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Notes by LoveAlmonds πŸ¦… πŸ’—πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 🌼 | export


Hmm... ⬆️ 
 @33636695 @f3101cd1 

Isn't the message the same as before?

Has anything changed on the "we caught them all" front? 
 Is the United States officially a bilingual country? No.

But Fox News GOP Debate team seems to think so.

Univision anchor Ilia CalderΓ³n asked a question in both English and Spanish.

The primary language in the US is the English language.

I wonder if they are trying send a message πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ 

It's interesting... 
 @ba92f80a @0af78396 

Everyone needs to know who and what to stand behind before anyone stands up... I do believe most people are still trying to figure out who is who.

Standing behind our Constitution is of course the obvious choice.

Border patrol swears an oath to the Constitution. 
 @ba92f80a @0af78396 

I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. 

Taken over by communists-... 
Parliamentarian government... 

3 boosts today DrFell... keep it up! 😁 
This Cocaine Freak has the... 

Yes, and the shlubs behind him... his party... display the relevant PR props to show their diversity... it's all a show... dontcha know.

Justin Trudeau: if you're black or of color or a woman sit behind me. 

Watching this... noticing the narcissism and psychopathy in Truddy...


Question Period – September 27, 2023

 More drama with the Hindus, and Sikhs over the Khalistan movement... and now allegations of #cocainbear in Canada...

'Trudeau Was High, Plane Was Full Of Cocaine,' Ex-Diplomat Makes Stunning Claims | Details

 From #DrJordanPeterson Twitter:

Our country has become
And embarrassment
To banana republics

Resign, you pathetic weasel
Before the long knives come out
As they inevitably will

 So my daughter worked at this family owned restaurant for several years, starting in HS.  And whe... 

this is a good example of why mom n pop business need to stay in operation. πŸ₯° 
 Senator Rand Paul πŸ”₯ 
 Oh. FA looks different... what changed? 
 Good Lord... I had a total freakout when I couldn't access FA...

What happened? 
 nostr:npub1jrxspxcyzykdxeza8hqjrfehsk5ulfmemwr5hplh4c6yavv5jr9q37mjq9 no, I just can't get my hea... 
 @48bfa577 @90cd009b 

Makes perfect sense to me πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ 
 My wife just dragged me to a garden center.  We were there for 20 minutes.  She literally spent $... 
 How Fear Came  

Poem by Rudyard Kipling

 How Fear Came
The stream is shrunk--the pool is dry,
And we be comrades, thou and I;
With fevered jowl and dusty flank
Each jostling each along the bank;
And, by one drouthy fear made still,
Forgoing thought of quest or kill.
Now 'neath his dam the fawn may see,
The lean Pack-Wolf as cowed as he,
And the tall buck, unflinching, note
The fangs that tore his father's throat. 
 nostr:npub1mp7eaqlwup3whsjvs0cspej2m8hd85a99tg5nxxrhaveusz7de0q0a2p8l nostr:npub1sharpd0catgq6ms6... 
 @0af78396 @d87d9e83 @85fa30b5 

It's completely understandable how you would read DrFell's comment like that Mary... but I am pretty sure he did not mean it that way... I believe he picked the wrong words at the wrong time but didn't mean it that way.

Dr.Fell is a friend.

I'm sorry your feelings were hurt Mary... I totally get it. It's like a blow upon a bruise so to speak.

Social media can be dangerous in this way... misunderstandings and such. 
Get off for me, too. 
 @0af78396 @98513a7f 

isn't that @48bfa577 's line Dr.Fell... πŸ™„ 
 God help me, my mother in law just arrived for dinner.  No warning 
β–² β–Ό
 nostr:npub1npgn5lawy8n94fcpxeh9dxghxsytn5tr8gvh7n9xv7nc2s8vfhqsvfnt5c Nice. 
 @0e34faa7 @98513a7f 

In every state... in every country in the world too.

Our world has gone into the toilet.

But this destruction will end one day... I believe that.

#PRAY πŸ™ 
 Good Morning to my FAmily! 🌞 

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulati... 
 The Divine Source of Liberty

By Samuel Adams

All temporal power is of God,
And the magistratal, His institution, laud,
To but advance creaturely happiness aubaud:
Let us then affirm the Source of Liberty. 
 Emergency Revised Statue...

"...it's all military and national guard checkpoints..."

This is worth watching.

