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 Senior minister in Israeli govt says "Greater Israel" will take over Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

 I invested a lot of time learning linux/bsd fine tuning my systems many times from ground-up. Now... 
 Wow, respect - I enjoyed reading this.

I had a similar (but far shallower journey) to stock ubuntu!

"Life's too short to compile gcc forever" 👌 😂  
 Any Hungarians on Nostr?
Your country is based af.

 balkans?  (ish!) 
 Incredible - what a time to be alive to see this stuff daily in my feed.

Can you point me to somewhere with lists of mints with any kind of reputation / review?

Many thanks if you get to this.. 
 In my experience it takes 

7-10 years to get rich. 

20+ years to get wealthy.

2-3 years to get... 
 A lifetime to realize none of those things actually matter 
 > it's naive to think that the british and americans and the rest did not have political aims in the jews to palestine

Yes kind of incredible, what I've been reading / hearing, is that both govts, but brits especially, believed in the power of "Great Jewry" and didn't want to risk upsetting them..  A lot of that is from clever zionists whispering in their ears but a lot is the mythology around jews.

Another huge factor is that many christians believe, literally, that palestine belonging to the jews will trigger the 2nd coming of christ - and that those who assisted it will be instantly transported to heaven.  These days that includes people like Mike Pompeo with actual visible power - as well as presumably lots behind the scenes.  But even in 19th century the most powerful christians in the US - including Rockfellers etc - were lobbying govt to give palestine to the jews.

This is a great article on that, seemed to explain a lot to me.

 The world is not as bad as they make it out to be on the screens 
 Good, I don't like it too busy 
 absolute OG lol, who was the other one??

don't get me wrong, i think its inevitable nostr will take over everything one day (or i suppose something thats basically the same done a different way is poss)

but also i think its a shame for some people they can't enjoy this as it is now - because it won't last long 
 another bitcoiner who doesnt understand UoA.

 some law of physics stops me pricing eggs in sats?? or roubles?  or matchsticks?

this convo is hilarious :) 
 Nostr has lost 78% of the relays that were running a year ago.  Running tests. 
 this is the question 
 The dissonance of a smoothie is hard to over state. 

My folks had a newspaper on the table.. i n... 
 I think people (smoothies? 😁)  just want to follow a large group and will say they believe any nonsense in order to do that, "red" or "blue" doesn't really matter.

Of course this means they don't actually "believe" anything at all, they aren't interested in reality - and to be fair its a lot easier that way. 
 It really do be like this! 
 the dopamine hypothesis of addiction is wrong

it's about insulin and blood sugar

alcohol and ca... 
 Interesting, any sources i can look at to understand this?  thanks! 
 Written in 1914, when jews were 14% of the population of palestine, by a "moderate" and future prime minister of israel.

 Some harsh in the wild realisations:

People don’t care about privacy
People don’t care about... 
 Yep, when it comes down to it most people are lazy, ignorant, vain, selfish, cowardly, greedy, dishonest and vindictive.

Thank fuck for the rest of us 
 I am old enough to remember being un-invited to a business lunch due to not having had a covid-19... 
 And yet not crazy.

The people you see out on the streets haven't changed.  They can turn on you in an instant. 
 A court in Germany overturned CJ Hopkins acquittal for comparing current Germany to Nazi Germany.

Unbelievable and yet not.

 I feel like "germans" (using a generalization - i treat any individual i meet as acting in good faith) have to have been the same all the way through.  I don't think they were really particularly racist etc, they just wanted something to get behind, to express their tribal pride etc and did it extremely efficiently.  I don't see how that can have substantially changed - or, at least, how you could satisfy yourself that it had, given that nobody's going to be saying it.

Ironically in this case having a national culture being washed away by mass immigration might not be such a bad thing.. 
 I need suggestions on a Linux file manager that doesn't change settings every time I go into a fo... 
 funny, I don't think I ever have those problems (Ubuntu 22.4) 
 Well just like 2018, weeks before cancer diagnosis, while I was going about my days with a fractu... 
 I'm sorry to hear that 
 How do you have patience with people when you see your government putting all of the pieces toget... 
 it's genuinely difficult. I just have to mentally wash my hands of them and focus on living my life.

It's very unlikely any of these sheep will ever wake up - but it gives me comfort to think they'll probably be following us some day 💪 
 I have been meaning to look into this - what about radiation though?? 
 Very interesting.

