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OMG, These mutts are out to destroy Canada, and further deepen their already communist take over. They are parallel equivalent, or worse, than our own Congress. The things they talk about, and clap like seals is dystopian and seem imaginary fronts. 
Parliamentarian governments are a disgusting theatric not to be taken seriously, if it weren't for the literal abuse they inflict on a population, one could laugh to pass it off. The absurd fakeness of clownish antics as portrayed to an audience they insist receive their performances authentic. It is understandable why so many actors and actress are being sought to play roles as politicians. This only defrauds a citizenry more so where a degenerate brainwash is needed to accept it. 

3 boosts today DrFell... keep it up! 😁 
 @0af78396 @72906336 

And as Seth Keshel highlighted on his channel today, when will they stand up? November 2024 if the outcome is stolen?:

"Extremely underrated post on "X" in response to the Border Patrol Union saying agents will get fired if they don't obey "orders" - which appear to be not enforcing our borders.

Lots of truth to this, for all who took an oath."


 @ba92f80a @0af78396 

Everyone needs to know who and what to stand behind before anyone stands up... I do believe most people are still trying to figure out who is who.

Standing behind our Constitution is of course the obvious choice.

Border patrol swears an oath to the Constitution. 
 @ba92f80a @0af78396 

I, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.