@4ebb1885 >whether organizations will chose to do more with their existing teams, or will downsize them to try to achieve the same with less people Of course they will downsize, that's what capitalism demands. But that's not a bad thing. AI will enable us to work less and achieve the same productivity. All in all AI will make our lives much easier and more comfortable - in the same way the industrial revolution did, after it lost its horrific working conditions in the beginning.
@36591423 Capitalism demands growth and profit - if a new technology means someone can 10x their workforce to 100x their profitable output, the incentive is for them to hire more people
@4ebb1885 Only if the market is infinite. If a, or better, all newspapers through AI can cut their editors down to 20% and produce the same product, they won't invest the saved money in 80% new editors. Many things will be produced with much less humans when IA really takes off. But it will be a good thing over all, not the worldwide poverty with an unusable workforce. In some hundred years there will be 5 or 10 hour work weeks. Thanx to AI and robots.
@36591423 "only if the market is infinite" is a very astute observation, thanks for that