Not trying to defend the great pumpkin, but would the New Yorker made the same deal of this if Harris had won the election? It was under the administration that she is part of that signed this deal. Can we just scrap govt already?
Oh yeah, thankfully it’s been a while since I was that late, but I was talking to another driver on the phone that still had 100 deliveries at 5 tonight
💜 that be awesome! I could also see it making some people’s profiles look like a 1996 geocities website with dancing Jesus, explosions, and flying pigs 🤣 which would be awesome too
Another example, this morning we put our dvd of Christmas Vacation on and during the beginning credits the smart tv tells us that our selection is also available through other providers… hmmm 🤔 if we own it, WTF would we need to watch it through a subscription service?
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