And now I recall reading that actually very few people died from radiation from chernobyl - as long as they had iodine to dilute the radioactive isotope (I131 I assume from your note).

By the way have you seen the Chernobyl tv series?  Brilliant. 

 Mm, so i guess really its proximity to a target that matters.  Blast radii rather than strike ranges.

Also its been pointed out to me that radiation actually isn't as bad as you might think:

 I have in mind that it's true the "cancer rates were way above.." (although from covid I am very sceptical as to what any such data means or if it can be collected honestly etc) but that the cancer was all thyroid cancer, and very very treatable - so it didn't translate to mortality.

Dunno, obviously, what you're into and not into, but 100% recommend the chernobyl tv series - not really for the historical / technical stuff (though there's a brilliant exposition of what went wrong and the stages of meltdown) but it was beautifully made, and has really stayed with me. 
 I'm already scoping possible places to bail to.. ..wondering if el salvador is far enough away from US targets.. ..looks a little close for comfort unfortunately 
 Also nostrudel lets you make lists easily  
 I hate leaders, I hate hierarchy, I hate groups, I don't want anyone to command me but God and my... 
 Genuine question I've never understood - why take orders from God?  Or a priest?

Its just not that obvious to me why people accept to be overruled by any authority, be it god or govt.

I mean fine if god is telling you to do something you want to do anyway, or agree with.  But what happens when you don't agree? 
 Guys, stop freaking out about ux and whether we are attractive to normies because we are LITERALLY the only hope for humanity and if you don't get that you just need to stop and think about it for 1 sec.

Unless there's some alternative way of communicating and transacting that can't be controlled by evil psychopaths who will DEFINITELY take control of everything that can be controlled, and I haven't heard about it yet. 
 I feel like a beast after working out today. I just wanna smash things and let all that testorone... 
 echo $PATH | wc -c

how long is the $PATH you are on? 
 We're so early! 😀 
 Matt I love the fuck out of you but I don't need you and neither does "bitcoin" 🥰

Set yourself free brother! 
 Uncomfortable Nostr Reality check:

I've tried to Nostr-pill all my YouTube friends (some of them... 
 Why would anyone come here when its just a bunch of bitcoiners?

This has to happen naturally, and it will. 

There's literally going to be no alternative when the rest of the internet is getting shut down. 
 Ok if humanity can't solve that then yeah it's fucked.

Because nostr isn't just some bitcoiners and antivaxxers, it's the only free way of speaking for humans who aren't in shouting distance -  the central thread of the whole of future humanity.

Or did I miss some alternative way to escape the inevitable total control of everything that can be controlled? 
 Agreed, life will find a way, but what I think inevitable is that total control will be sought. 
 plus the gods all got fired for refusing to inject babies with untested genetic agents 
 This feels like the zone where all the normies are still convinced that #Bitcoin is just kinda st... 
 my body is ready  
 for me it says unavailable in your country, wherever I set my VPN to 
 (on android) 
 Virtually everyone who has not been bribed via social and professional incentives despises The Re... 
 I don't think they even need bribing.  Most people just need to be told what to do, what to cheer, who to hate, and to be allowed to do it in a big enough mob. 
 Seems so obvious now, but it means a complete halt to the trend towards english as the global standard. 
 9 principles of nature

1. Nature runs on sunlight.
2. Nature uses only the energy it needs.
3. N... 
 1. Nature runs on sunlight and CO2 
 He also actively endorsed the genocide in Gaza with some horrific gleeful "mowing the lawn" comment or similar  
 I think a good amount of people consider bitcoin a bubble, or inflated, and expect it to crash.  ... 
 Bitcoin is a bubble - but unlike any before, there is nothing to pop it!

(It's usually increase in supply that pops bubbles in the end).



Seriously need suggestions for Orange Pilling super normie Boomer family members. 
 Yes, I had many conversations with a friend about how the recent possibility of western missiles being fired into Russia was the biggest world event in our lifetimes - despite the mainstream failing at all to discuss it or report views dissenting from doing it (my god, the insanity)..

..he agrees completely but just isn't that bothered and will go on watching MSM etc

I like the guy but sheep are just going to follow and be happy 
 In a way it's very enlightened - personally I do take the view that we are all gonna die real soon, possibly to go to "a better place", and that nothing really matters that much..

..but I don't think that's what's going on with these people! 
Event not found
 Google squeezing out app developers with requirements for ID, rectal exams and such.