O’KEEFE UNDERCOVER IN LAHAINA PART 1: Maui police and sheriffs tell Journalists Governor has prohibited photography on public land.

 nostr:npub1w2gxxd59h9fyac5vax0zs6xx4pdl784kl3ruvykafaej88fxr02szxfeln nostr:npub1fzl62au2n3z78fam... 
 nostr:npub1w2gxxd59h9fyac5vax0zs6xx4pdl784kl3ruvykafaej88fxr02szxfeln nostr:npub1fzl62au2n3z78fam... 
 @0af78396 @48bfa577 

...if there's a meme for backpedaling... it should be inserted here. πŸ™„ 
 nostr:npub1dgqc52h68p7m2uar5yxmc2gp67rcjmlwm6yjr4xt3m4jg4k4rmdshr7aev Dude man you need to chill,... 
 @48bfa577 @6a018a2a 

One very big problem with this industry is that they are growing the plant to be very concentrated... too concentrated. 

I've heard (bc I don't smoke it either) that pot these days isn't like the pot of the old days... it's too strong.

I have an acquaintance who told a sad story of her middle aged son literally going psychotic from smoking the modern weed.

He is in a mental hospital. Sad. 
 he could contact her and she would help him sort it out.  
This seemed like a good idea at the ti... 
 @48bfa577 πŸ™ You're doing the right thing Phil... I think parenting becomes more taxing (pun intended) as our children get older and into adulthood. That's life as described! 
 There are 4 things the US government is good at.

1. Expanding and increasing its own power at th... 
 The Futureβ€”never spoke

By Emily Dickinson

The Futureβ€”never spokeβ€”
Nor will Heβ€”like the Dumbβ€”
Reveal by signβ€”a syllable
Of His Profound To Comeβ€”

But when the News be ripeβ€”
Presents itβ€”in the Actβ€”
Forestalling Preparationβ€”
Escapeβ€”or Substituteβ€”

Indifference to Himβ€”
The Dowerβ€”as the Doomβ€”
His Officeβ€”but to execute
Fate'sβ€”Telegramβ€”to Himβ€”

(Open πŸ‘‡ )

 When I think about how many times I almost lost my mind in the last 4 years... I have no words.

It's almost 4 years the covid plandemic hit us...

It's almost 3 years since the election was stolen.

It's almost 3 years since the sham inauguration... 3 years since the J6 psyop... & unlawful jailing of innocent patriots.

It's been a very difficult road.

After all we've been through... it would give me some satisfaction to see at least some of these criminals lose their minds & go to prison... 
 Revelation 22:1-3

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city; also, on either side of the river, the tree of life with its twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and his servants will worship him. 
 President Trump is getting emotional during the rally... I've never seen this before. 

 On the upside, the food wasn't bad and dinner for 4 was less than 50 bucks.  My boy just couldn't... 
 @48bfa577 sounds like fun Phil 😁 
Next thing you know they a... 

I won't be surprised when it happens. 
 Weirdly enough, almost an ENTIRE MONTH after the Maui fires, the federal presence seems to be EXPANDING.

These are several different federal checkpoints surrounding Lahaina that I photographed within one hour of each other today.

I can’t officially label these guys military because surprisingly many of them are 
 in military-like fatigues.

This situation seems to be getting more and more tense by the dayβ€”even among residents.

What is going on?


 From Matt Wallace:



I understand 
well, i am sure many share... 
 @c89aa391 @6a018a2a @0af78396 

The thought/feeling is... "what comes next?"

So much uncertainty.

And global insanity. 
 Trump at Mount Rushmore today!

Has a Rally also tonight at 9pm EST, but not at Rushmore... 
β–² β–Ό
They turned down the deals... 
β–² β–Ό
 nostr:npub1fzl62au2n3z78famxg433zkxkms9ald5qew9fzvsk5gcfzus5vzqgeu422 The Uniparty is ridiculous ... 
 @203536d6 @48bfa577 

How about deluded *and* stupid... 

I just watched it, it was... 

it was stomach turning. But it's important for we the American People to know how we've been snowed (no pun intended).

Also... if O truly is responsible for the murder of Donald Young... THAT REALLY DOES MATTER! 
 Tucker's interview with Larry Sinclair is now over 61 million. 
 Obama is literally a Manchurian Candidate.

Only his controller wasn't his mother... it was most likely chief John Brennan.

@a045199f (right?)

 So Obama had Donal Young Killed!! 
 Tucker's interview with Larry Sinclair on X has now reached 1 million... how high will it go? 

Tucker: what's you assessment of him (Obama) now?

Larry: ah... I think he's the same grifter that he's always been. 
 Tucker! πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ 

Edward Dowd has EXACTLY the right idea...

Anyone wanting to help the survivors of the Lahaina fires should donate directly to the families in need.

Think of how powerful it would be if Americans pitched in and donated to help these people keep their land and not allow it to be stolen by the cabal.

This is the right way to do it...


Help Maui Rise: Directly Aid Families & Individuals Displaced by fires

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I do adore Prez Trump... πŸ’— πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ 
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I think the 2023 stats are really far worse. 
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I'm disappointed in John Kennedy.

GOP Senators, like Carnies, always give the low pitch while they steer you into the hall of mirrors.

This carnival is a nightmare. 
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