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Notes by EssentialUtinsil | export

 Better than taking their blue pills 😬 
 but they make your pp strong 
 is this a normal rate of these problems happening, and they're just reporting on every single one?  or are they happening more frequently?

 The cost of freedom and democracy, sadly 
 no price is too high for our greatest ally 
 Look people can hate on stimulants all they want and for justifiable reasons. When I took Adderal... 
 yeah I was close to failing out of college, got on adderall and was getting straight As.  I miss it a lot, but it's definitely not good to be running yourself on overdrive like that for more than a little while.  I would never put my kids on it. 
 I'm not collecting unemployment unfortunately. I'm still employed by the National Guard 
 who is going to fire niggers when you are gone? 
 Id been doing 48hr fasts but my gf said am not allow 
 and you listened? 
 I went to a private school. We dissected a rabbi.

Ha ha ha! Is she joking? 
 that would be disgusting 
 a quick google search says they have a cloaca 
 did they not do frog dissection in your school? 
 it's copper country 
 boomercons celebrating a rap nigger endorsing trump...I don't think they actually listened to what she said lol

 nostr:npub184j0jzewqcvpp6w6xh8x58jw05ykk7annfw4aqq2gdryzpwe52ms9qlfuq nostr:npub1syf88qrutdky8hl7... 
 yeah I'm retarded and hadn't had my coffee yet 
 if we had a fair justice system, this would be normal procedure, since it doesn't risk biasing a jury before both sides have a chance to present the evidence in court.  but we don't have a fair system, because they only grant this courtesy those the system favors, and they do the opposite to those they hate as a way to make sure they never have a chance at a fair trial. 
 how long was it supposed to take for the emergency thing to activate the nanobots in the vaccines and turn people into zombies?  do I have time to make coffee before I have to start fighting off coworkers? 
 How so? I legitimately enjoy when they get killed 
 not you, the shitlib 
 I gleefully piss on their graves. That race traitor faggot is in hell right now and I love that 
 this is just 'use your enemies morals against them' and it's not going to work much longer at this rate 
 The "Piss Earth" essay and the "theres no there, there" were standouts for sure 
 the 'humiliation ritual' part was really interesting, although I had to read it twice 
 it reminds me of a super-lib coworker, he's constantly complaining about all these problems he's dealing with, and every single one of them is his own fault for making stupid choices.  at some level, deep down, he knows his choices are bad, and he's doing it to himself, but the shitlib ideology has mountains of copes that he can use to convince himself that it's actually 'the system', or 'bigots', or 'Christians', or whatever that if it weren't for that, his bad choices would've been ok and none of this would be happening to him.

these people are literally insane, and good people continue to allow them to make decisions for the rest of us and then wonder why everything is so fucked up. 

this is always what I remember learning in the beforetime about why fascism came to power in Europe: the communists weren't playing by the rules, so their opponents also had to stop playing by the rules.  While simplistic, it's still true, and I don't think (((they))) want a whole country of white men thinking about this too much right now.  They're going to realize that we don't just need to win elections in an "ugly" manner, we need to permanently remove every single one of these people from power before they kill us and our children and erase our existence from the pages of history.

 To do what? by the time the guard musters they'll have already scattered in a thousand different ... 
 I went looking for what percentage of the national guard are niggers and I found this hilarious chart in the process

 Segregation happened for a reason. 
 now if our people could also understand that desegregation happened for a reason. 
 Going into a relationship with the perspective that your gf has the same agency as you do is sett... 
 Somebody told me years ago that a good marriage is similar to a ship, with a captain and a first mate.  Ultimate authority (and responsibility) rests on the captain, and the first mate has agency but still answers to the captain.  The two need to work together and understand their role.  A good captain values the input from his first mate, and disagreements can happen, but the final decision is always his.  

I have no idea if this is actually in line with how ship's crews actually work but it sounds good.

I can tell you from the experience of being divorced, if you, the husband, are not the leader, your marriage is probably going to fail.  I made this mistake when I was into libertarian nonsense, and it doesn't work. 
 "The governor directed the state’s Air Resources Board to allow winter-grade gasoline earlier t... 
 does california even have winter? 
 The important thing to keep in mind here is that Fienstein was insignificant compared to the orga... 
 If you want to look bigger you need to hit your lats and shoulders 
 how does that help it look bigger? 
 did you guys hear something? 
 They basically are.  I gave one to my toddler niece and it’s basically a car-pillow. 
 well yeah, I called it a pillow and she informed me that it was, in fact, a squishmellow.  like it mattered or something. 
 I never knew that's what it was called 
 my wife informed me that it wasn't a pillow 
 It's my gf's. Owl confirmed asian 
 I only know what a squishmellow is because my kid has a pikachu one 
 Don't tell on me like that 
 just say you're an employee, nobody will know 
 The Target employees are wearing masks 
 so are the shoplifters 
 Just imagine being at the head of 'the most powerful military in world history' and awkwardly begging your enemy (who you also claim isn't your enemy...but is...but not really) to stop using effective tactics because it's not fair. 
 what color is it with burning jet fuel 
 beat me to it 
 lol, when even apple pretended to put up a bigger fight over the security of their customers from government intrusion than the cuck grifter 'patriots'

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 >among rational agents

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 I love spending time with my kids 
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 recyclable resources? 
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 jews wouldn't have power over us without them