ... 
 They have gone small and private. I’ve noticed that all the giant chains are the same. To get that old school, you have to find a mom and pop small business that does it the old way. They have one, maybe two, stores in one town that they actually are at and run themselves. 

Definitely will pay more, but worth it in my opinion. 
 Well, another day wasted trying to install #Nostr products and failing. 😭  
 It’s cliche, but, I’m sure you learned several things that will be helpful in future attempts. 
 Why did we just accept the noises that came out of dialup modems for years? 
Why didn't we just t... 
 Yep. It was “the thing”, the feedback that let you know it was working. It sounded cool. 
 the financial times just reported the intention of the german government to introduce conscriptio... 
 NATO is not any worse than the rest of them. Don’t let them convince you that you have to pick a side when they are all just as bad as each other. 
 Why the hell do people hate seed oil so much, you never ate a peanut before lol? 
 When most people refer to seed oils they are talking about soybean, canola, corn, usually a grain based. The kind that need chemical extraction instead of pressure. 
 Buy a little at a time. $5/$10 or something. It can be broken into 10millionths, so start stacking now, it keeps going up. If nothing else it is real diversification of savings. 
 Those that think we can’t 10x from here don’t know bitcoin……
A 10x from here by end of 25... 
 I have no doubts about the ability to 10x and am confident it will happen. 

However, I highly doubt that a year and a half is a good timeline. That seems pretty fast. I will admit that the ETFs throw a wrench into previous growth model predictions, making it possible. 
 How are posts stored in nostr?
For me to keep historical posts available on my profile, will my c... 
 Good question. 
 Any "libertarian" who does not wholeheartedly by thought and by action support Trump is not just ... 
 I don’t support anyone to give them the power to tell me what I can and can’t do. So, from the outside:

Trump isn’t a libertarian. Why would you dunk on people- who are at a political rally- who aren’t supporting someone who doesn’t align with their political views? 
 When I was going to Respiratory Therapy school I took a job at a local hospital as a janitor. Thi... 
 Brother, it goes way down, deep inside where you can store it as safely for yourself as possible. 
 Infantilizing 17 year old women

(who can join the US Army btw)

by calling them children or girl... 
 On the flip side, calling some of these 17 year old children “women” is demeaning to those who are.  I’ve met both types of 17 year olds. 
 Falling Down is a great movie. 
 “Restaurant chains point to rising labor costs as a key factor driving up prices.”

these art... 
 Sure, but how many restaurant owners can actually express that?  Or even understand and it?  They just know what they face : $20+/hr unskilled labor costs in addition to governmental mandated “benefits” for the multiple employees they must retain to cover the unreliability of the labor force they have. 
 At least cows drop beneficial soil fertilizers where they have been. Vegans just generally leave behind snark and vitriol. 
 I never have all the garden supplies I “need”. I constantly find a few more things. 
 Hello, Mr new here. How are you finding the place? 
 Hello friends 
 First post here! 
 I don't hate bitcoin, I don't think you are stupid for liking it, I don't think it's a bad invest... 
 If nothing else it is instant value transfer anywhere in the planet without using banks or government systems that (internationally) can take some time and will accrue high fees and can be subject to “take backs” if the other party complains. Bitcoin has none of those stigmas 
 Yo, the biggest hassle with Cloud stuff is major security concerns and data breaches, makin' folk... 
 It’s not too hard to host your own data. Look at Start9. I own one and am working on moving my stuff to my own box. So far is pretty easy. 

Once I get it all there, I’ll figure out a backup then pull my stuff off the cloud and not look back. 

It’s the first step. 
 Hello world. 
 Hello back at you. 
 Maybe stacking sats. Maybe just have it do an instant conversion to local currency as a lot of the US companies that “accept bitcoin “ are doing. 
 nostr:npub1t0nyg64g5vwprva52wlcmt7fkdr07v5dr7s35raq9g0xgc0k4xcsedjgqv just zapped me too much so ... 
 The sign missed the part about the bisexual having a $100,000 gender studies degree. 
 1 friend in high place is greater than 1 college degree where i am from ! #Kenya 
 That’s kind of a universal rule and not limited to Kenya. 
 Someone likely obtained your information from a hack and is trying to access your accounts. 

I would make sure your email has a unique and complex password, change any passwords you have duplicated, as they will try to use it to log into anything else with your email, and set up the 2FA on any other accounts you don’t already have it set up on. 

It wouldn’t hurt to change the rest of your passwords, especially the weak and duplicated ones as well. 
 i like asking people what they're working on

not what their job is or what they do for a living,... 
 That is a fascinating approach. I’ve never liked the “what do you to make a living “ as a good opener to  talk to people about who they are. I’m going to try that. 
 I was really enjoying rocking my phone with no case and just a skin. it was so much lighter and l... 
 Nope. Use a quality case after breaking the screen twice on the previous phone. It’s a thinner case, but I’m clumsy and prefer that security. 
 Lenovo, why?  
Why couldn’t you provide 2 more inches of Velcro?  $2000 laptop and you won’t give me two more inches of Velcro?  
In the immortal words of Brandon, “C’mon, Man!” https://image.nostr.build/8af1b36d2a257ba903a17f697affd7d6f5a5e9cee79d8db9796814f6b543a8b4.jpg  
 nostr:npub1pwjfalkqp96hj5w5err96ytu4tytpwta7uhqxgfkrqe5frqgjutqtcf03f   Is there an easy way to f... 
 If you tap on the account icon, it should offer a “follow” option. I use the primal app to see the posts from those I follow. 
 0.1 #bitcoin will make you a millionaire in today’s dollars. If you think that’s crazy you d... 
 .01 would as well, no? 
 Hard truth:

People who diagnose issues and treat symptoms of disease/injury without addressing t... 
 How about some information on what you are developing?   I’ll read what you’ve got as I agree that the current health care system is a sick maintenance system. 
Event not found
 I’m quite happy with politicians that do nothing. They screw up everything they touch. I’d be thrilled if the entire Congress would go home and sit there to draw their salary. It would cost less and the country would be better off. 
Event not found
 Welcome newbie.