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 any facial surgery  
 No, I want to quit because I want  healthier lungs. I have allergies and is no good for me.
But I am lacking the will. I made already 4 attempts and 
failed 4 months into it ...and what I notice is, the addiction becomes stronger after every failed rehab. 
 any surgery will give you scars if you don't properly recover, which includes not smoking. just the thought of a huge and thick scar in your face (for me, in the leg was enough tho) gonna provide you that will (tho for me it only lasted two months lol) 
 No surgery. The only time I quit smoking, was when I was pregnant and I did not smoke for 2y ...
That would do, but iqs not in my plans having children. 
 then all the luck, sista. 30 years here. emphysema and chronic bronchitis as well. counting on stem cells in the near future, lol 
 Try a little brain reprogramming? There's a book called "the easy way to stop smoking". I know a few people it worked for. I tried it and quit for a while and then decided to try learning to code. Bad idea 
 My bad idea was always, just one....just one....yeah, right lol