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 What’s a song you keep going back to? #asknostr 
 No Recess Nirvana. Reminds me of how much I hated school.  

 COPE. ECB getting their shots in before the next bull run... TOO LATE.  
 If alcohol is so bad for you, then why did Jesus turn water into wine? 

If it’s good enough fo... 
 Reality is for people that can't handle drugs! LOL 
 I swear I replace our LED bulbs that are supposed to LaSt FoREvEr AnD UsE No EneRGy more often th... 
 Could be problem with electric compatibility. I haven't had to change my Led bulbs for 7 years. Not one.  
 As nostr:npub1a2cww4kn9wqte4ry70vyfwqyqvpswksna27rtxd8vty6c74era8sdcw83a mentioned before. There ... 
 Dunbars number! Everyone knows everyone.  
 I love that Alfred Nobel—the dude who invented dynamite and who can arguably be link to more de... 
 Continue this thought, Fritz Haber won a Nobel prize for the process that allowed mass production of fertiliser, but then went on to develop the gas used in the Nazi gas chambers! Humans are complicated.  
 Something I posted on Twitter but I would be interested in perspectives here. I am not trying to ... 
 Having a fire department is a socialist policy. Not everything is black or white. There are many greys.  
 Trump is a shitcoiner

But at least he’s not a woke commie puppet, so he’s got that going for... 
 You lost me at "but". No need to read any further. 🤣 
 Bitcoin for me right now is about finishing my PhD on bitcoin mining. It’s a lot of work but I ... 
 Loved you work since I saw you on a bitcoin energy panel. Gave me a lot of hope for the future. Good luck in finishing your thesis!  
 I deleted Twitter this morning. 
 Is Elon aware that you deleted Twitter? 😜 
 Wozniak was the true genius. Jobs rode on his coattails. Here's to the engineers!  
 Preping for Mandibles? Yes, I read it. Unlike Marty.  
 Why is Peter Thiel considered a smart and influential person? I don’t get it.

Why are rich men... 
 Agree. But I find his hypothesis about nuclear quite interesting. The point he made about India developing the nuclear bomb (shortly after getting access to nuclear energy) being the decline in new nuclear energy projects around the world. One potential energy source quashed because we have a tendency to want to blow ourselves up.  
 Social networks tend to build certain cultures. In this early stage, people here have a serious a... 
 Chris Cornelly - Best  scream in rock music ever!  
 By the end of this year, I will have attended 12 or so bitcoin events for 2024. These have been g... 
 Sounds like the Oslo Freedom Forum.  
 This really is one of those weeks where decades happen frfr 
 Did something happen this week? Must have missed the news!  
 If Trump were to announce a Bitcoin strategic reserve, they don't even need to buy bitcoin to imp... 
 You mean the bitcoin that was stolen from Bitfinex and confiscated by the govt. Don't quote me but I think that is why they haven't been able to dump it. Perhaps they should return the stolen funds?  
 There’s no need to lie if there is nothing to hide. 
 I disagree. Lying is a very important part of human evolution. Not everyone is black and white.  
 Flattery is basically lying. Salesman would be out of a job. Might be a better world without them. 😉.  
 Just listen to you on Scott's show. Great stuff. I think you are going to convince Scott and a load of other shitcoiners to jump ship and go bitcoin only! Great stuff.  
 Fun fact about me: I’m actually an identical twin. 

So if you ever saw me do or say something ... 
 Oswaldo is much funnier. 😉 
 Wish more men in BTC would wear suits and not hoodies/jeans/sneakers. 
 Wearing a suit is the same as dressing in drag! Just another costume.  
 yo yo yo

anyone (or anyone you know) interested in helping test Strike UK? in the final lap befo... 
 Sign me up to test.  

 Sounds good. I'll add to my reading list. After Mandibles.  
 Love this meme! Made my life alot easier when I learnt this life hack!  
 Just reading mandibles now. Seems like a good summary!  
 They are preparing to suck penis! 🤣 
 I genuinely don’t think Michael Saylor understands bitcoin is fuck you money. It’s not here t... 
 People come to bitcoin for their own reasons. Everyone is different. Saylor already had fuck you money.  
 Exactly, discussion. Saylor said so himself in the interview. Slow thoughtful discussion.  
 I’m not sure I’ve ever been offended about anything ever. 
 Closet ETHtard! Lol 
 For about seven months after publishing Broken Money, I was so burned out from writing. I had wri... 
 I'll do your next article for you! Money printer engaged. Fiat down. Bitcoin.....?  
 Anyone who listens to RHR knows this to be true!  
 But but ultrasound money. 🤣🤣 
 Not everything is a lesson. Sometimes you just fail. 

Like people who joined the xrp community. 
 Lol. Xrp Community? Nah I am sure they are all bots!  
 Looks nice, maybe seeds a bit more orange?😉 

 Yes. So disappointed that CSW was Australian. What a wanker!  
 Thanks again Gladstein for giving me hope for the future! 
 Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. "some people don't have any boots!" TPB81 
 Another great episode Nat! Although I am skeptical of why the military would need to use silver in tomahawk missiles. Seems other metals would do a better job.