Oddbean new post about | logout
 We don’t want your friendship.

I’m not making jokes - I am sincerely happy that he is dead.

 I gleefully piss on their graves. That race traitor faggot is in hell right now and I love that 
 I love how they're not even angry with the guy that killed him, or the politicians that made it possible (those would be racist wrongthink)

They have to vent their anger on the people who had nothing to do with it and tried to warn everyone it was going to happen. 
 @owl. >don't care if leftists die

Nigger, I actively celebrate the death of leftists, don't tell me I don't care! 
 > The right wingers have gone insane 

Nigger have u even paid attention for the past 10 years ? Every obsecure extremely keyed meme with 10 layers of irony were given existance in deep down calls to heavens for sanity , but that time is over and your mere existance in an insult to my honor

 When I wasn’t as right-wing as I am now, I knew way too many of these types. They would learn how I valued honesty and how this rhetoric doesn’t work on somebody that isn’t a straight up cultist. So much hate I endured from them because I couldn’t accept their lies.

This rhetoric is ten years old. Reconciliation was never an option. Either by angels or by men, they must be destroyed. 
 Some next level projection with that post 
 @owl. leftoids have no self awareness. The only time leftoids are capable of exercising restraint is when they have a boot crushing their windpipe and forcing compliance. Yeah they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell. 
 >leftists laugh even anyone to the right of mao dies
>leftist dies to their own retarded world view, suddenly water works 
 They sound wounded, must be what "the right side of history" looks like eh.  Nothing says you are winning like feral hordes hunting you down, which you released and refuse to prosecute. 

Kind of funny, the best strategy after all was doing nothing and let leftism implode due to the weight of its retardation. 
 I love the pearl-clutching from the people waging a war of extermination against whites and non-perverts the second they realize that yes, we do, in fact, want them exterminated too, and laugh when they die at the feet of their own ideology. 
 @owl. From a leftist calling rightwingers parasites to saying they are the ones that want people who don't agree with them dead, it was all projection. Here's to more dead leftists. :cat_cheers2: 
>you're to the point where if someone doesn't agree with you you want them dead



 I just wanted to play videogames... They forced my hand. 
 @owl. Have you considered that it's the people at the top that are the problem, and they continue to benefit when we rejoice in the misfortune of a fellow plebian. 
 >"You people are literally at the point where if someone doesn't agree with you politically you want them dead."

Yes. I absolutely want the people who disagree with 100% of my opinions to die and what better way then to be killed by very thing they spitefully demanded.

>"Guns wahhhhh, so scary and you call US violent."

The guns are for nigger control. The thing you should really be worried about are the gas chambers.

>"Racist Parasites"

You're almost there but it's not us who are the parasites...

 >RW are parasites
nigger what? 
