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 @5e7f4176 @b4e5d880 
This is so dumb in his childishness.

(Why would Jesus defend a crook) 
 nostr:npub1xev3gg6v5us322llztha8kge0gxwnz0lgq2f5f7adksxuqx70g8stccgy3 Und was wäre, wenn er einf... 
>Und was wäre, wenn er einfach von den selben Effekten profitiert? 

Abgesehen von der gelegentl. short Position hasst ein Kapitalist nichts mehr als Instabilität 

>Eine instabile EU / USA sind tendenziell Nährboden für rechte, autokratische, nationale Strömungen.

Möglich. Aber für Musks Business sind nationale Strömungen schädlich. Er is "Globohomo". Wenn die Chinesen nationale Autos präferieren, is aus.

>Das ist gut für Putin, und gut für Musk.
Musk hat Angst vor Putin. Weil er weiß, dass er Putin auf den Sack geht.

Er weiß auch, dass er den Chinesen auf den Sack geht, mit seiner Starlink Unterstützung für die Ukraine. Foreshadowing Taiwan.

Eine stabile Weltordnung wäre Musk 1000 lieber. Er braucht keine Krisen oder gesell. Dysfunktion um seine Plantagen am Laufen zu halten. 
>Und je instabiler diese Welt ist, desto einfacher ist dies für ihn
Das glaube ich nicht.

Beispiel: Abschaltung von Starlink über der Krim.

Er hatte keine Angst vor WWIII.

Er hatte Angst vor Putin.
>eine enorm praktische Unisextoilette

Kenner und Anwohner wissen, dass Giesing bei einem 60er Spiel zu größten Freiluft-Toilette Münchens wird.

Schwankende Gestalten die im Hinterhof ihr Revier markieren, sind selbstverständlicher Teil der unvergleichlichen Atmo. 
 nostr:npub1xev3gg6v5us322llztha8kge0gxwnz0lgq2f5f7adksxuqx70g8stccgy3 It was a joke about a very ... 
Well, don't know about you, but I guess there people who actually say Amazing! to things that they don't think to be amazing.

Would be interesting to find out, why they do it. Just for fun. What's the urge? 
 nostr:npub1xev3gg6v5us322llztha8kge0gxwnz0lgq2f5f7adksxuqx70g8stccgy3 because that’s amazing 
And why is it amazing, to call things amazing when they aren't?

Normally if something's green, you don't try to describe them as red. 
 Me when something isn’t amazing: That’s amazing 
And why is that, you think? 
 From the article: "American journalists have become golden retrievers watching a tennis-ball laun... 
Activism is the end of journalism.

Either the readers are getting activists - or nothing can be done. 
 nostr:npub1xev3gg6v5us322llztha8kge0gxwnz0lgq2f5f7adksxuqx70g8stccgy3 Capitalism demands growth a... 
Only if the market is infinite.

If a, or better, all newspapers through AI can cut their editors down to 20% and produce the same product, they won't invest the saved money in 80% new editors.

Many things will be produced with much less humans when IA really takes off. But it will be a good thing over all, not the worldwide poverty with an unusable workforce.

In some hundred years there will be 5 or 10 hour work weeks. Thanx to AI and robots. 
 One thing I forget, attending post-2020 Apple keynote events in person, is that everyone watching... 
Apple often does not do what the users want, but Apple wants, and needs to be forced by law to get applause. 
 Less concerned with what Boebert does in theaters.

More concerned with what she does in Congress... 
Her lengthy, hilariously botched mea culpa - which is strictly forbidden in MAGA land - may indicate that she won't do much in Congress. Because this is her last term. 
This must be a fake.
But a good one. 
 The quality of a student's #education from pre-K to higher ed shouldn't be dependent on or determ... 
At some point the humiliation of Donald J. Trump in social networks has to stop. 
 nostr:npub1xev3gg6v5us322llztha8kge0gxwnz0lgq2f5f7adksxuqx70g8stccgy3 if I had to choose just one... 
I tend to blame the people, because none of these appeasement politicians are lunatics, fanatics or extremists who try to sell their agenda no matter what.

They are just career politicians who carefully calibrate their words and actions to the probability to get votes.

Don't know their names in Norway, but here they are called Söder, Merz, Wagenknecht.... 
 nostr:npub1xev3gg6v5us322llztha8kge0gxwnz0lgq2f5f7adksxuqx70g8stccgy3 yes, that's what inspired m... 
Oh ok.
So who's to blame? 
The politicians or the people? 
 The normalisation of the extreme-right by the centre-right in Sweden went like this.

- we will n... 
Are you aware that in Germany we are facing exactly that same problems today in this hour? 
 Pro-tip: If one of the reasons that you don’t post as frequently on #Mastodon is because you ar... 
If this policing goes on Musk will buy mastodon.social.
So be careful what you wish for. 
 Looking at my female dominated grad cohort 20yrs ago, I expected we were going to be part of a sh... 
The question is: Is it Academia or is it the women? 
 I get Romney is retiring & doing his tell all book but—
1. We already knew all this. Him affirm... 
This photo when Romney went to Trump's hotel hoping to get a job in Trump's admin is just priceless.

And just shows who he really is.

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Zudem kann es sein, dass in einigen Regionen ein Mietendeckel dazu führt, dass sich Vermieter auf höherwertige Immobilien fokussieren, was wiederum den Druck auf die Wohnungspreise erhöht.

Der prompt war: "Was sind die Nachteile des Mietdeckels?"

Dummes haltloses LLM Gelaber.

Aber trotzdem: Mietdeckel klingt super-genial & einfach is aber im Kapitalismus sinnlos. 
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>whether organizations will chose to do more with their existing teams, or will downsize them to try to achieve the same with less people

Of course they will downsize, that's what capitalism demands. 

But that's not a bad thing. AI will enable us to work less and achieve the same productivity.

All in all AI will make our lives much easier and more comfortable - in the same way the industrial revolution did, after it lost its horrific working conditions in the beginning. 
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>Polizei ist, wenn Du Schmerz zufügen willst.
Naja, das is vielleicht etwas dick aufgetragen.

Einen Kilmakleber wegzutragen ohne dass der anfängt zu schreien: Das Kunststück musst du erstmal vorführen.

Und vergiss nicht wie Polizistende sich für unfähig erklären kleinste Sitzblockaden wegzuräumen wenn Rechts marschiert, und damit ganze Demos zur Auflösung zwingen, weil sie nicht hinlangen wollen wir sie gesetzlich eigentlich müssten.