No, I want to quit because I want healthier lungs. I have allergies and is no good for me.
But I am lacking the will. I made already 4 attempts and
failed 4 months into it ...and what I notice is, the addiction becomes stronger after every failed rehab.
I made a Minibits wallet, but I am not comfortable with the fact that if I loose phone I loose account...
I need some help on how to go around this.
Can anyone help ?
I don't have a Twitter account...🤔😂😂
I found about it it because someone, that probably a friend told him about it, and maybe saw Jack
did that thing, and told me about it and I downloaded it. Lol
And here I am...😆😃
This is Amazing! I love it ! 💗
“Every so often you meet a person who is very different. You can't put your finger on what it is that attracts you to this individual, but he or she exudes a mystery and strength, radiating a silent power that is strange and beguiling. What is this unseen force? Why do some have it and most do not?
Once you have it, silent power becomes your unspoken credential. It's a charisma that gradually grows and develops around you. Through it you can express a special goodness that helps people, and the planet, to change for the better. People like controlled strength; it makes them feel safe and supported.”
― Stuart Wilde
[ “Feline” by Laura H. Rubin ]
I agree.
I just don't understand why someone that is on earth to help others, would screw you.
But maybe you have a different interpretation of the text above.
What you believe, you manifest, in
my humble opinion.
There are good and not so good people.
In a reality based on duality, one cannot exist without the other.
Don't confuse perfection with being good. We are humans, we all have this duallity inside of us, in each and all of us. Good/Bad, Masculine/ Feminine, Love/ Indiferenve....etc...
What we choose, at any moment ,is what makes us a good or not so good person.
There is a saying in my country ,chat goes like this
"Todo o bem se faz em silêncio, o resto é teatro ."
(All good is done in silence, the rest is theatre)
I believe in this and agree with you. Glad to see you self aware.
A day to day work! 😃
Just woke up with an earthquake.... Wss just a few seconds...and mild...
It's weird....feeling a bulging moving
I woke up since the bed was shaking and I was like:
Who is shaking my bed?
Notes by Cristalina | export